Lunar Rising

marcyswales17 tarafından

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"Defy the light and uncover what the cosmos has chosen to veil....for every moon has a dark side." In the af... Daha Fazla

Ch.1 Red Sail
Ch.2 The Jasmine Thief
Ch.3 Helios
Ch.4 Waves
Ch.5 Promiscuius
Ch.6 Crimes
Ch.7 Two Side Of The Same Moon
Ch.8 Dark Side of the Moon
Ch.9 Shadowfox
Ch.11 Council
Ch.12 Death
Ch.12 True Guardian
Ch.13 Siren's Call
Ch. 14. Venomfire
Ch. 15 She's Water
Ch. 16 Moral Compass
Ch.17 Ivory Tower
Ch.18 Fool For Pretty Eyes
Ch. 19 My Moon
Ch.20 Bloom
Ch.21 Honeybee
Ch.23 Three is a crowd
Ch.24 Fire and Ice
Ch.25 Husband
Ch.26 Voreios
Ch.27 Diamond
Ch. 28 Haunted Dreams
Ch. 29 Shadowshade
Ch.30 Friendship
Ch.31 Songbird
Ch.32 King's Play
Ch.33 Oh, Brother
Ch.34 Blue
Ch. 35 Fish in the sea
Ch.36 Dream Effects
Ch.37 Willow
Ch.38 Flower
Ch.39 Dead of Night
Ch.40 Best Soldier
Ch.41 Devour
Ch. 42 Penn

Ch.22 Sugar Dumplings

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marcyswales17 tarafından

Chapter 22

After the vibrant day of games and festivities, Meera confronted the solemn task that had been looming since the day of her wedding – the inevitable departure from her homeland. The room, once filled with the echoes of laughter and celebration, now exuded a somber air as Meera began the process of packing.

Seated on the floor before her, Naya, Marcella, and June diligently assisted in the preparations. With careful hands, they folded her clothes, wrapped her shoes, and organized her belongings into chests. The room, once a sanctuary of memories, now bore witness to the act of bidding farewell.

Meera moved through the task with a quiet resolve. The weight of leaving behind the familiar echoed in the careful placement of each item as if the room itself held a silent lament for its departing resident.

The atmosphere felt stifling, and Meera refrained from uttering a word as she packed her jewelry and other precious valuables. The unspoken understanding among the friends spoke of the gravity of the moment, each fold and placement carrying the weight of an impending farewell.

As they neared the end of the packing, June couldn't help but inquire about Eryx. "Where's Eryx?" she asked, a note of concern in her voice.

"He's staying on the ship tonight," Meera responded, her gaze momentarily distant. "They have to make sure everything is safe before we set sail."

The acknowledgment of Eryx's absence added another layer of sadness to the room. The friends continued their task in shared silence, each fold and arrangement becoming a small act of solidarity.

As they finished packing, the others dispersed to their rooms, leaving Marcella and Meera alone in the chamber.

"Meera?" Marcella called to her from where she stood by the vanity.

Meera turned, facing her cousin and best friend, a small smile masking the underlying emotions tied to their imminent separation.

"Yes?" she responded, her throat tightening with the heart-wrenching thought of leaving Marcella behind.

"Are you alright?" Marcella inquired. Concern etched her features as she assessed Meera's demeanor. "You're sure you want to do this right?"

With a deep sigh, Meera nodded, forcing a smile onto her lips. "I'm a married woman now, Marcy. I must do what all married women before me have done."

Listening to Meera's words, Marcella slowly nodded. She stood, gazing at her cousin for a few long seconds before a playful smile graced her face.

"I guess the next time I see you, you might be a mother," she teased.

"I doubt it," Meera rolled her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Marcella arched her brow, sensing there was more to the story.

Meera shrugged, her discomfort palpable. She perched on the edge of the bed, swallowing before she began to share a more intimate detail.

"Eryx and I..." Her voice lowered as if divulging a secret. "We didn't consummate."

Marcella's eyes widened in surprise. "What?"

"He wants to wait," Meera explained. "He thought I was too nervous and scared."

"It was your first time!" Marcella exclaimed, surprised by the revelation.

"I know, but..."

"Does anyone else know about this?" Marcella pressed for more information.

Meera shook her head, indicating that the knowledge of their decision was confined to the two of them. The shared secret lingered in the room, adding another layer of complexity to the bittersweet farewell that loomed ahead.

"Do you realize how serious this is?" Marcella's voice carried a weight of concern as she came to sit beside Meera.

"If anyone were to find out, they could question your whole relationship. Your reputation could be at stake," Marcella continued, her eyes expressing a deep sense of worry.

