The Healer

By MEllenH

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Evelyn was sent up to The Maze with the original Gladers. She was the lone girl right from the start. But bei... More

Author's Notes
Chapter 1: Birthday Wish
Chapter 2: Waking up
Chapter 3: Not a Witch
Chapter 4: First Gathering
Chapter 5: Nighttime Secrets
Chapter 6: The Glade
Chapter 7: A Hurting Heart
Chapter 8: Banishment
Chapter 9: The Syringe
Chapter 10: Grief
Chapter 11: Moonlit Forest
Chapter 12: Final Human Trial
Chapter 13: Don't Worry
Chapter 14: Rock Bottom
Chapter 15: Broken
Chapter 16: Listless Feelings
Chapter 17: Found & Awake
Chapter 18: Angel in Moonlight
Chapter 19: Anger
Chapter 20: Deal
Chapter 22: Blushing
Chapter 23: I'm Yours
Author Note
chapter 24: The Box
Chapter 25: Bloody Wounds
Chapter 26: Glade Princess
Chapter 27: Awake
Chapter 28: Tease
Chapter 29: Taste Testing
Chapter 30: Tipsy Little Pixy
Chapter 31: Hangovers
Chapter 32: Follow the Flame
Chapter 33: Game On
Chapter 34: The Healer
Chapter 35: Fire
Chapter 36: Chuck
Chapter 37: Grief in the Forest
Chapter 38: Greenie Day
Chapter 39: Hurt Feelings
Chapter 40: Another Greenie
Chapter 41: Slammed Shut
Chapter 42: A Night
Chapter 43: Numbness
Chapter 44: Confessions
Chapter 45: Decisions
Chapter 46: Banishment
Chapter 47: Bloody Halls
Chapter 48: Take a Shower
Chapter 49: The Girl
Chapter 50: Voices in my Head
Chapter 51: Hammock in the Forest
Chapter 52: Section 4
Chapter 53: The Cliff
Chapter 54: Voices and Leaders
Chapter 55: Attacked
Chapter 56: Gally's Warning
Chapter 57: The Truth of it All
Chapter 58: Be Careful. Don't Die.
Chapter 59: The Hall
Chapter 60: Near Death
Chapter 61: The Final Variable
Chapter 62: Rescued

Chapter 21: Quality Time

624 22 69
By MEllenH

Evelyn slowly woke up. She felt a warmth beside her and instantly smiled. Newt had insisted she stay, he didn't like to hear her screams from nightmares and he wanted to be close to her, because he still couldn't get up and walk. He insisted she lay down too. She had tried to convince him she was okay in the chair, but he refused. With a small sparkle in his eye he pointed a finger at her and threatened to throw a temper tantrum if she didn't get buggen' arse into bed. She cracked a small and he smirked at her. In the end she fell asleep with her face snuggled into his neck, her hand over his heart, feeling it beating, and his arms wrapped around her.

She slowly blinked, the warm sun shone through the window. And she felt something gentle running up and down her back. She let out a small sleepy groan. And she heard a small chuckle.

"Good morning my Angel."

"Morning Love." She yawned as she stretched.

"Did ya sleep without buggen' nightmares?"

She just hummed. He gently kissed her head.


"I don't wanna get up." She complained.

"Do ya have ta'?" He whined. "It's actually kinda bloody borin' in the bed." Newt whinned.

Evelyn shifted so she was laying on her stomach, and propped herself up into her elbows, resting her chin on her hand.

"Well, it depends on how busy Jeffy and I are and if it's butchering day...slicers are quite clumsy and the builders...well, not a whole lot going on upstairs, so they frequent the Hut. But I could probably hang out...if you actually want company now?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

He sighed, and rubbed a hand down his face.

"Yeah, I guess that's my buggen' bad, kept kicken' ya guys out." He sighed, "sorry." He said sheepishly. "If you can...I'd love to have you close."

"I'm sure it could be arranged." She smiled sleepily at him.

"Hey...could you do me a favor?" He asked, slowly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

She raised her eyebrows.

"Can you please...please bring me some coffee?"

"I'm sure I could do that. What about Fry's breakfast?"

"Please." He smiled at her, making his eyes squint and her heart flutter.

She grinned. Slowly getting up, she quickly kissed him before straightening up.

"Imma go shower quick first and then I'll bring us breakfast. Deal?"

"Sounds wonderful." He smiled at her.

She rushed out of the room and out to her hut, grabbing some clean clothes and rushed to the shower. She washed her hair and ran a razer over herself, scrubbing everything clean. Turning the shower off she pulled the white sun dress on, towel drying her hair she braided her hair in a thick loose golden braid over her shoulder. Pulling her beat up white covers sneakers on and she skipped out of the shower and over to Frypan.

"Good morning lil lady!" Frypan beamed at her, "you have a glow to you!"

She just smiled, a small blush flushed her cheeks, her green eyes sparkling.

"Two please."

"Two eh?"

She nodded.

"Oh and two coffees."

