Locked (Emison)


251K 7.8K 1.8K

Alison Dilaurentis, the new one in here. Shy, unconfident, betrayed. Emily Fields, mysterious, does whatever... Еще

Fucked up
"We're gonna have fun"
The war begins
Problem just arrived
Bad idea?
Filthy games
Throw it all away
Expressing what i feel
Funny games
Kind of screwed
Opening started
Not what we planned
Ending this shit for good
Bitches around
Time keeps passing
That surname...
This just started
Suprise surprise
Lost it
Perfect plan
Don't even try it
I don't know if there's a solution
Can't fight this feeling
Need some time
No regrets
Our turn
A step ahead...
Hide? Not anymore
You're not allowed
Little surprise
How could this happen
No place like this
The end?
Last day
This place
New Alison
The last plan
See you
During darkness
Starting a new life
This is it
Author's note

New girl

8.3K 228 174

Alison's POV

I wake up with the automatic lights they have to wake us up. They turn them on and some guards tell us to wake up if we don't want to miss the breakfast time. I've been here for four days, I think today is my last day under observation. I did all they told to do, I didn't cause any trouble so I think I'll be able to be "free" tomorrow. I wake up and put on my shoes, the free inmates have now shower time, but we have first breakfast so we won't talk with them. They put on the handcuffs, only on my hand and just to walk to the room where we eat. The guards who work in the kitchen are so rude, but I think it's because they're tired of this. They make me sit and they take off my handcuffs, they give me a tray with a little milk box, a glass and a few cookies. We are only six people in here right now, I think most of them are new like me and they are in observation too. I start to eat, quiet and trying not to make noise.

"Hey, I'm Jenna, are you new here?" A girl in front of me asks with a nice voice.

I look at her, she looks like a good person. Well, we're in prison, I can't trust anybody. I look at her for a few more seconds, she's waiting for my answer. She doesn't look bad, and it won't be bad to know someone in here.

"Hi, I'm Alison and yes, I'm new here, are you?" I ask her.

"Oh no, I've been here for three years" She says biting one of her cookies.

She looks a little bit older than me, I'm only 21. Anyway, curiosity is killing me, what is she doing here? I mean, in observation.

"Why are you under observation?" I ask her curious.

"I got in trouble" She says opening the milk box and put it on the glass.

I do the same, I'm pretty hungry. So it's true if you make any trouble, even if it's little you'll lose all your rights and get I observation again, I have to be worried.

"What happened?" I ask her. I want to know to be careful.

"That bitch made me look guilty of something she did" She says kind of angry, I don't know who she means, but I want to know the name.

"Who?" I ask her kind of worried. I better remember the name she's going to tell me to stay away from that girl.

She looks around and gets closer to me, I do the same,. It's probably a secret or maybe this girl has some friends in here that could hear Jenna and get her in more trouble.

"Fields" She says whispering "Don't forget that name, avoid her as much as you can" She says drinking her milk.

"How do I know who is that girl?" I'm scared now, there are bad people in here and I don't want to get in trouble and this girl seems to be the trouble.

"You'll know who she is when you see her" She says, and with that she finishes eating. "It was nice to meet you, see you around" She says raising her hand, which means she finished and that she wants to go.

She walks away with a cop carrying her. I start to drink my milk and I think in that name "Fields" It's probably her surname. When I finish I raise my hand and they take me to the bathrooms. Apparently I'm so dangerous and they have to stay in the same room with me while I'm taking the shower. I turn around like always and I let the water run to my face. I only have ten minutes for shower, it sucks but at least I have shower. When I finish they give me a new orange suit and I go to my cell again. Two days ago they gave me a pen and a notebook. The only thing I do while I'm locked here is writing... I love writing. When I was out I wanted to be a writer, I remember stayed up a lot of nights writing, sometimes a diary, or sometimes just I thing that I though. They gave me a chance to write to my family, but I refused it, the last thing I want to do know is talk with them, but I know they'll visit me soon and I'll have to see them. I start what I did today, not to much but it's something, I meet someone and I had and actual talk. While I'm writing I hear my door opening, I see a cop in front of me with the handcuffs again.

"Stand up, Fitz wants to see you" Says the cop.

I go there and he puts the handcuffs on me, It doesn't hurt anymore, I'm already used to it. As we walk to his office I think... maybe they put me out of observation. We walk in and I sit on the same chair I sat when I came here.

