The Devils Temptation {Bada L...

By InsaneMaker

120K 5.4K 726

{First Book} In where two close friends finally meet again after years. Both ending in a terrible note and fe... More

{ Prologue }
{ Cast }
{ Cycle of life }
{ The Crew Members }
{ I'll show them who the better Kim is }
{Craving her attention}
{Worth so much more}
{More like my girl}
{ Her past }
{Seducing her}
{Mr. Steal Your Girl }
{ Recognition }
{ Class Mission }
{The Annoyed Leader}
{Friends Who Flirt?}
{Filming Class }
{ Can You See My Heart? }
{ A Crush? }
{ Best Friends Again }
{Kpop Challenge}
{ Leave Me Alone }
{Fear Of Abandonment}
{ Death Match}
{The Start Of Something}
{Pool Party}
{Mega Crew Mission}
{The Struggles}
{ The Unexpected }
{Filming Day}
{We Did It!}
{Old Friendships}
{She's Finally Happy}
{That's My Girl}
{Beach Date}
{The Blonde Era}
{Clingy Girlfriend}
{Cruel Society}
{Harsh Leaders}
{Birthday Date}
{One Big Family}
{Girls Supporting Girls}
{Leader; Leah}
{Hwasa Mission}
{No Bad Blood}
{Bada's Past}
{Queens Vs Queens}
{The Devil's Temptation}
{My Second Home}
{My home}
{Practice Before Finals}
{Finals pt.1}
{Important Announcement!}
{Final pt.2}
{The Finals}
{I Still Love Her}
{Second Story!}

{Finally Free}

1.2K 86 15
By InsaneMaker

The brunette girl sat on her couch in the quiet living room. Her eyes glued to the phone in front of her laying on the coffee table. The screen would constantly light up letting her know she's received a new message. Her hair was a mess as she sat there in silence with tears rolling down her eyes. She's finally allowing herself to feel what she needs to feel. Pushing these feelings and emotions to the side would become so overwhelming for her. This is something she hated about herself at times, she's gotten used to pushing things off to the side. Ignoring her own feelings and focusing on others. When the time came she would come crashing down. She would become a whole mess not knowing how to deal with all the emotions at once. Her eyes read over the name of the message seeing her members names, her girlfriend, Taejan, Lusher, Tatter, her brothers and even Yoon Ah. For some reason that girl was still trying to get in contact with her. Even after everything she's done. She still had the audacity to try to contact Leah. She wanted to talk to her in person. That's something the girl wasn't ready for. Honestly, truthfully speaking she doesn't think she'll ever be ready to face her again.

Licking her dry chapped lips she ran her fingers through her hair. She pushed it off to the side as she glanced out at the window. Seeing a bird land on the railing of her balcony. Bada had stayed with her all night making sure she ate and slept properly. She was afraid to leave her alone knowing she wouldn't take care of herself. It was such a hassle and hesitation leaving in the morning. She had a few things planned already and felt quite anxious to leave her girlfriend all alone. Yet, she also understood that at the moment she needed to be alone. She needed to think properly and allow herself to feel whatever she needed to feel. Rubbing her face in frustration she stood up from her couch. She made her way to her bedroom walking into her closet. She pulled out a pair of baggy jeans and a plain black shirt. She quickly changed, topping the clothing with a black jacket that belongs to Bada. She slid her hands into it without realizing the jacket wasn't hers. She grabbed her keys leaving her phone behind. She didn't want to hear it constantly go off or cared to respond to anyone. Sliding her feet into her combat boots at the door she walked out.

Her first instinct is to drive to the lake but she stopped herself knowing that Bada would find her there. Although she agreed not to look for her until she was ready to talk. She still couldn't help but feel as if she would go looking for her. Instead she took her car for a long drive away from Soul and everyone.She drove to the countryside knowing she wouldn't be bothered at all.  She turned on the radio on her car, as her eyes stared out the window. She listened to the beautiful sweet songs playing making feel a bit at ease with herself at the whole situation.

