King of The Dragons (Wings of...

By boomboomabc

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The Wyvern of Destiny, The Wyvern of Destruction, The Black Flame, The Dark Demise, The King of Monsters, The... More

Part 1: Chapter 1 & 2
Part 1: Chapter 3 & 4
Part 1: Chapter 5, 6, & 7
Part 2: Chapter 8, 9, & 10
Part 2: Chapter 11, 12, & 13
Part 2: Chapter 14, 15, & 16
Part 2: Chapter 17 & 18
Part 2: Chapter 19, 20, & 21
Part 2: Chapter 22 & 23
Part 3: Chapter 24 & 25
Part 3: Chapter 26 & 27
Part 3: Chapter 28 & Epilogue
Book 2: The Lost Heir: Prologue
Part 1: Chapter 1 &2
Part 1: Chapter 3 & 4
Part 1: Chapter 5 & 6
Part 2: Chapter 7 & 8
Part 2: Chapter 9 & 10
Part 2: Chapter 11 & 12
Part 2: Chapter 13 & 14
Part 2: Chapter 15, 16, & 17
Part 2: Chapter 18, 19, & 20
Part 2: Chapter 21 & 22
Part 3: Chapter 23, 24, 25, & 26
Part 3: Chapter 27 & 28
Book 2: Epilogue
Book 3: The Hidden Kingdom: Prologue
Part 1: Chapter 1 & 2
Part 1: Chapter 3 & 4
Part 1: Chapter 5 & 6
Part 1: Chapter 7 & 8
Part 1: Chapter 9 & 10
Part 2: Chapter 11, 12, & 13
Part 2: Chapter 14, 15, & 16
Part 2: Chapter 17 & 18
Part 2: Chapter 22, 23, & 24
Part 3: Chapter 25, 26, & 27
Part 3: Chapter 28 & 29
Part 3: Chapter 30 & 31
Part 3: Chapter 32 & 33
Book 3: Epilogue
Book 4: The Dark Secret: Prologue
Part 1: Chapter 1 & 2
Part 1: Chapter 3 & 4
Part 1: Chapter 5 & 6
Part 2: Chapter 7 & 8
Part 2: Chapter 9 & 10
Part 2: Chapter 11 & 12
Part 2: Chapter 13 & 14
Part 2: Chapter 15 & 16
Part 2: Chapter 17 & 18
Part 2: Chapter 19 & 20
Part 3: Chapter 21 & 22
Part 3: Chapter 23 & 24
Part 3: Chapter 25 & 26
Part 3: Chapter 27 & 28
Book 4: Epilogue
Book 5: The Brightest Night: Prologue
Part 1: Chapter 1 & 2
Part 1: Chapter 3 & 4
Part 1: Chapter 5 & 6
Part 1: Chapter 7, 7½, and 8
Part 2: Chapter 9 & 10
Part 2: Chapter 11 & 12
Part 2: Chapter 13, 14, & 15
Part 2: Chapter 16 & 17
Part 3: Chapter 18 & 19
Part 3: Chapter 20 & 21
Part 3: Chapter 22 & 23
Part 3: Chapter 24, 25, 26, 27, & 28
Book 5: Epilogue

Part 2: Chapter 19, 20, & 21

381 9 17
By boomboomabc

(3rd Pov Glory)

"Watch him carefully," Glory instructed Clay. "Don't let him talk."
"MMMMMFF," Deathbringer complained though the vines she'd tied around his snout. She didn't want him spilling the beans to Clay before she could get away into the forest. Also, she'd gotten sick of listening of listening to him yammer all night long trying to derail her plan. This way she'd been able to watch the sunrise in relative peace and quiet, shortly after which Clay had shown up.

"No worries," Clay said. "I'll just sit here and be my usual intimidating self." He threw back his shoulders and tried to scowl.
"Absolutely terrifying," Glory assured him.
Deathbringer managed to look skeptical despite the vines obscuring most of his face.

"I'll send someone else soon to take the next watch," she said, baking away.
'But first I'm going to catch a monster.'
It wasn't that stupid of a plan, no matter what Deathbringer said. A lone RainWing was exactly the kind of target the monster would go after. And she couldn't rick enlisting another RainWing as bait - they were all too dopey to be any use, even Mangrove.