"Good morning Dilaurentis" He says with that deep voice.

"Hi" I say, it sounded kind of rude but I couldn't help it.

"Well, we had a meeting today and we thought you can be out of observation" He says as he sings some papers.

"Today?" I ask, I wanna know.

"Yeah, right now" He says looking at me. "I hope you won't make any trouble" He says, then he looks at some paper and get closer to me. "You're one of the youngest girls in here, I just wanted to tell you to be careful. Almost all the inmates are free, so there's a lot of people, I understand you'll meet some of them start to go with them. Just choose okay, or maybe you'll regret it for the rest of your time in here" He says.

His words scared me, for real. I'm not that sure now if I want to get out from observation, but I guess I have no choice. I move my head saying yes and he stand up.

"There are also new things about being free. You have to know the times and check time. When you hear a noise, like a police car alarm, you have to go to your room and stay there, oh and by the way, there are like four or five girls in one room" He says.

Ugh I hate that, I don't want to share my room with people which means I have to hide my personal things so good and be more careful.

"Okay" I say with a little smile. He smiles back and he sits again.

The cop takes off my handcuffs, and I think this time is for good. He follows me to my room, I take my things, and he turns to me.

"You're going to share the room with one girl that it's around your age, two old women and another one that it's around 30 I think" He says looking at the paper. "I'm officer Rivers by the way, Caleb" He says.

"You already know my name" I say a little bit annoyed. I don't like the fact of sharing my room, but anyway.

I follow him through a few corridors. Then I hear the voices again, I think we're close to the big room I saw the other day. Like I thought, we pass through the room, I notice some girls staring directly at me, I blush and I look at the ground. We finally get to the rooms corridor. There are also some girls in the room reading or talking. We stop in front of one, number 378, we walk in, I didn't notice there's no door. There's no one in here, thanks god.

"You're gonna sleep in here. The free bed in that one" He says pointing at the down bed of the bunk bed.

There are two bunk beds and one alone, I'm gonna sleep behind someone... this couldn't get any worse.

"I don't know how this room is organized, you should wait for all your roommates to be here and ask them where do they have their clothes and everything okay?" He says already getting out from the room.

"Okay" I say. He makes a little smile and walks away.

I sit on my bed and look around this room. It's better than the other one, at least I don't have bars around me. I see the girls put some pictures on the wall next to their beds, there are also bags with sponges and things for the bath. I don't have anything of those things, I don't know where I'm going to get them. As I'm looking around a girl comes in here, she's as surprised as I am to see her. She's tall, blonde like me, she looks like 30 or more, like the guard said.

"Who are you?" She asks me as she walks in and sits on her bed, which in front of mine.

"I-I'm new here" I say sacred.

"Oh, okay" She says now with a smile, I think she just got scared. "I'm Rachel" She says smiling.

"I'm Alison" I say with a little smile too.

"You look so young, how old are you?" She says with a curious face.

"21" I say with fear.

"Oh wow girl" She says laughing a little. I don't understand why is she laughing but I don't care.

She stands up and walks next to me. I stand up and she smiles at me.

"We're five in here. There are two old tired women who don't make a move, they are inoffensive and they are nice. Then it's me, and then the other girl, she's around your age... I think she is 22, but she has such a bad mood so I usually don't talk with her" She says with a funny face.

"Where does she sleep?" I ask her. I'm sure she's gonna sleep above me, i don't have luck.

"Mmm, right above you" She says pointing at the bed.

I knew it, well, I'll try not to talk with her or make her any problem. Suddenly I hear a ring, honestly I get scared, but Rachel looks at me with happiness on her eyes.

"Lunch time! Let's go" She says grabbing my hand.

I like this girl, she's not mean and she acted in a good way with me. I'm more worried about the girl who is going to sleep above me. We walk through a few corridors and finally get to the cafeteria. Everyone is already here, they are all laughing and talking. I guess not everyone is mean in here. I feel her leaving my hand, and suddenly she disappears and I'm alone. I look around and see girls going to the bar to get the tray with the food, so I do the same. When I have in on my hand I look for a place to sit, everyone knows everyone in here but me, so I rather sit alone. I find a free table in one corner, I don't know why anyone sat there but it's where I'm going to eat. I sit there and I look at everyone, I'm trying to find Rachel or Jenna, I don't know if she got out or she's still in observation.

