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"Absolutely not"

I was in a mood. Tree left hours ago, and I was furious.

"Please, we need to talk," Caleb breathed out. His footsteps echoed behind me as he followed me through the office.

Nobody dared to ask me anything as I went to my private office. I wanted to be alone to think.

"Break the contract," I throw out

I don't want to work with her- let alone be In the same building as her.

"You know I don't recommend that," Caleb speeds up.

I push my door open and swing it to close, but it stops with a thud. I glance back to see Caleb stopped it.

"Shut the door."

I walk to my cabinet and slip the liquor bottle off the shelf. Twisting the cap off, I sit on the edge of my desk while growing my head back and downing what I can.

I wonder as it goes down hard and burns.

"You know I can't work with her," I say after she shuts the door

Caleb's face softens, but he doesn't move.

"It's only for a few videos- you need the publicity," he pushes

"I don't need shit from her," I throw out at him.

I take another mouthful of the liquor before setting the bottle on the—desk beside me.

"Lav, this was years ago since you spoke with her; you are not the same person anymore.

"I don't want to know who she is or what she's doing," I groan and pinch the bridge of my nose.

I cannot be near this woman; everything I've built up from my childhood heartbreak will be ruined.

"I'm not doing it," I whisper


"IM NOT WORKING WITH RHAT BITCH" I scream, standing up

Caleb widens his eyes and stares at me.

"I won't." I quiet down.

I grab my bag off of the desk and the liquor bottle.

"I'm leaving early, " I mumble as I push past him into the hallway.

"You can't drive like this," he shouts from behind me

"I'll get a driver," I throw back.

I go to the company's parking garage and see a few chauffeurs relaxing.

"Liam, can you give me a ride to my apartment, please?" I ask

He quickly gets up, nodding, and hops into the car before starting it.


Once I'm back at my apartment, I strip, get rid of the work clothes, and throw on a pair of sweats and tank tops before I set the half-full bottle of alcohol on the counter.

"Fuck me," I groan and throw my hair into a messy bun.

I did not want to be near this woman. My childhood memories flood back, and I can't stop them from resurfacing. Especially the one where she kissed me and promised she would contact me and never did. And many, many others.

    I lay down on the couch and closed my eyes. Why'd I have to be so stupid to agree before knowing the artist? I will never make that mistake again. I feel the alcohol mixing my emotions, and I become frustrated.

I refuse to let this bother me, to control me. I'm either following through and breaking the contract, or I will prove to her and everyone else that I'm better than this. I don't let my emotions get in the way of who I am and what I do.

I sit up and push off of the couch.

"Fuck" I sway slightly.

I enter the bathroom and pull sizzles out from the drawer. Without a second thought, I bring the scissors up and cut. I keep cutting until I can't recognize myself. A few tears go down my face, and I hastily wipe them away. I'm better than this. Better than her. She's not going to win this time. By the time I finish cutting, I realize my once long hair came just below my breasts. I felt like I had the control I needed- what I wanted. I stepped over the pile of dead hair and out of the bathroom.

I needed to find someone to fill the void tonight.

I grabbed my house key and slipped out the front door.

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