Mess of a life [remake]

By Blxnkvic

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One day, a portal appears and he got out of the hell. He doesn't know how he got out. He's in a city and a dr... More

Chapter One: Awakening
Chapter Two: Job hunting
Chapter Three: Old friends
Chapter Four: Help & Thoughts
Chapter Five: Harsh
Chapter Six: Memories
Chapter Seven: Chill Day
Chapter Eight: Wannabes
Chapter Nine: Ideals
Chapter 10: Changes
Chapter Eleven: Quiet
Chapter Twelve: The snow
Chapter Thirteen: Destined
Chapter Fifteen: Water Pt. 2
Chapter 16: The lies
Chapter Seventeen: Is this the truth?
Chapter Eighteen: Father Pt. 1
Chapter Nineteen: Terms Pt.2
Chapter Twenty: Enter Earth

Chapter Fourteen: Water Pt. 1

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By Blxnkvic

Today was a nice sunny day, a really nice day to go to the beach. Play in the sand, water, make sand castles, have a cookout or just sleep the day away. Which is what Jay was doing as Rose made a sandcastle or well her sand dungeon as she wanted to torture someone. A really evil being. Jay was wearing a black sleeveless compact shirt with black and red cargo pants with a biohazard design on it. They were loose so he wasn't necessarily overheating, his shoes were on the side of the towel he was laying on. He was even holding his hoodie.

Rose on the other hand still wore her usual style which still was a black crop top with her corset under it. Brown shorts and her high socks up to her knees and red sneakers. Her right arm has high sleeved half gloves with a little bracelet on it then her left arm is wrapped by bandages. Small stubby black horns on her head and a golden tail with a heart attached to her back. She was a really cute demon with her own evil thoughts. She looked over at Jay, she knew he wasn't sleeping but might as well annoy him.

"Hey what do you think of that red haired chick that lifted me up in the fair,". She asked.

"Kristen?". He groaned. "I don't miss her".

"She seemed nice though, is she your girlfriend?". She asked in a teasing manner.

"No the fuck she's not,". He snapped back.

"Do you wish she was?". She teased more.

"No,". He replied.

"Why not?". She asked.

"Why would I date her? She works for Delta and they cage creatures mostly the ones underground". He explained. Rose thought about the delta occupation in the underground city, it caused a lot of tension between the creatures and humans.

"Aww but you two would be a cute couple!". She continued to tease. Jay sat up and smacked her over the head, she held her head in pain and whined.

"What the fuck!". She exclaimed.

"That's what you get,". He laid back down and hugged his hoodie again.

"With the way you're acting you seem to like her". She had a stupid smirk on her face and raised an eyebrow. Jay rolled his eyes in annoyance. He felt this was stupid and buried his face into the hoodie he was hugging. The thought of having feelings was stupid, it wasn't important to him. It shouldn't be important to him, though his head was having a huge ass debate with his heart. At this point he might as well shut his brain up, it felt he was getting a headache from it. Rose was finished with her sand dungeon, she looked honestly proud of herself for that. Now who was gonna be her first victim? Looking around the beach which of course was gigantic and filled with crowds of people who are partying, having cookouts or just chilling and playing in the water. The cold salty water.

She didn't know what to do now since her friend was sleeping or attempting to sleep but she wouldn't let him. Not one bit. So she kicked his back and he turned around to glare at her.

"Do you wanna lose a leg?". He asked.

"Jokes on you! I'll grow my legs back!". Rose shouted. He glared at her for a moment and all she had was a smug smile on her face, a smug punchable face.

"Good morning,". She replies in a joking manner.

"I will hurt you. Shut the fuck up". Jay calmly said.

"Moody,". She kicked him again.

"Kick me one more time I swear to god, I will burn you alive". He threatened. Rose just laughed a little as she really loved seeing him riled up and angry. He sighed and pinched the ridge of his nose. One of these days Jay is gonna get a migraine and looks at the sand dungeon. He had no words as he was not surprised Rose created this.

"Hey, I'm hungry". She got up and wiped the sand off her clothes. Jay got up also and shook his hoodie to get the sand off also.

"Hey you,". A voice said. The two demons looked at the direction of the voice and spotted a guy there who was glaring at them, his light blue eyes had a look that made you feel like you were drowning in the dark blue ocean. It put Jay and Rose in a state of unease. It didn't help that his expression was filled with anger or like he wanted to kill them. His messy blue curly hair had a light blue fade. His skin was the color of a warm cup of coffee that you would drink on a cold morning. A blue star on his lower right side of his cheek.

