Mr.CEO and his beautiful baby

By parkkhu8

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jikook More

✨to introduce✨
✨part. 3✨
✨part. 4✨
✨part. 6✨
✨part. 7✨
✨ part.10✨
✨ part.12✨
✨ part.15✨
💥 .....note.....💥
✨ part.20✨
✨ part.21✨
✨ part.22✨
✨ part.24✨
✨ part.34✨
✨ part.35✨
✨ part.37✨
✨ part.39✨
✨ part.41✨
✨part.42 ✨
✨part 47✨


911 38 0
By parkkhu8

Author pov......
Next day morning time in Jeon mansion.

Mr and Mrs Jeon and namjoon already sitting in dinning room and waiting for jungkook. And few minutes later Jungkook came in dinning room and greeting good morning to his family and site on his chair for family breakfast.
Good morning all" jungkook said

"Good morning son" Mr and Mrs Jeon said at same time."good morning kookie." Namjoon also said.

They started eating breakfast and some minutes later Mr Jeon said " so today I will call jin and inform him that I am coming to his apartment to Meet him and jimin both so they both have to stay home today then I tell them is they are marry to jungkook and namjoon."Mr Jeon said looking towards jungkook and namjoon with smile.

"Hmm yes I am excited to see jin and jimin to my soon be son in laws. I am really happy." Mrs Jeon said with wide smile dancing on his face and looks at jungkook and namjoon.

Namjoon smile and jungkook just hummed and eating breakfast and rolled his eyes he just get married for his family he is not interested in this.

They are eating breakfast with some chit chatting about rendom stuff.

And then Jungkook's phone ringing and he picked up and said " speak"
With his deep voice. it's from Mr Lee

" Mr Jeon your private jet is ready to go USA, we have to leave. " Mr Lee said

"Hmm" jungkook just hummed and cut the call.

"How's that " namjoon ask and Mr and Mrs Jeon look at jungkook.

"Mr Lee um okay I have to go because I am going USA for business meeting. So. Bay mom dad " jk said and stand up and hug his mom and dad.

"But kookie your marriage on Sunday and it's already Tuesday "Mrs Jeon said with confused face.

Jungkook smile and said" don't worry mom I will came back Saturday before marriage." "Hmm okay but came back soon as possible." Mr Jeon said.

"Okay amm hyung you have to came with me airport I want to talk something important with you." Jk said namjoon finished his breakfast stand up for leave. Namjoon and jungkook said good bye to Mr and Mrs Jeon and leave.

Jungkook pov..


Me and namjoon hyung said good bye to mom dad and come out mansion.

"Hyung I am going for mafias meeting USA and back Saturday night so you have to go company some times for meetings." I said and site in car with hyung site beside me.

" Okay Jungkook is ms. aera there" hyung said " yes she is, she will said your schedule for meetings." I said and driver start the car and drove towards airport.

On way towards airport Hyung said " jungkook we are getting married Sunday I am so happy that I will marry with my crush, I am very excited to see him." I am surprised that hyung has crush on someone but who is his crush I think.

"What you have crush how,who,when
And you even not tell me about this." I
Look at his and asked seriously.

"It's Mr park's big son jin. When I see him first time I fall in love with him. I really like him, he looking so handsome. But when I see jimin his Lil bother OMG I surprised its jimin is real , he looks really beautiful more than jin, he looks like a angel coming from heaven, he really beautiful and cute. But I like jin . Sorry I am not tell about him early." Hyung said. when hyung said about jimin I feel something happened inside me and I am really excited to see him and feel something weird.but I ignored that feeling. And said.

"Oky i don't care how he looks or not. I Just marry for mom. Anyways you have to attend a meeting today with mr. Kang and his son se-min. I really don't want to see that semin guy that why I go early for USA." Jungkook said.(mr. "Kang huk" my father's Friend and Kang Company's CEO he really like me and my family like his own family but his son don't me
Because my position in business world and he also know about me is I am a mafia King but he can't do anything and that why I also not like semin.)

" Oo that why you go early morning okay I will attend meeting on time" namjoon hyung said and with chit chatting we reached airport.

Car Stop and Mr Lee opened the door for me I came out and namjoon hyung also. "Okay hyung take care your and mom dad" I said and hugged him. He hug me back."hmm and you also take care came back as possible you can" hyung said and I just hummed"
Jungkook pov end....
Namjoon bid farewell to jungkook as jk went to his private jet behind follow him Mr Lee and his bodyguards . And in few minutes later flight take-up. And namjoon leave from airport to his company.