"Can I sit here?" A voice says next to me.

I look up and I see a blonde girl with blue eyes and funny face. I don't know what to say, I don't mind if she wants to sit here it's just... I'm afraid.

"Y-yeah sure" I say making a little smile.

"You're the new right?" She says with her big blue eyes looking at me.

"Yes" I say answering her question.

"I'm Hanna, Hanna Marin" She says with a smile.

"Alison Dilaurentis" I say giving back that smile.

She looks as young as me, as she's so nice. I start to eat and so does she. I look at her, she looks young... maybe she is my roommate? I have to ask her.

"Hey I was wondering, in what room do you sleep?" I ask her in a normal tone.

"What? You want to visit me in the middle of the night?" She says smirking.

What the hell. I'm frozen, literally, I don't know what to say or what to do. I don't know if she was serious or if it was just a joke.

"Calm down blonde, I'm just kidding" She says laughing at me "I'm in room 369, why?" she says still laughing.

I calm a little, well, she's funny and nice. But fuck, she's not the one in my room, I still don't know who is going to be there.

"Oh it's just, there's a girl in my room and no one told who is her and I just wanna know" I say taking a piece of food.

It tastes like plastic, but it's better than anything so I eat it all. Everyone is talking, I've been talking with Hanna during the past 10 minutes, she already called me friend, so I guess I have someone to talk to and eat to. Suddenly she looks at the door, I notice some girls are also looking in that direction. I look too and see three girls walking in, they go to the bar and take the food passing the queue like if it wasn't there, but the thing is that no one stopped them. I feel Hanna getting closer to me and she starts to whisper something.

"Those are bad people, don't mess with them" She says looking at them

"Who are they?" I ask her whispering more than her, I'm afraid someone could hear me talking about them.

"Fields and her squad. Fields is the one who runs this place, mess with her and you're dead. The other two are Cece and Aria, those are just like her dogs, they do everything she says" She says with an angry face. Maybe she had some problem with them.

I look at them, by the way they are on the table I guess this Fields girl is the tall brunette, she's in the middle. She has tattoos on her arms and she looks angry.

"Someone already told me about her" I say still looking at her, she's didn't notice I'm literally staring at her.

"Oh really? Who?" She asks curious.

"A girl called Jenna" I say now looking at Hanna, maybe she knows her.

She opens her mouth and starts to laugh, by this reaction she just had I guess she knows her.

"Is that bitch still here? Oh my god" She says still laughing.

"Is she bad or something?" I ask her, she called her bitch so maybe she's not how I thought she was.

"Oh no, she was one of my roommates. But she had a little problem with those assholes and now she's in observation for two weeks" She says with a sad face. Maybe they were friends.

I wanna know what happened between Janna and those girls, but I don't think I'd be good idea to ask. I look at them again, the only one that looks rude is Fields, the other two are talking.

"You know her real name?" I ask Hanna.

"Actually I don't, not to many people know it and the ones who know it are quiet" She says standing up and taking her tray. "It was nice to meet you, see you later" She says walking away.

I'm alone again, but I can't stop looking at them. Suddenly one of them catches me staring. I see that they tell Fields, and she looks at me. She has deep brown eyes, and they are looking at me. I take my tray and I leave it on the place everyone is leaving it. I walk fast, trying not to look at them, but when I'm almost on the door I turn I look. They are still looking at me, shit. I basically run to my room and I sit on my bed. There's one of the old ladies on her bed too, I didn't notice she was there but she noticed me walked in running.

"Hey what's wrong with you new girl?" She says in a weird tone.

I turn to look at her, she's reading peacefully on her bed, and I walked in here making noise and disturbing her.

"I'm sorry, I was hurry" I say breathing normal again.

"Okay then" She says going back to her book.

I look at her, she looks like 60 more or less, I take my book and my pen and I hide them behind the bed, I don't want anyone to see my things. I sit again and I calm down.

"Can I ask you something?" I say to the woman. She looks at me, waiting for my question.

"Do you know who sleeps here?" I ask pointing at the bed above my head.

"Of course I know" She says with a little smile.

"Who is her?" I ask, I need to know. But I have a bed feeling...

"Fields" She says going back to her book.

She said the name without fear, but honestly I'm about to shit on my pants. Fuck.

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