By littlered1970

33.2K 1.7K 173

Bella and Edward are back. It the school year. Jacob there, so is Tanya. Also Rosalie, Alice,Jasper, and Emme... More

The reporters and surprise
Finding about more of Tanya's lies
Edward admitting he loved Bella
Asking Bella out on there first date
Edward and Bella first date
Bella admits to Edward she loves him
Bella gets touched by Henry
Edward and Bella relationship grows
Bella worst fear comes true
Bella goes on the hunt for Mike
Edward world comes crashing down.
Bella fighting for her life
Bella gives Edward a sign
Bella wakes up
Bella worst nightmare comes true
Bella realizes she changed
Edward proposes to Bella
The Christmas Ball
Confronting Tanya
Edward changing back into who he was before
Trying to find my Edward
Edward leaves to find himself
Getting to Bella
Edward trying to save Bella
Edward and Bella find out there having a baby.
Bella and Edward find out there having a daughter
A little unexpected surprise
Edward world comes crashing down on him again
Rebecca wakes up and he realizes how incredible Bella really is
Finding out Tanya and Mike wants to kill Rebecca and Bella
Tanya attempts to kill Bella
The bond of love
Bella spirit form leaves for answers.
author note

Something happens to baby Rebecca

715 42 7
By littlered1970


Well Edward stood true to his word and made sure Tanya Denali paid for me going into labor early. Rebecca and I are home now and Edward is at school. I just laid Rebecca down for a nap and went to study for my exams coming up when I got a text message. I thought it was from Edward but I was so wrong.

Unknown number: Just to let you know I haven't forgotten about you Bella. So don't think I'm going to just let you off the hook. You are going to get what's coming to you.

I dropped the phone. I knew who it was from and I almost forgot about him. What am I going to do. "Bella what's wrong?" Edward asks me. But I'm to scared to answer him at the moment and he came home for lunch. He spots my phone on the floor and picks it up and he looks at it. "Bella look at me please!" I do what he asks of me. "Bella, I'm not going to let him hurt you or Rebecca I promise you."

"Don't you dare Edward!" I told him. "Bella, stop! I understand why you don't want no one to promise you anything. But I'm going to  promise to protect you and my daughter, because both of you are my life, because I love you both more than you'll ever know." I take my hands and placed them on both sides of his face. "I trust you Edward, I know you would keep your promise to me and our daughter." A smile grew on his face. For that first time I could trust someone to keep a promise. I knew how Edward loved me and our daughter Rebecca.

Later that day I was feeding Rebecca waiting for Edward to get home. He was going to stop at the store on the way home. "How about a bath little one would you like that?" I loved spending time with Rebecca. Once I gave her bath and I was dressing her. I noticed that she was slightly warm to the touch. "Feels like you have a slight fever. Mommy going to take your temp!"

I take it and it's on the low side. "BELLA I'M HOME!" I heard Edward call out. "We're back here Edward." I feel arms wrap around me from behind. "Is something wrong?" Edward asks. "Nothing, big. Rebecca got a low grade fever. I just gave her some baby Tylenol." I told him.
"Are you hungry?" He asked me. "For your cooking any time." I smiled. "As soon as I say hi to my baby is girl I'll start dinner." He told me. "Well, then that will give me a chance to get in the shower." I turned around in his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck.

Edward gives me his crooked smile. "You can do that. But I want to know how your feeling and be honest with me Bella." He asked me. "I'm a little tired and still sore. But other then that Edward I'm fine trust me. It helps me when you get up with Rebecca at night." Edward gives me a quick kiss on the lips. He picks up Rebecca. "Now how's my little monkey junior?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Monkey junior, seriously Edward?" I asked him. "Yep, she going to take after her mommy. I can see it now, I'm not going to be able to keep her out of trees."

I start laughing. "Well one good thing, she got her daddy's eyes." I told him. "Well she got her mommy's hair color and her nose and her face." Edward takes an rubs his nose with her nose gently. I just giggle. "I'm going to jump in the shower, you two behave." I told him. "Always, don't we little one?" I just shake my head.


It's been a couple a weeks and exams are in a week and graduation is 3 weeks away.
I just got back from lunch. We still can't figure out why Rebecca been running a low grade fever. The doctor said she might just have a little cold. But then my phone starts to vibrate in my back pocket. I take it out and it's a text message from Bella.

Bella: Rebecca fever is gone up a little going to try and give her a cool bath to see if I can get to go down.

Edward: alright just keep me informed. Love you.

Bella: I will love you too.

In our next class the teacher Mr. Bands told us to shut off our cell phones and other devices. I was hesitant. But I didn't want to get risk him taking it either like he just did Adam phone.
1/2 hour into class someone knock on the door and Mr. Bands answer it. I hear Alice's voice.

I look towards the door and she has a worry look on her face. "Mr. Cullen, it would seem you have a family emergency and you need to leave right away." I hurried and grabbed my stuff and walked to the door and shut it behind me.

"I'm sorry Edward. But Bella called me. She called me freaking out saying she couldn't get ahold of you  at all." She told me. "Yeah, Mr. Bands made us shut  our cell phones off. Wait you said Bella why was Bella freaking out?" I asked. "Turn your phone on Edward!" I did what Alice asked me. Once my phone was loaded I had a voicemail. "EDWARD I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU'RE NOT ANSWERING YOUR PHONE, BUT I'M IN THE AMBULANCE WITH REBECCA. SHE WENT INTO A SEIZURE! EDWARD I'M SCARED." Then the line went dead. "I got to go Alice."

"I'm coming with you Edward." I wasn't arguing with Alice right now all I wanted was to get to the hospital to Bella and Rebecca. Once there I kept asking where my daughter was but I wasn't getting no answer from no one. Then finally I see Bella walk out and she seen me and ran up to me. "WHY DIDN'T YOU ANSWER YOUR DAMN PHONE WHY?" She cried out. "I'm sorry but the stupid teacher made us shut them off, I'm sorry." She finally wrapped her arms around me and cried. "They put her a medically induced coma, in order to stop her seizures." I wrapped my arms around her. "Do they even know what cause the fever or the seizure?"

"No, there running test on her. Edward I'm warning you before I take you upstairs. I made them let me tell you. She hooked to machines while they have her in a coma. So please don't freak out she needs you, I need you." I kiss the top of Bella head. "Let's go see our daughter." I tell her. We get up to the pediatric icu and we walk in and I see my little monkey hooked up to machines. She looked so tiny under all of it. I walked up to her little cradle and took her little hand gently into mine.

"Hey, there. Daddy here and I love you. I know you're strong like your mom, so I know you can fight whatever battle going on in that tiny little body of yours." I felt Bella wrap her arms around me. "I know she can hear you Edward and you know what she is a fighter, always has been. She our little miracle. She alright beat so many odds, I know she can beat this one too. We just have to pray." She told me. "You're right, but it still hurts to see her like this not knowing what caused this." I told her. "I know Edward, it scares me to. But they'll figure it out."

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyer does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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