The tall handsome girl pulled her phone out of her pocket. She let out a small sigh glancing at the time, which is now six pm. She still hasn't heard anything from her girlfriend at all today. She couldn't help but wonder if she's okay. Biting her lower lip she sent her another message hoping she would respond. What she didn't know is Leah's phone was still on the coffee table, the screen would light up anytime someone texted or called. Yet, there was never a response from the girl. Running her fingers through her hair she waited for a minute for a response. Nothing ever popped up on her side making her more anxious. She debated on going to go check on her or giving her more time. Time that she needed for herself and away from everyone. This has always been a very common thing for Leah. Whenever her emotions got the best of her she went mia. She needed time to herself, she needed time to think and to feel whatever she needed to feel. Allowing herself to do that would allow her to come back even stronger.

She would be in a better mindset and ready to take on the world once again. It's just a part of life she needed to deal with. She developed this thanks to her anxiety and depression.

The sad girl arrived at a seafood restaurant around the corner from a huge beach she intended to spend the rest of her night there. Upon entering the restaurant she's greeted with the owner who offers her a welcoming smile. The girl bowed her head slightly, plastering a fake smile on her face. She shoved her hands into her jacket's pockets. She made her way inside, her smile dropping at the sight of her mother who ate crab legs. Maria glanced up, dropping the crab leg as her eyes landed on her only daughter. The only child she learned to despite and hate over time. She scoffs in annoyance seeing how pale she's gotten over time. Her eyes were swollen making her colored eyes more noticeable. She didn't fail to notice the dark circles underneath her eyes. Letting out a huge breath she grabbed a napkin wiping her hands.

"See, that's my down bitch, see that's my soldier. She keeps that thang-thang if anyone goes there."

Bada rubbed her face in frustration walking out of the dance studio. Her eyes glanced at her phone on her right hand. She dialed Leah's number allowing it to ring for a while until she's hit with her voice mail. She didn't have a ride plus her motorcycle at the moment is at the mechanic shop. The only reason she's able to go places is thanks to Tatter and Leah's car. Her first thought is to call Lusher or Tatter and see if they could pick her up. She hated taking ubers or taxis, feeling a bit unsafe with the drivers. "Bada Lee, right?" Upon hearing her name being called out she lifted her head. A small smile on her face as she turned around to face the one person she never thought to see again. Her smile faded as a breath of shock left her lips. Her brown eyes landing on the curly brunette girl who has caused nothing but harm to her girlfriend. She gulped, nodding her head in agreement. Yoon Ah brown eyes glanced at her phone seeing her wallpaper. Her right eye twitched at the sight of Leah smiling brightly while the taller girl kissed her cheek. Her small smile dropped for a second but she quickly fixed it. "Yes, I'm Bada. Can I help you with something?"

Yoon pushed a few hair stands behind her shoulder with a smile on her face. She took a step closer to the taller girl making her raise a brown in surprise. She's never had a conversation with her nor cared to know her. Not when she's caused so much suffering to Leah. She promised herself she would protect her from people like Yoon. "I'm curious to know why she isn't answering my messages?" Bada let out a small chuckle, tilting her head to the side. Her mouth fell slightly open in shock to her asking that question. She didn't understand why she was asking her out of all people? Yet, again the brunette girl refuses to meet up with Yoon Ah again. Plus with the whole trial going on about the physical and mental abuse the judge requested for them to stay as far away from each other as possible. The younger girl raised a brow as her lips turned upwards in amusement. She waited for an answer, wanting to know the situation. "If you're so curious why don't you ask her yourself." Bada stood tall fixing her posture. Her eyes hardened and became darker the longer she stared at the girl in front of her.

Her eyes glanced down at her phone seeing Lusher giving her a response. She told her she would pick her up in fifteen minutes. "I'm asking you because she won't meet up with me in person. Is that her?" She asked, taking a step closer wanting to see her phone. Bada didn't hesitate to lock her phone, shoving it into her pocket.

"No, not that it's any of your business. Moonie has her reasons not to meet up with you." The taller girl spoke with a stern sharp voice. She too is starting to get irritated with Yoon. She understood better than anyone else the things Leah went through. She also understood why she doesn't want to meet up with her let alone text her. Anyone in their right mind wouldn't want to see their ex, the person that not only physically abused them but also mentally abused them. "Moonie? Is that what you call her? She hated that name. She's always hated her middle name since she was a child. Ah.. now that makes me understand that you don't have a good relationship with her either." Yoon Ah smiled even brighter. She always knows who Bada is. After all, her ex-girlfriend always wanted to talk about her. Good things, things she never wished to hear. Things she wishes she could erase from her mind. The moment Leah told her about Bada, she couldn't help but despite the tall girl. She hated everything about her and wished Leah had never met her. It was no surprise for Yoon to try to change the brunette girl into someone she wasn't. She couldn't stand her talking about her old best friend anymore. So she did the only possible thing she could think of, which was swaying her.

