Relations With Stephen Curry

By Desglizzy

465K 14.4K 1.6K

Not friends. Not husband and wife. Not girlfriend and boyfriend. We were nothing to each other. We just had a... More

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Tia's Pov

4.3K 135 11
By Desglizzy

Tia Pov
While I'm in Houston I'm staying with my mom until I find a place. The Jet just landed and a car was waiting for me. In the car I was a little nervous.... This is my first time seeing my mom in a long time.

We passed so many familiar places. I looked out the window. I rolled it down and stuck my head out. I smiled. People saw me and started recording and taking pictures. Some people even blowed. I waved.

I finally stuck my head back in and rolled up my window. We pulled up in my mom's drive way. She has no idea I'm here. The driver came to my side and opened the door for me. I walked up the steps and to the door.

Me- You can do this Tia... Just knock..

I held my hand up to knock. It froze but soon I did it.

Tianna- One second, I'm coming.

I heard the door unlock and it opened reveling my mom with a dish towel thrown over her shoulder. Her eyes were wide.

Tianna (Ti-Anna)- Tia?...

I tried to smile and not cry.

Me- *Whispers* M-mom.

I held my arms out as the tears came. She was super shocked but then she pulled me into a hug.

Tianna- Tia...... Baby.

She hugged me tight. She let go and finally let me in with my bodyguards.

Tianna- You came back? I'm so happy to see you.

She checked me out.

Tianna- Everything looks ok. You're ok right? I don't need to take you to the doctor?

Me- Mom I left. I didn't get adducted. *Chuckles*

She chuckled and hugged me again.

Tianna- I missed you so much! I know why you left and I understood... But you could've called me.

I followed mom to the kitchen. I sat on the counter. She was making pasta.

Me- I was lost.......I didn't want to be found........ I wanted people to forget me.. Forget Tia even existed. But.. Recently a very close person found me..... He helped me.

I looked into space when I was talking about Stephen.

Me- I use to party,drink, and have sex for money.

Tianna-*Gasp* Tia.

Me- I know. I made bad decisions... When I got to Oakland, I had no one... I had nothing so I had to make a way.....

I looked at my mom. I tried to blink back my tears.

Me- He saw me..... A-and I just left him and his daughter..... I had to. He started talking about children and I-i.-GCO.

Tianna- You don't have to say no more baby.

She came over and hugged me.

Tianna- Hungry?

Me- No thanks. I'm actually going to go shower.

I started walking upstairs.

Tianna- When you finished we are going to talk about your music career now. *Smiles* You get your vocals from momma.

I chuckled at myself as I walked to my old room. I heard mom downstairs say,

Tianna- Just wait til I tell your sister you're back. Tiana (Ti-A-Na) is going to freak.

I sat down on my bed and sighed. I looked at my phone. No calls or messages from Stephen.

(A/N can y'all see my photo because wattpad has been acting up?)

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