"I know, I know," Meera clicked her tongue, a mixture of frustration and anxiety in her tone. "What was I to do? Yes, I was nervous, but I didn't think he would just..."

"But other things have happened, right?" Marcella's eyes remained alert, seeking to uncover the intricacies of Meera's experience. "He touched you? He gave you those marks, right?"

Meera's hand involuntarily reached to touch her neck, the love bites hidden beneath her fingertips. She nodded her head, and Marcella's features twisted with a blend of concern and realization.

"This isn't good, Meera," she remarked, her worry deepening. "You'll upset the gods."

"What can I do about it?" Meera groaned in frustration, feeling the weight of the situation closing in on her.

"He's your husband," Marcella insisted, pushing at her cousin's knee in a gesture of urgency. "Spend time with him, be around him, dress up for him, show him you're ready to continue."

Meera began to blush, the subtle warmth spreading across her cheeks. Her chest tightened, and the fluttering inside intensified as Marcella's words sank in. The intricacies of their conversation hung in the air, a delicate dance between expectations, and the complexities of a young marriage.

"You can't go on like this for too long," Marcella warned Meera, her concern palpable. "The gods won't be happy with this kind of marriage."

Meera continued to stare at her hands, feeling the weight of confusion settling upon her. The new role she was thrust into as a wife seemed to be a labyrinth of expectations and uncertainties. It appeared as if everyone around her had their own set of expectations for her, a puzzle she struggled to decipher. The complexities of being a wife were especially confounding when it came to her husband, Eryx.

Eryx's behavior towards Meera since the wedding left her in a constant state of confusion. His presence, hot and cold, seemed to alternate between moments of understanding and connection to a chilling distance that left her feeling adrift.

In the midst of bustling court and vibrant celebrations, Eryx's communication with her remained sparse. The sparse words he shared felt like fleeting glimmers of connection, teasing her with the promise of understanding. Yet, when they were alone on their wedding night, Eryx's gaze held an intensity that made Meera feel seen in a way no one else ever had. In those moments, it was as if they were the only two souls on Earth, and the world outside their embrace faded away.

However, the warmth and understanding she felt during those intimate moments disappeared as soon as the sun graced the surface. The contrast between the private sanctuary of their shared space and the public domain of court life left Meera grappling with the unpredictability of Eryx's affections.

The confusion lingered as she questioned why the connection they shared in private seemed to dissipate in the light of day. Eryx's hot-and-cold demeanor left Meera feeling uncertain about the role she was meant to play in his life.

"How am I supposed to get him into my bed," Meera mused inwardly, her thoughts a whirlwind of confusion, "when the man doesn't even want to be in the same room as me?"

Shaking her head to dispel the heavy thoughts that lingered, Meera grasped her cousin Marcella's hand, a desperate attempt to change the subject and infuse a bit of joy into her last night in Azmeera.

"Do you want to go eat sugar dumplings with me?" Meera's eyes wiggled with playful excitement.

"Now?" Marcella arched her brow in mild surprise.

"Yes," Meera nodded, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Remember when we used to sneak out with Ozmen and go to the lower city after sunset and watch the marionettes?"

"Have you lost your mind?" Marcella frowned, skeptical of the impromptu idea. "We're not thirteen anymore, Meera."

"But it's my last night," Meera pleaded, a genuine desire for joy evident in her eyes. "Please. I can't imagine when I'll ever get to eat sugar dumplings with you in the dark or watch a marionette show. Please, Marcy. I've never asked you for anything."

Marcella's eyes narrowed, and her frown deepened, considering the plea.

"Please, Marcy," Meera pouted, employing her most convincing expression. "Just the four of us. You, me, Oz, and June. Just like we used to."

Against her better judgment, Marcella sighed, relenting. "Fine."

"Oh, you're the best!" Meera exclaimed, jumping to her feet and enveloping her cousin in a grateful embrace.

"Go get June," Marcella laughed, feeling a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to bring joy to Meera. "I'll convince Oz."

"You really are the best," Meera said with a beaming smile as she hurriedly left her room, heading towards June's chambers to gather the group for a nostalgic evening.

With renewed excitement and a sense of rebellion, Meera quickly gathered June, and the trio headed towards Ozmen's chambers. As they approached, the infectious spirit of adventure sparked a twinkle in their eyes.

Ozmen, catching wind of the impromptu plan, grinned as the door opened. "What mischief are you plotting now?" he teased, sensing the air.

