The Devils Temptation {Bada L...

بواسطة InsaneMaker

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{First Book} In where two close friends finally meet again after years. Both ending in a terrible note and fe... المزيد

{ Prologue }
{ Cast }
{ Cycle of life }
{ The Crew Members }
{ I'll show them who the better Kim is }
{Craving her attention}
{Worth so much more}
{More like my girl}
{ Her past }
{Seducing her}
{Mr. Steal Your Girl }
{ Recognition }
{ Class Mission }
{The Annoyed Leader}
{Friends Who Flirt?}
{Filming Class }
{ Can You See My Heart? }
{ A Crush? }
{ Best Friends Again }
{Kpop Challenge}
{ Leave Me Alone }
{Fear Of Abandonment}
{ Death Match}
{The Start Of Something}
{Pool Party}
{Mega Crew Mission}
{The Struggles}
{ The Unexpected }
{Filming Day}
{We Did It!}
{Old Friendships}
{She's Finally Happy}
{That's My Girl}
{Beach Date}
{The Blonde Era}
{Clingy Girlfriend}
{Cruel Society}
{Harsh Leaders}
{Birthday Date}
{One Big Family}
{Girls Supporting Girls}
{Finally Free}
{Hwasa Mission}
{No Bad Blood}
{Bada's Past}
{Queens Vs Queens}
{The Devil's Temptation}
{My Second Home}
{My home}
{Practice Before Finals}
{Finals pt.1}
{Important Announcement!}
{Final pt.2}
{The Finals}
{I Still Love Her}
{Second Story!}

{Leader; Leah}

889 54 10
بواسطة InsaneMaker

The brunette girl got the last finishing touches on her lips. Her eyes were staring at her makeup artist as she brushed a light red tint of lipstick across her bottom lip. The second camera is currently being used behind the scenes. The cameraman didn't hesitate to zoom into her beautiful face as her eyes never left her makeup artist. Her morning has been a bit hectic with interviews, meeting up with other dancers and having to do a few photoshoots. She's currently at her last shoot of the day. She couldn't wait to go home, jump into her bed and sleep. She barely got any sleep last night, especially since she stayed up talking to all her friends and family. She didn't get to sleep until the clock struck three in the morning. She only got two hours of sleep needing to wake up at five to start her day. Leah was a bit sad having to leave her peaceful sleeping girlfriend alone. She wanted nothing more than to stay in bed with her. Taking a seat on the high top chair, she straightens her back keeping a good posture. She brushed a few hair strands off to the side as her eyes landed on the camera lens.

The beautiful confident girl smiled at the camera waving happily. "Hello everyone, I am Kim Leah. Also known as the leader of Eternal. Today I will be answering some fan favorite questions. Let's get started!" She winked at the lens.

"Who is your favorite team on Street Woman Fighter 2, apart from Eternal?"

My favorite crew? I would have to say... Jam Republic.

Leah's green blue eyes glanced around. She raised her index finger telling the viewers to come closer. She placed her right hand next to her mouth. "Don't tell Team BEBE that." She whispered, a small giggle escaping her lips.

"Who is your favorite member?"

I don't have a favorite. I love them all equally. They're my girls and I would do literally anything for them.

"How old were you when you became the leader of Eternal?

I... I was nineteen at the time. We formed Eternal when I turned eighteen. It consisted of just me and Ivy at first until we met everyone else.

"Did you ever imagine being loved all across the world?"

Me? I'm loved all across the world? I had no idea. To this day I'm still surprised by the amount of love and support I'm receiving from my fans. I am super grateful for each one of you!

"Who has the biggest inspiration when it comes to dancing? And who motivated you to chase after your dream?"

I know I say this all the time but it's true. My biggest inspiration is and has always been Bada. The one person who motivated me to chase after my dream was my grandfather.

"How old were you when you met each member?"

I was seventeen when I met Ivy. The thing about Yujin, I attended the same dance classes as her but never spoke to her. We met shortly after, so seventeen. I met Mina when I had just turned eighteen through Yujin. And the last person I met was Miyeon, she was the last person to join the group. I was nineteen at the time.

"Describe each member with one word, a meaningful world to you."

I would say for Ivy, my gorgeous older sister. Yujin is my best friend. Miyeon is charming and Mina is my baby.

"Are you planning on being in any future tv competition?

I'm not sure. I would have to see how things end in Street Woman Fighter 2.

"How would you describe yourself in five words?

Uhmm.. Pretty, Sexy, Cute, independent and hardworking.

"Who do you admire most and why?"

Lately.. I have been admiring my best friend, Bada. She's such a kind hard working person. I loathe to be like her someday.

"What is your relationship with Lee Bada?"

