Mess of a life [remake]

By Blxnkvic

121 24 11

One day, a portal appears and he got out of the hell. He doesn't know how he got out. He's in a city and a dr... More

Chapter One: Awakening
Chapter Two: Job hunting
Chapter Three: Old friends
Chapter Four: Help & Thoughts
Chapter Five: Harsh
Chapter Six: Memories
Chapter Seven: Chill Day
Chapter Eight: Wannabes
Chapter Nine: Ideals
Chapter 10: Changes
Chapter Eleven: Quiet
Chapter Twelve: The snow
Chapter Thirteen: Destined
Chapter Fourteen: Water Pt. 1
Chapter Fifteen: Water Pt. 2
Chapter 16: The lies
Chapter Seventeen: Is this the truth?
Chapter Nineteen: Terms Pt.2
Chapter Twenty: Enter Earth

Chapter Eighteen: Father Pt. 1

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By Blxnkvic

The boss had pale skin with a mix of tan, brown hair that was a mix of fluff, messy and at the same time well kept with gel, a beard with some white hairs. It wasn't messy Brown eyes, 2 moles under his right eye. He wore a black suit with a white buttoned shirt under need that had the sleeves rolled up. Black pants with black shoes. On his left arm was a tattoo that he got when he was younger. He was sitting at the head of the table in the dining room. glaring at Alakai and Dorian.

Silence thickening by every tick sound made by the grandfather clock, no one has said anything at all. The boss's wife Tressa, who was a blonde with black highlights with long hair that was down to her waist but it was wavy. hazel eyes, a mix of pale and tan skin with freckles on her arms and face. She wore a black dress that hugged her body well and looked amazing.

The dining room was a huge room. With the long table he was sitting at. Tressa sat next to him, fixing her makeup with the small handheld mirror she had. There were paintings decorating the white walls with golden designs on it. Like squiggles.

"Boss,". Alakai asked, trying to break the silence. Eyes glaring at him.

"I know I didn't disclose what state to bring the boy back but I didn't imagine in this state". He replied. Dorian got frustrated and let out a heavy sigh.

"Nothing can make this man happy huh?!". He yelled.

"Coming from the sand demon that doesn't do rules, tell me who was it that got kicked out?". The boss asked, Dorian grumbled. Tressa rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Dear can you get these freaks out of our dining room, they are cramping my style". She spoke while looking in the mirror.

"The only freak that's cramping your style is that plastic surgery ya got there. Sure you ain't giving your kid a nightmare". Dorian laughed and she glared at him.

"Don't make me turn you into a sandy mud,". She threatened.

"Why you little!-".

"Enough!". Alakai cut them both off, now the silence returned. Boss was silent.

"Someone fetch the boy,". He said and Alakai left the room, walking through hallways, Dorian followed behind not wanting to be around the 2 humans. He was still grumpy about the whole interaction between him and Tressa. Leaning against the wall was Ridge, who was a pale guy, around 5 '7-5' 9 and around the age of 19-21. He had white hair with blue fade. 2 black horns that curl back a little like dragon horns. Gold eyes with his right eye that has a white pupil and his left eye with a black pupil. He was wearing a black scarf around his neck, a black jacket over his black and white shirt. He had a utility belt around his waist. Black cargo pants and combat boots (For those who haven't seen the announcement Ray's name was changed to Ridge). He was glaring at his master with arms crossed. His teeth are grinding somewhat.

"Still upset over this matter?". Alakai asked.

"Well the demon should already face the council!". Ridge yelled.

"There are some issues that need to be sorted out before that, young one". He answered, but that wasn't the answer Ridge wanted to hear.

"He should be in court already!". He yelled trying to make his point.


Jay was unconscious in a room, laying down on a bed. His eyes slowly opened as he came to, groaning. Feeling his head is spinning. He sat up and looked around the room. It wasn't familiar to him at all. The walls were dark blue with light blue stripes decorating the wall. Star stickers along with the decoration. He sat up looking around the room he assumed was a child's room. There was a kid sized desk with a chair, mirror and toy box with other toys on the floor. Where was he? His head was still hurting and got up from the bed and started walking towards the door. As it opened there was a little kid standing outside holding a stuffed animal.

"Uh can I help you?". He asked.

"Is that real?". The kid asked, pointing to the horns and tail. Jay's tail swayed back and forth which was cute.

"Uh yea,". He responded.