Besides, as far as she could tell, she was the only RainWing willing to use her venom on other living things. It wasn't her favorite thing to do, but it was still a weapon - a powerful one that few dragons knew about - and she was sure she could use it to escape any situation if she had to.

She headed back to the tunnel first. She was still certain that it was connected to the missing RainWings, although she couldn't figure out how.
It started with a question: Who had put the tunnel there in the first place? And then: What was their plan - to steal a RainWing here and there? Why?

Glory nosed around the forest near the tunnel opening until she found a clearing where she could sit and think for a moment.
Burn seemed like an obvious subject, since her stronghold was not far from the tunnel. But Glory had seen the look Burn's face when Glory's venom sizzled  on Queen Scarlet's scales. It was pure shocked terror. The SandWing queen had clearly never seen anything like Glory's venom before. If she were the one abducting RainWings for the past year, surely she'd have heard about their training sessions and she'd know all about it.

Glory stopped at a small bush and sprayed it with her venom. Black goop splattered over the leaves, and almost immediately the whole bush wilted, shriveled up, and died. Glory tilted her head at it, feeling weirdly guilty.

Maybe she could practice her aim while she waited for the monster to attack her. She chose another bush with long dragon-tail leaved and tried to hit just one of them.
half the bust went fzzzzzrrrt and melted into the grass.
"Hmmm," Glory said aloud. "Not awesome."
She tried again. And again. The clearing was starting to look a bit worse for wear.

Glory stopped and smacked herself with her tail.
'Try using your brain for half a moment, Glory.'
If she made a mess like this with her venom practice, the surely the other training dragonets would have, too. So even though Bromeliad wouldn't show her where Kinkajou had disappeared, there was a chance Glory could find it on her own.

She started at the waterfall and circled out from there, walking so she could study the bushes as she went past them. Fat spiny frogs stared at her, making worgle-WORG noises in their throats. A pair of red and gold birds with large beaks followed her for a while, gossiping loudly in what sounded like garbled dragon language.

But she found nothing - no signs of venom anywhere. Maybe the training sessions had been in a whole different part of the forest; maybe the secret tunnel really had nothing to do with the abductions.

Glory stubbornly kept searching. What other reason could there be for the tunnel? Who would need to get quickly between the desert and the rainforest? No one . . . no one came to the rainforest at all, and the RainWings certainly never left.

'But the war is closer than they think,' she thought. 'It's right on their doorstep, ready to fall into their peaceful world.'
She glared up at the treetops as an image of Queen Magnificent flashed through her head.
'And what is that useless queen going to do about it? Blaze is no better than Magnificent. If we pick her, we leave the SandWings as weak and vulnerable as the RainWings.'

She looked up at the trees again. Was it getting darker? The sun had been up for only a couple of hours.
A fat raindrop splattered against her snout. The leaves above her whooshed like dragon wings as the wind rushed through them, and more rain came pattering down in scatters and sprays. Glory drew her wings close to her.

'Rain probably washed away any trace of venom training days ago,' she realized. But she kept going, sodden undergrowth squelching below her talons.

She found herself in a small circle where the trees above bent together to form a kind of umbrella canopy, keeping the ground below relatively dry. She stopped there, stretching and shaking her wings. 'This is stupid,' she told herself. 'I'm not going to find anything, and I'm not going to get aught by anything in this weather either. What kind of creature would be out hunting in the rain?' She might as well head back to the village and dry off.

But as she turned to fly away, she spotted a dark patch on the bush of pink flowers beside her. Glory paused, then edged closer an peered at it.
Several of the leaves were withered and dead, looking sickly, black, and twisted. A glossy pattern of dark droplets had hardened on the ground under the bush.

'Someone was training here,' Glory thought. 'Maybe Kinkajou. Maybe one of the other missing dragons.' She poked the piles of leaves that covered the ground and found half a talon print in the dirt - a small one, even smaller than Sunny's. She leaned down to sniff it.
And that was when something bashed her on the back of her head.

Glory started awake to the feeling of movement and something uncomfortable pressing against her wings. She kept still for a moment with her eyes closed, trying to figure out what was happening.

