The Devils Temptation {Bada L...

By InsaneMaker

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{First Book} In where two close friends finally meet again after years. Both ending in a terrible note and fe... More

{ Prologue }
{ Cast }
{ Cycle of life }
{ The Crew Members }
{ I'll show them who the better Kim is }
{Craving her attention}
{Worth so much more}
{More like my girl}
{ Her past }
{Seducing her}
{Mr. Steal Your Girl }
{ Recognition }
{ Class Mission }
{The Annoyed Leader}
{Friends Who Flirt?}
{Filming Class }
{ Can You See My Heart? }
{ A Crush? }
{ Best Friends Again }
{Kpop Challenge}
{ Leave Me Alone }
{Fear Of Abandonment}
{ Death Match}
{The Start Of Something}
{Pool Party}
{Mega Crew Mission}
{The Struggles}
{ The Unexpected }
{Filming Day}
{We Did It!}
{Old Friendships}
{She's Finally Happy}
{That's My Girl}
{Beach Date}
{The Blonde Era}
{Clingy Girlfriend}
{Cruel Society}
{Harsh Leaders}
{Birthday Date}
{One Big Family}
{Girls Supporting Girls}
{Finally Free}
{Leader; Leah}
{Hwasa Mission}
{No Bad Blood}
{Bada's Past}
{Queens Vs Queens}
{The Devil's Temptation}
{My home}
{Practice Before Finals}
{Finals pt.1}
{Important Announcement!}
{Final pt.2}
{The Finals}
{I Still Love Her}
{Second Story!}

{My Second Home}

895 59 2
By InsaneMaker

The first thing on Leah's to do list was to go visit her grandfather's grave. He's actually the first person she visits and sees once she lands in Mexico. She could care less about her needs just wanting to sit down and talk to him. She might not be able to hug nor see him again but her talking has always helped. In some way being able to talk to Bada so openly reminds her of her grandfather. Who she told everything to without feeling hesitate or embarrassed. The four girls understood better than anyone else that this wasn't only a stress relief but somewhat like therapy. They would always notice such a huge change in her after she spoke to her grandfather. Her mood seemed to brighten up and there was this glow tint upon her skin. Overall she looked happier than the last time they saw her. On the other hand the four girls decided to walk around the small plaza seeing all the small shopping stores. If anything they started to see why Leah has always been humble and appreciative of whatever she got. There wasn't much to the small town other than the cheerful people. The stores might be filled to the brim with clothes, toys, food, snacks and other objects but there were rarely any people.

Compared to America or Korea, there's only like ten person of a population in this town. The houses were a lot smaller built out of cement. The walls are painted in different bright colors making them stand out from one another. The stores were extremely tiny where you could easily knock an object off a shelf or bump into someone accidentally. Even the roads were slimmer making it hard for cars to go by. Some streets only had one way because of the smaller roads. The roads only became slimmer with the cars parked off to the side. The cars that stuck out half way while the other part was on top of the sidewalk. All the cars their eyes landed on were old fashioned. Most of them are not running anymore because people couldn't afford buying the missing pieces or having a mechanic replace everything. "I don't think we ever paid attention to this place." Yujin spoke, as she ran her fingers through her short hair. Her brown eyes wander around the streets. She smiled at a few kids who ran past them with money chasing an older man who pushed a cart filled with ice cream.

Rounding the corner they realize how on every corner instead of a gas station like other places. There's a smaller shop with snacks, candies, water and sodas. Miyeon raised a brow in surprise seeing a ten year old girl yell 'thank you' as she ran out of the store. On her right hand she held a bag filled with tortillas and the other a bottle of coke for her to share with her family. "It makes me almost feel.. Like we don't know unnie at all." Miyeon's small smile faded as she also observed her surroundings. They could hear the barking of a dog behind a fence as they walked by. Mina grabbed Ivy's hand tripping over a rock noticing how the sidewalks had huge holes on them. Her brown eyes traveled down the path seeing how it ended halfway and started a few houses down. Except this time there was a huge step meaning she had to jump over it. The raven haired girl let out a small sigh as she glanced up at the bright blue sky. "You guys never paid attention because Leah didn't allow you to. I think for the longest she was afraid of what you guys might think of her. Mostly where she came from."