"Cool! I'm Brayden!". The kid introduced himself. Brayden seemed to be around 6-7 years old. Pale skin, dirty blonde hair that was fluffy. Similar to Jay's. Hazel eyes. He wore a white baggy t-shirt with some cartoon character on it and to tie the outfit, baggy gray sweatpants and bear slippers. The kid's name was awfully similar to Jay's full name but he didn't think much of it and brushed it off.

"That's nice, I'm Jay". He introduced himself.

"Wow! That's a cooler name than mine!". The kid exclaimed. Part of him wasn't sure to amuse that child but there wasn't no time to consider the other option as Alakai and Dorian walked up to the demon and the child.

"Alakai!". The kid shouted and ran towards the dragon. Jay glared at the two, being sorta standoffish with them.

"Relax demon, this is a truce". The dragon spoke.

"Yea even if we did fight, the boss would have our heads!". Dorian jokes.

"Whatever, just follow us". He was annoyed and started walking back from where they came from. Jay followed behind but kept his guard up. Walking through the big hallway with windows decorating one side so you can see the good view of the city below. Really high up. The kid was following behind so there wasn't really any worry. It was silent though, awkwardness was filling up the silent tension. What can you say to a guy who tried to kill you when you first got out of a portal and some sand freak? Hi, how are you? That wouldn't cut it at all and besides there's a kid here and the minute things turn hostile. It isn't gonna look good.

The tension thickened more as the 4 continued walking, not making this any more comfortable and it was clear that no conversation was going to start. Alakai turned around and took one good look at Jay who stopped and glared at him.

"For a half demon you sure have guts,". He spoke.

"For a dragon you sure are cold blooded,". Jay shot back. A smirk appeared on his face. "After this. I will kill you". The silence returned. Dorian laughed a little.

"So who was that creature we met?". Dorian asked. Jay looked away as a response. He wished he could tell him what's going on but alas he can't. So silence was all he could give at the moment. When the 4 arrived at the dining room, there was a huge door, not massive or medieval giant doors that look like gates. Just a normal sized door.

"Listen here, do not start any fights. Physical or verbally". Alakai spoke, stating some ground rules.
"And ignore the bitch with plastic surgery,". Dorian chuckled a little and the ice dragon hit him in the arm. Now Jay was confused, what the fuck do they both mean? Brayden didn't pay attention at all as he was playing with the stuffed animal just in his own little world. Just doing what he wants. Alakai opened the door to the big dining room and walked in, then it was Dorian and last was Jay as the kid ran towards his mom. The demon looked around the dining room, then his eyes moved to the boss and they widened, body staying in place, heart beating fast, lump form in the throat, brain yelled "move" the body stayed in place. The boss on the other hand watched, face not changing his neutral expression, eyes watching every movement that was made.

"I want everyone gone, now". He said and everyone did, leaving him and Jay, the thick tension grew. "I didn't think we would reunite this late,".

"Y-yea,". Was all the demon could muster out. "Where's mum?". A heavy sigh was let out.

"We divorced,". He spat out, with no emotion. Just straightforward and serious. The face expression was still the same, no matter what. The tone was even empty. Jay's eyes widen, now taking in this new information, filled with shock. Him and mum are no longer together?!

"W-what happened? Why aren't you guys... together?". He asked. The boss got up from his chair and walked towards him.

"What happened... was you. Our frustrations were about... you". He spoke again. That was the biggest shock ever to Jay, to think that the marriage crumbled because of, that wracked his mind, damaging you could say. He felt his heart and soul splitting in half at the same time, his brain overflowed with new information coming, it's just something that couldn't wrap around. It felt like... it was his fault.

"I-I..I-I didn't know... I didn't think this would.. Happen". He croaked out as tears threatened to shed. Hands shaking, trying his best to hold back the tears. He thought it would stay the same, it would be the same the way he left it as before, mom welcoming back home with open arms. His shaking hands then clenched closed, eyes watering.

"I-I... thought it would be the same...". His voice breaking.

"Things changed,". The boss spoke in his harsh tone then walked away leaving his son to deal with a mess of feelings filling him and a tear shed, rolling down his face, letting out quiet choked sobs. The emotions just burst out with the shock, wiping the tears away with his arm as his sleeves were ripped then took deep breaths trying to calm the nerves. His breathing was heavy and pounding in his chest was loud, ringing in his ear, this wasn't helping anything and the fact that he was alone in the huge dining room just made everything worse. Nothing was helping, the urge to leave this place was arising, it wasn't an urge it was more of a need.