His outfit consisted of a light or a sky blue buttoned up shirt with the sleeves rolled up with a red tie around his neck. Black jeans with black shoes. Big blue horns sticking out of head with a thin blue tail with a heart at the end sticking out of his back. His left hand had a singular black glove, it was just a full glove. There was something off about him that no one could pick up, maybe it's the way he was standing or the tense aura coming from him. The two demons were unsure on what to do.

"Which one of you is named Jay?". He asked and Jay let out a heavy sigh while putting his hoodie on.

"Alright, I kinda know how this is gonna go coming from the last person who asked my name". He responds.

"I don't wanna fight. My questions will determine that". The blue haired man said that. Now confusion was all over Jay and Rose's face.

"Questions?". Rose asked.

"Let's go to dinner and talk some more there". He said and started walking away. The two demons looked at each other and they felt there was no say in this matter so they followed this random guy into the dinner that was close by. It wasn't crowded, thankfully. There were just a small or medium crowd of people and a lot of empty seats which the blue haired man was sitting at. Jay and Rose sat across from him.

"So, who are you and why are you interested in Jay?". Rose asked. The blue haired man took a heavy sigh.

"I am Akuji, his brother". He said. Shock covered both of their faces.

"You're my brother?!". Jay exclaimed. Looking at Akuji though, was he his half brother coming from his dad or mom's new marriage?

"I know you're wondering: Are we really related? Reality check we aren't. I was created by the same creature who created you". Akuji said while pointing at his horns. It took a while for Jay to take that in slowly, there were more people like him somewhere in the world?

"How many did the said creature ya know... create us?". He asked. Akuji was silent for a moment.

"That I do not know, I only know of you. Tell me. How was the creature towards you?". He asked. Silence filled the demon.

"I would say... not that good". He replied. He glared at Jay.

"So he didn't treat his prize possession that well? That's surprising". He let out a chuckle. "Well I suppose we can't all get special treatment". Rose looked at Akuji like he was analyzing him as he felt very off to her, since this was just very random.

"So uh Akuji... what are you?". She asked.

"I am the same as your friend here, but I am also half water nymph". He explained.

"So a supposed water demon has a brother who uses fire magic, odd". She stated.

"Are you interested in talking to him or just fighting him,". She asked again.

"I wanna see the kind of person you are, if our creator has treated you any differently from me and possibly our other siblings". He explains.

"How has this said creator treated you?". Jay asked. Akuji was silent as if he was trying to remember or recount the moments but nothing seemed to enter into his brain.

"I rather not say,". He replied. The waitress walked over holding her notepad looking at the 3 demons sitting.

"Hello, my name is Jessica. I will be your server for today". She said. "Would you like to drink?". Rose took a look at the menu along with Jay and Akuji. There were many options to choose from the drinks to the appetizers to the main food and lastly the desserts. The small demon wanted to skip all the way to the deserts.

"Jay... can I have chocolate sun-".

"No,". He cut her off and she pouted.

"I would like some blue lemonade,". Rose said

"Some water,". Akuji said.

"And I would like some water also, not in the mood for any juice". Jay responded and Jessica wrote it all down on her notepad and walked away leaving the three demons to look at the menu again. So many food options to choose from really but burgers caught Rose's eyes. Her tail wagged left and right so fast, though she didn't know what to get. A bacon cheeseburger or some random burger. Her mind was slowly malfunctioning due to how indecisive she was. She looked over at Jay who didn't seem like he wanted to eat anything so asking him was out of the question, she then looked at Akuji who was sitting across the table and reading the menu and didn't wanna talk to him.

As she debated on what burger to get due to the other menu items enticing her. Jay was in deep thought, he couldn't make sense of Akuji. This was really random, could he trust him or not? No other questions seemed to come out of his mouth and it seemed like the conversation had died down.

"So, Akuji. What are your true motives for ya know seeking me out?". He asked. He looked up at the other demon.

"I already stated, I want to see the kind of person you are". He stated again.

"You sure it isn't to fight me? I spent enough time in hell to know about people's true motives. I guess". He rolled his eyes.

"Well you aren't wrong on that aspect,". Akuji gave a kind smile. "I wanna see what gifts our creator gave you". That kind smile turned into a malicious smile showing his sharp teeth, his blue horns started shining blue along with his eyes. His glowing eyes clearly showed the dark blue ocean, the waves splashing along with the broken ships and corpses. Just staring into them could really ramp up your fear of the ocean. Rose's face was still buried into the menu. Jay tried his best to keep his composure which was on his face but his hands were tense, hands clenched.

"So we can talk about this verbally or take this fight outside,". He tried to suggest it in a kind manner but it came out menacingly.

"And what if we do take the fight outside?". Jay asked in a kind of teasing tone. That instantly made Akuji's smile fade and he went back to the glare.