The girls all stopped in their tracks turning to look at the older girl. Ivy bit her lower lip, shoving her hands into her front pockets. She too sometimes didn't understand Leah or what went on in her brain. She's known her the longest apart from the other girls and still had a hard time reading her. "Why would she think that way?" Mina asked, her arm wrapping around Ivy's. The older girl let out a small sigh, looking at the girls around her. She debated on telling them what she knew. Once she opened her mouth there wasn't going back. She didn't want to argue with Leah but she also didn't want to keep secrets between the girls. They were all a family after all. "Why don't I show you? You guys just have to promise you won't say anything to her." She placed her pinky out for them. Mina had been the first to wrap her own pinky with hers. Yujin became hesitant watching Miyeon join in as well. The three girls waited for her as she slowly intertwined her finger with them.

The Thailand girl let them down a rocky path past a small ranch that not only had a donkey tied to a tree trunk but a small dog guarding him. The dog is there not only to keep him company but for protection. Incase anyone wanted to steal him or other dogs tried to attack him.

Leah let out a small sigh feeling relief and refreshed to be back home. For once she didn't feel the need to hide her face nor wear headphones to block out the world. She actually enjoyed the sound of chatter mixed with laughter. Walking around the small market her eyes scanned the room in search of candles. She made it to the far end by buying more expensive candles which had pictures on the glass of Jesus and the Virgin Marie. She thanked the older woman as she searched for a flower shop wanting to buy him fresh flowers. She's aware they were going to last long but it's always the thought that counts. It's something she had learned from him. Although he couldn't buy her many things when she was younger he still made the effort to craft and make her things. Making her learn to treasure personal handmade gifts more. She smiled at an older man as she bought a bouquet of white lilies and a small purple flower crown to place on his tomb. Walking back to the center of the plaza to fetch herself a taxi she munched on Chancaquillas being one of her favorite Mexican snacks. (Chancaquillas, a delicious candy made from panela and pumpkin seeds.)

The graveyard wasn't far from the center point of the small town but it was still a very hard long walk. People suggest taking a taxi or driving yourself there. The amount of walking mixed with heading up a hill was enough to make your feet ache. Getting into the taxi she smiled at the driver as she pulled down her window taking another deep breath. It all felt surreal to her being back home and being able to enjoy the town once again. She truly loved the cleaner smell of Mexico not having to worry what lingers in the air. It was filled with dirt and naturally made her feel a lot calmer. To tell the truth she's always been an outdoor person. It's just Korea had more people than Mexico, making her feel a bit suffocated with the amount of people surrounding her, especially at grocery stores. Plus she also hated when people tried to come up to her and she would also build up anxiety just with the thought of someone glancing her way. Which led to her always having her headphones in and wearing a face mask. It was enough to assure her she would be fine. "Aren't you Maria's daughter? I'm one of her old school classmates." He glanced her way through the rear mirror. The distracted brunette girl looked away from the beautiful scenery in front of her. Her green blue eyes landed on the older tan male who offered her a kind smile.

It was common in Mexico for everyone to talk to everyone. In such a small town everyone knew each other and they could easily point out the travelers. "Yes, I'm her daughter." She responded back with a calm voice. No one truly knew what had happened between them nor why she hated her daughter so much. She was almost the exact resemblance of each other, except Leah did have a few Korean features she had gotten from her father.  The older man nodded his head as he kept his eyes focused on the road. "Are you visiting your family or just your grandfather like last time?" Her eyes remained on the road watching people walk by. She waved at a few neighbors she recognized with a smile on her face. Her hands landed back onto her lap as she continued to watch the busy roads. It's crazy to her how the roads here were filled with people and sometimes horses. There's barely any cars and taxis. It's common for people to walk because of how close everything is to each other.

Brushing her hair to the side she glanced at the driver who tapped his finger against the steering wheel. "I came with a few friends just to visit." The older man nodded his head. He didn't ask anymore questions and focused on the road. He could also see how distracted the girl had become as she stared out the window. She appreciated every second of being in Mexico bringing so many fond memories and feelings. In her eyes this place is beyond beautiful not only because of the amazing memories she has here but of the people and how welcome she always felt. For the longest this had become her safe quiet place, her escape from reality and hardships.