Alakai was standing outside of the dining room trying to calm down Ridge while Dorian was listening in on the conversation that was happening inside the room when the door swung open and hit him in the face, a small red bruise appeared on his face. He glared at whoever opened the door, which was the boss and that glare was quickly wiped off. Alakai found it funny though.

"The tournament is starting?". He asked, looking at the ice dragon.

"Yes, in 10 days. Heaven is broadcasting it. Have they gone mad?". He explained.

"That is the question that will never get answered as this is the first time they have done this". He stated. "The boy will remain here as... I have questions that need answering". Then he started walking towards the office, leaving the two dragons and the sand demon alone to deal with their problems or not problems.


Rose, Akuji and Anahita staring down at a lake. The small demon was confused as she kicked rocks into the lake hoping to hit something or someone, it would fuel her humor to watch a fish float up and blood started spilling into the water. The dark thoughts that run through her evil little. Akuji was silent doing an incantation, light blue marks started to appear on his skin, from his arms to the face. Something started happening in the water, a small portal opened showing a kind of tube. Rose found that odd and the water demon ended the incantation. The three were about to move when a rock wall appeared in front of them. Confusion was on their face but Akuji realized what this was as his eyes widened and he turned around.

There was a tall man, who had a buff physique and seemed to be around 6' 5-6' 6 and looked to be the age of 29 . Black wavy hair to split in the middle. Dark blue eyes and 2 Large brown horns protruding on his head, a goatee or beard on his chin with a small smirk on his face, a small lip scar on the left corner of his mouth. A black buttoned up shirt with the buttons stopping at his chest and kinda loose pants and classic black shoes. One hand was lifted up, and seemed to be covered in rocks which seemed to point out his abilities were in use.

"Azazel...". He spoke.

"Mind telling me what the fuck is going on?". Azazel asked.

"What do you mean?". Akuji responded.

"Well for once, there's a huge spike of demon skin I can sense a fucking mile away". He got close to the water demon's face, eyes glaring at him. "And our dear old master is giving us a lovely task which is the tournament".

"Holy shit! We're invited to the tournament?!". Rose yelled excitedly, bloodlust filling her eyes. Azazel's eyes moved to the small demon, the seriousness of his face not changing. He couldn't sense anything from her. The fallen angel bond was showing.

"You're... like me". He spoke.

"Look Az- now isn't the time for fights,". Akuji replied. He was silent and let out a heavy sigh.

"We'll talk later, at the abandoned subway station,". The rocks fell from his hand to show he stopped using his abilities. "But whoever's emitting that huge spike of demonic energy, I will deal with them". He left and walked away, fading away into the shadows. Whatever tension that was there disappeared and Akuji let out a small sigh of relief.

"So who was that?". Rose asked.

"Mine and Jay's eldest brother...". He answered.

"So he doesn't know that he's gonna kill his little bro? That's funny". She joked.

"But it won't be only Azazel who's after him, but let's not waste time and dwell on the fact that we must go". He jumped into the tube, Anahita followed behind and he caught her. The small demon phased through the tube. Walking deeper it was an underwater city that went as wide, it even went past the lake's bounds and a surprise that the whole thing didn't cave in. The two water nymphs were used to this while the small demon was taking in every feature possible. The fish swimming, even the water nymphs that are native here are swimming with them and what makes everything look so cool was how the structures looked.

There was another water nymph glaring at Akuji standing in the way, his eyes were mostly focused on Rose, like an intruder had ruined this sacred place. The water demon returned the glare back of course as both of them had never once got alone. Mutually or like acquaintances as they can never see side to eye and the nymph doesn't approve of Akuji dating Anahita but the one thing that he was mostly disapproving of was him being half water nymph, half human and demon and So the mini tension was growing. Rose rolled eyes as she wanted to run through the halls, cause chaos, do whatever she wanted to do as Jay wasn't here to stop her. No one. Freedom at her hands. So that's what she did, running past everyone and shoving the nymph but it was foiled by a water bubble forming around her, holding in place. That idea was ruined and she pouted.

"Why is there an Earth-breather here? You know it's against our tribe rules". He said.