At first she didn't like Leah in that way and was just toying with her. She wanted to have fun. After all, Leah was always so naive believing her, no matter what. She took that to her advantage. "You couldn't be more wrong. We are close, if you hadn't heard the rumors or news we are best friends again. I've known her and continue to know her better than you will ever know. If she's refusing to talk to you it's no surprise. You did harm her in so many ways. I don't blame her for refusing to see you again." Yoon Ah rolled her eyes in frustration. She took a deep breath in, her eyes wandering around them. There were barely any cars heard or seen. It is ten pm at night.

The younger girl brushed her hair behind her ears as she plastered a creepy smile on her face. "Do you really know her? Leah has been on her own since she was a kid, she's always been independent and kept her problems to herself. She never told me because she felt guilty and didn't want to be a bother. That's why she's refusing to talk to me, but I need to talk to her. And you'll tell me where she lives or where she's at." She batted her lashes like a pretty morphed porcelain doll. Her face only a few inches away from Bada who didn't flinch nor took a step back. Instead she stared at her down not feeling a bit of fear from her. She didn't really scare her at all, let alone intimidate her. But she could see how Leah must've felt when Yoon's personally/actions would switch in a matter of seconds. "And what gives you the right?" She spat her brows furrowed deeply as shoved her hands into her front pockets. She leaned forwards to her eye level, clearly intimidating her.

Her brown eyes watched how the corner of her lips twitched. Her smile dropped as her hands clenched into first the longer she stared at her. "I'm the only one who stood by her side and kept staying next to her." The curly haired girl smirked, her left brow raised up. She not only wanted to intimidate the girl but scared her. She didn't know how she would do it but she would figure out a way. If anything she needed to get rid of her. She knew, she's the only person getting in her way. The only person who keeps coming between her and Leah. She reached for her phone in her purse pulling out a picture of them two. She showed Bada who didn't express any emotions on her face. She kept a poker look as her eyes glanced at the screen. A picture of Leah throwing her jacket over Yoon's body. Her hands on the collar as she pulled the girl closer pressing her lips against hers. "What do you even mean by being by her side? What does that mean to you?" She asked, not fazed by the picture at all. She did feel a pit of jealousy in her chest but not enough to care. She's aware that they had a relationship in the past when they were teenagers but now. She wants nothing to do with her and Leah is her girlfriend.

She would do anything for her in a matter of a heart beat. "It means I hurt when she hurts and.. I'm happy when she is. And I know she'll be happy to see so just tell me where she is!" Yoon's voice changed into desperation. She needed to know where Leah was. She needed to clear everything out. She couldn't allow her to meet her mother. Knowing that Maria would tell her all the truth including what happened nine years ago. She needed to stop that conversation from happening, most importantly get her story across. "I won't tell you anything. You don't need to worry about her anymore because she's my girlfriend. I'll make sure to take care of her." With that Bada walked past her. She hit her shoulder against hers as she strutted down the sidewalk. The girl headed straight to the black car that pulled up indicating Lusher was here. Yoon screened from the top of her lungs in frustration. She grabbed a hand fun of her hair tugging it in anger. She pulled out her phone dialing Leah's number once again only this time to be sent straight to voicemail.

Both mother and daughter sat across from each other in silence. The younger girl took sips of her cold beer as her right foot shook. Maria on the other hand ate peacefully not caring if her daughter sat across from her. She had come this far out to enjoy the delicious sea food and that's what she's going to do. "Are you ever going to tell me the truth? Or are you going to keep hiding like a coward?" Leah spoke up this time. She didn't have the time nor effort to be chasing after her. She hated when her mother did this or tried to beat around the bush. She wished for her to be straight forward at times. Especially now, there are older women who could handle anything thrown their way. Maria scoffed out loud, slamming the crab leg onto the table. This caused the small wooden table to shake, making the younger girl flinch slightly. Although she had gone through such traumatic events in her life. She always thought that at one point she would get over them or move past them. But that would never happen, she easily becomes startled or flinches at the smallest noises.