It felt like she was being dragged along the ground. Her left side was unpleasantly damp and slimy, as if she were wrapped in something that instantly soaked up the mud and clung to her scales. Rain splattered around her, the sound muffled now by whatever she was in . . . a giant sack of some kind, she guessed.

Her wings were bound to her sides, and thick cloth was wrapped around her claws. More disturbingly, some kind of vine or rope was tied around her snout, binding her mouth shut.
Which meant using her venom was out of the question.

It also meant whatever caught her wasn't just a mindless mystery beast. It was smart enough to tie her up. It probably knew about her venom - or it might be wary of her teeth.

Her tail thwacked against something solid and she winced. She cracked open her eyes and saw only darkness. No, wait - not total darkness. Faint green light filtered through the think canvass. The sack pressed close to her snout; it smelled like dead animals and rotten eggs and fire, overwhelming the damp leafy scent of the rainforest outside.

Glory tried to listen for clues, but all she could hear was wet slithering, which might be just the sack sliding over the forest floor. Then a shiver ran down her spine like sharp claws scrabbling to escape. She recognized the weird prickle under her scales - it was the feeling she got from the hoe that led to the Kingdom of Sand.

'I was right,' she thought. 'They're taking me to the tunnel.'
Somehow, without her venom, she didn't feel quite as triumphant about being right as she'd hoped.

She heard splashing and a moment later water soaked through the sack as she was dragged through the stream. A couple of grunts followed, and Glory felt herself lifted up into the air, then dropped onto cold stone.
Something shoved at her tail, and she started to slid down and down as if it were slick ice below her.

'Wait,' she thought with a slickening lurch. 'The tunnel to the desert doesn't go down. Where am I?' She smacked into a wall and slid around a corner, picking up speed again. 'This isn't the hole to the Kingdom of Sand. But it feels like that hole. So is this the same kind passageway, ripped into the worlds where it shouldn't be? And where does this one end?'

She tumbled suddenly into open space and slammed into a pile of thin furs, which did not do much to blunt the impact of the rocks underneath them.

Glory lay there for a moment, trying not to groan. Every bone in her body ached; every scales felt as though it had been scraped raw. She was pretty sure she'd bitten her tongue when she landed. She could taste blood in her mouth.

The smell of death and smoke was stronger now, and it was no longer raining, but there was hardly any light coming through the sack. This was definitely not the desert; it was chilly instead of blazingly warm, although the sound of fire crackled somewhere nearby. Glory could hear a distant rumble like faraway thunderclouds, except it felt like it was coming from below the rocks instead of up in the sky.

Heavy feet thudded down beside her, and something snuffled loudly around the sack. Its breathing sounded the same as whatever had eaten the dead sloth in the night. Glory clenched her talons. Was it planning to eat her? Because it was in for quite a surprise if it-
"Another one?" said a disapproving voice.

The snuffling hitched for a second, as if started, and then a hoarse voice beside Glory's head said, "Yeah. Easy catch. She was all alone in the forest. Stupid like all RainWings."

'Dragons,' Glory thought. Relief warred with fury. 'They're just dragons. Nothing mysterious and creepy, like Stormcaller's monster.' She though for a moment about the scrolls he showed them. Then she thought about the one Webs mentioned. It could be that monster, Webs said it could talk. But Glory doubted it was that strange dragon, from the story Webs told them, it didn't like other dragons.

'Well, I can handle a couple of creepy dragons. Just as soon as they take this sack off me.' She flexed her claws, wondering if she could rip through the cloth around them.

"Didn't you get the message?" said the first dragon.
"Yeah," said the one with garbled breathing. "but I like the prey in the rainforest. And I was hungry. And then this dragon was just asking to get caught. Beside, I thought his message was stupid."

"It's not stupid if it keeps us safe." The first dragon sighed. "Throw her in with the others. But from now on, do as you're told."
"Yeah, yeah," grumbled the second dragon. "All right, I got it. No more hunting or grabbing dragon in the rainforest until Deathbringer says it's all clear."


Onto the next chapter


(3rd Pov Glory)

Glory had never been so glad that her scales were hidden. There was no way she could stop the colors flooding through them; she couldn't even guess what they were turning to right now.