She's my best friend, we've known each other since I was ten and at the time she was twelve.

"Would you ever consider collaborating with Team BEBE or Bada?"

Of course, I actually want to collaborate with some of the girls. Definitely look forward to some dance videos of me and Bada soon!

"Who is your favorite member from Team BEBE? And why?:

NOoooo. I can't decide that. I love them all.

"Are you currently seeing anyone? Possibly dating someone?"

I don't think I have the answer for that yet... Next question!

Leah giggled, she placed a hand over her mouth. A small blush appeared on her cheeks feeling a bit shy from the question. She covered her face trying to hide the cute smile on her face.

"What's your favorite memory with the girls?"

My favorite memory of the girls.. It was probably when we were in Mexico for a championship. After we won first place we went down to my family's small town. We visited my grandfather at his grave and we even had dinner with him. The girls made it feel all special because the entire time they spoke to my grandfather like he was actually there.


The half Korean Mexican girl waved goodbye at all the workers, she made sure to bow her head in respect. She offered them a bright smile as she carried her purse. She made sure to follow her manager, who carried a few bags of clothing that were given to her. Usually when she had photoshoots the staff would offer her the clothing to see if she wanted to take it home. She decided to take a few pieces, the clothing brand knowing it would end up benefiting them. Making her way down the hall outside the set, her heels clicked against the floor. A few bodyguards followed her around protecting her from any fans or anyone trying to get closer to her. Leah pulled out her phone seeing a message come through from her girlfriend. She opened the message seeing a picture of herself. Lifting her head up, her mouth fell open in shock. Her eyes slightly widen at the sight of her handsome tall girlfriend waiting by the front door. Her hair was pulled to the back into a low bun away from her face.

Leaning against the wall next to the door, she held a small bouquet of flowers. Her black thick glasses on the bridge of her nose as she tilted her head to the side. She smiled brightly as she scrunch her nose seeing her amazing girlfriend.  "Oh? What are you doing here?" She ran through the hall in heels not caring about a few workers gathered around. They watched them finding them incredibly cute as Leah wrapped her arms around Bada's lower waist. The taller girl's face brightened up as she wrapped her arms around her. She rubbed her small back leaning her chin onto the side of her head. Her day truly couldn't have turned out any better. Bada pulled away from the hug, looking down into her green blue eyes. "I thought I would surprise you." She used her index finger to tap her nose watching her scrunch it. Leah smiled as turned to look at the flowers she held on her right hand. She took them from her hold, bringing it closer to her nose. She's always loved the smell of roses and flowers.

For once, she didn't have any flashbacks or felt the slightest hatred towards the pink roses. Instead she caressed the petals knowing it has never been the flowers fault. She couldn't help but hate them because of how much it reminded her of her past. Now that she's learned to accept, process, feel what she needed to feel, now it didn't hurt at all. If anything she felt pretty proud of herself to learn to accept her past and move on from it. "Thank you, they're lovely." Her sparkling brown eyes stared at the girl with so much love. Bada had that look on her face that was only meant for her. The way she looked at Leah, was completely different than the look she gives Tatter or Lusher or any of her crew members. Her green blue eyes glance up landing on hers.

The short girl was able to say her goodbyes to her bodyguards and manager. She thanked them for all their hard work and promised to buy the food next time. Something they all denied but knew she would still end up doing. She always brought them energy drinks, coffee and water. All to make them feel appreciated and loved by her. The smallest gesture made them want to keep taking care of her like a daughter. Everyone around her had too much love for her and would do anything for her. Including the girls she spent five years of her life with. Her green blue eyes landed on the building in front of her, her left brow raising up in surprise. "What are we doing here?" She asked, as Bada placed a hand on her lower back. She intentionally lowered her hand down her body landing on her ass. Something that Leah didn't mind at all. Bada removed her hand as her girlfriend wrapped an arm around her waist tugging her closer to her. Both were extremely clingy and cheeky with one another. Loving to tease each other, especially in the most serious moments.

"You did a lot for my birthday and thought I should return the favor. Today we'll spend time together and go to some of your favorite places." The short girl grinned, as she intertwined her hands twitching her girlfriend. They headed inside the bookstore, Bada opening the door for her.

Just like she had planned it they spent the rest of the day together. The handsome taller girl followed her girlfriend around the bookstore. Watching how her face would instantly light up when her eyes landed on a book she found interesting. She wouldn't allow her to carry the basket filled with books. She took it from her hands making sure to carry it herself. Her eyes never leave the beautiful girl in front of her. Leah squealed in excitement once her eyes landed on a poem book she's been searching for months. They were always sold out because of how popular it had become. She picked the book up and placed it into the basket. Standing in front of the cashier register, she pulled out her wallet only for Bada to beat her to it. She handed the cashier her card paying for the ten books that she had grabbed. "Yah! Bada, that's too much money. I could have paid for it." She hit her on the shoulder causing her to turn to look at her. She gave her a soft smile. She raised her left hand up brushing a few hair strands out of her face.