Ivy knocked on the gated door waiting patiently for a response. Her eyes peeked through the small hole to see if anyone was home. After a few minutes of waiting she pulled out her keys, unlocking the gated door. Yujin furrowed her eyes deeply as she turned to look at Miyeon who also had the same written expression on her face. They are confused at the fact she of all people has a key to this random home they have never seen or been to before. Lucky for them Leah's grandmother, two aunts and cousins had left early that morning to this church two hours away from Cerritos. They would be gone for the entire day allowing them to observe the home in peace. "This is her family's home." As the girls walked one by one into the home. Their eyes widened in shock seeing how much smaller the place actually was compared to the outside. From the huge gated fence and door, they couldn't see the somewhat medium size patio. There were marks on the concrete floor from the missing red truck. Miyeon walked further into the home, seeing a huge fireplace outside. Licking her lips she tilted her head to the side noticing how they had not only burnt wood logs but also books, journals and papers to keep the fire going.

Mina gulped down, noticing how the house extended weirdly vertically. There is an upstairs part which was disconnected from the rest of the home. Actually now that she looked at all clearly none of it was connected. She headed up a few small steps as she looked down at the door knob. Her hands stopped in front of it, seeing a string. A string she needed to pull in order to get into the room. She hesitated for a moment wondering what lay behind the white rusty door. She pulled the string making the door squeak gracing upon the floor. Her face fell seeing how small the shower truly was. It reminds her of the bathroom stalls from Korea. Not only that but the mirror cracked down the center. Her eyes wandered around seeing the pile of clothing on the left side thrown onto a wooden table. She looked down the further of the room seeing a washer and dryer which were broken. There's no used to them but they didn't know what to do with them either.

Miyeon walked into the kitchen letting out a small gasp at the state of it. They had a stove with no oven, next to it was a built sink made of nothing but by cement. She could tell someone had recently done the dishes due to the puddle of water underneath the rack. She realized how there weren't any decorations apart from the small curation on the window. Apart from that the room was empty with one small dining table in the center, on the far back was a wooden cabinet holding plates and cups. On the far left corner was a blue reusable plastic container with water. The strange thing about it is how it was propped on top of a high chair. Biting her lip she let out a shaky sigh unaware of this side of Leah's life. Yujin headed up the stairs intrigue with what she would find. A look of sadness appeared on her face seeing strings on top of the kitchen roof. She came across now dry clothes pinned down to the strings. Her brown eyes landed on a huge container filled with water. The same water they used to shower, wash clothes, mop and sometimes drink.

The girls met up in the center once again, Ivy sitting on a rocky chair as she stared down at her hands. The three girls standing outside the main bedroom of the house. Hesitate to open it and find out who it belonged to. Yujin had been the bravest out of the three pushing the door wide open. Her left eye twitched at the sight of a huge portrait of an older man. The same man that Leah loves uncontrollably and remembers him fondly. Her grandfather sat on a wooden rocking chair with his hands intertwined on top of his lap. He wore a blue collar shirt as he smiled at the camera. More like the person behind the lens who made funny jokes and remarks. Tears formed in her eyes, unable to walk further into the room. She walked out taking a deep breath in.

Arriving at the graveyard she thanked him, handing him the money. Without thinking she bowed her head as a habit from living in Korea. He didn't mention anything and wished her to have fun while she's in Mexico. The short girl rushed to the entrance saying good morning to a few staff members. Of course they recognized her knowing how many times she's come to visit his grave. Running through the place she followed the easily recognizable paths. The first path was built with red bricks leading to the center of the graveyard. Where they held the ceremony sending one last goodbye to the dead before burying them. She turned to the left, going down the rocky path she remembers once tripping over a tree branch.

Her eyes fell on the brick tombstone which belonged to a child. She reached into the bouquet of white roses pulling one out. She placed it on the grave as she made a cross, placing her hands together and bowed her head, sending respect to the lovely child. She skipped her way to his grave making sure she didn't accidentally step over someone else's. She's always been extremely respectful towards the other tombstones and people around her visiting. Once her eyes fell on the very familiar gray headstone a smile formed on her lips. She walked around it standing in front of it as she held her bags. "It's me, Luna. I'm back, abuelito." Tears formed in her eyes as they landed on the picture frame in front of his headstone. A tear rolled down her face, missing him more than anything. She blinked away the rest of the tears as she began to clean his concrete grave. She grabbed the flowers from the vase, throwing them out and refiling the water. She organized the new flowers onto it as she sat on the concrete platform. She looked up holding back her tears knowing how much she missed him.