"We're going for sugar dumplings in the lower city," Meera declared with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Sugar dumplings?" Ozmen's eyes lit up with delight. "Now that's a plan I can get behind."

June, already thrilled at the prospect of breaking the monotony of palace life, joined in with a mischievous smile. "Count me in!"

The quartet, now united in their desire for a taste of freedom, tiptoed through the palace corridors, their footsteps light and filled with anticipation. As they neared the palace gates, the night air filled with the scent of adventure. The shadows concealed their movements, and the distant sounds of the lower city beckoned them. The group, no longer royalty but children at heart, embraced the thrill of the forbidden.

Ozmen and June, overjoyed at the prospect of their unplanned adventure, couldn't contain their excitement. Laughter bubbled up as they skipped ahead, their carefree spirits taking center stage. The once regal Ozmen playfully grabbed a handful of pebbles, and June retaliated, engaging in a lighthearted skirmish that echoed the playfulness of their youth.

Meera and Marcella, following in their wake, couldn't help but join in. The weight of courtly expectations and the impending departure were momentarily forgotten as the group embraced the joyous freedom of the night. The palace, with its hushed halls and stately decorum, seemed a world away as they approached the gates, ready to savor the simple pleasure of sugar dumplings and the magic of the lower city.

As they made their way through the streets, Meera couldn't help but steal glances at the city that held a piece of her heart. The familiar sights of Azmeera, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight, resonated with a poignant beauty that tugged at her emotions. The city, with its winding streets and towering structures, felt like an old friend bidding her farewell.

She looked around, taking mental snapshots of the landmarks that held memories of laughter, joy, and even a few secrets shared under the moonlit sky. The bustling streets, the ornate fountains, and the distant sounds of the city's nightlife painted a vivid picture of the life she was leaving behind.

The quartet, out for a night of mischief and nostalgia, continued their journey towards the lower city. Meera couldn't shake the bittersweet realization that this might be one of the last times she experienced Azmeera's vibrant nights in such carefree company.

As they descended through the winding alleys, the sounds and smells of the lower city began to envelop them. The night market, with its brightly lit stalls, beckoned like a beacon of festivity. The air was filled with the aroma of exotic spices, the sizzling sounds of street food being prepared, and the lively melodies of musicians.

The market came alive with a kaleidoscope of colors as the group ventured deeper into its heart. Stalls adorned with shimmering fabrics showcased an array of jewelry, trinkets, and artifacts. The rhythmic beats of drums and the melodic tunes of flutes blended seamlessly, creating an enchanting backdrop to the lively dance performances that captivated the onlookers.

Meera, caught in a moment of reflection, looked around at the vibrant chaos of the lower city. The sights, sounds, and smells of Azmeera flooded her senses, and she realized how much she would miss everything – the familiarity of the streets, the warmth of the people, and the pulsating heartbeat of her city. Yet, in the company of her family, Meera felt a sense of gratitude for this final night of revelry.

The night market's intoxicating aroma led the group to a small stall adorned with colorful lanterns, where sugar dumplings were being freshly prepared. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement as the group eagerly awaited their turn. Ozmen, draped in a shawl to conceal his identity, played along with the clandestine adventure. The girls had managed to drape their colorful scarves over their heads too.

"I can't believe we're doing this," June squealed. "My mouth is watering."

"We share the first plate," Marcella declared, establishing a playful hierarchy. "There are five dumplings in one order; we each get one, but Meera gets two."

"That's not fair," June protested.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Meera retorted with a sassy grin. "Are you leaving for Voreios tomorrow, Your Highness?"

June, realizing the significance of the moment, abandoned her protest and leaned against Meera, seeking solace in their closeness.

"Why do you have to leave?" June inquired, gripping Meera's arm. "Couldn't Eryx wait a little longer?"

"Maybe he could," Meera responded as Ozmen turned with the first plate of dumplings. "But I sure can't."

"Slowly!" Marcella hissed, attempting to maintain a semblance of secrecy as they all dove in at once for the sweet treats.

Amidst laughter and playful banter, Meera took a hot dumpling and bit into its gooey goodness. The sugary condensed cream inside oozed out and coated her tongue, eliciting a delighted expression. The sticky syrup dripped down her finger, and she deftly raised the half-eaten dumpling to conserve the cream.

Just then, through the gaps in the crowd, Meera's eyes met Eryx's gaze. The bit of dumpling in her mouth slipped into her throat, causing her to cough as he started making his way towards her. Meera's eyes widened, and her heart squeezed, sensing a strange look in Eryx's eyes that added an unexpected layer of intensity to the moment. The night, filled with the anticipation of a sweet indulgence, took an unexpected turn as Eryx approached, and Meera couldn't help but wonder what emotions played behind those intense silver eyes.