She leaned down kissing her forehead patiently waiting for the cashier to hand her her card back. "Baby, I'm aware you can purchase your own things but allow me to spoil you every once in a while, hmm? You did so much for me on my birthday. I just want to return the gesture." Leah nodded her head as she held onto her girlfriend's arm. The cashier handed them a bag filled with books and the card. Bada took the bag, not letting her carry anything heavy. They walked out of the store holding hands not caring about the looks or words they would receive from those around her. They made their way into a different store, the short brunette wanting to buy more makeup needing it for the next filming days. Browsing through the lipsticks she picked a dark shade of red. She grabbed Bada's left arm, pushing her longsleeve up. She brushed the lipstick on her wrist looking at the swatch. The taller girl bit her lower lip also taking a look at the lipstick shades. She ended up picking out a few for herself and adding them into the basket. She ended up asking Leah for advice on eyes shadows and colors that would suit her.

Her girlfriend got extremely excited as she found a lot of nude colors that would definitely suit her. She showed her some of her favorite eye shadow pallets. The girls definitely bonded over makeup, something they never thought would become meaningful for them. They ended up in a photo booth, Bada sitting on the small bench and Leah sitting on her lap. The first picture taken is of them two smiling brightly at the camera, the older girl raising two fingers up into the air. The second picture is of the brunette girl sitting next to her girlfriend. She stared at the side of Bada's face as the older girl placed a hand under her chin making a check mark. She closed her right eye sending a wink at the camera with a bright smile. The third picture consisted of Bada placing her hands on each side of her face. She brought her girl into a kiss, making her red lipstick printed onto her lips. Leah pulled away letting out a small giggle, pulling away from the peck. She leaned forwards kissing her soft warm cheek, as Bada wrapped her arms around her body pulling her closer.She scrunched her nose as the last picture was taken of both of them together. Leah giggled as she looked at the pictures and handed one of the photo straps to Bada.

Both girls were exhausted at the end of the day, the taller girl walking ahead of her girlfriend. Leah took the opportunity to take a picture of her. Biting her lower lip she tried to hide her smile as she uploaded the picture onto her instagram story. Bada turned around checking up on her, she opened her left palm for her to take her hand. The brunette girl didn't hesitate to catch up with her interlocking their hands together.

The day of filming for Street woman fighter 2 has arrived, yet again. Leah's eyes fluttered open at the sound of her alarm. A small groan left her lips as she turned to the right side reaching over for her phone. She managed to hit the stop button, feeling a pair of arms wrap around her waist tugging her back. The tired older girl buried her face into the crook of her neck. Her eyes remained shut as she continued to sleep peacefully ignoring the alarm. "My luv, it's time. We have to get up." Bada shook her head no, her arms tightening around her waist. The brunette girl let out a small chuckle, placing her hands on top of her girlfriends. She giggled feeling her bangs ticket the side of her neck making her pull away. Bada used her hands to turn the girl around. Her eyes slightly opened as she stared at her beautiful girlfriend who had her brown hair scattered across her face. Her right hand reached over brushing the strands of hair behind her ears. "Let's just sleep in and arrive late. I'm sure they'll understand."

"I doubt they'll be happy about it. Come on, we gotta go." The younger girl pushed the covers off her body. She stood up from the bed sleeping onto her slippers only to feel Bada's hand around her wrist. She turned around to look at her, letting out a yelp as she tugged her back onto the bed. The handsome titred girl threw a leg over her body as she sat on top of her. Her head laying on her chest as she held onto her tightly. "Noooo.. Let's just stay here for at least five minutes." Leah could easily say no to people but when it came to Bada. That's a whole different story. She found it harder saying no to her, especially because she got extremely clingy with her. A smile formed on her lips as she leaned down kissing the top of her head. Her arms wrapped around her body, as her left hand came up to the back of her head caressing her hair. Bada grinds in happiness knowing she had won the small battle. Her eyes fluttered closed at the sound of her soft calming heartbeat. She was asleep in a matter of seconds, her lips falling slightly open as she slept peacefully. "Thanks to you I learned how to properly love. Did you know that?" She spoke in a whisper tone of voice not trying to wake her up. What she didn't realize is how her eyes snapped open upon hearing her sweet loving voice.

-Now this is a small chapter and I apologize. I have had a lot on my mind lately and been super busy with work. I'll make sure to give you guys a longer chapter next time! I hope you had or have a great day. -Luv L <3

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