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I put this chapter through an auto correct but I didn't proofread this shit...... good luck.


Caleb slept in. Like majorly. I decided at 11 am to go and wake him up so he could help. If I don't get to sleep in then neither does he.
I knock on the door and hear snoring coming from behind the door.
I enter the room and see him passed out on the bed.

"Caleb wakes up," I say nudging him.

He groans and rolls over.

"Caleb," I say a little louder and smack him

I hear another grunt before I rip the sheets off and he gets so mad.

"What do you want It's like 7 am" he groans

"Caleb get up it's almost noon- Andrea is asking where you at, " I say and slide the curtains open.

Sunlight filters in as he complains as he shields his eyes. Once his eyes adjust he eyes me.

"Have you been crying?" he says rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Yes," I don't even deny it. It's so evident I'm surprised Andrea hasn't said anything.

"Did something happen?" he asks standing up and grabbing a shirt from the beaded post.

"Yes and no, it's not my place to say but I'm fucking mad" I breathe

"Well let me know who I gotta fight" he chuckles

"Noted, now Andrea wants more help setting all the stuff up," I say and turn on my heel.

"You sure you're okay," Caleb says once we reach the hallway.

"I will be," I say

He doesn't press as we make it into the living room.

"It snowed a little outside " Taylor giggles glancing out the front door.

There was barely snow. Maybe two inches. It would be melted within the hour if the sun broke through the clouds.

"It's so beautiful " Andrea breathes.

" lavender and Caleb would you mind helping Scott with the outside lights" Andrea asks

My blood turns cold. She wants me to help that man out there after I read what he did.

"Sure" I choke out.
Caleb and I grab a jacket from the hall closet and slip and pair of boots on. I feel Taylor's eyes boring into the back of my head.

Once we make our way outside the cold wind nips at my skin and I try not to shiver.

"Great You're FINALLY out here, lavender get up on the latter to hook the lights in," he says gesturing to the ladder.

"No way, I'll help with the lights but I'm not climbing that high," I say

Scott slits his eyes at me and I know I struck a nerve.

"Lavender please, we're all here to help Andrea with her decorations- it's not about me" he chuckles

"No," I say

Caleb immediately senses the tension and steps in.

"I'd love to climb up there," he says putting a foot on the latter

Why did he want me to climb so badly??

"Great thank you, Caleb," he says handing him the edge of the lights and Caleb starts climbing.

I hold onto the bill I'm off the ladder to prevent it from slipping as Scott guides the lights up to Caleb.

"You know some woman these days dare to claim about woman's rights yet when they are asked to do something they say it's for men" Scott mutters to himself

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