Unholy (Jenlisa AU)

By vnothappyv011125

361K 7.7K 1.2K

"Lust and adultery are sins driven by the devil inside you. To engage in premarital or extramarital sex, befo... More

Chapter 1 (M)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (M)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (M)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (M)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (M)
Story Time (Not an Update)
Chapter 14 (M)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (M)
Chapter 19 (M)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 (M)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 (M)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (M)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 (M)
Birthday (M) ?


6.5K 152 29
By vnothappyv011125

Jennie's POV

"L-leo, that's Leo Lis," I cried

I badly want to run and take my son off from that monster, but Lisa was holding me tightly. I could also feel her shaking. Both our hands feel so cold, my mind couldn't focus, and my chest was just beating so loud that it's churning my stomach.

"No, not my son Tae," I told him while he walked closer towards us. Lots of men were surrounding the place, and from the looks of it, none of it was Lisa's.

Tae only smirks until he laughs and puts the gun closer to my sons head, which made me cry and kneel before him. The sound of my son crying hurts me. It feels like a needle was stabbing my heart endlessly.

I'm his mother, but I was the reason why his suffering like this.

"W-we can still talk about this. Put the gun down, man. Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you. " I heard Lisa say, walking closer towards Taehyung, her hands were up like she's surrendering.

I look at Lisa, hoping that she'll have a plan to save our son. 

"Fucking hell Jennie, you're still not over this bitch? She already left you, and now you've spread your legs again for her?"

I felt Lisa raging. I know how her temper works, she give no patience when people talk badly about me.

But one thing we needed to do was to not provoke Tae, and he could possibly hurt our son.

Lisa gripped her fist tightly, mumbling curse words before she sighed and looked at me. Her eyes were apologising before she walked closer, trying to save Leo

"Look, man, you can take me, I know you're only mad at me. Just please, not my son. He has done nothing wrong. "

"Please, Tae, let go of him," I beg as well. My hands clap together while my tears fall nonstop. I'm crying so hard that I'm about to lose my breath. Panic consumes me, and my anxiety is not helping as well.

I froze when he laughed, his eyes were cunning, his smiles irked me while he looked into my body, licking her mouth before he pushed my son on the ground, and my eyes went wide when I heard a loud bang coming from his gun.

I wasn't able to move. My eyes widened when I saw blood coming from my sons head. My ear rang, and my heart dropped

"Oh my god, oh my god." I kept mumbling while I crawl and run to my sons body, shaking it harder to wake him up, but I couldn't hear a thing from him.

"No, no baby, please wake up. Leo!!" I shouted while I held his head, and my heart broke into pieces when a lot of blood poured out.

"It's all my fault, I'm so stupid, fuck!!" Lisa shouted while she run and gently took Leon from me.

I watched her tear her shirt and tried to cover our sons head. Her tears fell nonstop, wheeping while she held him. Her hands were shaking while trying to save our son.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, dada is sorry, baby. I'm sorry we met too late, I'm sorry I didn't recognise you before, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything now please. Leo, wake up!! Dada's here. Please!! " it hurts

It hurts so much seeing Lisa cry, apologising to the situation we both didn't have hold into.

We were both victims of this situation. We were manipulated by everyone around us, we were played, and now we were both suffering from the loss of our child.

"Save him 'man' you're a doctor, aren't you? Come on!!"  Lisa stopped when Tae talked. I saw her hands form a fist, gripping it tightly, and her tears fell after the other.

I know she's about to burst, I know she wanted to kill him like I do, but she couldn't do it because I was with her and we couldn't fight with all Taehyung's men surrounding us.

I'm helpless. The same helpless Jennie that's been a burden for everyone.

"Lisa," I called her name.

She looked at me, gone with her glaring eyes, and instead, her soft gentle eyes stared at me apologetically. 

"I'm so sorry," she cried as she went closer with our son on her arms.

My hands were shaking as I held Leo's body while we mourned for the loss of our son.

Leo didn't deserve this, and so was Lisa

Why does something like this always happen? We just wanted to be happy

I know we weren't good people and shared lots of sins and flaws, but why can't we just deserve a life that everyone craves for?

"One down and you're next." My heart literally dropped when Tae put a gun on Lisa's head.

I slowly moved my head up, and I shivered when he smirked at me before the sound of gunshot spread across the place.

Lisa was gone



"Don't you dare leave me too!!"

I cried while I hugged both of their bodies. I shouted my pain and curses to this damn psycho who was just laughing at me.

His smiles hunted me.

"Wake up, Jen."



I groaned as I tried to cover my eyes. My mother gave me a glass of water, which I took and hastily drank it

"Are you alright?" She asked and tried to tuck my hair.

I just sighed and nodded my head.