Deathbringer did know who was taking the missing RainWings. He was connected to them. And somehow he had told them to stop . . . until "it's all clear"; what did they mean? Until he'd finished killing the dragonets? Or until Glory and her friends stopped snooping around the tunnel?

And how did he get a message to these dragons? Stormcaller had left him in the Ice Kingdom and then Glory caught him coming out of the desert tunnel into the rainforest. He'd said he followed the dragonets to the hole in the sand, but maybe he'd known about it before. Maybe he'd gotten there first, gone through to this place, warned these dragons, and then went back to the desert tunnel after the dragonets were back in the rainforest . . . but . . . Glory remembered that Deathbringer had conveniently appeared just in time to stop them from catching the creature in the dark.

'He did that on purpose. He was warning the other dragon - this one with the weird breathing. Deathbringer knew we would catch him. Maybe he wanted us to catch him.'
 Her tail curled. 'And my friends are alone with Deathbringer. I have to get back to them I have to get back right now.'

She flung open her wings and lashed her tail, clawing at the sack frantically.
"Whoa!" yelled the hoarse voice. "A little help here!"
Glory's heart sank at the sound of footsteps and wingbeats. There were a lot more that two dragons out there, She kicked out blindly, fighting as hard as she could, but talons grabbed her from all sides, pinning her to the ground.

"You'll never get her there like this," gasped one of the dragons. "You'll have to knock her out again.
"My pleasure," said the horse voice.
And once again, something slammed into Glory's head, and then all was darkness.

Something nosed Glory in the ribs, and she woke up with a small yelp of pain. Tiny claws lifted Glory's eyelids, and something blurry came way to close to her snout to peer at her.
"You're finally awake," the voice said.

"Mmmmf!" Glory said through the gag around her mouth. She tried to push the something away, but her talons felt heavy and she missed.
"Ha ha, don't even try," said the little voice. "I've spent my whole life waking up dragons who'd rather be sleeping instead of training me. I'm excellent at dodging when they get all mad about it." The tiny claws poked at her ruff. "How come I don't know you?"

"Mmmmf," Glory said again. Her head hurt. She rested it back on the ground and blinked until the world came into focus.
A small diamond-shaped snout hovered only a few inches from hers. Gigantic dark eyes peered out of gold and orange scales. The little dragonet couldn't have been more that three years old. She poked Glory's ruff again.

"Don't worry, I know you can't talk. I'm the only one without a gag. They decided my venom wasn't strong enough or I couldn't shoot it far enough to be dangerous, or something, I guess, which is little unfair because if somebody would just train me properly, I think I'd be super-great at it and then these horrible dragons would be super-sorry for putting me in a cage." A ripple of scarlet fury moved through her wings.

Glory reluctantly sat up so she could look around. The pain in her head flared viciously, and she had to close her eyes until it receded into a dull throb.

When she opened them again, she realized that the blurriness around her wasn't just her eyes. The air was hazy with smoke. Pulsing heat wafted over her scales, although she couldn't see any sign of a fire. She glanced up and saw jagged stone walls pressing close overhead. it seemed like the heat was coming from the rocks themselves.
'Back in a cave,' she thought. 'Awesome.'

The sack was gone, but the bindings around her wings and claws were still in place. Her mouth was still bound as well, but it felt different from before - whatever clamped her snout shut now was much heavier than the earlier vines. She crossed her eyes trying to get a look at it.

"it's a metal band," the little dragonet explained, tilting her head sympathetically. "Like this one around my neck It's to keep you from using your venom, but it's also so we can't camouflage ourselves and disappear; they'll always be able to see the metal band." She pointed to a thick brassy clamp around her own neck. "Smart but annoying, right?" She paused. "Kind of like me! Ha ha! My name's Kinkajou, by the way, in case you were wondering."

'So there's one of the missing RainWings,' Glory thought. 'Where are the others?' The small cave held only herself and the dragonet. A half-moon of light glowed at the cave opening, not far away. Glory took a tentative step toward it, then another when nothing happened. Nothing fell from the roof; nothing attacked her; no alarms went off. What sort of prison was this?

