Time Entanglement

By Ssdevan

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With the world being under the threat of Voldemort , cloud of despair has shrouded the sun of hope.At the cr... More

Strange Traveller
Not worrying
Changing Equilibrium
New Prophecy
Soul bond.
Good Bye
Sealing the bond.
Time Wheel.
Silver Doe
In Memories
Last Horcux
Restoring The Peace
Family reunion
Unexpected arrival.
Unexpected Revelation
Greater Good.
Catalyst Indeed!
New stories
Fact she knows not
Does it matter
Path Divergence.

Switched Roles

302 21 129
By Ssdevan

Jane is someone who is always practical , believing on the things that can be seen or can be understood .However her notion completely changed with the arrival of professor McGonall in front of her house . No logic can explain the transformation of a woman into a cat and vice-versa .The bizzare feeling that she got is still afresh in her memories . There are no words to describe how dumbfounded she felt at that time . She is sure that David condition was no different . However somehow her daughter was not as shocked as she was . Surprised?yes , but shocked? No.

She remembered the lengthy conversation between her daughter and that old lady in which her daughter, crossing her hands near her chest ,and looking into eyes of the old lady, probed about the possibility of existence of magical world . After being convinced from the answers of the old lady she was so much excited to join new world

. Afterall it had explained that why can't she align with her surrounding like other kids. Despite being Most brilliant kid ,she was mostly bullied for her intelligence and  a few friends that she had, was only because she could help them in homeworks. It was not real friendship and her little daughter knew but she was too lonely to care about it .So when McGonall explains the existence of some magical world , There was no boundary of Hermione's joy. She was finally going to find a world where she belongs.

Neither Jane belong to that world nor David.And they are very well aware of that . Distance between two worlds has the capacity to distant two hearts . They fear to loose their daughter was intense but they didn't allow it to gallop their daughter's happiness.

When Hermione was first time bidding the train and waving to them ,they could practically see her going away from them. With Each and every year their fear started becoming reality.

They could understand the change in her daughter but they couldn't excatly point at it .Change was more prominent after her fourth year. Endless recounting of her school events always came to an abrupt halt .Even if she talked about her school days ,Jane could sense that the enthusiasm in her voice was artificial as if she is forcefully pretending to be Hermione that they know . From thereon whenever they met her , each time she put more effort to be their  Hermione , hiding her real self.

The reality was hard to accept for them so they decided to ignore it . Jane ignored it when last year after coming from the school, Hermione made the excuse of heartbreak without telling her about the name of boy. She ignored it when Hermione told her that their memories was altered by magical department to safe them from some war that she didn't know was going. She ignored it when she saw maturity in  her little daughter when they saw her consoling Harry.  She ignored everything.

But how can she ignore that her daughter was on run ,in some tent , during war and has married Harry without even informing them. Her primary concern was the war thing. Hermione told her that she didn't knew much about the war because all students were in Hogwarts under teacher's protection and elders didn't allow them to involve in these things.But now hearing from Ron's mouth that they were in the hiding,in some tents., her heart sinks into her pit. Her daughter has lied to her and she didn't know how many more lies she has told her .

She doesn't even know that she knows her daughter or not.

From the time they left , she and David are waiting for their return. They didn't speak a word to eachother. There is nothing left to talk.She turns towards David. The feeling of betrayal and pain is evident in his eyes,but like her,he too has decided to wait for the explanation. 

The crackling sound behind them, made them flinch from sudden surprise. They immediately stands up and turn back.

"Hermio..." Jane's voice died in her throat looking at Harry and Ron. Her eyes travels around for Her daughter and she knows that David eyes too is looking for the same .

After waiting for some second for daughter's arrival, she look in the young man's  eyes. She can see sympathy and understanding in it.

"Where is Hermione?" asked David.

"She hasn't arrived yet" Said the red-headed man " She has apparated before us  He said turning towards Harry with worried face. Harry looks at Jane and David .It looks like he too wasn't expecting it ..

" Where has she gone ?"  asked David

"Grindiwald Palace" Harry speaks in low voice. "Black's library"  He turns towards Ron and he nodded in understanding.

