By TheGeekyBard

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After escaping from the slavers who've taken her and others from her village, Gabrielle finds her way to camp... More



39 2 0
By TheGeekyBard

The water rushed as Gabrielle fought against the rapids that carried her ever further downstream. It was all she could do just to keep her head above the water's surface, which didn't work all too well as she was repeatedly pushed under. While under the water, Gabrielle tumbled through the rapids before being inadvertently pushed to the surface where she coughed and gasped for air as she did everything she could to fight the current. She swam as hard as she could despite her injured ribs but wasn't strong enough to prevent herself from being tossed around like a rag doll as she was once again pulled under. Gabrielle was carried beneath the water for a good distance as she found herself unable to swim back to the water's surface. She held her breath, but soon found her lungs beginning to feel as though they were burning as she knew that she wouldn't be able to make it much longer. She needed air. Being pulled further down the river, Gabrielle struggled until her body couldn't take the deprivation of oxygen any longer and despite Gabrielle's efforts her mouth opened on its own as her natural instincts took over and attempted to take in a breath but only took in water instead. Quickly, Gabrielle covered her nose and mouth as panic began to set in and water began flowing into her lungs. Just as it seemed as though she'd drown, Gabrielle suddenly found herself being carried back to the surface. Gabrielle's head popped out from beneath the water with a gasped and as she coughed up water and took in several deep breaths. She had just somewhat caught her breath when she was shoved back underwater. She tumbled a number of times before managing to get back to the surface. However, as she resurfaced once again Gabrielle was met with a series of rocks that laid directly in her path. Unable to do anything to alter her trajectory, Gabrielle was thrust into a large bolder. She yelled painfully as her arm and shoulder was slammed against the rock before the water dragged her further along. The river tossed her about, driving her into a couple more rocks along the way. Gabrielle felt her consciousness beginning to fade when after several more minutes finally the water began to calm and slow. Further away, the scenery was peaceful as a deer stood beside the gently flowing waters and lowered its head to drink. Lapping up the cool, refreshing drink for a moment, the deer's head suddenly shot up and its ears twitched as it went on high alert after hearing an unfamiliar noise. The creature stood still as it assessed the possible danger that might be coming its way. There was silence for a moment before the small, unknown sound rang out again. This time the deer made a decision to not stick around and possibly fall prey to whatever the sound had originated from as it hastily turned about galloped off, never seeing the small barely conscious blonde who had washed up into the tall grass on the riverbank. Several long minutes passed as Gabrielle just laid there flat on her stomach, gasping and catching her breath. Exhausted and in incredible pain, Gabrielle tried to push herself up but fell flat once again as she cried out in pain that shot through her arm and back. She laid there in the grass and mud as the day's events ran through her mind.

(Thinking to herself) How did today end up like this? I woke up this morning, and it was just like any other day. And now mother, Lila and the others, they're gone. Taken who knows where. And I'm laying here, unsure of where I even am in a muddy riverbank, barely able to move. I couldn't do anything to save any of them.

Gabrielle closed her eyes as tears began to run down her cheeks.

(Thinking to herself) What am I gonna do? Mother, Lila, I'll probably never see them again. I'll probably never see father or anyone else still in the village either. I can't move to get up, and I'm so tired. So very... tired.

Though Gabrielle had tried to fight it, she felt her eyes become increasingly heavy until she could no longer hold back the darkness that finally claimed her as completely exhausted, she fell unconscious and laid there completely lost and alone along the riverbank.


The complete darkness slowly began to give way as a groggy head lifted slowly from its furry resting place, only to quickly fall back as a low, tired groan rang out. Tired, unfocused eyes blinked several times as the still foggy head attempted to raise up again, only to fall back once more as a throbbing pain surged through it.


A hand found forehead as eyes closed once more?

(Grumbling) Screw this shit, I'm going back to sleep.

Crickets could be heard chirping as a pair of green eyes slowly opened and Gabrielle finally awoke. It was dark as she lifted her still damp head and tried to see through the night that had fallen while she was unconscious. The sound of the running water reminded her of what had happened and Gabrielle pushed herself to get up as the thoughts of finding a way to save those taken by the slavers filled her mind, Gabrielle stood and shivered as the cool night air swept across her still wet clothes. Her ribs and shoulder still hurt as her still tired legs carried her away from the river. She walked slowly along the darkness of night, unsure of where she was going until in the distance Gabrielle spotted what appeared to be the glow of a campfire.

(Thinking to herself) A fire! Thank the gods. That means there's gotta be someone around here. I can finally get some help.

Though tired and hurting, Gabrielle began making her way towards the light being thrown as she thought that she had finally found the help that she so desperately needed.

(Grumbling) What time is it?

Opening, eyes blinked and slowly adjusted to the darkness inside the tent. A light, throbbing pain still pulsed through a head as a hand reached up to massage the affected forehead.

(Grumbling) That stuff must've been stronger than what I usually drink.

After laying there for a few moments trying to work away the pain, a sickening feeling began to take hold.

I think I need some fresh air.

Slowly, a dark figure stood up from the pile of pillows and grabbed a fur coat that was hung over a chair and threw it on as they stepped outside the tent into the crisp night air. Looking around, there was barely a soul in sight, as everyone in the camp had long since either gone to sleep or passed out. Only a handful of guards stood awake and on patrol as the leader of this camp turned from the tent and began walking into the night. A little outside the camp, the figure walked before stopping by a series of trees and learned their arm against one as they attempted to fight off the sick feeling from the obvious hangover they were experiencing. Taking several deep breaths, the figure put a hand on their knee as they fought against the vomit threatening to make its appearance. After a few moments and some more breathing, the feeling began to pass as the dark figure returned to standing upright. They took another breath and relaxed as they began walking again before barely a minute later finding themselves emptying the contents of their stomach into the bushes they happened to be standing by.

(Muttering) Well, I guess I feel a little better now.

Wiping their mouth with the back of their hand, the figure stood back up straight and leaned back against a nearby tree as they waited for their stomach to completely settle. Aside from the scattering of the sounds of the typical nocturnal creatures, it was a quiet, peaceful night. Something that hadn't been common as of late for a number of reasons. Reasons that a hungover brain in all honesty didn't want to think about at the moment. There would be plenty of time for that when there wasn't a splitting pain persistently pulsing through their head, they thought to themselves as the figure closed their eyes and rubbed their temples to try and relieve the ache.

(Thinking to herself tiredly) Almost there. Just a little further. Then I can get help for everyone.

Gabrielle tiredly walked as she dragged herself towards the campsite that she knew must be there. She walked closer through the darkness before she took another step but found that there wasn't any ground beneath her foot, which sent her tumbling forward down a steep incline. Gabrielle groaned painfully as she landed hard. Tired, wet and cold, she shivered and clenched her already injured ribs as she laid there, feeling nearly every inch of her body in some varying level of pain. Gabrielle remained still as she tried to find the strength to move. She then felt a wave of relief wash over her as she saw a pair of boots step through the bushes she landed behind and stop right in front of her face. Exhausted and unable to get up, Gabrielle reached out and grabbed onto whatever was in front of her as she lifted her head to see a figure almost completely concealed by the dark of night appearing to look down at her.

(Exhausted tone) Please... help... my mother, sister, the others... I ran... I... I...

Too exhausted to even speak, Gabrielle's eyes closed as her head sunk to the ground as she succumb to her exhaustion while still clinging to the unknown person standing over her.


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I do not own this. This is a converted story, all rights belong to the original owner.