The eternality in our ephemer...

بواسطة alizarragaa

168 39 0

Without hesitation we fall... He saved her from dying. He saw her and hated her. He's both her savior and to... المزيد

Chapter 1. The sun is a coward.
Chapter 2. I knew it, something was wrong.
Chapter 3. Emotions are physical, and quite physically I'd want to punch them.
Chapter 4. If Drapetomania is the urge to run away, then I am a drapetomaniac.
Chapter 5. Why did i ever think this was a good idea?
Chapter 6. To freeze or to flee, that is the question.
Chapter 7. Without hesitation, we fall.
Chapter 7. Karma is a b***
Chapter 8. Serendipity
Chapter 9. How can you pay such a debt? The debt that someone saved your life?
Chapter 10. If they're true friends they'll understand....or not.
Chapter 11. An unknown hoodie for my favourite bracelet, an excelent trade.
Chapter 12. It wasn't me, it was my genes.
Chapter 13. Consequences of running away: no one believes you
Chapter 14. Free hugs.
Chapter 15. The problems of an overthinking mind.
Chapter 17. How can one action so small scar you for life?
Chapter 18. Sometimes things are better off untouched.
Chapter 19. Be rational. It saves you so much pain.
Chapter 20. Abience
Chapter 21. Dreaming is a disease.
Chapter 22. When do you know the war has begun?
Chapter 23. Why are looks so important?
Chapter 24. Why do people get sentimental in car drives?
Chapter 25. I am definitely, irrefutably and undeniably not wrong.
Chapter 26. Just when you start to get better, they come back.
Chapter 27. Who says heartbreaks require two souls?
Chapter 28. Escapism.
Chapter 29. Who started the fight?
Chapter 30. It's true, mother knows best.
Chapter 31. The older the wiser....?
Chapter 32. Pain is hereditary.
Chapter 33. Monotony
Chapter 34. He is what psychologists call cognitive dissonance.
Chapter 35. Speaking of the devil....
Chapter 36. Rumor has it...
Chapter 37. To whoever created detentions: lock yourself in one please.
Chapter 38. Time is worse than detention. It never stops.
Chapter 39. Pain is a great teacher. You never do it again.
Chapter 40. He needs therapy. ASAP.
Chapter 41. Run and hide between bookshelfs.
Chapter 42. I do strongly believe he does have a chemical imbalance.
Chapter 42. It is dangerous having a pretty smile.
Chapter 44. Of course my stupidities had to kick in.
Chapter 45. The problem is we are 2 overthinkers.
46. Is there a way to heal clumsiness? Or is that just fixed in my genes?
Chapter 47. Seriously, is he bipolar?
Chapter 48. What's the best way to say goodbye?
Chapter 49. The brain is easily fooled.
Chapter 50. Falling is easy.
Chapter 51. Can heart's synchronize?
Chapter 52. Could I?
Chapter 53. Torn between her and him.
Chapter 54. No matter how much I deviate I know the end of my journey
Chapter 55. Over thinking is overkilling
Chapter 56. I search for answers and find a photo.
Chapter 57. As simple as this.
Chapter 58. How do you know?

Chapter 16. The truth hurts the most.

4 1 0
بواسطة alizarragaa

A melancholic smile was soon caressed by my lips.

A bird, with a velvet chest prodding over the blank maroons of his chest, peeked shyly on the corner, distracting me from the insensitivity of my thoughts and lifting the line in my lips as well as my looks. The gentlemen, still entranced with the new acquisition, laughed and persuaded Gaston into sitting in our wooden rectangle. I smiled just at the mental picture of Gaston, his soul influenced his ego, as he  proclaimed himself as the king of hearts in this new school.

I laughed at his naivety, as no concrete walls actually existed in this micro society . Everyone knew everyone's secrets and all together were locked away, hid in plain sight and suppressed from the treacherous depths of each of our lonely hearts... Well, most of them.

And the guilty nudging needle soon pierced my stomach.

The conversation began with classic information about new clases, the grade they granted new teachers and the teasing of such. I dared to comment that the teachers, particularly my biology teacher, had impressed my heart: her kindness was visible through her words and excelled by her glistens in her eyes. The topic soon rose on how I handed out free hugs, still unsure about the importance it was given and the smiles it produced, i smiled and chuckled. Iam a nervous laugher.

I always knew the power of a hug or a smile, it's quite cute to see all of them learn now about a fact that had been part of my personality for so long. James demanded his hug too, so I stood with an audacious simper and satisfied his demand.

With the exception of my thoughts, all the girls began to chat about the new 'fine' acquisition. Just by that word, my stomach churning turned to hyperspeed and my mind spun across the kiosk. I smiled politley and pressed my lips together, hoping to hide the nauseating effect their words produced on me.

"What are your impressions?" Jane, as her curiousness defined her, was the first mouth to be opened, although I loved her character, I dreaded the non-existent  patience of it.

"I like him," Mary replied. "He seems kind...and fun" A friend would be an insufficient adjective for such a girl, she's Mary! Like I, her kindness radiates through her scorched crimson lips."Weren't there two?" She asked again. "I thought they were...At least they told us that...maybe I am wrong"

The comment petrified me from the insides; the coiling of my muscles now ached for immobility. I looked desperately away, hoping no one would see the stiffness in my lungs and the unnatural aspect I must have now.

"I think...." Jane mumbled, her eyes darting across the table into a figure, tall and lenient, that crouched and designated its back to our vision: the figure had a pale skin, and its neck, cringed downwards. His hair, dark like chocolate, was the only thing that could be seen that was not covered in clothes. His jeans were black and his blouse grey....but nothing despite the indifference in his neutral clothings sprung out: his step brother, on the contrary, wore bright colours and announced his presence in each beholder. But him....curling in his solitude with the boys of the soccer team, diminished his awareness. He, undignified, blended into the spectrum.

The acid did not hurdle up my flesh: it increased the sourness within it and concentrated the acuteness in its bite; but it never sprang up my throat. My heart, despite the uncontrollable quickness of its beats, silenced it's drilling. My breath gasped in an uncertain inhumanity.... his carelessness to me.

"I think he is the other one" Jane concluded

"I think he is" I answered....still with unbalanced bewilderment crawling at my sanity.

He didn't care about me. He didn't worry about me. He was here and he didn't even bother to seek me or see if I was okay.....I found that hard to believe, maybe it was my hurt ego talking, but it felt so unnatural. Because after such an intimate encounter as the one we had....I thought we had some sort of connection, something, besides the secret, that connected us.

 But it was true, we were strangers after all. 

He saved my life....but that doesn't make me his friend. 

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