Kinkajou followed her, still chattering. "I know what you're thinking," she said. "I'm super-good a that, especially nowadays when I'm the only one who can talk and so I have to imagine the other side of every conversation I have. Maybe telepathy is contagious or something. But anyway, you're thinking you can walk out of this cave, and trust me, you can't, but you'll have to go see for yourself because everybody does, I guess, instead of listening to me."

Glory reached the entrance and stopped.
Kinkajou was right. There was no walking out this way.
A wide, sluggish river of molten lava flowed past just outside the cave. It glowed gold and orange-bright, the only splash of color in the barren black landscape. With her wings bound, Glory would never make it across.

She leaned out to see where the lava river started. A hulking dark mountain filled the sky, half-hidden by the smoke pouring out the top. Small rivulets of lava dappled the slope and a red glow came from from a few red holes in the rocks. it was hard to tell whether it was night or day; the light was so strange, and the sky was swathed in dark clouds. Glory guessed that she'd been knocked out for a few hours, at least. The rotten-eggs smell was thick in the air.

"Sinister, right?" Kinkajou said in her ear, and Glory jumped. "Who would want to actually live here? I don't get it."
'Who does live here?' Glory wondered. 'The Talons of Peace? Is this where they hide?'

And then she realized that parts of the landscape were moving, and they weren't rocks after all . . . they were dragons. Black dragons with silver scales glittering under their wings. She could see at least a hundred of them scattered across the mountain and several more flying above it.
She inhaled sharply and regretted it as sulfur filled her nose.
'I know where we are.
This is the secret home of the NightWings.'


Onto the next chapter


(3rd Pov Glory)

Glory turned to the dragonet and waved her bound claws at the gag around her mouth.
"Oh my gosh," said Kinkajou, staring at Glory's scales as they changed color. "You're excited about something. I wonder what! Ooooo, and curious. Sure, of course you are. You must have lots of questions. I sure had lots of questions when I got here. Hey, now you're . . . frustrated! Super-frustrated! And getting mad! Wow, what are you so-"

Exasperated, Glory shoved her aside and marched back into the cave. 
"Oh, you're mad at me," said Kinkajou, trotting along behind her. "I'm used to that."

The cave was not very big, ending abruptly at a steep drop-off at the back. Glory stared down into a pitch-black abyss. With no fire and no ability to see in the dark, no RainWing would get very close to that. Even if her wings were free, Glory wouldn't go near it.

"That's how I visit the other prisoners," Kinkajou said. "All their caves, and the one I'm supposed to stay in, open out onto this."
Glory looked at the dragonet with new respect. Kinkajou's wings weren't bound, but they were tiny; most three year old dragonets couldn't fly for long without needing a rest. She couldn't have know how long she'd have to fly when she first jumped into the darkness, looking for other prisoners. That was a special kind of brave. And crazy.

Kinkajou tilted her head at Glory. "I have no idea what that color means," she said. "Wow, you really are different." She reached up and tugged on the ropes around Glory's wings. "But this is the same." She sighed. "I can't get any of them off. I'm sorry. It's some kind of super-impossible knot."
Glory held up her claws. Think canvas covered them, tied together with another rope around each forearm.

"Here, too," Kinkajou said, pointing to the knot. "See how tight that is?" Glory squinted at it. She didn't know much about knots. She nodded to Kinkajou's talons, and the little dragonet shook her head. "they're not sharp enough to cur through the rope. I've tried." Kinkajou sliced one tiny claw across the rope, but it didn't even look frayed.
Glory lashed her tail.

"It is frustrating," Kinkajou agreed. "Stupid NightWings. But if we tried to escape, they'd read our minds or foresee it and stop us anyway, right?"

Glory discovered that she could still growl.
"Does that mean you want to try?" Kinkajou asked, perking up. Her ruff flared around her face. "Because nobody else wants to try escaping but I so do, because oh my gosh you haven't even seen how awful the food is here. They keep bringing us horrible dead things. I mean, things that have been dead for weeks, I think. It is mega-gross and makes us totally sick when we eat it. There's no fruit at all. Tapir finally just let himself starve to death, it's so awful. I try to eat as little as I can."

