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Hello all! I appreciate your kind words and messages about my health! It means a lot knowing there's a few people who really do care. Unfortunately things have stayed the same with my health and I've been hospitalized for two weeks now. I'm honestly not comfortable sharing what's going on atm but maybe one day I'll fill you all in. Just know I have the best doctors I could get and good good friend have access to this account if some freak accident were to happen. BUT my doctors see me living a long healthy life!

Anyhooooo enjoy this weird chapter.


Laying in bed with the sound of the ocean hitting the shore almost lulled me back to sleep. We'd been here for a week and I never wanted to leave, things were normal for us here. More so for Taylor than I. I felt the brush of a hand up my spine until fingers knit themselves into my hair.

"Mmm," I mummed out.

She learned quickly how to wake me up, especially if she wanted me in a good mood. Rolling over to face her in the bed I let out a smile. We were inches apart and she reached up to push my hair behind my ear. Her thumb lingered on my cheek until she dragged it over to my bottom lip pulling it down in the process.

"You gorgeous" she mumbled

Before I could retaliate with a smart remark she surged forward to connect our lips- morning breath long forgotten about with her lips on mine. She smiled into the kiss,  pulled herself up and hiked her leg over my body until she was straddling me. Her hair fell around us creating a curtain from the outside world and my hands glued themselves to her torso.

I fucking love her.

Pulling back I opened my eyes to see the silk blanket fall off Taylor's back and the sun creating an aurora around her body.

"Shit" I mumbled

Her smirk reappeared and I pushed myself up to capture her lips again. I never want this moment to end. This trip to end. Her hands drifted south as well did her lips. Trailing open mouth kisses until she reached my chest- but she didn't stop at my breasts like I was expecting her to. Taylor's mouth latched onto the sensitive skin below my breasts and she bit down- hard.

"shit Taylor" I groaned

Pain erupted across my rips followed by shooting pleasure. What sorcery did she learn this time? She kissed and nipped at my skin as her hand traveled further south tangling itself in my ball of  nerves . Before I could stop it her teeth latched on once again sending jolts of pleasure to my core.

I gasped out in pure shock and pleasure as I felt Taylor smirk on my skin.

"You like that babe" she almost purred

"Shit" I breathed unable to form cohesive sentences

Taylor didn't stop, if anything she got worse. Who know her biting me would cause so much pleasure- especially after just waking up. I knew I would have bruises tomorrow of bite marks littering my torso but I couldn't bring myself to care. She shifted up and bit down on the top of my breast as her fingers wound my core up. This time she didn't let go and kept her teeth latched on as began suckung and running her tongue over the soft flesh.

"Fuck Tay" I gasped- hands immediately gripping the back of her head- gripping her hair.

Taylor started grinding on my leg in the midst of all this and sent me toppling over, tripping over my orgasm into another. She slowly helped me ride it out as I sat there in a complete haze.

"You in a lavender hazzzze" she sang out

Watch her make that into a song


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