Frypan raised a questioning eyebrow at her, but never actually asked anything. He got two plates of breakfast and two coffees, placing it all on a tray, he passed it over to her.

"Thanks Fry!" She beamed at him.

Taking the tray she sashayed through the dinning area. Alby and Nick watched her past, looks of complete confusion in their faces. She saw Minho and Sonny heading towards her on their way to breakfast.

"Morning MinMin!" She smiled at him. She stopped placingher hand on Sonny's cheek and she raised up in her toes, balancing the tray, she kissed Sonny on the cheek.

"Thank you." She whispered, with a smile.

He smiled down at her, "I'm happy for you." He said quietly.

"Thank you, my dear friend." She patted his chest and continued on her way back to the Med Hut. Minho stood frozen with a look of complete shock and confusion. Alby and Nick and Frypan came and looked at each other confused. They watched as she crouched down and let the lizard scurry up her arm and they heard her laugh. An actually happy laugh that floated across the Glade.

"What...?" Minho started but trailed off with his face scrumbled in confusion.

Sonny just hummed and shoved his hands into his pockets. The guys looked at Sonny who had a knowing smile of amusement on his dark featured face; watching the girl skip across the Glade to the MedHut.

" know what happened, don't you!' Minho accused him, folding his arms and glaring at the Bagger.

Alby, Nick and Frypan all turned to look. Sonny didn't take his off off her, her golden hair glowing in the sun, her white dress flouncing around her knees and the spring in her sneakered feet.

"I know." He smiled.


Evelyn pushed the door open with her hip, balancing the tray of food and coffee. Newt was sitting, propper up in bed, and his face lit up when she walked in the door.

"Hey Jeffy!" She smiled.

"..uh, hey Evy...have a good sleep?" He asked, confused.

Yesterday when he said goodnight she was almost a shell of a person, her eyes were vacant and she just sat at the edge of the bed, wrapped in a blanket. And now...her hair looked like it was made of sunshine and gold, her eyes were bright and sparkled, she had rosy cheeks and a smile on her face.

"Yeah. I did. You?" She asked.

"Uhh, it was fine..?" He replied more like a question.

"That's great!"

She bounced into the other room, leaving Jeff in the main room utterly confused. He turned to watch her for a second, shaking his head. When he saw Newt's face light up he understood, and he smiled to himself and turned back to his work, shaking his head in amusement.

"Hey, ya got the coffee!" Newt grinned. His eyes travelled slowly up Evelyn's body, taking in every detail. His heart speed up, watching her. She was just so...perfect. He loved the dress and the way is spun and twirled with her movements, her sneakers just added that extra that made her just so cute. His stomach felt like it was a wild roller coaster ride as he watch her set the tray down, and let Hephaestus down onto the floor and he climbed out the window. Evelyn passed a mug of coffee over, with a smile.

"I'll grab you your meds. Hold on."

She turned making her dress twirl. A few minutes later she was back. Sitting down on the bed, hip to hip with him. She kicked her sneakers off and her tucked her legs under her. They sat in comfortable silence eating scrambled eggs and bacon. It was difficult for both of them, having not eaten proper food for two almost three weeks.

"I forgot how bloody delicious bacon was!" Newt grinned, eyeing up his next strip.

"Fry always makes the best bacon!" Evelyn said dreamily.

"Do you remember bacon?" Newt asked, taking a big bite.

Evelyn shook her head, "No. I don't remember anything."

She had grabbed his wrist and pulled it, snitching a bite of his bacon. He gasped in disbelief and tired to pull it way. They struggled for a second, giggling at each other. Newt finally reached forwards and tickled her making her gasp and giggle harder, she relented. Newt shoved the rest into his mouth with a smirk. She stuck her tongue out at him, making him raise an eyebrow.

A smirk appeared on his face, "Come here and do that." His voice was low and teasing. It made Evelyn's stomach somersault, and a blush appear on her face.

"Make me." She teased back, but her mouth was dry, and it came out as a whisper.

"If you insist." He growled, holding his plat to the side, he grabbed the back of her head and pulled her closer, his nose brushed hers and he whispered his lips brushing hers.

"I will gladly kiss you, Love, all day if I could."

He pulled her closer and left her heart thudding against her ribs, her head spun and filled with a fuzzy kind of fog. She had to grab onto something, her free hand grabbed onto the arm he held her head with and clung to him while he kissed her. It wasn't a long kiss, but it was enough for her lungs to need air and for her face to flush. He pulled away with a smirk while there was an awkward throat clear from behind them. Evelyn's face turned pink, and she felt her body temperature rise slightly. Turning her head she looked over her shoulder, Jeff was standing in the open room, his arms folded and a smirk on his face, his eyebrows raised.

"'Bout shucken time."

Both Newt and Evelyn grinned stupidly, and Evelyn's face turned even more red. Jeff just chuckled and shook his head, turning away. They finished eating and were sipping coffee when Hephaestus came back through the window and climbed down the wall and across the floor, his long tail swaying.

"Hey Buddy! You're back!"