'How am I supposed to make an escape plan with a dragonet who won't shut up?' Glory wondered. 'When I can't even ask her any question?'
Such as: What did the NightWings want with the RainWings anyway?
Why were they kidnapping them and holding them prisoner?
What did Deathbringer have to do with this plan? And why had he told them to stop?
And where is Stormcaller?

Glory doubted Kinkajou knew the answer to that, but that question was burning in her mind. Surely the NightWing must have ran into another of his kind when he disappeared into the forest.
"Confused!" Kinkajou guessed, pointing at Glory's scales. "And . . . frustrated again!"
'I need a color for STOP THAT,' Glory thought.

Something flapped outside the cave entrance. Kinkajou turned toward the sound, then winced and closed her eyes.
Glory pushed past her and peered out.
Three NightWings flew over the lava and disappeared into another cave not far from Glory's. A few moments later, they reappeared, dragging a limp RainWing behind them.

The RainWing's scales were a heavy gray, like rain clouds; it was a color of sadness Glory hadn't seen on any other RainWing. He was conscious but neither struggling nor helped the NightWings. He hung between them like he'd given up completely. Glory though of Jambu's vibrantly joyful scales and felt a stab of anger - at the NightWings, for ripping innocent dragons from their homes, and at the other RainWings for letting this happen to their friends without even noticing or caring that they were gone.

The black dragons lifted the RainWing over the river and carried him up the slope of the mountain, letting his tail bump across the rocks. Glory watched until they all vanished into a sort of fortress halfway up the mountain. It looked like a jumbled pile of rocks, so she hadn't realized it was a building before.

"Poor Gibbon," Kinkajou said. "They take him all the time. I guess his venom is way more interesting than mine or something."

Glory whirled to stare at her.
"Oh, yeah," Kinkajou said. "When they take you up their, try pretending your venom doesn't work right or something. That's all they want us to do - melt things. It's so weird! Like, can't they melt their own things? So far I've melted an orange and a pile of leave. They told me to melt this metal claw-thing, too. but of course that's stupid; our venom doesn't work on nonliving stuff. And then they had me spit some venom into a bowl and who knows what they want with that. I don't get it."

'They're studying us,' Glory realized. 'Or, at least, they're studying our venom.' She turned and began pacing the length of the cave. 'Are they hoping to use it themselves? As a weapon? But the NightWings don't fight. They stay out of the war. So who do they need weapons for?
'Are they planning to join the war soon?'
'On whose side?'

'Blister's, of course,' she thought immediately, smacking herself in the head with her tail. 'That's why they wanted us to choose her for the prophecy.'
'But why join the war now? And why torture RainWings for their venom when NightWings have their own ever-so-special powers they never shut up about?

"That must be what thinking hard looks like," Kinkajou said, hopping onto a boulder and watching Glory with great interest. "Your scales are all kinds of colors right now. I've never seen another RainWing do that. Oh, I wish you could talk to me!"
'Me too,' Glory thought.

"Maybe we could escape together, and then you could be my teacher," Kinkajou said. "I swear I'm not as awful as everyone says. But we'd have to get you across the lava, and then we'd have to find the tunnel back to the rainforest, and then we'd have to get past the guards there, and then we'd have to get your bindings off, or maybe we'd have to do that first; actually, that would make more sense, because then you could fly and fight and stuff, but I have no idea how to do any of that."

She stopped, her wings drooping, and suddenly looked very young. Glory had been wondering why Kinkajou didn't escape on her own. But if she didn't know where the tunnel was, and there were guards to fight along the way . . . it was a tall order for a little dragon. Especially when failure would surely mean she'd end up bound and gagged like the other RainWings.

"Maybe I could find something sharp enough to cut the ropes," Kinkajou said, brightening again. "Like a really sharp rock. Or - well, there's not much around here except rocks. Oh! Or I could check one of the really disgusting dead things for sharp bones when our dinner comes. That would be pretty gross, though. Maybe you should do that."

Glory thumped her tail on the ground to get Kinkajou's attention. She pointed to her mouth, then her stomach, then her mouth again, and tried to turn her scales the color of curiosity.
"You're asking me a question!" Kinkajou said with great delight. "Wait, let me guess. You're . . . hungry?"