"I know Tal, but something happened and I... need her help". Akuji explained. The nymph who is now known as Tal was a tan with marks on his face, kinda like whiskers and trailed down to his arms wrapping around it like a snake. Tal seemed to be around the height of 6' 3 and the age of 21. He had a semi buff physique, gils on his neck and scales trailing on his shoulders. joLight blue hair that was fluffy, the types faded to white. The outfit he had consisted of a kinda blue and cyan color with white lining, on the shoulders it was gems with white. Then a see through baggy sleeves reaching to the wrists with cuffs that had another gem. At the waist there was a cloth reaching down to his knees and last but not least the shoes which were a dark blue color with a small gem on it.

Rose was pouting in the floating water bubble and using her tail to pop the bubble, Tal glared at her kinda annoyed at her actions and also for the fact that she might disturb any peace they already have. Which was obvious.

"Look, she won't cause any trouble. I promise". Akuji spoke looking at the small demon detaching her head from her body and throwing it up in the air, kinda playing catch. That was morbid as hell. It freaked Anahita out a little.

"Don't keep promises you can't keep, tainted". Tal harshly spoke. "One day you will be exiled from our tribe and I will only give you a smile as you depart". His hands clenched tightly on the spear he was holding.

"Then I shall make you wait for that day longer,". He responded in the same tone.

"Tal, why are you here anyways? Has something happened?". Anahita asked, trying to change the topic.

"One of our own, Serik has a bounty placed on his head by that horrid human group and has not returned". Tal explained. "Everyone fears that he has been killed but the signs have not shown, we have not sensed his soul departing from these waters". Eyes looked down trying not to fear the worst and keep a positive mindset as these minutes go on.

"The timing on this is wonderful!". Rose yelled.

"What?". He asked, eyes glaring at her now.

"You losers haven't heard?". She teased a little, Akuji signaled her to shut up, he didn't need to know what was going on in the background. This needed to be kept secret no matter what.

"Don't worry about it Tal, I hope Serik is alright and that he returns home". Akuji quickly spoke as a cover up and walked past him.

"Whatever it is that's going on. I will find out as I know everything". He menacingly spoke. Akuji grabbed Rose by the hoodie, lifting her up and quickly making his way to his home, Anahita followed behind. The three arrived and let go of her hoodie. The house was a small 1 bedroom house with the inside being made of bamboo or maybe palm which gave it a nice aesthetic, a L shaped couch in the right corner of the living room they were in at the moment and the only a small table with a few books decorating it, and surprisingly there's a box tv with color? The one from the 1950s. Are the nymphs really that behind with the times? Rose was just confused with all of this. Next to the couch and tv was a bookshelf with different variations of books: Magic books, romance books, mystery books. Like the typical books you'd get at a bookstore. There were even fantasy and comic books.

Akuji was clearly frustrated with all of this, everything that's been happening and new situations popping up left and right and the only thing that's been the only quiet talk that's been is the tournament and it was his responsibility making sure that the water nymphs even the other nymphs like fire, ice, earth, air, light, etc etc don't catch wind of this at all. He looked at Rose who looked like a child that found their favorite comic book and who else but Anahita found this cute.

"So why didn't you let me tell that Tal guy?". She asked.

"Water nymphs have a lot of things on our hands and telling them about the upcoming thing... is gonna bring worry as we believe the myth that everytime hell wins we are gonna be attacked". He explained.

"Why?". She asked.

"Well... years ago other creatures besides the fallen, demons and angels were allowed to join into the fight until a nymph, a tainted unclaimed one attacked The King of Hell as it took place there and he was watching the tournament as a game". He explained further. "He was unsuccessful of course then that caused more to follow and soon enough all the other creatures got banned and now limited to The Fallen, demons and angels". Rose stared at him for a few minutes.

"The fallen are allowed?". She asked again.

"As pity,". Anahita spoke. "The fallen have the worst reputation and Heaven 'feels bad' for them so they let them join for pity knowing they'll get killed early". Now that sucked, especially for Rose.

"So what now?". She asked.

"We wait, a horn will be announced, and Heaven will open the portals". Akuji respondes.


Jay was sitting on the bed, still shaken up from what his father said, and the silence was just filling everything. The slight noise of the heater was heard which also filled the room. Eyes staring at the floor and his quiet breathing being heard by him. There were so many things going through his mind to the point there was no point keeping up with it as it's just constantly flooding. The door opened and it was Alakai, cold eyes glaring at him. He pulled a chair up and sat in front of him, analyzing him, reading every corner that was possible. Just trying to understand.

