Gangster's Heart // Tommy She...

By Miss-Warner

13.7K 475 20

Autumn just moved to Birmingham with her fiance for a better life. Leaving all the troubles in the past, she... More

Aesthetics ✨
The Begging Of The End
A Woman In The Garrison
But Aunt Pol
No More Gin For You
I Want You
Men And Their Cocks
A Wedding
I'll Drink To That
Don't Look
Be Careful
Last Wish?
You Know?
I'll Protect You
Where The Fuck Is Arthur?
You've Got To Trust Me, Tommy
Do You Love Me?
Should I Be Scared?
Feels Good
I'm Going To Marry Her
Trust Me
Calm Your Tits
One. Two. Three. Die
Happy Birthday
Arrogant Bastard
Fuck That
I'm fine
You're Drunk
I Need You
You Will Live
Mrs. Shelby
Shhh Baby
Get A Doctor
Pull The Trigger
What The Fuck Did You Do
Hey Tom
Together As One
Thank You For Reading!

Are You A Prostitute?

716 24 0
By Miss-Warner

Autumn is sitting in her new kitchen with Johnny sat across her in complete silence. Lost in their own thoughts. The weight of recent events slowly sinking in, and neither of them is ready to confront the reality they're facing.

Thomas Shelby. Gang leader, robber, a murderer. A man feared by everyone here in Birmingham. War hero. Angry, aggressive, cold but incredibly smart and calculated. Smart enough to to anticipate your next move before you conceive it. Careful, reserved, not trusting.

Words of a mysterious man are echoing through Autumn's head. Thomas Shelby is a man she's supposed to charm with her looks and personality. Something she wasn't really good at. Flirting was not her strongest suit, and the challenge of winning over someone like him seems impossible to her.

"What are we going to do Autumn" Johnny sighed, already knowing the answer. Autumn would do what she had to do in order to save his life. That's how she is. Brave and caring, ready to die for the ones she loves. Johnny can't help but blame himself; it was his suggestion to live in Small Heath, his decision to bring her into the streets ruled by infamous Peaky Blinders a ruthless and dangerous gang with razorblades sewn into their caps.

"Johnny" she whispered, reaching across the table to grab his hand, "we'll get through it. Our love is stronger than this," she continued, tightening her grip on his hand. Johnny turned his head in effort to hide the tears gathering in his eyes, not wanting to let his vulnerability show. This was the situation he couldn't get them out of with his positive attitude and he hated himself for it.

Thomas Shelby will make his research on you. Be ready. Johnny needs to leave. You're a young woman who's just moved to Small Heat. You work as a bookkeeper for the Garrison pub. A place where his gang spends a lot of time.

Autumn shaked her head in attempt to shake away all the thoughts running through her head. She knew today is the last day they're spending in their new home together with Johhny.


Autumn gazed at the hallway cluttered with baggage, Johnny's entire life condensed into a stack of bags. Her stomach tightened with sadness and despair, tears welling in her eyes. That's it. He's leaving.

One last kiss and he's gone, heading to a nearest hotel. Hiding like a felon in the shadows of a Small Heat.

As soon as he stepped out of the house, a phone ringed, scaring Autumn to death. After a minute of shock, she ran to answer it quickly, wondering who it might be.

"Hello?" her voice quivering.

"Good job Mrs. Thompson, tomorrow morning we can start with our plan" a familiar voice from the pub echoes through the phone.

"Are you following me?" Autumn yelped with a knot in her throat.

"Good night Mrs Thompson" and with that he hangs a phone, leaving Autumn standing there - speechless, scared, and profoundly alone.


Under the heavy morning rain, Autumn is making her way through the soaked streets of Small Heat to the infamous Garrison pub. Her long coat wrapped tightly around her body completely soaked, not protecting her against a cold weather. With her makeup smudged by a rain and wet hair, she swiftly glides into the pub, only to crash into a man as soaked as herself. Drops trickle down his dark brown hair, his bright blue eyes not looking at her as he's leaving a pub, clearly agitated.

"Watch it!" he hissed before disappearing into a mist of rain.

Autumn ignored his rudeness, it was obvious that people in Small Heat didn't have any manners. She shrugged it off quickly and scanned the room for Harry, the person she was supposed to meet. It didn't take her long to find him polishing a glasses behind a bar.