Memories from before made my body shiver and cause pain on my chest again.

"You need to get ready, or you're going to be late,"

I took a bath and dressed myself. I slowly went out the door, and lots of people were smiling to see me.

"I thought you're not going to get out of that room. I was already planning to break it. " I laugh at Irene's words and just hug her tightly. 

"Thank you for flying over for me. I know you're still tired from the flight. "

Irene smiled and just tapped my back. Her eyes were in tears and held my hand.

"It's been so long since we talked. You were suddenly gone, and cutted off any means of communication. I'm still mad, you know."

My smile broke off. Guilty of what she said.

"I already apologise about it. Come on, " I laugh and slightly nudge her shoulder.

"Oh right, how's you and Seulgi?" Irene stops and forces a smile at me.

"We didn't really work it off." I stopped and held her hand.

I look at her properly, wanting to know what happened.

"You know I wanted to have kids, right? Seulgi and I are both women, and we couldn't really have the means to make it possible."

My heart ached at what Irene said to me. Her tears fell from her eyes, and she immediately wiped it off, but it still continued to fall.

"I'm sorry, Irene." I apologise for being so insensitive. If I didn't ask her that question, she wouldn't be crying like this.

"It's alright." she smiled and rolled her eyes, and I knew there's more coming.

"And it's not even my decision to break up Jennie. It was hers, that fucking stupid bitch made a decision for our relationship" and here it is.

I listen to her ranting about Seulgi. On how fake she was because Irene saw her being with someone else on her apartment the day after the two of them broke up. She was about to give their relationship a chance, and if they wanted a child soon, they could adopt or do IVF. She was so in love with Seulgi, but I guess pain made Irene hate Seulgi this much. That's all I've been hearing curses and insults.

I wonder what she will be she doing if she sees the person she hates the most later.

"I've been blabbing so much," she noticed herself and smiled at me like there's nothing wrong.

"You talked so much, and there's no room left for me to say anything," I just say, which made us laugh, and she just hugged me suddenly

"Seriously, Jennie, I'm so happy to see you again, and I'm sorry about what happened." I looked away and just nodded my head at her.

I heard her sighed and hug my arm.

I really don't wanna talk about it.

"Now let me help you ready for the funeral."

What she said slaps me on the reality. Of course, that's the reason why she's here and why I'm here.

I just held my chest to soothe it down. It's been beating hard again to the point that it could make me pass out.


"Why do ceremonies like this  wear white? I mean, black could be an option, too, right?" Sana said out of nowhere while I sighed and took a large amount of breath.

I'm nervous and scared

"You can wear black at a funeral," I just replied and rubbed my hand altogether, to stop it from shaking and feeling cold.

"Well, this is a funeral," Irene immediately commented, and the two laugh happily together.

I just rolled my eyes at them. How could they mock me and my agony.

"Ohh, come on, Jennie, try to give us a chance. We're both single and heartbroken, that's why, " Irene said and told my hairdresser to hurry it up.

"Yeah, now that you're going to marry my crush, my  baby, damn Dr. Manoban, how could she choose a lawyer over me?" Sana said dramatically, which made my makeup artist and hairdresser laugh, and I can't seem to hide my smile as well. 

Yes, Lisa and I are getting married. What happened back on the island was just a nightmare. I got traumatised about what happened that Lisa made a crucial investigation about Taehyung, and that's when we knew that all the unfortunate happenings about my dad and our family was the cause of Taehyungs dad He blamed my father for all the things that they were illegally doing, and Tae was very much aware of it. I was mad at him, to the point that I asked Lisa for help to get their family what they deserved, and that caused my dad to be killed, the bullet was supposed to be meant for Lisa because Tae found out that she was the reason that his father locked in jail but dad got in the way and save my girlfriend. He told me to be happy with who I love, and Lisa and I deserve the happiness that we had long for a very long time.

For a year Lisa has always been there for me and Leo, she supported and gives all her time for us, especially to our son who seems so distant when it comes to her and my heart melted on how soft and understanding she was until they got so close that it looks like my son almost forget about me.

I continued studying my degree, and Lisa helped a lot even with our different paths of career and just a month ago, I had my degree and that's when Lisa proposed to me properly and we planned this wedding for a month.

"I need to make you mine legally as soon as possible. I waited long enough. " That's what she said to me every time I talk on how things are happening so fast.

"It's a very simple answer, Sana, because our bride here is drop-dead gorgeous. I mean, look at her. Isn't she breathtaking? Just like me. " 

"Yeah, you're pretty, but your heart still got broken. What's her name again? Seu-ji?"

"It's Seulgi miss." we both look at the person who just came into my dressing room, already dressed in a lady suit.

I saw how Irene stopped and glared at Sana, who was just smiling apologetically and even gestured her sorry.