She sat there for two hours talking to her grandfather about everything that happened so far. She liked being able to tell him about her day and how her life has turned out. She chuckled as she told him about her wonderful girlfriend who takes great care of her. She snacked on the chancaquillas, her eyes looking around the graveyard at the sound of people's footsteps or small chatter. It made her feel better knowing she wasn't the only one who came to talk to her loved ones. As she spoke to him her small smile never left her face. It didn't matter how much time had gone by, she would forever continue talking to him. She also talks to him whenever she stares at the moon at night. The reason her middle name was Luna had nothing to do with her mother. If anything, it had been her grandfather's wish for the baby to carry the name. The name once belonged to his mother who had passed away after she gave birth to her last child. Anything his eyes landed on the small beautiful fragile baby, he could see his mother in her eyes. She definitely had his mother's eyes. The first time he held the baby he cried non-stop holding onto her for dear life. She had truly been a blessing sent from above.

As he got to know the child more he realized how similar both girls were. She scrunch her nose at things she found cute or adorable. She would tilt her head to the side aunty times she was confused or offer someone a kind smile. She would run her fingers through her hair pushing it out of her face when she spoke to someone. It all reminds him of her mother, someone he learned to love and cherish dearly. He truly had loved his granddaughter like no other. The love he had for her was nothing compared to the one he had for his own children. His children would constantly tell him how much they love him but the love they gave him wasn't half of the love he gave them when they were children. When his own kids started to grow older they started to forget about their own father. When he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and really high blood pressure almost leading to diabetes. None of them rushed to help him nor constantly nagged him to take his medications. No one other than his Luna.

The younger girl would nag and force him to take his medication. It was funny to watch them especially because he was the adult being lectured by a seven year old regarding his health.  He would take the medicine offering the girl a tight smile. That wasn't enough for her so she made him open his mouth to see if he actually took the medicine. She constantly checked his vitals with a machine sent by a doctor to see how his blood pressure was doing. Whenever his blood pressure was too low she would hand him a lollipop making a huge grin appear on his face. He made sure to always protect and defend her from her mother. He could only do so much since he lived in Mexico but he tried his very best. He would always take her out for a walk or to buy her things. He really treasured her above everyone else in this cruel world. Letting a small sigh Leah stood up from her seat, her green blue eyes glued to her grandfather's picture frame. She closed her eyes, placing her hands together as she bowed her head. "I'll be back tomorrow, I promise. I won't leave without saying goodbye like always." She placed her right hand on her lips sending him a kiss before leaving. Part of her hated leaving him behind in this place but deep down she knew there wasn't anything she could do. She didn't get a say on his body being buried or cremated. All she could do was come visit him whenever she had the chance.

The girls spent the entire day together, Mina attached to Leah's arm as they walked around the plaza. The brunette girl giggling at the sight of the four girls trying on hats. She scrunch her nose taking pictures of them as they posed in front of a mirror. Ivy raised her right hand up into the air with a bright smile and a mariachi hat on her head. Yujin moonwalked towards them wearing a black cowboy hat. She bit her lower lip nudging her head, sending a wink at the camera. Miyeon hugged the older girl tightly, wearing a sombrero over her head. They both giggled as Leah started to record them loving every second she got to spend with them. Mina turned around wearing a bigger mariachi black hat, she had to hold it up with her hands because of how heavy it was. Leaving the store she waved goodbye at the older man who smiled widely seeing the young girls goof around. Mina dragged Leah into a wooden toy store seeing a few things that peaked her interest. Her eyes landing on a wooden toy, she grabbed it holding it in her head. Her brows furrowed as she tried to figure out why there were two pieces to it and a string attached.

The half Mexican Korean girl grabbed the wooden toy from her hands. "This is called a Balero. You basically swing the top which is a barril (barrel) around getting it into the stick. It used to be my abuelito's favorite toy to help pass time." Ivy records both girls remembering to vlog the whole trip. She couldn't help but smile at the sight of Leah who glowed. Her eyes sparkled being able to talk about her culture and be back home. The girl walked around examining the toys. She placed her chin on Yujin's shoulder, noticing how she seemed to be intrance with a specific toy. She examined it carefully not knowing how to work it or play with it. Yujin looked to her side offering the toy to Leah who took it from her hands. "Trompo (Spinning top with winding strings), you basically pull the string with all your strength and watch it spin on the ground. I'll show you." She collected the toy alongside the one Mina had been looking at. She paid for the toys as they made their way back to an empty place. She showed them how to properly use the toy seeing how surprised and entertained they got. Yujin spined the Trompo around screaming in excitement as it spined in full force.

