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Okay so Taylor and Travis are so cute together, it makes me question the shit I write. Anyway, is anyone watching the Super Bowl just to see if Taylor will be there?

I know I am 👀🤣

Also we thinking rep at Grammys or 7th?

Lavender pov:

I glance at the digital clock on the nightstand and the time changes to 4:39. I have been awake for hours not able to sleep. Did Taylor ask me that? Did she mean to say those words?

  How do you know if you're moving too fast in a relationship- it's only been a few months, yet things felt natural. This is why I couldn't sleep. My mind is racing at the possibilities from her words. I silently slip out of bed and make sure Taylor is covered up before making my way outside. I quietly sit down pull my feet up and listen to the waves crashing on the shore.

   What do I want? I know things are moving fast with Taylor, I'm scared to get hurt. This is the first time in a long time that I've put myself out there like this. So vulnerable. It's a big step, would she be mad if I said no? Would she even remember that she asked? I want to, I do but I'm worried.

  The sliding glass door opens and I see Phil step outside.

"Coudent sleep either" he chuckles and hands me a warm mug before taking a seat next to me.

"When did you get home" I ask taking a sip of the warm tea.

I taste noticeable hints of lavender and honey, hopefully, it will knock my ass out.

"About an hour ago, I had a hard time sleeping so I came out here to take in the nature" he hums sipping on the tea.

"It's peaceful" I agree with him.

The tea hits my stomach and my body relaxes some. Phil doesn't push me to talk or force a conversation- he's completely content with the silence. I close my eyes and listen to the waves as I sip more of the tea, I wish I could take this moment and implant it into my brain for a stressful moment.

"I appreciate you coming out here to see your mother, she's been missing you lately" he breaks the silence.

"I figured she would want to see Taylor too" I breathe

"Taylor's here?" He says confused

"Yeah, she's in bed" I hmm

"Is that why you can't sleep?" he asks

Darn Phil, why does he see through me- like an open book? I don't reply right away. Is it weird to talk to my mom hiss and about my woman's relationship issues? I mean he's been with her for a while now so he might have some experience.

"Taylor asked me to move in with her while she was half asleep" I sigh letting the words slip out.

The sky slightly turns a lighter shade of blue as I know sunrise will be coming soon. I needed to sleep in late or take a nap later. My eyelids start to feel heavy the more I drink the tea.

"From experience, people say the truth when they are tired, do you want to move in with her?" He asks

"Yes, but it's so much more con-

"It's not, keep it simple. If you love her, if you want a future with her, and if you trust her- move in, it doesn't matter about anything else" he says setting his cup down.

"I'm headed back to bed" he yawns and stands up clapping me on the shoulder before heading back inside.

Once the door is shut I take another swig of tea until it is all gone. I do trust her, more than anyone. A yawn hits my mouth and I decide to try to sleep again. Thinking about his words as I head back inside I quietly enter the room to hear Taylor snoring. My heart leaps at the cuteness. I slide into bed and get into a comfortable position before closing my eyes. As I quickly drift off I feel Taylor's arm wrap around my body and pull me flush to her front, she's always going to be the big spoon.

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