"Come in Seulgi," I told her, which she did, and I smiled when she handed me a box graven with the luxurious brand.

"She told me to tell you to hurry up. She can't wait to make you her official wife, " she said and wishes me Goodluck and kisses my cheek.

"See you later, ladies, and of course Irene," she added, and my eyes widened when Sana slapped Irene's arm so hard and squell loudly that even my dressers covered their ears.

I just shook my head and looked at the box Lisa gave me. It comes with a letter and a beautiful infinity bracelet with a ruby in both circles while the side is filled with small diamonds. 

It looks so elegant and very expensive. 

Irene helped me put the bracelet on me while I took the letter and read it loudly.

To my wife

I couldn't sleep well last night. I kept wondering how this day would come. I know we work and prepare so hard for this, and I wanted it to go like we wished it to be.

Finally, any moment from now, you'll be having my last name, and everyone will know that you're mine and always will be.

We've been through a lot, baby, and we fought against it.  Thank you for giving me a chance, and thank you for letting me in your life. I don't know where could I've been with you if it weren't for you. I love you. You hold my life and soul together with our son and our coming baby. Thank you for giving me a family that I dreamed of. You're my happiness, my beautiful morning afternoon and night. I love you, and thank you for loving me and choosing me.

"Wow." I felt my tears fall from my eyes as I read her letter. Her words struck me like lightning which made the butterflies in my stomach gone wild.


"What's the name of the baby?" The nurses ask while I look at Lisa, who was carefully carrying our newborn.

"You can ask my wife about it. It's a girl so she can get to pick. " I told the nurse, and Lisa giggled and walked closer to me.

I smiled at how gentle she was, and she even gestured her hand to keep quiet and smiled widely at me.

God, she's so cute.

Lisa kissed my forehead before she faced the nurse, who was also fondly looking at us.

"I've been dreaming all the time for this," Lisa said and held my hand, our gazed locked together.

"Ruby Elise Jane Kim Manoban"

My eyes went wide.

"Really?" I asked, and I tried to get up from my bed, but she immediately stopped me and stole a kiss from my lips.

"Yes baby, isn't it cute?" She proudly said and showered my face with kisses.

"Thank you, thank you so much for carrying and giving me babies. I know how hard your pregnancy journey was. You're so strong, baby. I love you so much, " she mumbled happily, that I just gasped for air and looked at the nurse embarrassed by how my wife was acting.

I'm admitted at Lisa's own hospital, so basically, all the staff around here knew her, and also me as Lisa's wife. She's known to be very cold and strict, but now she seems not to give a damn with the people in our room just to show me how happy she was.

"I think that's all ma'am, Dr. Manoban, " and all of them went out, and still Lisa couldn't get over the fact as she still keeps on taking a picture of me and our baby Ruby in my arms while I'm breastfeeding her.

"I bet Leo will be jealous of this," She said while she looked at the pictures of her phone.

Well Lisa and Leo have a love and hate relationship. They would tease each other every time they get a chance, and I would always act a a referee for them to stop.

"Stop it, baby, he already felt bad when he can't come in here and see his little sister." I tried to say, but Lisa only stuck her tongue out and laugh when she let me see how she pressed the send button.

"Well, he needs to grow fast and protect our little angel. I will train our son and teach him how to kick ass if anyone tried to be with our baby. "

"You're going make lot of boys and girls cry, wouldn't you?"

"She's not even a month old Lisa. What are you saying?" I just laugh at what she's acting and shake my head.

"Well, time flies so fast now, baby. Even you, your dad, almost killed me when I'm trying my best to get under your pants, and you're already eighteen at the time, " and now my cheeks heated as I remembered how it was before.

"Oh, stop it!" I said and pinches her cheek, which she just crunched her nose and pouted.

Jisoos, why is she so adorable and beautiful and handsome.

"Our little Ruby looks like you. I bet she's going to be feisty like her mother, " she said, and she put her finger around our daugthers' hands, and my heart melted when Ruby grasped it tightly and a small smile express on her little face.

"I love you, Lisa. I love you so much and our little babies, " I whispered on her ear, which made her look at me, and her eyes watered while smiling widely.

"Thanks God for giving you three to me. I promise to give you all that I have. I love you so much, with all my whole being"


I was shopping for groceries when someone familiar was slowly walking towards me. I was about to panic and run off, but he already held my arm and took out an ID and let me see it.

"You're Lisa's dad?" I asked, and he smiled slightly. It's clear to see that he was contemplating to approach me, but I think it's time to solve the issues of the past.

"I was thinking of inviting your dad this Christmas." I studied Lisa's face. She stops massaging my foot and looks at me confusedly. 

"You met him?" I nodded and pulled her hand to sit next to me on the couch.

