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Updates will be coming less frequently, school started back up and I have a few side hustles that I will be focusing on! The bare minimum will hopefully be once a week! How have you all been? Ready for Taylor's Tokyo show? Are we thinking of rep TV?


Lavender pov

The car ride to my mother's house was short, and Taylor's anxiety didn't help with it. I don't blame her- she thinks my mom is going to shred her. The closer we got to the house I noticed we were close to the beach, did my mother lie about where she bought a house? Because this wasn't a suburban neighborhood. The houses we drove past were expensive beach houses. Taylor kept her hand in mine as I looked out the window. The beach was empty- probably because it was a privately owned area. Most people headed to the public popular beaches.
   As we reached a driveway her hand tightened in mine. I gave her a reassuring squeeze before unbuckling.

"This will be good," I say

She doesn't say much but nods her head as she exits the vehicle with me. I quickly make my way around the car and loop my arm through hers.

"She knows we're together right" Taylor whispers glancing toward the house.

"Definitely " I smile and quickly place a kiss on her cheek.

  Taylor's face slightly blushes a light shade of pink. I make my way up to the large beach house and before I can connect my fist with the door it's flung open and my mom is standing in the doorway.

"TAYLOR" she screeches and throws her arms around her. I see Taylor slightly stiffen and send a look the way that makes me bust out laughing.

"You have gotten so big- oh my gosh let me get a look at you" she hums and pulls Taylor back keeping her hands on her shoulders at an arm's length away.

My mom takes in Taylor's features and quickly wipes a tear away.

"You a fine young woman Taylor" she hushes

"Mom don't forget about me." I slightly laugh

"Of course not," she says and pulls me in for a quick hug.

"Come on in, would you like anything to drink," she asks shutting the door behind us.

"Water will be fine" I nod and follow her into the kitchen.

I feel Taylor slip her hand back into mine as we enter the kitchen and I'm slightly taken away by the beauty. Her kitchen was hues of blue and white, the room screamed ocean beach house. There were a few barstools at the counter and by the back wall nestled was a breakfast nook. The nook walls were windows overlooking the ocean. The living room was ajar to the kitchen and no wall to separate it. They flowed into each other with perfect give and take. I saw photos of me on the wall and my heart was slightly happy.

"Your house is beautiful," Taylor said glancing around.

"Thank you" my mom smiles " I'm so glad you both came to visit- I've been wanting to see you," she says sliding two glasses over.

I pick one glass up and take a sip so I don't come off as rude.

"Come I'll show you where you'll be staying so you can relax a little before dinner, phil will be here tomorrow he's out on a call," she says and makes her way into the foyer.

Taylor and I follow her into the room and up the stairs. Along the stairwell wall are more photos of me growing up and I notice a few of me and Taylor. My heart lurches at the memories. I continued the rest of the way up before she led us to a door and pushed it open.

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