"Oh no!" June's eyes widened as she spotted Eryx.

As the prince unexpectedly appeared on the scene, a ripple of worry spread through the group. June, quick to take action, stepped in front of Meera as if shielding her from a potential storm.

"Don't be mad at her. It was my idea," June pleaded, her eyes wide with apprehension.

Ozmen and Marcella turned to face the prince, bracing for a possible confrontation. Eryx, however, greeted them with an arched brow, his eyes playfully glinting. A small grin played on his lips, challenging the seriousness of the situation.

"Somehow, I don't believe you, Princess," Eryx remarked, his gaze meeting Meera's over June's shoulders. "I know Meera a little too well by now."

"Eryx-" Ozmen began, ready to defend Meera's actions.

"It's alright," Eryx laughed, diffusing the tension that hung in the air.

"You're not upset Meera is here? Without you or any guards," Marcella questioned, seeking clarification.

"No," Eryx shook his head, his eyes never leaving Meera's. "How can I be?"

Marcella and Ozmen exchanged glances, momentarily uncertain about Eryx's unexpectedly nonchalant reaction. The group stood in silence for a few seconds before June, eager to shift the focus, held up the plate of sugar dumplings.

"Dumpling?" she offered with a warm smile.

Eryx glanced away from Meera's eyes and accepted the sweet treat. The onlookers observed with bated breath as he popped it into his mouth, and to their surprise, his eyes widened in delight.

"Wow," Eryx exclaimed, speaking with his mouth full.

"They're Meera's favorite," Ozmen chuckled, patting Eryx's shoulder before turning to the vendor. "Two more orders, please."

As Eryx stepped closer to Meera in the bustling market, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in an intimate bubble. Meera, captivated by his every movement, couldn't tear her gaze away.

Marcella, quick to sense the need for privacy, discreetly pulled June away, creating a respectful distance for the new couple. The cousins turned their backs towards Eryx and Meera, feigning interest in the dumpling-making process nearby.

In this newfound space, Eryx, with a playful glint in his eyes, closed the gap between them. Meera's heart raced, the ambient sounds of the market fading into the background as she focused on him. The half-eaten dumpling in her hand filled the air between them with the sweet aroma.

"Are you going to eat that?" Eryx inquired, nodding towards the tempting morsel.

Meera shook her head, her breath catching in her throat. Without further words, Eryx took hold of her hand, lifting the dumpling to his mouth. Time seemed to slow as his lips wrapped around her finger, devouring the sweet treat. His tongue skillfully licked off the syrup, sending a shiver down Meera's spine.

"That was mine," Meera frowned as Eryx pulled back.

"I'll share mine with you," Eryx grinned, his eyes holding a mischievous glint.

"What are you doing here?" Meera asked, a mix of curiosity and concern in her voice.

"I can ask you the same question," Eryx replied, a playful banter threading through his words.

Meera lowered her hand, feeling a subtle warmth lingering from the touch of Eryx's mouth. Her cheeks were flushed, and her entire being seemed to shiver with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty.

"It's my last night here," she explained, her gaze sweeping over the vibrant market. "I didn't want to spend it locked up in my room, pacing the floor and wondering where my husband is."

"I'm right here," Eryx said, stepping closer. He locked eyes with Meera, a magnetic connection pulling them together. With a gentle touch, he raised a hand to push back a few dark strands of her hair. Meera tilted her head back, meeting Eryx's silver eyes with a mixture of vulnerability and longing.

"Where were you?" she asked, a hint of complaint coloring her voice.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness," Eryx smiled, his gaze softening. "I had to make sure the preparations were done correctly."

"Were they?" Meera inquired, searching his eyes for reassurance.

"Yes," Eryx nodded, his expression sincere.

"So you'll come back tonight?" Meera's eyes swam with hope, her vulnerability laid bare.

Eryx, captivated by the sincerity in her eyes, responded with a promise, "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Meera's hopeful eyes transformed into a radiant smile, the warmth of her happiness coloring her cheeks a subtle shade of red that didn't go unnoticed by Eryx. Her joy seemed contagious, and he found himself growing fond of the charming glow she exuded.

Her infectious happiness made Eryx contemplate reaching out to wipe away the blush with his thumb, but he resisted the impulse. Instead, he let the tender moment linger, relishing the connection they were building.