"You are still annoying as always. Ruining my delicious dinner I've been craving for weeks now. Now that you ruined my appetite, what do you want to know?!" She spat in anger. She called over the owner telling her to take the plates and food away. She wasn't in the mood of eating anymore. Instead she ordered a bottle of soju knowing she would need it for this conversation. The thing was, Mari has never once been sober whenever she argued or spoke to her only daughter. She always drank liquor/alcohol before having a deep conversation with her. She's well aware of how much they bump heads and how hard headed the girl is. Which is something that would easily tick her off in a matter of seconds. "I want to know how Yoon Ah is involved with you?" She furrowed her brows at the sight of her mother laughing. She laughed as if she had said something funny. She, of course, remembers Yoon Ah. How wouldn't she? She had a lot to do with Leah's life. Mostly finding ways to ruin her completely, making Maria's life a bit more enjoyable.

The older woman poured herself a drink, she didn't hesitate to throw her head back and down it. She hissed at the burning sensation in her throat. Something she truly has missed these past few days. She hasn't been drinking as much because she promised her younger son she would cut off alcohol. The last time she got extremely drunk she ended up throwing an empty bottle at the wall almost hitting in the process. This of course scared the younger boy, he had never seen his mother in this state. Yet, again Leah has always been the one that's dealt with her anger. All the resentment she had was towards her. Now that she wasn't around she didn't have anyone else to take it out on. "Yoon Ah? I paid her. I paid her to sway you and then leave." Her green blue eyes widened in shock. Her bottom lip falling open in disbelief. She didn't know if she should believe her.

"Not only that but I paid her to tell me the truth about you two. I found out about your stupid disgusting relationship through her." Tears started to form in her eyes as she stared at her mother. A sigh of disappointment leaving her lips. It made sense why Yoon left so drastically. It wasn't because she got offered a scholarship at all. Her own mother paid for her to leave. To leave her, especially when she needed her the most. "You know it didn't take much convincing. Once I offered I could pay her and she could travel the world with that money. She didn't think twice and agreed to everything. You've always been so naive and pathetic. Allowing others to walk all over you." Leah clenches her jaw, not allowing her emotions to get the best of her. She wanted nothing more than to cry and curl up into a ball. Not only did her ex-girlfriend betray her but her own mother. She always thought that Maria had some love within her for her only daughter. But she couldn't be more than wrong.

She truly had never once cared for her, not when she's done everything in her power to make her mother happier. Her right hand formed into a fist as her nails dug within her skin. Her head shook as she took a sharp inhale in. Maria's eyes flicked towards the girl seeing the pain written across her face. Something that didn't faze her at all. She didn't really care how much pain or suffering she's caused her. "How could you? How could you do that to your own daughter!?" Leah screamed in anger as she slammed her fist on the table. Her eyes filled with rage and betrayal. Her mother was many things but this. She had gone too far. She paid a seventeen year old to ruin her own daughter. "Do you even know what I went through? I was mentally and physically abused! And you were okay with that?! What type of fucking mother are you!" The brunette girl ran her fingers through her hair as she stood up. A single tear rolled down her face as she stared at the woman in front of her. She wasn't her mother. Yes, biologically she's the woman who gave birth to her but.. She's also the woman she doesn't recognize anymore.

At some point in her life she thought she could forgive her mother. She had hoped her mother could possibly change for the better. Now that she stood in front of her finding out the truth. There wasn't any hope at all. "I'm not your mother. Biologically yes but I have only loved and cared for your brothers. They are my real children, the boys I've always wanted." Leah let out a chuckle, she tugged at her hair feeling as she's going insane. She wiped the teat from her face as she stood there. The owner of the restaurant glanced up at the cameras in the corner. She also didn't think twice and started to type on her phone. She had secretly taken a picture of the two sending it to her best friend. "You're my mother too! A mother that I needed!"  The girl screamed from the top of her lungs. She yelled knowing she ended up getting her point across. Not only that but she needed her mother to hear everything she felt. Maria didn't seem fazed or hurt at all. She didn't show any type of emotion as her daughter screamed out in anger and pain. She didn't feel the slightest remorse or guilt upon hearing her voice cracking.