Evelyn leaned down holding her hand out for him. He scurried over and she lifted him up, he made a noise in his throat. And she smiled at him.

"Don't give me that attitude!" she scolded the lizard with a small smile.

"Do ya know what he's sayin'?"

"Not exactly, but I can guess. I know him pretty well." She smiled for fondly at the lizard. She eyed Newt and then back to the lizard in her hand, raising an eyebrow at the lizard. He made a noise in his throat.

"You two need to make up."

She held the lizard out towards Newt, who looked slightly uncomfortable. But Newt held a hand out nervously.

"He doesn't bite." Evelyn chuckled but then pulled her hand away, holding the lizard up and meeting him eye to eye, and narrowing her eyes.

"You won't bite!" She said firmly.

The lizard made a noise and she swore he rolled his eyes. She held her hand back out for Newt. Hephaestus allowed Newt to hold him. He made some noises Hephaestus and Newt looked at each other for a moment. Hephaestus suddenly seemed to be satisfied because he scurried up Newt's arm and up onto his shoulder, where he settled down and stayed.

"Looks like your approved."

"That's buggen weird...glad a beetle blade turned lizard approves."

"Hey!" She gasped, "Stop and listen to that sentence again..." She smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"Ha. Touche, Love. But still kinda...weird."

"Yes. Yes it is. And I have no explanation."

The rest of the morning Evelyn sat on the bed beside Newt, with Hephaestus on his shoulder. Jeff grinned and watched the two for a bit. Then quietly excuse himself, saying he would be around the Glade and he'd keep an eye on the MedHut if someone needed them he would come back. A few guys came by needing a MedJack. Evelyn would get up and help Jeff patch them up, Jeff would excuse himself, leaving the two in the quiet Hut again.

Newt's eyes watched her every move, drinking her in, enjoying her company and closeness. Regretting all the times he had pushed her away, wishing he could take it back, just so he had more time with her. The MedHut was filled with quiet chatter and quiet laughter.

Nick brought them lunch, it took both of them a bit of extra encouragement to eat, after not eating properly for so long this was a lot of food. Nick understood, but still made both of them eat at least a bit.

"So...." He wiggled his eyebrows at them, his dark eyes behind his glasses sparkled and lit up.

"So what Nicky?" Evelyn asked, placing her fork down, feeling kind of sick.

"Glad your both feeling better."

"I could use a buggen' nap, though." Newt yawned.

"Yes. You should, your body is still healing." Evelyn yawned too. "I can grab you some more meds, and as Keeper of the MedJack, she says afternoon nap."

Evelyn got up and went into the other room. Nick turned to Newt who had his eyes glued to the girl. He cleared his throat making Newt's eyes flicked to Nick.

"Whatever happened between you two...I'm glad it did. I was worried about the two of you. Like a lot."

"Thank Sonny. He had to give me some tough buggen' love. It was hard ta hear, but it was needed. Also...sorry for how I bloody treated ya. Not my finest moments."

Nick smiled, "Forgiven. Should have seen Sonny with Minho!"

Newt raised an eyebrow. Nick explained the fight Minho and Evelyn had, then after she fled what Sonny did and said to knock some sense into him; how it was Sonny who found her in the Deadheads when a some thought she ran off into the Maze.

"I owe Sonny a lot." Newt muttered.

"Don't we all." He ran a hand through his hair and pushed his glasses back up his nose. "Well...I should let you sleep. Jeff and I will keep an eye on the Hut while you two sleep. Maybe even recruit Sonny as a bouncer to keep Shanks out."

"Thank you."

Evelyn came back with some meds and water.

"Jeff and I will keep an eye on the MedHut. Newt needs a good long sleep with the care of a MedJack close by."

He winked at her slightly surprised face and chuckled as it went slightly pink. Nick got up from the chair, sauntering passed her. He quietly closed the bedroom door. There were some more footsteps and then the main door closed. Evelyn handed Newt the meds, once he took them he slowly and carefully moved closer to the wall. Evelyn gently helped repossession his leg, propping it up on a few pillows. The swelling had gone down, it was still very bruised. He still couldn't get out of bed, but his leg was slowly getting better. Evelyn hated she couldn't help more, but she still felt absolutely drained of her power.

Once Newt was situated and comfortable he grabbed Evelyn around the waist and pulled her down.

"You also need to bloody sleep, Love. I can still see the bags I buggen' created on your beautiful face. Boss's orders."

With a yawn she lay down, "Don't gotta tell me twice."

He hummed contently. She wiggled to get comfortable, shifting so she was laying on her side right up against him, intertwining her leg with his good one. Laying her head on his chest, her one arm draped across his chest and her hand buried in his hair. He pulled her closer, holding her possessively. His other hand ran gently up and down the arm that was draped across his chest. She started to drift off. He gently pulled her hand from his hair, kissed the palm of her hand and then intertwined his fingers with hers. They both fell asleep with smiles, wrapped around each other.


** A fluffy little chapter with Newt + Evelyn ( =Newlyn)**

Think they both finally deserved some love. :)

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