Her first instinct was to attack Leah into a hug as she continued to watch the toy. Mina jumped up and down clapping her hands once she got the barrel into the stick. Both Ivy and Leah made sure to record their reactions loving how they were enjoying themselves. The day continued with them having a huge dinner together, they ended up going into a restaurant. Leah recommended it of course since it was always packed because of how good the food is. She ordered herself some Enchiladas Verdes which came with rice and beans. She made sure to share her food with the girls to see their reactions. Miyeon instantly fell in love with the food. Her eyes went huge as she said 'mhm.' She immediately asked Leah for another bite, loving the texture and flavor of it. "Unnie, what do you think of being back? How does it feel?" The brunette girl lifted her gaze landing on Mina who held the camera. She licked her lips reaching over for a napkin as she finished chewing her food. When it came to food the girls always seemed to ask her questions when her mouth was stuffed.

Leah wiped her mouth as she reached over for her coke taking a sip. She cleared her throat as her eyes glanced around the restaurant. "It feels good to be back, everything is still the same. I'm glad nothing has changed at all. I think I'm more excited because I actually get to spend time with you guys and show you my culture. The last time we were here we only had time to visit mi abuelo and have dinner." Yujin nodded in agreement as she blew on her spoon. She carefully sipped the pozole making sure not to burn herself. She had pulled her hair into a low ponytail keeping it away from her face. "That's right, the last time we were here we didn't get to see much of this place. I'm glad we got to come even if it's for the weekend." The camera turned to her direction as she stirred her soup carefully. Her eyes landed on the brunette girl who smiled. Leah took another bite of her food enjoying every delicious savory bite.

"Now that I think of it, what made you guys want to come here?" Leah asked out of pure curiosity. She never imagined that her girls would want to spend time in Mexico. I mean she wasn't born nor raised here but she still spent most of her summers with her family. Grabbing a hair clip from her bag she pulled her hair up and away from her face. Pieces of hair falling in front of her face to make her seem somewhat presentable. "We thought we could all use a small break in between shooting especially since the final is approaching. We have all been working nonstop that we thought we deserve a break. Our first thought was to go to Thailand but Bada unnie told us it would be better to go to Mexico. Since you haven't been here in a year, it would brighten up your mood to see your second hometown." Miyeon was the one to say this time. She held a hand in front of her mouth as she was still chewing her food. They all watched how a small pink shade of blush appeared on her cheeks. The corner of her lips turned up into a smile at the sound of her girlfriend's name. They could all see how much they meant for each other and the love between them. They have never truly seen Leah this happy before.

Mina and Miyeon both dragged their leader towards a studio they had rented out for the night. They would be having a few drinks and doing kareoke. It was the most simplest yet meaningful day for Leah. Her brown sandals crunch against the rocky path as they arrive at their destination. They rush her inside instantly starting to set the table with cups and bottles of liquor. A small yawn escaped her lips as she took a seat on the brown leather couch. Ivy handed her a mug filled with vodka mixed with sprite. She sat on the further end of the couch watching her beautiful girls sing their hearts out. Her eyes turned into doe as she saw how Mina jumped on top of the couch screaming her lungs out into the microphone. She pointed at Miyeon and threw her hair around in excitement. Yujin chuckled softly as she downed her drink in a matter of seconds before joining in. She wrapped an arm around Ivy's shoulders as they both swayed side to side singing. They were truly her happiness along with Bada and her brothers.

Ivy danced around as she grabbed her brunette's hand dragging her towards the center of the room. She handed her one of the microphones, encouraging her to start singing as well. She shook her head no, not wanting to be part of it but the girls made sure to dance around her. Miyeon leaned back against her, shaking her shoulders as she sang to Queencard. Mina and Yujin danced together, the red headed girl moving to one side while the other girl moved the opposite side. Ivy rushed to the camera making sure it was still recording. Once the song came to an end Yujin threw her hand over Leah's shoulder flipping her hair to the side. She gave her a smirk as the next song played which is one of Leah's favorites. The older girl smirked, taking the microphone from Yujin's hand. She threw her hair behind her shoulders as she moved to the microphone stand. She placed the microphone on it as her eyes landed on Ivy. "Start it again and play it louder!" The younger girls screamed in excitement retrieving their phones to record this moment.