"You want to be my daughter? Find a man and marry him. Stop being such a disgrace to this family. Most importantly stop being a sinner." Leah's face twitched at her mother's voice. She didn't sound angry or mad at all. If anything she had such a calm stern voice which made something in the younger girl snap. For once in the entire conversation she made eye contact with her once again. For a solid second she could see a pang of guilt. Maria stared into her green blue eyes seeing her own mother in them. Her beautiful well educated mother. A mother who constantly hit her whenever she spoke up or didn't do enough. "I'm a sinner? A sinner because I like women." Her dark cold eyes traveled down to her neck seeing the golden necklace her grandfather had given her. Maria knew that the way she's been treating Leah isn't how a mother is supposed to treat their child. Yet, ever since her relationship with her own parents became rocky she started to blame it on her. "Yes, it's disgusting seeing you with other women. God didn't create you to be with the same sex." 

This caused the girl to laugh out loud, she started to clap as she looked up at the ceiling. "Right. Let's all blame it on the bible. You are such a hypocrite." With that the older woman stood up swinging her hand up and slapping her across the face. Tears rolled down Leah's face as she faced to the left her hair falling over her face blocking her line of view. Maria let out a huge gasp in shock. Her hands shaking in the process, not believing what she had just done. Never once did she ever dare to hit her own daughter. She intertwined her hands in front of her. The half Korean Mexican girl turned to face her mother with a black expression on her face. "You're right, you aren't my mother. I'm not willing to sacrifice my happiness in order for your meaningless status. I would rather live a life without a mother than be miserable." The older woman tried to reach for her hand as she walked past her. Leah didn't care at this point, her mother made it pretty clear where she stood.

She headed onto the counter paying for her drink. She threw her hoodie over her head as she headed out the restaurant. She made her way to the beach around the corner. The breeze picked up causing her hood to fall off her head. Standing in front of the waves, she let out a high pitch scream. Tears streamed down her face as she continued to scream. She did it, to let out the anger within her. She yelled one last time feeling the cries forming on her throat. She cried, falling onto her knees. She started to hit her chest in pain as she felt her heart breaking all over again.

Bada rushed into the apartment complex, her hair flying behind her. She ran down the hall pressing the elevator buttons in a hurry. Her eyes looked up at the numbers waiting for the elevator. She breathed in heavily as she felt anxious. She felt extremely worried about her girlfriend and hoped she's okay. She ran her fingers through her hair. She jumped inside the elevator pressing the button to the third floor. Once on the floor she ran down the hall not caring how loud her footsteps were. She rounded the corner, sliding her hand across the wall. She took a deep breath in as her body slammed against the door at the end of the long hall. Her shaking hands pressed the code into the keypad. She heard the door unlock as she pushed it open. Due to her losing balance she almost tripped over her own two feet. Her eyes scanned the living room landing on all the girls and males standing around. Their heads all snapped to the door in confusion seeing the tall girl. "Bada? Where's Leah?" Ivy made her way around the isle with a worried expression.

"I don't know. I thought she was here." Soo Ah let out an exhale. She placed her hands over her face as she rubbed it frustratedly. Yujin sat next to her on the couch comforting her. Her hand rubbing her back as they waited for any sign of their friend. Tatter stood up from the couch, she made her way to the older girl. She handed her Leah's phone, watching how Bada's face fell. "She left it here. Her keys and car are gone."

"If I was dying in my knees. You would be the one to rescue me and if you were drowned at sea. I'd give you my lungs so you could breathe. I got you sister."

Kim Seon Ho stood outside the gate to his family's home. His brown eyes glanced around in search of his younger siblings. His eyes landed on Felix who stared down at the ground as she approached him. He furrowed his brows as he placed a hand on his shoulder. This caused him to lift his head up, he opened his arms up engulfing his older brother into a tight embrace. "Is Doona here, yet?" Pulling away from the hug, Seon Ho shook his head. He shoved his hands into his front pockets as he patiently waited for his sister. Both brother's didn't do any talk knowing what's about to happen. As much as Lix wished to keep protecting his mother. He knew, he knew she had gone too far this time. Her face and his sister's face were plastered all over the internet. Rumors being spread of the two, rumor's that weren't telling the full story. Leah shoved her hands into her jacket as she crossed the road, her green blue eyes wandering around. She remembers this neighborhood like the back of her hand.