"Now everyone knows my daughter more than me" Jane thought bitterly and she knows that David has the same feeling.

She looks at the Harry . Suddenly he seems to be aged. He looks more tired  from before. His closes his eyes and takes a deep breath as if trying to calm his inner storm.

"Kreacher" He called and within a second the small creature with eyes and ears  that she has seen on Harry's birthday, appears

"Master has called Kreacher " the elf asked, pleased to be in service of his master

"Hermione is staying in the palace ,Kreacher . Can you make that place comfortable for her , especially Library?" Harry requested looking at him.

"Sure Master Harry. Kreacher will take care of Mudb....."  Kreacher trailed off when Harry glare at him.

"Kreacher ,I strongly forbid you to use that word." Harry said authoritatively .

"As master say"  Elf bowed respectfully, however his face fall at the scolding.

"One more thing..." Harry said. " Take care of Hermione's diet . You make world's best cuisines "  Harry added gently and the elf's face brighten up before he vanished .

"You have learnt it. " Said Ron with a lopside smile and turns to look at David

"I think I should take your leave. " He said awkwardly and Jane just nodded , not understanding what to do or say.

"Everything will be fine, mate." Said Ron patting slightly on Harry's shoulder and he just nodded slightly .

After Ron's departure  , Jane look at Harry in hope to hear some explanation. She just want to know about her daughter's life. Harry's eyes looks at them as if stuck between two things .

"I ... Should leave too ..." Harry said uncertainly and Jane looks down in disappointment.

Once again , Harry look at both of them and straighten himself for apparation . However his shoulder slumped in the last moment . Taking a deep breath he speaks.

"I don't know whether I have right to tell you anything or not .... obviously it should be Hermione..... but I don't when she...." He trailed off  leaving rest of the unsaid but not unheard.

"We can sit and Talk" Suggested Jane and in a while David is sitting beside her , Harry in front of her   , facing both of them.

Harry looks down at his feet , eventually not knowing,what to say and how to start the conversation. So Jane decided to make his task easier.

"What's about misprinting?" She asked framing her question wisely. She looks him gulping as he speaks without looking up at them.

"It was not misprint" He speaks. "...Seems like wizarding way of marriage is different from muggle ones ..." He speaks with distaste, more to himself than them

Jane looks at David in worry and again turns towards the boy.

"What do you mean? What kind of different? " He asked unnerved ." I am asking a simple and straight question. Did both of you get married without our knowledge? Yes or no" . Though David tried his best to speak normally Jane could sense his worry and pain in his voice.

"It is not that simple and straight, Sir " Harry replied after a short pause. " We never exchanged rings nor have taken marriage promises in front of Church  .Not deliberately at least. " He added last line slowly and again take a pause.

"Then there is no marriage" David said

"We thought that too " Harry replied Curtly
"In wizarding world, there is concept of some kind of binding that is considered as marriage. You don't have to exchange rings or anything....There is some promises and if you mean it from your heart than ...." He trailed off.

"What rubbish is this??" David exclaimed angrily. "You made thousands of promise to many persons and you meant many of them. You can't be  married to them "

"This Concept is different,Sir. May be I am not explaining it as Hermione could have " Harry said , looking like he can even have death to escape this conversation.

"I and Hermione both are raised in muggle world , So we where not that much aware from rules of magical wedding but today after visiting the ministry we got some clarification"  Harry said .

"There are three kind of marriage legalised in magical world . First one is like muggle marriage, verbal commitment, exchanging rings and promises in church.... " He continued.

"Second one is magical binding . Along with Verbal commitment , magical binding is required which strengthen the marrige further. And in the case of annulment  ,your magic would pay the price .Most witches and Wizards opt for this marriage " Harry explained. "Because it offers deeper connection and commitment"

He stops speaking and David and Jane keep patience, allowing the boy to align his thoughts.

"And third one is soul binding.".He continued after a while. " It is the rarest in the rare case in the magical. A way of marriage which is not used from centuries.

"What is so non-usable about it?" Said David.

"It is not in the hand of person to choose your life partner. Soul bond exist between individual from the birth .They just required to seal the bond  .No marriage Ceremony or ring exchange things is required in it...". Said Harry without looking up at them.