Harry took her in a private lounge where he explained her next steps. The nervousness was a clear indication that he, too, had been forced into this situation, much like Autumn.

"Be careful, they're really dangerous men Autumn" Harry took her hand in his, giving her a sympathetic look. Autumn appreciated his friendliness, she knew she could use it in her behalf.

As she sat at a small corner table with a pile of papers before her, Autumn sipped her gin, allowing her mind to drift away. Soon there will be three men sitting in the middle of the pub. Arthur, John and Tommy, a victim of hers. He is supposed to be the scariest of them all. Smart, calculated, dangerous. She has no idea what to expect or what does he look like. Is he really that scary? An image of a middle aged man with a beard, tattoos and scars creeps into her imagination. No one described him to her; all they said was, "You'll know when you see him."

While waiting, she recapitulated a plan in her head.

1. Get his attention

2. Gain his trust

3. Make him fall in love

Autumn scoffed at how simple it sounds but how dangerous and difficult the task actually is. She's downing her drink, hoping it will bring her well needed courage.

Soon, the pub door swings open, revealing a notorious gang as they stride in. The first man looks like he's the oldest. He has a strong features, mustache and a dark hair slicked back. The second man is probably the youngest one. Lighter short hair and a toothpick twiddling between his teeth. Autumn's heart skipped a beat as she laid her eyes at the last man walking in. His piercing blue eyes looking right through her soul. His dark brown hair hanging loosely, strong jawline and cheekbones making him look like a model. The way he walks is enough for her to judge that he is the famous Thomas Shelby and the same man she ran into earlier this day.

Autumn is trying her best not to stare at them as they're settling in their seats and shouting at Harry to bring them a bottle of Irish whiskey. She glances at them secretly from behind her papers, deftly preparing herself to set the plan in motion.

Few drinks later, when they're getting louder and more relaxed, it is time for Autumn to take the next step. Get his attention.

She's rising elegantly from her chair, heading to a bar to grab another glass of gin. It's impossible to ignore the hungry stares that follow her every move, being the sole woman in the pub. Even the Peaky Blinders watch her as she confidently walks to the bar, the clink of her heels echoing with each step. Harry wears a concerned look, aware of what's happening, as he pours her a drink. Autumn gives him a subtle nod before turning on her heel, only to stumble over her own feet, splashing her drink all over a gang leader, Thomas Shelby. The whole pub fell into loud silence. Everyone is holding their breath, waiting for what's coming next.

"I'm so sorry" Autumn rushed closer towards him, hastily wiping his expensive coat with a sleeve of her dress. "I-I didn't mean to," she stuttered as she continued to wipe his chest frantically.

After what felt like hours, Thomas grabbed her hand to stop her nervous cleaning, raising his eyebrows. The trio continued to regard her, intrigued and somewhat amused by the unexpected turn of events.

"I'll buy you a new one Mr." she paused, pretending not to know them.

"Shelby. Thomas Shelby" he stated, his words echoing in the silent pub.

"I told you to watch it earlier. This is my last warning" his expression cold as ice, completely emotionless.

"I'm sorry Mr. Shelby, it won't happen again" Autumn mumbled before gracefully turning to leave.

"Are you a prostitute?" he asked in a low, monotone voice, stopping Autumn in her tracks. She pivots back, shooting him an offended glare before storming back to her table in the corner.

A pub begins to regain its lively atmosphere, laughter and the crinkling of the glasses echoing in the background once again.

There was an undeniable allure about Autumn that intrigued Tommy. He tried not to show surprise at the bold woman throwing herself into the claws of Thomas Shelby. The genuine shock on her face when he asked a question intrigued him. Could it be guilt? Impossible. In Tommy's world, guilt was unfamiliar.

"She got you good brother" Arthur laughed, punching John who's chuckling next to him. Tommy's letting out a soft smirk at his brothers mocking, sneaking a glance over his shoulder at Autumn, who's buried in her papers.

Author's note
Hello everyone, I have so many ideas with this story and I'm so excited to write it. I hope you like it.
Don't forget to vote or comment and let me know your honest opinion.

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