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If things could get worse they did, tenfold. My father reached out to me and asked me to not contact my mother saying I was inflicting her decision-making because of my lifestyle. I immediately ended the call because he was tripping- there was no way my sexuality should have any impact on my mom. Lavender has been by my side every day and I couldn't be more thankful.
   The paparazzi have gotten worse and everyone has been super mean online. Hashtags started trending about me as well and it put me in a mood. I've tried pushing Lav away but she's not letting it happen, I just don't want to see her get hurt. Especially when she didn't ask for all this- do any of this drama.
What if what I can give is enough? Another anxious tick rolls through my body and I take a deep breath.

"Taylor " tree cuts my thoughts off

"Sorry," I mumble and sit back in the chair a little further making sure to keep my eye contact with her.

"As I was saying, it's been a quiet few months since Kayne posted famous- are we thinking about dropping the new album." Tree situated

My new album. It was by far my favorite so far. My muse was the reason this time- it's a love album. My love album.

A smile crept its way across my face as I shook my head-"yes I think it's ready" I nodded.

"Great let's get you in the studio this week to record and we can go from there" Tree mumbled piling her papers into a stack.

This was it- lavender has been asking for months to hear more yet I've hidden it from her knowing very well it's all about us. That's how most of my music has been lately.

She's going to be so happy- especially when she tags along to the studio.

"Thank you," I say to the tree and push my hair behind my ear.

"Of course Taylor" She smiles and stands up.

"I'll call you later," she said and walked out the door.

Letting out a sigh I push off the chair and stand up. Nausea rolls over my body- reminding me to eat. It's so easy to forget sometimes. Exiting the conference room of Trees office space I make my way back downstairs where my driver is waiting for me.

"Afternoon" he nods and opens the door.

"Thank you," I say as I climb in and buckle the seat belt.

The streets are busy as he takes me home, where I'm probably going to take a nap. It's been a long morning and I'm just so tired emotionally with everything.

I try not to think too hard about everything that's been going on as I might start crying. Maybe I'm about to start my period, I tend to get a tad more emotional when I am.

The garage comes into view and I see the typical paparazzi and fans yelling outside, begging me to talk to them or pose for a photo. I let the garage door close fully before making my way inside where I can smell food being cooked. Quickly slipping my shoes off I set my bag down and went into the kitchen.

"Smells amazing" I comment

"SHIT" Lavender screams clutching her chest.

Laughter bursts out before I can stop it and my eyes slightly water.

"Oh .my.gosh," I giggle out in between laughing.

"You little brat" she mumbles and turns around back to the stove.

I sober up my laughter and slide around the island to peak at what that smell is.

" get away" Lavender furrows her brows at me.

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