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Hello! Trying to get more chapters out for you all plus it's almost summer so I won't have to worry about summer classes this year!

Favorite song on TTPD? I can do it with a broke. Heart is literally so sad.


It scared me seeing Taylor like this- even more knowing this might be the final straw she could take. She was asleep next to me in the bed and her phone kept buzzing from the nightstand. I carefully reached over and held down the power button until it shut off. Why do people have to be so cruel? So mean? There was no reason for Kayne to post what he did and karma will be a bitch.

Slowly sliding out of the bed I creeped my way out of the room and down the flight of stairs until I found myself out back.

  Pulling my phone out of my pocket I dialed Tree and it rang once before she picked up.

"Please don't tell me she saw it" she sighed

"She did" I breathed the words out

Finally letting myself feel it a few tears rolled down my face. Out of everything he could have done he went for her body. Sexualised her in every way before showing the world a fake version. I know for a fact that's not what her body looks like but I can't help to get frustrated with a man trying to show her off without consent.

"How is she holding up" she asked

"Honestly I'm a bit worried- she had a whole mental breakdown, I barely was able to calm her down" I mumbled and sat down on the porch swing, pulling a knee up.  I kept the phone to my ear as I leaned my head back.

"That bad- "

"Yes- tree it was frightening, she vomited everywhere" I squeezed my eyes shut.

She didn't say anything on the other side but I heard her sigh, she felt the tango on too. I knew she was upset just as I was.

" what can we do from here, there have to be options" I mumbled

"I'm not exactly sure- I'm waiting for a call back from the legal side of this but I'll let you guys know when I find out" she spoke.

"Cancel everything on her calendar for the rest of the month," I said closing my eyes

"Will all respect lavender that's the opposite of what we should do- the public needs to see her out-

"I don't give a shit" I sat up "You weren't the one here with her helping her work through this tree" I lowers my voice as suddenly I was furious for her even thinking of getting Taylor out there with everyone going to be talking smack the way they do.

"I will be talking to Taylor about this before-

"You won't be calling her - tree stick with me on this for once, she's not doing anything at least the rest of the week, let her be and work through this" I demanded

"I don't know" she sighed

"Tell me if someone you hate body shamed you by blasting fake photos of your body for millions of people to see how would that make you feel?!" I stood up suddenly enraged she would even suggest this.

"I know what you're trying to say but I would rise above-

"Bullshit" I spoke and hung up.

I wanted to punch something- adrenaline pumping through my veins and I suddenly felt helpless. A sob wracked my body before I could stop it and I quickly covered my mouth.

He's going to for what he did- I'll make sure of it. Maybe Taylor needs to get away- let things cool down. I can't think at the moment. I should talk to her. I made my way back inside and into the room. Taylor was still sound asleep as I crawled into the bed next to her. Wrapping my arms around her I pulled her closer to me and she sighed curling up into my embrace.

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