Of course, she remembers this place. She spent more time outside than inside the warm home. A home that always scared her. A home she would always try to run away from. Approaching the gated home, her eyes landed on her two brothers who waited for her. Seon Ho's face fell at the sight of her, seeing her pale skin, dark circles under her eyes and her now swollen red eyes. He rushed to her wrapping his arms around her. He kissed the top of her head as she wrapped her arms around his waist. Felix made his way to his siblings, he didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around them. Tears rolled down Leah's face as she held tightly on her older brother's jacket. Her hands formed into fist as she held in the lingering cries in her throat. The younger boy kissed the side of her head, he honestly couldn't imagine how much pain she's been through over the years. All he could really do is be there for her. He was a coward when it came to their mother. Afraid that he wouldn't be able to live without her. He has always been a mama's boy. What he didn't realize is that Leah has always been a better mother than Maria.

Pulling away from the hug the girl wiped her tears as she looked between her brothers. Lix tilted his head to the side, noticing how red her right cheek is. He raised his hand up brushing a few hair strands behind her ear. Only then he could see a hand print, Seon Ho mouth open in shock. "She slapped me." Seon Ho's eyes widened as a small gasp left her lips. Tears formed in his eyes as his thumb rubbed carefully over her soft cheek. He knew his mother could be evil and unfair to his baby sister but he never imagined she would put a hand on her. A tear rolled down his face as he stared at his broken sister. Something he didn't think he would ever see. "She threw a beer bottle at me the other night." Felix spoke all of the sudden wanting to get it off his chest. It's been weighing him down lately, not being able to talk about it. He bit his lower lip as tears rolled down his face. He covered his face with his right hand not wanting his siblings to see him in this state.

"What?! A beer bottle?!" Leah raised her voice at the end in disbelief. She dared throw a bottle at her baby brother? Her suffering and pain didn't take long to turn into anger. She walks past her brothers slamming the gated door open with rage. Seon Ho didn't hesitate to join her, he followed her wanting nothing more than to tell his mother everything. Everything he's been holding back will finally be spoken about today. Felix took a minute before he followed his siblings inside the broken home. The half Korean Mexican girl marched inside the home. Her eyes sent daggers at her mother who sat on the living room floor with eight bottles of empty soju scattered around her. The bottles were old from a while back, she had only drunk one of them. It wasn't enough to get her drunk or wasted at all. "How could you?! How could you be so vulgar and throw a beer bottle at your child!" She screamed from the top of her lungs. Her neck veins popped out as she showed her all the rage inside of her. The older Kim brother scanned the room seeing the empty bottles of liquor. He also noticed the once behind the counter that she tried to hide from her husband.

Maria rolled her eyes in frustration as she tugged on her own hair. She stood up from the ground turning to face her only daughter. "He's my son. I get to do whatever I want with him." She spat into the young girl's face. Leah's nose scrunched as her blood started to boil. She took a step closer to her mother, her face close enough for her to feel her breath. None of the two women seemed to back out from the intense stare they were giving each other. Normally Leah would be the one to back out. She would always be the first to look away, afraid of what her mother might do to her this time. "You're right, you are his biological mother but you never took care of him. If anything I was more of a mother than you will ever be." Her green blue eyes turned darker as her mother took a step closer wanting to intimidate her.

Seon Ho made sure to stay close to his sister, he would protect her at all cost. "You a mother? You aren't even consider half a woman for fucking around with sinners!" Her eyes fluttered close, feeling spit hit her face. She raised her hand wiping the saliva from her face, not taking a step back at all.

Leah chuckled softly, her fingers running through her hair as she pushed it to the side. Her hands shoving into her pockets. "You know, I'm starting to understand where your anger is coming from. You don't hate me for liking women. You despite me for being who I am, because I stepped up and took care of my brothers! I was the one who made sure oppa ate every morning, day and night. I practice with him soccer making sure he gets better for every match. I stayed late awake at night when he had high fevers. I was the one he came to, when he needed girl advice. When he needed advice on his career path! I am the reason he got into acting! I took care of Lix! I fed him, changed him, bathed him, played with him and read him night stories. I always tucked him into bed. I was there when he first learned how to walk, talk, laugh, smile, sing and dance. I always attended his taekwondo matches and championships. For fuck sakes I am the reason he got into dancing and singing! I did it all! I did everything for this family!" She threw her hands up as her voice rose.