"Hermione and I is in soul bond." Harry said .

"But Ron said that you were married in tent .If this soul bond thing exist from birth, then how can you marry...."Jane said .

"It requires to seal the bond, Mrs Granger. "Harry answered. " Hermione has initiated the sealing , two years ago.She didn't know about the marriage thing." He explained hurriedly.

"Two years ago. You both were not even of age." Said David.

"There is no minimum age limit in this type of ...marriage " Said  Harry." And in tent....I made some promises that completed the process.... So that's why it is counting from that time."

"Oh!" Jane sink down comprehending his words. Marriage is not something that should have done hastily. They are still young for the marriage.

"Why is  Hermione in the Palace?" asked David.

"Looking for the way of annulment" Harry replied curtly before apparating from their house.

"Did we read Her wrong?" asked Jane looking at David.

"I don't know .That girl doesn't even consider talking to us. ". David replied bitterly. "Let her do whatever she wants." Saying this he stands up and left from there.


Harry changes his side helplessly.It has been ten past two and he is not able to get even a ounce of sleep. Today's event is two much to take. Till last night he was most wanted bachelor of the magical world and Today all of sudden ,he is a married man.

He is married to Hermione .

Out of all People, Hermione.

His best friend.

No, He was married man even when they were on the hunt of horcuxes . He was married man when he had that conversation with Ron in the forest .He was married to her when he stepped in her house . He was married to her when she was decorating his house.

He is married to her.

The thought itself is igniting a strange twisting sensation in his stomach .He doesn't know how to react and how to feel as if suddenly his ability of feel anything vanished into thin air.

Or May be he could have felt something if he can't sense Hermione's overwhelming determination in himself. Even with distance of kilometres, he can still sense her tiredness, sorrow and determination ,last one is the strongest.

Looks like she is determined to find out way of annulment .


It was the first question she asked when the Minister explained them about the way this soul bond works.


She wanted it so desperately that she didn't take rest for a minute.

Annulment, which is , according to the Minister ,Luna and Sirius too , is not possible in soul bond.

However, Hermione is determined,like always.

He sits up and sigh dejectedly, sensing her bone-tiredness in him. Coming out of the bed he pick up his night gown and put it over on his bare chest before apparating from there


Under the reflection of golden flame ,many books are scattered from the table to the floor . At its centre Hermione is sitting surrounded by piles of books, open all around her. Her eyes travel from one words to another while her both hands flips page of two books at a time.

"Is it that suffocating to be called my wife that you can't allow yourself a little rest" Come a known voice from behind, startling her.

She turned around quickly, to found Harry standing in front of her wrapped in a night gown .His hairs as distangled as it can ever be . His eyes piercing into hers with Stony coldness.

"What are you doing here?"  She asked .

"What are you doing here?" Harry copied her words , stressing at each syllable as he walks towards her .

"You know exactly what I am doing" She replied, diverting her eyes back to the words.

"What is there so urgent that you can't sleep for a while?". Harry asked. " You can continue your quest tomorrow morning after resting your brain for a while."

"I can't. ". Hermione speaks without looking away from the books ." There must be a way" She speaks more to herself.

"That's what I was saying. What so urgent to find it right now" Harry snapped.

"It is Urgent." Hermione snapped more bitterly than him." Do you have any idea what would happen if this news got leaked into media? No one can understand that we never planned it .They would made it look like it has been there  since ages and you were fooling around Ginny. Don't forget those hate mails that we got in fourth year"  Hermione reasoned

Hate Mails .

Yes, That was the nasty things in their fourth year. He agree that it can happen this time too . People will look at Hermione in wrong light, painting her like some gold-digger short of woman , who succeeded in seducing man-who- saved. After all they want sale which is directly proportional to gossip.

"You go and sleep" Hermione speaks

"I can't sleep unless you stop freaking out and feeling so tired.I am sick of feeling your emotions". Harry snapped bitterly. Hermione looks up at him for some seconds

"I can't control my emotions , Harry" She said sharply. " I can feel yours too. Much before you can feel mine. It was not easy for me too."