At jeon mansion..

Mr Jeon calling jin to inform him.
And few seconds ringing and jin take up the call. On call

Mr Jeon

"Hello son"


"Oh hyy Uncle. how are
you doing "

"I am doing good son.
How are you and jimin."

"We both are fine by the
way why are you calling

"No no I just want to inform you that is me and ji-ya coming to meet you and jimin. So you are home today"

"Oo yes we are home
today I take a live from work.
You can came I will make
delicious lunch for you both
you have to eat here.

"Ha ha ha okay son we will"

"Hmm when did you came"

"What's time now yeah it's already 9:00 am so we will come at 11:30am okay"

"Okay then byy take care
and came fast"

"Ha ha hmm okay you too take care"

Mr Jeon hung up the call and said this to Mrs Jeon. And tell her is they are leaving for jin's place at shrup 11:30.
So she have to get ready because take long time to get ready that's why.

"Ji-ya" Mr Jeon coming in his room and said "we are leaving at 11:30. " "You informed jin is we are coming" Mrs Jeon asked."hmm"

"Okay so I am going to get ready" she said excitedly and stand up from bad and go in closet for gets ready.

"She is really excited about marriage I hope that they understand me. And agree for marriage. If they don't agree I will choose another step." Mr Jeon though and go to washroom.

At jin's apartment.
Jin Hung up the call and go towards jimin room to Inform him is Jeon uncle and ji-ya aunty come to meet us at 10:30am.

He knocked at door and call jimin.
"Jimin open the door" " nah hyung coming" jimin said from inside.
In Jimin room....

Jimin pov......

today me and hyung don't have any work jin hyung take live and I just sleep and reading my favourite book
And jin hyung sitting in living room.

And then I heard is jin hyung knocked on the door and called my name."Jimin open the door" "nah hyung coming" I said and stand up go to open the door.

I open the door and jin hyung said "what are you doing" nothing just sitting " I said. "Hmm Jeon uncle and ji-ya aunty both are coming to meet us so come and help me with work " jin hyung said I am happy to know that jeon Uncle and aunty coming today our place. I really like Ji-ya aunty she is like my mom.

"Oo really I am so happy" I said with wide smile dancing on my face."hmm they are coming at 11:30 am " jin hyung said and I come out and walk with jin hyung to kitchen for making delicious food.

First jin hyung starting making food And me cleaning living room and other things we finished in 1 hours and I site on couch and said "hmm yeah it's done hww I am tired. Jin hyung you are done." I ask jin hyung. "Yes I am" jin hyung said and site on the couch.

"Hm okay you go and take shower and I bring some drinks from Shop." Hyung said and"okay" I said and came in my room and go for shower. And hyung go to bring drinks.

After 20 minutes I done with bath and wearing some comfy clothes and came out in living room and see jin hyung already came and he place the drinks and some other things in kitchen."Hyung you came back" I said and " hmm you done huh? " He asked me "yes and you go and take bath I will do this" I said and came in kitchen "okay" hyung said and go.

I placed the things in their place and site in living room and open my phone. It's already 10:30. I just use my phone and waiting for Jeon ancle and ji-ya aunty. I am excited to see them after 2weeks. I know uncle and aunty and namjoon hyung but i never see their little son junggook or junkk aa yes jungkook I know his name but never see him. Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung both are same age. And I don't know that I am younger or older than jungkook but I think I am younger I thought and then jin hyung came and site beside me and said "what are you thinking about" "oh hyung nothing just" I said " hmm"
" Amm hyung is uncle's sons are coming with them" I don't know but I really excited to see that jungkook guy so I asked hyung is they are coming or not.

"No they are not uncle just said that only he and aunty are coming. But why you ask" jin hyung said with wide smirk playing on his lips" Oo hyung Stop that I am just asking" I don't know but I feel like I am blushing and looks others side don't want to make eyes connect with hyung.

"Okay okay don't have to shy I just kidding " hyung said and"I am not
shy " I said and look at hyung " so why are you blushing like this" Jin hyung said and pointed on my face, I hide my face and " I am not" "ha ha okay okay" hyung said and laugh.
Jimin pov end.....


Time skip 11:30am....
To be continued.......


Bye guys...........

Good night guys......

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