Tears streamed down her face as she waited for some type of reaction from her mother. None of what she said seemed to faze her at all. To her it meant nothing how much the girl had done for this family. "So? We all have to make sacrifices but that doesn't justify that I'm still his mother."

"YOU ARE MY MOTHER TOO! I AM A MOTHER WHO ABANDONED HER ONLY DAUGHTER WHEN SHE NEEDED YOU THE MOST!" Felix stood closer to the front door silently crying. Seeing his sister this way is really taking a toll on him. He's always been the type of person that if her sister cried he also did too. If she smiled, he did too. If she laughed, he laughed along with her. They always reflected on each other knowing how much they meant to each other. The older woman glanced at her oldest song seeing how Seon Ho placed an arm around her Leah. "Mom, I want you to know that I too don't want anything to do with this family. I'm tired. I'm tired of seeing my sister like this. All because you can't control her life. You can't force her to be something or someone she isn't." He spoke more calmly than his sister did.

He has never shed real tears in front of his family members. Not even Leah has seen her older brother crying. He wasn't one to show that part of himself to others. Yes, he's good at acting and the emotions come naturally to him but acting and real crying are two different things. "I can't stand defending you or my sister anymore. So, instead I chose my sister." Maria looked at her son in disbelief. Her eyes widen in fear realizing she's starting to lose her kids one by one. She reaches over to grab his hand only for him to retrieve it. There's no convincing him to stay. Felix wiped the tears from his face approaching his family. His right hand shook as he reached for his sister's hand, wanting nothing more than to comfort her. Both of them need comfort from each other, especially now. "For once, I'm going to put doona first. I'm tired of pretending not to care or be hurt by how you treat her. It kills me inside seeing her try to get along with you only for you to ruin it. I'm done, I'm done being your favorite child. Doona is right, you've never truly been my mother. She's always been there when I needed her the most." Leah turned to the right seeing her baby brother.

A look of adoration formed on her face the longer she stared at him. Bada was right, she's never been alone. She's always had someone by her side this entire time.

Everyone in the small apartment turned to look at the door upon hearing the keypad go off. Seon Ho walked in first laughing at how his sister hit Lix on the shoulder. She scolded him for not wearing a jacket in this cold weather. His smile dropped as he froze in his spot seeing the amount of people gathered around the living room. Lix giggled, running away from his older sister who hit him. He tugged the black jacket around his body. The jacket the girl had been wearing all day. She offered it to him seeing how he started to shake on the car ride back home. Felix's eyes widened as he realized the amount of people in the room. His eyes landed on his team members who had been worriedly waiting to hear back from him all day. The brunette girl laughed for the first time all day, feeling a huge sense of relief knowing they had nothing to do with her parents anymore. Bada stood up from her seat, tears forming in her eyes seeing her girlfriend walk into the apartment. She rushed around the girls and couch. Leah didn't get to take in the sight in front of her quickly being pulled into a hug. A small squeal left her lips feeling someone bury their face into the crook of her neck. "Do you know how worried I was?"

The short girl let out a small chuckle, upon hearing her sweet calming voice. Her arms wrapped around her body as she patted her back. She could hear her small sniffle and her wet tears on her shoulder. "I'm sorry. I didn't think I would be gone for so long." Kim Seon Ho smiled at the wonderful sight of the two girls in front of him. He's always been aware of the chemistry between them, even before they realize their feelings for each other. He's always silently rooted for them. Chan made his way to the blonde boy pulling into a hug. He too had noticed his swollen red eyes and the small shade of red on his nose. Tatter's bottom lip turned into a small pout. "Unnie! I missed you!" She ran across the living room attacking both girls, joining into the hug. Leah couldn't help but cry, seeing how many people actually cared for her. One by one, all the girls joined in the hug. All her friends and family were here for her, knowing she's been going through the hardest time of her life. She felt extremely thankful to have them in her life.

A family who actually cared for her.

I want to apologize for all the crying that I might have caused you guys. But I promise, this will be the last sad chapter I will write. Now that her story has been told and she's free from her parent's control. She's be happy! So defiantly look forward to those chapters! I hope you had or have a great day! - Luv L <3

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