As Meera's attention shifted to her cousins, Eryx took a step closer, instinctively positioning himself to shield her from the bustling passersby. The proximity and his comforting presence seemed to have a magnetic effect on Meera, drawing her subtly closer to him. When his hand reached out in the dim light, pulling her a bit closer to his side, the air around them crackled with an unspoken energy, and Meera's breath caught.

In the midst of the lively market, Marcella handed Meera a plate of warm dumplings. The sweet aroma wafted through the air, intensifying the joy that radiated from Meera's smile. Holding up the plate toward Eryx, she offered it with a playful glint in her eyes.

"Ladies first," he insisted, a teasing smile playing on his lips.

"Gladly," Meera laughed, her playful demeanor lighting up the night. She picked up one of the dumplings and took a bite, savoring the sweet goodness. Before she could lower the remainder onto the plate, Eryx gently guided her hand toward his mouth and, with an almost mischievous glint in his eyes, he took a bite. The moment felt intimate yet carefree, a simple act of indulgence bringing a delightful connection between them.

Meera, savoring the delightful taste of the dumplings, bit back a smile and shifted her focus to the conversation with Marcella and June. The lively chatter filled the air as the group, content with their bellies full of sweet treats, decided to make their way to a marionette show.

Crowded around the small stage, Eryx wrapped his arms around Meera, creating an intimate space where she leaned back against him. The mesmerizing musical and string movements of the marionettes unfolded before them. Meera's infectious smile spread like wildfire, casting a warm glow on the night. The air seemed infused with an enchanting ambiance that made Eryx wish the moment would stretch on indefinitely. Holding her steady in his arms, he found joy in simply watching the play of emotions on her bright eyes and the gentle flush on her cheeks.

As the marionette show reached its conclusion, Ozmen, not ready to bid the night farewell, persuaded the group to continue their adventure with a round of drinks at a small pub tucked into a corner of the city. His confident declaration raised an intrigued eyebrow in Marcella's mind, but she remained silent. She stayed close to her brother while they both guided June, ensuring she didn't linger her gaze on anyone for too long. Eryx, firmly holding Meera's hand, followed closely behind.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Marcella asked, looking around the smoke-filled room.

"This is a fantastic idea," Ozmen laughed. He guided them towards a table in the back and ordered the drinks.

Meera and June began to look around while Marcella shifted uncomfortably. She stayed glued to her seat with her watchful eyes alert and filled with discomfort.

"Relax, Macry," Ozmen rolled his eyes. "Come, let's have a round of darts."

"No, thank you," Marcella said grimly.

Ozemn shrugged and turned towards Eryx, "Meera? Eryx?"

"Why not," they both said in unison.

June sighed, her eyes filled with childish admiration for the couple. Meera's gaze flickered up towards Eryx and caught the small crooked grin on his lips.

"You won't be mad if I win again, right?" He asked.

Meera's eyes narrowed playfully, "Don't sound too confident now."

Sensing the competition, Ozmen rubbed his hands together. He walked to the bar and grabbed the tray of darts.

"Ladies first," Eryx passed Meera the tray. "I insist."

"Come on, Meera," June clapped her hands. Marcella flashed her cousin a cheeky grin.

Taking a deep breath, Meera picked up one of the darts and positioned herself. She relaxed her shoulders and locked her eyes on the target hanging from the wooden pole a few feet away. Leaning against the table with his arms folded over his chest, Eryx watched as she released the dart and it spun through the air, striking bullseye.

"Impressive," Eryx clapped his hands. "Where did you learn to do that?"

"Aunt Iris," Meera pushed her hair over her shoulder. "She's an expert archer."

"I see," Eryx picked up another dart. Without even trying or getting from the table, he threw the dart and it landed right beside Meera's.

"Nice shot," Ozmen laughed. "Best four out of five?"

Eryx held Meera's gaze, challenging her.

"You're on," Meera, with a determined glint in her eyes, accepted the challenge.

"Maybe I'll let you win this time," Eryx chuckled.

"Keep your horse in the stable," Meera scoffed with a playful eyeroll. "This princess can win on her own."

"Let the games begin," Ozmen stepped aside and removed the darts from the target.

Meera cleared her throat and picked up her five darts. Ignoring Eryx's distracting gaze, she focused all her attention on the target. With impressive precision, she threw her darts and every time, they landed on a bullseye.

As the game progressed, Meera maintained her focus and precision. She approached the final round with determination, and with a swift and calculated throw, the dart sailed through the air and landed squarely in the bullseye. The cheers from her friends erupted into a joyous celebration. Eryx couldn't help but applaud.

"You set the bar really high" Eryx admitted, his admiration evident in his eyes. "But step back and watch the professional."