Glory frowned and tapped the rope around her mouth, pointed to the cave opening, flapped her arms like wings, pointed to her stomach, and pointed to the rope again.

Kinkajou furrowed her brow. "Something about the NightWings and food - oh! Oh, I know! You want to know if they take off the metal band when they feed us. Am I right? Am I right?" She turned toward the cave entrance as Glory nodded. "I guess you're about to find out."

The little dragonet darted over the drop and vanished into one of the gaps in the far wall. Glory could see her eyes shining in the dark, still watching.

Five NightWings ducked into the cave, one after the other, crowding the narrow space. Glory held her ground and glared at them. At least there was no sign of Morrowseer. She was safer as an ordinary RainWing prisoner than she would be if they found out she was the dragonet messing up their prophecy - the one they'd already tried to kill more than once.

The last dragon who came in had a disturbing scar twisted across his snout. Strange bubbled of deformed skin protruded from his jawline and one of his nostrils was sealed shut, so he breathed in a loud, stuffy way.
When he spoke, Glory recognized the hoarse voice of the dragon who'd captured her.

'He was the one in the forest,' she realized, listening to his peculiar breathing. 'The creature in the dark - the one who ate the dead sloth.' 
"Looks normal to me," he said gruffly.
One of the others gave him a scathing look. "On the contrary," she said. "There's clearly something wrong with this one."
"What do you mean?" said the third dragon.

"Observe her scales. Every other RainWing we've picked up turned instantly green - the color that seems to indicate feat. But this one - I don't know what it indicates, but I'm seeing shades of red and orange, perhaps a little black here and here." The NightWing used a thin stick to point to spots on Glory's wings with clinical detachment. She could have been describing a moderately interesting beetle for all the emotion in her voice.

"So she's matching her environment," said the third dragon. "That's something they do, too, isn't it?"
Glory narrowed her eyes at them and turned a deliberate, violet shade of purple.
"Interesting," said one of the NightWings in a smug voice. This one was roughly the same size as the scarred one.
"We should take her to the lab immediately for closer study. I strongly recommend not feeding her and not touching that gag until we know more about her."

"Bosh," said the scarred NightWing. "All RainWings are the same. Rotten and useless."
"Beside, Queen Battlewinner doesn't like to have her orders questioned," the fourth dragon spoke up. He stepped forward with something furry and horrible-smelling in his talons. "It's feeding time now. You can go ask her if this one should go to the lab afterward."

"I will," she said, stepping back. "I've registered my concern here. You do what you like." The NightWing slid out of the cave and flew off.
'Leaving only four for me to fight,' Glory thought. 'You may have studied the venom of pacifist, well-trained, frightened RainWings, but you've never studied me.

The scarred dragon produced a long spear from a sheath on his back. The sharp end had three twisted claw like points and glinted evilly in the reddish light. He hefted it in his talons and flicked his black tongue at Glory as if he were hoping she'd give him an excuse to hurt her.

'He hates us,' she thought, meeting his eyes. 'It's personal for him.' He gaze shifted to his scar. 'Ah. That looks like it could have been caused by a venom strike. I wonder which RainWing was bold enough to do that.' 

With a shiver, she realized he was the first dragon she'd seen who'd survived a venom attack. Which meant it was possible to survive a venom attack. Which meant Queen Scarlet really might be alive.

The pile of fur landed by her feet, and the other two guards pulled out long spears of their own. Glory stared down at the meal they were offering. Kinkajou wasn't exaggerating. It did smell horrible and long-dead. She could hardly tell what it had once been - a muskrat, perhaps. A nasty bite on its side looked a lot like the one on the sloth by the river, black and infected.

One of the guards leaned forward and jabbed his spear toward her face. Glory leaped back with a muffled snarl.
"Hold still if you want to eat," Growled the scarred dragon. "Or else starve. We're fine with that, too."

Glory clenched her talons and eyed the spear as it bobbed closer. it was hard to see exactly what the guard did, but she felt the spear points hook into some kind of latch on the metal band, then twist and pull. The clamp slipped open and off, and the NightWings all jumped back -except for the smug one, who stayed where he originally was- with their spears up.

But not fast enough.



Hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

Thank you all for reading.

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

See you all in the next chapter


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