Leo was playing with his toys while Ruby was sleeping in the crib. It was already 7, and it's our family time. We always watch a movie or do things as a family to keep our bond together, especially Leo is growing up so fast.

"Leo baby, why don't you take a bath first before we watch a movie?" Lisa said and kissed Leo's head, and he ran to me to ask for kisses too.

"As I was say-"

"No." I stopped when Lisa disagreed. I sighed and took her hand and kissed the back of it before I pouted and looked at her.

"Baby, give your dad a chance. I know he made a mistake, but he's still your dad. You still care for him. " I persuaded her, but when she still didn't make a sound, I straddled myself on her lap and put my arms around her nape.

She was frozen at first, but eventually, she put her hands on my waist, making sure that I'm comfortable. 

I smiled at her and kissed her cheeks.

"It's time to forgive, baby. Everyone can make  mistakes, and what we need to do it accept and move on."

Lisa sighed and took a deep breath, and slowly nodded her head. I smiled and looked at her with amazement .

"Really?" I clarified, and again, she nodded and acted like it's not a big deal.

"You're so cute. I love you so much, " I told her, and her smirk appeared, and I shut my mouth when she kissed me hungrily. 

The grip on my waist tightened as our lips moved in sync. We kiss tenderly and passionately while I massage her nape and deepen the kiss as I open my mouth and my wife immediately suck my tongue out.

"Shit!" She mumbled, her kisses went to my neck licking it down towards my collarbone, leaving marks before she kissed me again.

"I think there's no movie night happening," I said, which made her smirk and when she's about to carry me up our room. Our little angel cries loudly.

"Not again," Lisa said, and I laughed as I took Ruby on my arms.


"Merry Christmas, baby," Lisa greeted while we walked our way out of the church. Our daughter was sleeping while sucking a baby bottle on my arms. While Lisa, on the other hand, is carrying Leo, who was pinching Lisa's cheek.

He's making fun of his dada again.

"Are you still hanging there?" I giggled when she's already hurting, but she still didn't reprimand our son about it.

She laughed and put Leo down and just held his hand as we continued our way out.

"Lisa," we stopped when we heard someone call my wife, and my brows furrowed when I saw Rosé walking towards us.

It's been so long since we met, and this was the first time that we saw each other again.

Lisa looked at me, asking permission to talk to her ex lover, and I just nodded my head and was about to take Leo and walk off, but Lisa had already stopped me.

"We can talk while you're here," she said, and I nooded my head because that's what I wanted to. I need to guard what's mine.

"It's been so long, Jennie." I smiled at Chaeng

"How's Chealse? I heard about what happened. "

Rosie smiled and waved a hi to Leo before she answered me.

"She's doing better. Eun woo and I fortunately found a way, and she's recovering now and with our twins"

My eyes went wide as a mention of her twins. Maybe she noticed it when she laughed slightly.

"I know, but yeah, God works in mysterious ways."

I nodded my head in agreement as I looked at my angels beside me. I wasn't dreaming of having a family like this, and to have a lover who loves me the most, but here I am now. I'm so happy and filled with love every day.

"Actually, I'm here to apologise for all of you. Especially to you, Jennie. I know I was a bitch and I'm so sorry for everything I did." She said sincerely.

I look at her, unsure of what to do, but I do. I do want to forgive her. If it weren't for her, I won't grow mature and learned from all those experiences.

"You're forgiven, Rośe" I told her


When the clock strikes 12, Lisa kisses me passionately, which makes everyone around laugh, and I hear them clap their hands and cheer for us.

"Eww," and that's when Lisa pulled away and stuck her tongue out to our son, who was looking at us disgusted.

I slap her arm gently, which made everyone laugh again, and I grew embarrassed even more.

Both sides of our family are here. We spent joyous laughter and giggles as we spent Christmas night together. My son, as usual, got a very expensive gift courtesy from my beautiful wife.

Lisa's grandparents are here too. We have already forgiven each other, and I understand their reasons just like I did to Jisoo. They were trapped by the situation, and I know I'll do the same.

"I hope you'll like my present for you," I whispered on my wife's ear and put gentle kisses, which made her stop and gulped hard while she stared at me.

She immediately drank the wine she's holding and hastily opened my gift for her, and she loosened the button of her shirt when she saw my surprise.

It's full of sex toys and even a rope for her to tie me with. Our sex life as a marriage couple was very active, but I wanted to add spice for us to enjoy. And tonight, I could dress as Mrs Claus, as a surprised for later.

"You'll be the death of me." I laugh when I hear her whispered back and grip my waist tightly, and her hands move down to my ass and gripped it secretly.


Merry Christmas, everyone!!

Thank you all for reading and supporting and for staying until the end of Unholy.

Enjoy your holidays!!

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