As the song started to play she closed her eyes singing the words seeing her girlfriend's face imprinted into her mind. "Te presto mis ojos, para que veas lo hermosa que eres, mmh. Te presto mis manos para que toques las nubes si quieres, oh, oh, oh." (I'll lend you my eyes, so you can see how beautiful you are, mmh. I'll lend you my hands so you can touch the clouds if you want, oh, oh, oh.) She slowly walked to the right following Ivy who filmed her with a smile behind the camera. Leah ran her fingers through her hair as she tilted the mic stand to the side dragging it with her. Her right hand came up into the air. "Te presto mis dedos para que recuerdes todo lo que hicimos esa noche del viernes. Te presto mis besos y me los devuelves así tengo una excusa para volver a verte." (I'll lend you my fingers so you can remember everything we did that Friday night. I'll led you my kisses so you can return them so I have an excuse to see you again.)

Yujin's mouth fell wide open hearing her angelic voice. She had never heard Leah sing before and to tell the truth it was quite shocking. Her voice was softer as she sang in spanish. Her hips swayed with the beat as she tossed her hair around. She removed the microphone from the stand, throwing it on the ground. She jumped on top of the couch as turned around swaying her hips.

"Amigos con derechos y todos tus derechos. Te los quitas conmigo como nadie lo había hecho. Amigos con derechos que sea nuestro secreto." (Friends with benefits and all your rights. You take it out on me like no one else has done before. 'Friends with benefits, let it be our secret.) She tossed her hair to the side as she jumped off the couch. She left wrapping around Miyeon who began to dance with her. Both of them swayed their hips enjoying the song and rhythm of it. Leah brought her hands up starting to clap to the beat as she danced what would be considered bachata.

The movements were slow but steady adding more to the song. Miyeon intertwined her hand with her, causing the older girl to raise her hand as she spinned her. Mina yelled, feeling flustered from the small action. She wasn't the one dancing nor being spinned around by Leah but her heart couldn't help but flutter. The older girl always knew how to flirt and get someone to fall for her without trying. Her actions spoke louder than words causing many people to fall for her. She stood on top of the wooden table as she started to rap while the girls hyped her up. "Eran las ocho y quince en la plaza de San Juan. Ibas caminando con un par de amigas más te hacías la juguetona, como que no quiere la cosa. Me tiraste una mirada misteriosa, yeah." (It was eight fifteen in the Plaza de San Juan. You were walking with a couple of your friends, you acted playful as if you didn't want the thing. You gave me a mysterious look, yeah.)

The song kept repeating the same lyrics as she danced around the room. Sweat formed on her neck as she focused on her hips while she danced. She ran her right hand through her hair pulling it up as she tossed her head back. She smirked at the camera as the song started to come to an end. She kissed her two fingers sending a kiss as she winked. That was enough to get her to join in with the other girls. She spent most of the time laughing her ass off as the girls. She would constantly fall onto the ground watching how Yujin tried to act sexy by twerking like Tina from Bob's Burgers. Mina ended up joining her except she pumped her arms out in front of her as her ass shook. Ivy and Miyeon didn't take long to join in, both of them placing their hands on the younger girl's shoulder. At one point they ended up having a small dance battle where Leah popped her chest out to Ivy. Who didn't know if she should run or battle back. You could clearly see the panic in her face. When the song came to an end they stared at each other with straight faces busting out into loud laughter. Leah leaned her forehead against her shoulder as Ivy wrapped her arms around the younger girl.

The next song that played had Yujin dancing like a mad woman around the studio. She shook her shoulders at Leah who leaned back and replicated her movement. Both girls smiled as they went along with it. They mimic each other's actions with sweat forming on their forehead from the amount of singing and dancing they have done.

-I know I didn't include Bada in this chapter but I wanted to write more about my girls. Plus the final is coming out sooner than expected and I also wanted you guys to experience more of Eterna's vibes and family time! I hope you had or have a great day! - Luv Lizzie <3

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