"Oh?" Meera laughed, raising her brow. "By all means, the stage is all yours."

With a courtesy, Meera stepped back and allowed Eryx his space. She watched him pick up his darts and raise his hand without effort. His confidence and cockiness made her roll her eyes. She refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing how attracted to him she was at that moment. Her eyes swept over his arm as he released the first dart. As soon as it hit bullseyes, Eryx turned towards Meera and grinned.

Meera rolled her eyes once more, making Eryx chuckle. It became very clear to her that the game would result in a tie. Meera could not accept that. Not after Eryx had already one Honeybee. She needed a win in the marriage too.

Undeterred by Eryx's confident display, Meera decided to inject a playful twist into the game. As Eryx prepared for his last throw, Meera sauntered over to him, a mischievous glint in her eyes. With a sly smile, she stepped closer, her presence enveloping him.

Eryx, still grinning, raised an eyebrow, curious about her intentions. Meera reached out and gently brushed a loose strand of hair away from his face, her touch light and teasing. Eryx's focus momentarily wavered, his eyes meeting hers with a mixture of surprise and amusement.

As he released the second dart, Meera leaned in, her lips near his ear, and whispered, "Trying to show off, are we?"

Her warm breath tickled his ear, causing a subtle shiver. Eryx's dart missed the bullseye by a small margin, landing slightly off-target.

Meera stepped back, a triumphant smile playing on her lips. The others laughed, realizing Meera's playful tactic had successfully disrupted Eryx's concentration. He turned toward her with a mock glare, acknowledging her clever move.

"All is fair in love and war," Meera shrugged, turning away and walking back to the table with her victory. But before she could go too far, Eryx grabbed her elbow and pulled her back to his chest.

"Come back here," he said, chuckling against her ear. "And finish what you started."

Meera, turning her body, looked up at the silver-eyed prince through her dark lashes. Her heart began to pound as the unusual feeling of being caught in a wolf's den came over her. She knew she should have been scared, but the way Eryx's eyes challenged her was too good to turn away.

"I would if you stop hiding from me," she teased, batting her lashes. "What's wrong, Your Highness? Are you scared to be alone with me?"

Eryx chuckled, surprised by Meera's words and attempt to disarm him. Intrigued and amused by Meera's teasing, he decided to play along. His laughter echoed in the night as he closed the distance between them, his gaze locked onto hers.

"Scared? Me?" Eryx feigned shock, placing a hand over his heart. "I'm not scared, princess. In fact, I believe you're the one who's been distracting me on purpose."

Meera's lips curled into a mischievous smile as she turned to face him, maintaining eye contact. The night air crackled with tension, and the others discreetly watched the exchange, knowing that the playful facade masked a deeper connection between the newlyweds.

"Maybe I enjoy seeing you lose," Meera replied, her voice a sultry whisper. "It's quite entertaining, Your Highness."

Eryx's silver eyes sparkled with a mixture of amusement and desire. He took a step closer, closing the remaining gap. "Well, I wouldn't want to disappoint you. Perhaps I'll let you win this time."

"That's what you said last time," Meere reminded him. "You're not a man of your word, Are you? Or a gentleman."

"Your Highness," Eryx leaned closer, making sure only Meera could hear him. "I have no intention of being gentle with you."

Meera's eyes, wide and filled with a mixture of innocence and desire, met Eryx's silver gaze. She bit her lower lip, a gesture betraying the internal turmoil she felt. As Eryx leaned closer, his breath brushing against her ear, her heart raced. The subtle intimacy of his words sent a shiver down her spine, and she couldn't help but feel a pull towards him. The playful banter had transformed into a charged moment, leaving Meera flustered yet undeniably drawn to the man before her.

Meera, caught in the intensity of Eryx's gaze and the suggestive tone of his words, felt a sudden rush of warmth spreading through her. His proximity ignited a flurry of emotions within her—shyness, anticipation, and a desire that she struggled to conceal.

"Oh, would you look at the time!" Ozmen jumped up from his seat, eager to dismantle the situation before him. He did not want to witness his baby cousin and her husband's private moments. "I think we need to head back now."

"Yes, we should," Marcella agreed at once. "Let's all go back. I'm sure Meera and Eryx are tired from their long week."

Lowering her gaze, Meera stepped back but when Eryx's hand on her's tightened, she stopped and stood where she was.

"You guys go ahead," Eryx spoke up. "I'll walk Meera back."

"But-" Ozmen frowned.

"Wonderful idea!" Marcella said, pushing Ozmen and pulling June to her feet. She managed to get everyone out of the tavern and away from the newlyweds. "Let's go home."