"Then at least stop making yourself tired"He said slowly . Hermione glare at her and close the book.She pick up her wand and with a swift of her wrist , she arranges all the books at their previous place.She stands up and walks away from him without saying anything.

"You should confront your parents" Harry speaks up when she was near the door

"I don't need you to tell what I should or what I shouldn't" Said Hermione turning back to him.

"Oh! Really" Harry said sarcastically , annoyed from her stubborn behaviour. " How long can you avoid that ? How long can you run away from facing it?

"It doesn't matter to you" She replied , glaring at him with anger , which is more on his feeling than his words." It's between me and My parents. You have no right to speak about it "

"Yeah! You too remind me that I don't have parents " Harry said bitterly hurt from her words mingling with Ron's bitter excuse to abandon them in forest.

"Harry" Hermione speaks completely taken back from the way he takes her word. "Don't twist my words. You know I don't mean it.". She said sharply

Harry looks away gulping the heaviness in his heart.Yes ,he knows that she didn't meant it that way but the wound Ron has given from his Words is too deep to heal. Yes, he has forgiven him but can't forget

He takes a deep sharp breath , refraining himself to put his every emotions in form of anger and venting it out on Hermione.

"They're hurt Hermione" He speaks calmly." I have seen it in their eyes. Your father was almost broken and your mother...it seems like she was putting her whole effort to stop tears ....."

"I can't tell them the truth " Hermione said. " It's too hard for them to accept. Can you ever think that How it feel ......" Hermione speaks looking distant.

"Dad would consider it as his failure and Mom .... she can't take it ....They can't accept that they were somewhere safe and I was out in the life-threatening danger .It would break them like nothing else could. Helplessness to not able to protect their daughter would be worse than crucio...."  She said trying hard to control her tears." Why aren't you understanding?".

Harry takes a sharp breath and Cover the distance between them. He can understand her ,more than her words , he can understand her emotions .He can sense her emotions

"You know what we have switched our places" He stated"It is your job to be annoying nudgey  one and It's my job to be irrational adamant one"

She looks up at him like statement.

"I can understand from where your adamance is coming from . When You know that what you want is not right and what is right you don't want , you goes into shell of denial." He said.

" I had a lot of   experience in this field. Whether it is about the broom sent by Sirius, .... telling Dumbledore about umbridge detention, about the potion book or occulmecy with Snape.... And many more.  Everytime you becomes voice of my conscience and it irritated me to the hell to hear it loudly that I was working so hard to ignore"  He said .

"So We are getting taste of our own medicine" Speaks Hermione slowly. " you get to know how it feels when people get annoyed at you when you are right.

"You get to know how it feel it be nudged.." Harry said.

"I hate it " She said .

"I hated it too" He said shrugging his own shoulder.

"Imagine for a while, Mione,  that Something like that happens in James life" He speaks."In Future  , He would be in some danger and he decided not to tell US ... thinking that it would make US worried..... can WE cope up with that?  Can WE be okay to not know about the danger but Still aware that he is in some danger " He said somehow surprised that how effortlessly he used 'we and Us ' with Hermione  Something that he can't even think with Ginny when they were actually parenting James.

He didn't let his thoughts linger at that one point as he saw Hermione shuddering from mere perspective.

"You will be with me when I will tell them?" She asked looking up at Harry and he nodded with slight smile.

"It takes only few minutes for you to convince me and it took eternity for me to convince you" She huffed in complaining manner.

"I am better than you in both be it  nudging or being irrational" He teased her ,clearly aware that how much she hated to be second best. He looks away rolling her eyes.

"So We are going to meet your parents, tomorrow morning " He said.

"No. not tomorrow morning. You have to pick Teddy from children. We can't do that tomorrow.May be some other day" She said.

"There is no way you can postponed this, Mione . Tomorrow Morning after picking up Teddy. ".Harry said.

" I was never that much nudgy.." She said grumpily.

"You have no idea" Harry said ." Sleep for a while allow this man to sleep too. Good night " He said .

"Good night " Hermione speaks , realising that how badly she needs sleep.

So how was the chapter?

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