"I have a question, how do you feel about the abilities that were given to you? How do you use them?". He asked. The tone in his voice was serious enough to cut paper. Rose finally stopped reading the menu and looked up at the two demons, she instantly felt the tension between them so she buried her face in the menu again looking like a child reading the kid's menu. Jessica came back with a tray of drinks and placed them on the table, which dispelled the tension so fast. Then she pulled out her notepad

"Are you all ready to order?". She asked.

"I want a big ass bacon burger!". Rose exclaimed and Jay just side eyed her as Jessica was taken aback by this.

"A-a big eater we see!". She laughed it off. The small demon nodded. "How well would you like the steak to be done?". Rose thought about this for a minute.

"Medium well!". She shouted and Jessica wrote it all down and averted her attention to Akuji.

"And you sir?". She asked.

"I'll take a steak, well done please. Mashed potatoes and green beans". He said and made sure he was as polite as he could be. She wrote it down and was about to avert her attention next to Jay.

"Oh! I want a side of fries also, please". Rose said eagerly with her tail wagging back and forth. Jessica was taken aback by this again and wrote it down.

"And for you sir?". She asked. Jay looked at her.

"Just french fries please". He said and she wrote it down. She also read everyone's orders to make sure it was what they wanted then took the menus and left. Jay and Akuji stared at each other, anger coming from both sides. It felt like a silent anger though. Rose was oblivious to it as she didn't care, honestly she was surprised when a random waiter just gave her a kid's menu and crayons. It honestly looked like two brothers and their little sister eating at a restaurant. Given the small demon's height which is 4" 11 and her childish personality plus appearance if you look at it if it was childish also, you could see why she'd be mistaken for a child.

"Thought about my question?". Akuji asked as he took a sip of his water. Jay rolled his eyes.

"What about your powers?". Jay asked. To demonstrate, Akuji stuck out his pointer finger and pointed it at the cup of water, slowly raising up. As he did, a small bubble of water came out of it. He then flicked his fingers in which the bubble flew in Jay's direction grazing his cheek leaving a cut. Blood dripped down his cheek. Rose was shocked along with Jay, he put his hand on his cheek as the cut was already healing only leaving blood.

"So, he gave you regeneration". He made a snarky comment. "Fucking bastard! So even if he treated you awfully, he still gave you the special treatment!". This angered him a lot.

"Hey, it seems like you have a lot of anger due to your daddy issues. Take it up with your "creator" not at Jay". Rose said.

"That thing hiding in the shadows is not my father! He isn't a father! Do you even know what he is?" Akuji asked. "He sees this as a game. Nothing more nothing less... There's plenty of people like me he created but we all have shitty abilities! We do shitty tasks!". Jay's hand which was holding the glass cup of water clenched it tightly. He suppressed the memories of what he did. What happened a while back. He was nothing more than a caterpillar in his dreams so why all the suppressing?

"So are you mad over the abilities or the treatment?". He asked. Akuji was silent for a minute. The tension slowly crept up again. "It seems like I was left in the dark as much as you". He looked at the blue haired man across from him.

"I was never left in the dark unlike you,". He said. Looking at him, he seemed frustrated about something internal or external, it was hard to tell with his angry face. Rose wasn't sure what to say much to this. It didn't really involve her but she needed to be involved since it was her friend.

"What did he tell you". Jay asked. Akuji took a deep, heavy breath, what can he say about this? What secrets can be told?

"I can't really say much about all of this". He said. "All I can say is that you took something promised for me". His hands clenched tightly, his glare intensifying slowly.

"How the fuck am I supposed to know what was taken from you,". He said. The tension was growing more slowly.

"Then I will take what is supposed to be mine, whether you surrender it or it will be taken by force". He threatened. Jay was about to say something when Jessica came back with a tray of the bacon burger with a side of fries, the well done steak and fries. She passed them out. Rose grabbed her plate and her tail wagged eagerly and started eating it. Jessica smiled and walked away again.

"What if I don't wanna hand over what's yours". Jay said. Anger started boiling inside of Akuji.

"You don't get to make that choice bud". He replied in a snarky way.

"Listen here brother. He started. I spent most of my life hating my abilities! Calling it a curse. Calling what I've become a curse. It took me a long while to come to terms of what this is and now you wanna take it away and undo all of that?". He looked down at his hands holding the cup, Rose was silent as she ate. Rose felt it was an exaggeration on his part but it would make sense when you spent half of your life in hell and the other part... slowly stepping into insanity. Honestly, how has his brain not broken yet? The case of the mangled... a good example of insanity. One would shudder at the sight of it or mention of it.

"Well you don't seem a good fit anyways,". He replied and got up. "I want you to meet me at the lake by the forest, that is where our fight will be". He placed a 100 dollar bill on the table and left the dinner. Silence was between the remaining two demons there and they looked at each other, confusion on both their faces.  

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