My Life Has Been a Lie (a Ci...

By Cimfam2007

73.1K 2.1K 135

What will happen when Sophia finds out the truth about her past and finds out who her real birth parent are... More

Chapter 2 Christina's tweet
Chapter3 The Journey
Chapter 4 The meet and greet
Chapter 5 my baby sister
Chapter 6 Making sense of it all
Chapter 7 I Will always be your Sister
Chapter 8 London day trip
Chapter 9 How to get out of this one?!?!
Chapter 10 Well this is awkward (Subway meet and greet)
Chapter 11 Outside the hotel
Chapter 12 Why did they do it?
Chapter 13 It's all my fault
Chapter 14 She's in a coma
Chapter 15 She's our sister
Chapter 16 She's Awake!
Chapter 17 Welcome home gathering
Chapter 18 That's what I am
Chapter 19 Mind in half
Chapter 20 My decision is...
Chapter 21 My parents kicked me out
Chapter 22 The flight home
Chapter 23 Welcome Home
Chapter 24 "And we're Cimorelli"
Chapter 25 Last appointment
Chapter 26 I'm just not ready yet
Chapter 27 Not the new girl anymore
Chapter 28 The names Cimorelli
Chapter 29 The urge to play
Chapter 30 It's her
Chapter 31 Fun at the beach... Not!
Chapter 32 The hard truth
Chapter 33 Old memories
Chapter 34 How could anyone be so cruel!?!
Chapter 35 Walk out
Chapter 36 Peaceful sleep
Chapter 37 Nashville
Chapter 38 Golden sunset
Chapter 39 Last few things
Chapter 40 'Leaving California'
Chapter 41 I'm finally home
Author's Notes

Chapter 1 School

4.5K 70 3
By Cimfam2007

Sophia's POV


I sat back in my chair knowing that as soon as that last bell went to symbolise the end of class that I would have to run home, just to try to stop them getting me. Why is it me they pick on and hurt? What have I done to them to make them hate me so much? I thought to myself. I got lost in my thoughts when all of a sudden I heard the last bell ringing, I jumped out of my chair and stuffed my bag with my book and pencil case before slinging it over my left shoulder and running out the room. I ran through the crowds of people on the stairs, dodging every single person until I got onto the ground floor and it seemed like the whole school was trying to cram themselves through this one corridor. I started to walk along until I felt someone grab my arm and pull me over to the side, there all 3 of them stood. "Thought you could get away today did u?" Brooke said in a harsh ,bitchy voice. I didn't say anything I just stared down at my feet trying to blink back the tears as I knew what was coming next. The corridors started to slowly empty as Brooke told me to go into the bathroom, I did as I was told as I knew it would make the punishment less painful.

"So how are you today fatty" jade, who stood next to Brooke, said. "I'm...I'm...good" I stuttered, "nobody said you could speak" she replied before she swung her hand out smashing it across my cheek so hard that it broke the skin. I whimpered in pain dropping my bag onto the floor, "oh what's in here?!" Brooke said picking up my bag and ripping my bag open. They went through all of my stuff throwing it on the floor as it came out, just as they found my phone "OMG!" They creased up in laughter " YOU HAVE AND IPHONE 5C? HOW OLD ARE YOU,6?!" They laughed even harder, I kept my eyes on the ground not daring to look up. I saw my phone fly across the bathroom and hit the wall the other side. Just at that moment someone tried to open the door that Gemma was holding shut. "Quick put her in the cubical!" Gemma whisperd in panic. Brooke and jade grabbed each of my armes and flung me into a cubicle before each kicking me few times, they then went to leave but before they did they chucked my bag into the toilet stall so it flew into my stomach.

The bathroom fell silent as the main entrance door slammed shut after them. I layed there for a while in pain, trying to blink back the tears but it was no good I felt one fall down my bleeding cheek followed by another and another. I finally gained the strength to pick myself up. I grabbed some tissue and went to the sinks wiping the wound that was on my cheek, when it finally stopped bleeding I lifted up my shirt to uncover the bruises that coved my stomach and curled around my body onto my sides. I gently touched them with one finger but flinched in pain. Suddenly the bathroom door swung open and I quickly pulled down my shirt. An tall, brown haired girl with green eyes and tanned skin walked in, " what happened to you?" She asked me referring to the cut on my cheek. "Oh um.. It's from uhh.. Ice skating, the other day" I stuttered out not knowing what to say. "Ummm okay" she said as she walked into a stall.

I took one last look in the mirror before pulling the hood of my jacket over my head trying to cover the cut on my face, I walked over and picked up my phone. It must of cracked as it hit the wall I thought. I looked at the screen that luckily wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, I went to unlock it when I noticed that I had 3 missed call from lilly "oh crap" I whisperd to myself, I total forgot that I was meant to walk home with her. I called her back

(L=Lilly S=Sophia)

S: hey lil

L: hey Soph, where were u?

S: I um, I got caught up with the teacher

L: oh ok I got worried I thought that maybe Brooke, jade and Gemma were bothering you again, I came in to the room where u had your last lesson and I couldn't see you so I thou you had gone so I started walking home.

S: oh ok, so I will see you tomorrow at the trai station yeah

L: yeah don't be late because the train won't wait for you

S: I wont

L: okay bye love Ya!

S: bye love Ya!

Tomorrow me and lily are going to London to see Cimorelli live and meet them!!! I am so over excited to meet them, I have been a fan for years and now I fianl get to meet them. People always ask my why didn't you just meet them the last time they were here but for some reason that I don't know my parent wouldn't let me go. They don't like me being a Cimfam for some reason, they thinks it's weird and get very protective when I talk about them.

Since I was walking home alone I put my earphones and put all my music on shuffle, the first song to come on was I got you by Cimorelli, I made sure I kept my head down so nobody could see my face. The whole way home I kept thinking about tomorrow and my parent, I was in my own little world of thoughts until I found my self at my front door.


A/N: hey guys so this is my first chapter done!! Let me know what you think in the comments. Hope you guys like it :)

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