As the others reluctantly continued ahead, leaving Meera and Eryx alone, a newfound sense of intimacy settled between them. Meera stole glances at Eryx, her cheeks flushed with a mix of shyness and the lingering excitement from their playful exchange.

The walk back to the palace was accompanied by a comfortable silence, broken occasionally by the soft sounds of the night. Meera struggled to find the right words, her thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. Eryx, sensing her hesitation, decided to playfully break the silence.

"Who's scared now?" He teased, whispering in her ear as they passed by the shadows.

"Not me," Meera shook her head and held it up defiantly.

Eryx took note of how beautiful Meera looked when her eyes were filled with bravery. She stood with perfect posture, making her appear taller than she really was. At moments, the height of Meera's confidence brought her eye to eye with Eryx. He admired that quality about her. She was able to be so strong yet gentle and soft around the edges.

"How did you know where I was?" Meera asked as they continued down the empty streets.

"Helios," Eryx said, following her with his hands behind his back. "Were you here because you grew tired of waiting for me?"

Meera paused when she noticed Eryx had stopped walking. They stood in a narrow street with no light beside the moon. The buildings on either side loomed over them with all sorts of devious shadows. Ozmen and the others were too far ahead to notice the pair had stopped.

"No," Meera shook her head.


"It's my last night here," Meera reminded him. "I wanted to make some memories before we left."

"Did you?" Eryx asked to make sure.

"Yes," Meera smiled before laughing. "I'll never forget beating you at darts."

"I let you win," Eryx reminded her.

"Sure, of course," Meera nodded. She began to turn when Eryx reached for her hand.

"Do you have to go?" He asked, taking a step forward and tugging Meera towards him. "Stay here with me a little longer."

With her heart lodged into her throat, Meera placed a hand on Eryx's chest. She looked up at him and searched his silver gaze, "I'll go wherever you go."

"Even if it means leaving behind Azmeera?"

Meera nodded, her eyes hesitant but her heart confident, "We're married....a whole new life is waiting for me....with you."

Eryx continued to stare as if he was incapable of looking away. He raised his hand and touched the edge of Meera's face, feeling her velvety smooth skin.

"You're right," he said, running the pad of his thumb over Meera's blush like he had been waiting to since the day he met her. "A whole new chapter awaits us."

"The last few days have felt so surreal," Meera shook her head. "But it feels like this dream is about to end and I'm about to wake up."

Eryx's eyes softened and something shifted behind them. Meera couldn't make out what she witnessed as his gaze lowered to her mouth.

"Then let's savor this last dream," he said. "And wake up to the reality we'll create together."

"Together," Meera breathes, feeling her heart squeeze at the sound of the word. "I would like th-"

Unable to resist her any longer, Eryx closed the distance between their lips, capturing Meera in a tender kiss. Meera's breath caught, surprised yet willingly swept away by the warmth of his lips on hers. Her hands instinctively found their way to his chest, fingers curling around the fabric of his attire. Her heart raced in tandem with the rhythm of the kiss, a symphony of emotions flooding her senses.

Bathed in moonlight, Eryx lifted Meera off the ground and pressed her against the wall beside them. Her lips were coated with the sweet cream and sugar of the dumplings, making Eryx's body hungry for her like he had never been before. The tender kiss began to grow rough and heavy as Meera pulled herself closer, unsure of what to do with her hands.

Her innocence made Eryx chuckle as he took her hands and placed them on his body. He leaned back, giving up space for her to explore as he grabbed the back of her neck and continued to suck the sweetness off of her lips.

Meera could feel nothing but her beating heart and Eryx's mouth on hers. Her belly clenched and her legs began to weaken. She wanted to throw herself into his arms and let him devour her. His mouth set her on fire and she never wanted him to stop. He kissed her like a man dying of thirst. His breathing labored as his hands grabbed a fistful of her hair and held her to his mouth, calming each and every breath of hers as if she ever wanted to give it to anyone else.

Meera let herself fall into his arms as he turned them around and caged her to his chest. With his back against the wall, Eryx let his hands wander down Meera's back, feeling her body through the thin fabric of her dress. Meera whimpered against his mouth, startling herself with the soft moans that escaped her lips. But what shocked her more was the need to feel Eryx closer.

Meera couldn't describe the intense burning desire that came over her. She wanted Eryx's hands to feel every part of her. She wanted him to run his lips over her burning skin and ease the growing pain inside of her. Meera, unable to understand her frustration or need, pulled herself closer to Eryx. She wanted something from him....she needed something from him....but what?

