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December 14, 1996

Taylor pov

Lavender is my very best friend. We have everything together, from being besties at school to having sleepovers at my house. Her mom works a lot, so when she's working a late shift, she usually spends the night. It's so much fun. I'm happy that Lavvie is my friend because she scared those bullies away when they were trying to cut my hair.

I'm jumping on my birthday bounce house as Lavvie went to get juice. She was thirsty, so I didn't mind. We were going to be friends forever. We had matching pajamas and winter coats.

She's my favorite person

My cousins came to my party too, and Austin is here, of course. He's okay for a brother. I see Lavvie climb into the bounce house.

"Lavender," I squeal

She smiled, and then her face drained of color. She quickly falls to the floor.

"LAVENDER!" I scream

I run over to her and drop to my knees. I grab her and shake her arm.

"Wake up, this isn't funny," I yell

Lavender doesn't move.

"MOMMY!" I scream

I don't know why she won't wake up, but I'm scared- it scares me. All the other kids stop jumping and stand there in shock. I grab her arm and slightly pull her to the opening flaps.

"MOM, HELP!" I yell

A few adults glance my way until I see my mom rushing over.

"What happened, Taylor?" Andrea says, climbing in and pressing her fingers to the lavender neck

"Mom, she fell, she won't wake up," I cried

Tears begin forming in my eyes as I see her pull out her phone.

"Mom, what's wrong," I ask

She ignores me and slides Lavender out of the bounce house.

"Scott, call 911 now," she says, placing lavender on the ground

My dad runs inside to grab his phone, and I hear parents calling for their kids and screaming.

This is not how I imagined my birthday party to go. I'm scared Lavender is hurt.

"Mom, please help her," I cry

I squeeze her hand, but she doesn't shrink back.

Minutes later, I hear the siren of an ambulance, and people bust through the side gate and make their way over to us.

"She was breathing and had a pulse," Andrea says as they approach

They immediately go to work, and my mom pulls
Me out of the way.

They attach red lights to her fingers and a velcro bandage around her arm. Another guy brings Inna a stretcher, and they carefully move her onto it. I see another person snap something white and hold it up to Lavender's nose, and when nothing happens, they quickly stand up and begin moving her.

"Where are you taking her," I ask, stepping forward

The hand on my shoulder stops me from continuing.

"She needs to go to the hospital- who is her caregiver?" the man asks

"I am. Her mom is at work," my mom says

"Okay, you'll need to come with us," he says

My mom moves forward without question

"Mom, no, they can't take her away," I scream and grab onto my mom

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