Jay's eyes slowly looked at the dragon. Broken eyes staring back at him words that won't come out of his mouth. It can't. None he could think of, the only question was: "Why is he here?". The ice dragon took a heavy sigh.

"Look, I know we don't see eye to eye, but a job is a job and after this I will take you to the court". He spoke. The silence was suffocating for Jay, that is, he just stared at him.

"Why are you talking to me,". He asked.

"It's a lot to handle isn't it? Tournament, family problems and now... the court". He added more.

"Are you doing this out of pity?". Jay asked, Alakai was silent for a minute.

"I'm coming from a place of neutrality, I can sympathize with you because you were just a kid but I can't ignore the actions you committed and refuse to admit". Alakai spoke.

"I told you! I didn't do it! I didn't slaughter anyone!". Jay yelled.

"And I told you also, the evidence is damning". Alakai harshly stated, he wasn't wrong though. Never was. The demon was silent, and looked at the ground.

"I don't care, I didn't do it". He answered.

"Whatever you believe,". The dragon spoke and got up.

"Then what of that thing said in the Delta building?". Jay asked in a challenging way and Alakai didn't answer as it caught him off guard. It took him a minute to answer, he couldn't doubt the evidence though everything was there and confirmed by DNA test of the blood that was on every scene. It was a match. Alakai was silent as a response to the sound of the heater increasing by every moment, slowly turning into suffocating.

"How long have you known my father?". He questioned trying to break the silence.

"Long enough, he saved my life and I owe him everything after my clan exiled me". Alakai answered.

"You were exiled?". The demon asked.

"Answer this question, how many protectors does the world have?". He asked.

"20?". Jay answered.

"4. Angels, demons, dragons, and humans''. He gave a definite answer. "Angels protect the good nature of the world, make sure they are on the right path, Demons protect the world for their own selfish needs, they do not fully follow the rules of the King of hell or heaven, Dragons protect the world believing that their word is law and for the good of everyone, and last the Humans who only care for themselves and take everything. You all believe you're saving everyone but only harming them. Selfish beings". He glared at the demon in the eyes, making sure every word that was spoken was heard. To Jay though it all sounded stupid as hell. None of it made sense.

"It just sounds like you all are fighting non-stop trying to prove which methods are better to save and protect everyone but you sound selfish. Especially dragons. Heaven... I can't say much about it only from what Rose told me but I know they are in good faith, there are just some corrupt angels". He spoke. Alakai felt offended that the demon called him selfish, his ego and honor were called out. Even about his kind, eyes were glaring at him filled with anger.

"Listen here, you take that back demon. You are not one to talk about selfishness!". He shouted a little.

"But am I really a demon? I'm only half ya know, I may look like one but I feel human". He responded, eyes looking down at the floor, vision feeling twisted, hands flashing blood covering dripping down to the ground. When he looked up bodies were everywhere. Slaughtered, covered in slashes and blood. Instead of the heater filling the room it was a heartbeat filling his ears and breathing felt intense. Why was this happening? Why? It was over wasn't it? Then the laughter echoed, that evil crooked laughter along with that heartbeat and in the center of the pile of bodies was... the creator. Holding his soul but with no ties. The breathing quickened turning into hyperventilation causing the vision to get blurred, the face of the creator fading away with the rest of the.

It all got clear quickly as he felt someone shaking her and the sight of the dead bodies and the creators changed to Alakai, helping snap it out of whatever had a hold on him. The hyperventilation went away and everything was clear. The serious face of Alakai was all he could see. Golden eyes peering into his.

"Is everything ok? I can't have you passing out". He said.

"Whatever,". That was all Jay could mutter out.

"You have changed to be honest, you aren't the scared little boy that faced the council years ago but I still sense it". Alakai spoke. Jay didn't respond, he was just silent then there was a knock on the door which opened and revealed to be The boss or his father.

"Leave us,". That was all he said and that request was immediately obeyed as the dragon left the room, the eyes of the boss was looking at Jay analyzing everything. The tension felt heavy.

"So... you're what? 16? 17?". He asked, trying to have some small talk between father and son.

"18,". Jay responded harshly.

"Well it's been years,". The response was ignorant. "We have things to talk about more in depth,". He turned around facing towards the door singling Jay to follow him which he did, the two walked through the halls making their way to the office. When the two arrived the Boss sat down at the desk and faced his son, the conversation between the two about to start.

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