As Meera tried to figure out what her body was telling her, Eryx took one of her hands off his chest and moved it in between them. Meera didn't know what he was doing until his hard body came into her hand. As soon as she touched him, Eryx hissed in pleasure, surprising Meera by the effect she had on him. Wanting to hear him again, Meera wrapped her small warm hand around his hard cock.

Biting back a groan, Eryx pulled Meera's lip into his mouth and bit down on her bottom lip. He spun them around once more and pressed her against the wall as his hands pulled down the sleeves of her dress. Meera did not care what he did as long as his mouth remained on her. She began to feel dizzy as her body started to scream for some form of release.

"Eryx," Meera whimpered, unable to understand her body's response to his touch. "I...."

"What's wrong?" Eryx pulled back, their breathing labored in the moonlight.

"I can't..." Meera shook her head, trying to catch her breath. "It's too much...."

"What's too much?" Eryx tried to catch her gaze.

"You..." Meera said. "This.....I.....I don't...."

Understanding dawned on Eryx as he stared at Meera's flushed cheeks and rapid breathing. Her hands gripped his shirt so tight that he feared she might rip the fabric. His own pulsing heart seemed out of control as he tried to rein back the situation.

Swallowing hard, Eryx slowly released Meera and pushed the sleeves of her dress back on her shoulder. He pulled on all his control as he stepped back and watched her stand against the wall with her eyes shut and her body worked up. Through the bodice of her silk dress, Eryx's gaze made out Meera's hard nipples and the popped button he had accidentally pulled off. The valley of her full breasts seemed like an adventure Eryx would kill to partake. He wanted to reach out and touch her, run his hand through her valley, and watch her lose her breath again. But instead, Eryx stood before Meera and watched her tights squeeze against one other.

He knew what she needed. Eryx knew all the signs of Meera's body. She wanted the release he craved too. The only difference was, she had no idea what it was.

After several long seconds of letting his eyes touch her the way his hands wanted to, Eryx stepped back and picked up the scarf Meera had been wearing earlier. He held it out towards her and waited for her to open her eyes.

"Meera," he spoke. Suddenly, the name had a taste in his mouth. Sugary, sweet, creamy...

With great difficulty, Meera opened her eyes. She found Eryx standing before her with her scarf in his hand and his gaze lowered. Meera didn't understand why he wasn't looking at her. She was his.....only his to look at.

Carefully, Meera left the shadow and stepped out into the moonlight. She took the scarf from Eryx's hand and held it against her beating heart, her breathing still uneven.

"Let me take you home," Eryx reached out and took Meera's hand. Without looking at her, he turned towards the end of the street.

Meera, stunned and struck by lightning after her first kiss, followed Eryx down the road in silence. Her eyes never left his face as she gazed at him in a new light. She felt closer to him than she had ever before. Her heart grew twice its size and warmed like the sea at noon.

When they arrived at the palace, Eryx let Meera show him how she snuck out. He followed her back inside and walked her to her room. As they arrived at her door, Meera paused and turned to look at him.

"You'll stay, right?" She asked, her eyes hopeful and her voice soft and gentle.

Eryx nodded, his thoughts scattered. He followed Meera inside and sat down on the edge of the bed as she went to go change. Alone in the room, Eryx ran a restless hand through his hair and then rubbed his forehead. His racing thoughts were beginning to give him a pounding headache. He wondered if he should stay or leave when suddenly Meera walked back into the room wearing a simple black silk nightgown with delicate lace around the bodice.

Eryx's eyes caught on her. The fabric of the dress hung on Meera's body like running water. It slipped around her curves and spilled down the space between her legs like a waterfall. Eryx swallowed the tightness inside his chest as she took a step towards him.

Meera, her eyes nervous but curious, walked up to Eryx and stopped before him. She reached out and placed a hand on the edge of his face, guiding his eyes towards her. Her dark hair fell around her in thick waves, adding a touch of haze to her appearance as if she were a dream.

"I'm not scared anymore," Meera whispered.

Her words hung in the air as Eryx stared up at her with his silver eyes. Meera wondered what he was looking at when he simply took her hand and placed a kiss upon it.

"You should get some rest," Eryx said. "We have a long journey tomorrow." 

OH MY GOODNESS!! How do y'all feel about this? I LOVE reading your comments. I live for that shit lol 

I swear this book is writing itself and anytime I try to reconstruct or change the path, it demands I follow where it leads me. I am shocked by her, who is she? 

AAALLLSOOOO, I think I may have hurt my wrist somehow and now I am in pain....idk if this will delay the next chapter.   

Okumaya devam et

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