Summoning the Cold Rivalry

By PanzerSchmuck

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13th June, 1987. Tension start to easing between USSR and United States, everything was going smoothly until... More

Chapter 1, The lights&New world
Chapter 2: Contact
Chapter 3: Diplomacy
Chapter 4: New hopes
Chapter 5: Lost Civilization
Chapter 6: Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 7: Superpower
Chapter 8: Reinforcement
Chapter 9: Liberation & Downfalls
Chapter 10: Occupation
Chapter 11: Visitors
Chapter 12: Siege
Chapter 13: Looming danger
Chapter 14: Engagement
Chapter 15: The Beginning
Chapter 16: Night raid
Chapter 17: Off shores
Chapter 18: Grave Mistake
Chapter 19: Strike back
Chapter 20: Against all odds
Chapter 21: Involvement
Chapter 22: Blood rain
Chapter 23: First step
Chapter 24: Imminent demise
Chapter 25: Prophecy
Chapter 25.5: Alternative
Chapter 26: Old against new
Chapter 27: Motherland
Chapter 28: Hunts
Chapter 29: Eagle claws
Chapter 30r: Devil dogs
Chapter 31: Unexpected
Chapter 32: Ultimatum
Chapter 33: Sacred
Chapter 35: Fight of the Valkyries
Chapter 36: Political dispute
Chapter 37: That time
Chapter 38: Invincible
Chapter 39: Weakened
Chapter 40: New era
Chapter 41: Bear and Eagle
Chapter 42: Purposes
Chapter 43: New beginnings
Chapter 44: Invitation
Chapter 45: Transition
Chapter 46: World's conference
Chapter 47: Preparation
Chapter 48: Sunk with all hands
Chapter 49: Calm before the storm
Chapter 50: Great naval battle I
Chapter 51: Great naval battle II
Chapter 51.5: Expedition (Part 1)
Chapter 52: Great naval battle III
Chapter 53: Encirclement
Chapter 54: Great naval battle IV
Chapter 54.2069: Distant past
Chapter 55: Great Naval Battle Finale
Chapter 56: Perspective
Chapter 57: Desert storm
Chapter 58: Turning tide
Chapter 59: Battle for Cartalpas
Chapter 60: Desert Skirmishes
Chapter 60.5: Expedition (Part 2)

Chapter 34: Operation Sword tip

725 32 6
By PanzerSchmuck

Location: Area 51, Nevada, United States of America
4th September, 1632, 4:30 AM

"Come on in!" The pilot shouted for his co-pilot.

"Sir yes sir" the co-pilot unwillingly reply.

"Be energetic man, we're riding top secret plane here. It once in a lifetime opportunity!"

"I was brought here against my wills-"

"Shut it, look!"

He point at the hangar revealing a black bodies, pair of wings and no tail seemingly advanced if anybody were to see this they would think it is an alien ufo or something, a technology decade ahead of it time. The B-2 Spirit.

"Look at how big this thing is!" The pilot immediately run up to a plane with maximum enthusiasm.

A bunch of guy walk in from the other side, probably a staff of the facilities and also high ranking officer among them too. The engineer run up to the plane and checking it to make sure nothing would go wrong, the high ranking officer came up to pilot and speak to them.

"Glad to see you like it boys"

"Good morning, Lieutenant colonel! We are happy to be trusted with such plane"

The lieutenant colonel chuckled.

"Take it as a little gift, good luck on your mission. It will start at 0700 so go get your breakfast or a snacks"

"Understood sir!" They ran off.

"Is this thing armed?" He turn to the manufacturer.

"Yes, it's currently armed with Mk 82, Mk 84 and extra B-83 bombs"

The lieutenant colonel raised his eyebrows the moment B-83 bomb is mentioned.

"You seriously gonna use that?"

"It for the test Lieutenant colonel"

"That would break a bunch of policies" He objected.

"We can just make an excuse to cover it up, overall this is a new world. There's no one to stop us"

His eyes twitches, these peoples gonna break a rule of war in the name of 'Experiment'? That would deteriorated their trust and the relationship they've build up to this point? Not long after the B-2 is moved to McChord airforce base in Washington as a preparation for their bombing campaign, accompanied by 307th Fighter squadron, Stinger. They're ready for a flight.

Location: 3rd Civilized area, Eastern shore
4th September, 1632, 9:00 AM

A big bodies of steel could be seen from the beach head, the way it displace a water seem like it can break biggest Parpaldian fleets by just sailing, along with it is more naval vessel and landing craft. the gigantic ships reveal itself to be USS Missouri and USS Carl Vinson.

Without a warning, American forces has strike the beach of Goron, Spear and Ciole as expected. But their capabilities is severely underestimated by Parpaldian strategical staff first line of defense fell in an hour with more to follow in a day. Bomb dropped on Parpaldia lines like it's no days, and the armada, pinnacle of strength is also bombarding their shores. USS Missouri show no remorse for her aggressiveness, missiles launched from a fleets toward the lands.

The smoke of the destruction could be seen from miles, in matter of hours US military carpet bomb the total terrain of the enemies. Leaving no room for counter offensive they advance further taking the beach bit by bit, forcing the Parpaldian troops to retreat again, again and again.

After 3 long hours they successfully took the beach head, even after such successful victory they still continue bombing Parpaldian troops. The struggling, and this morning will says the downfall for Parpaldia empire. Behind the line, many things is going on, a sudden attack made by American rendered them unable to counter. And the fact that they're inferior in technology make the situation so helpless, but then again the Ganzir bastion has a trick up it sleeves.

"Huh, they seem to be busy here" Crew of 87th Armored Cavalry look at the scene in awe.

"..I start to feel pretty dread now" Celiné said to herself.

Just then a squadron of F-4 Phantom flews over the bastion, dropping a bomb. A parachute is activated and the bomb slowly fall to the chaotic line of the base. The anti-air gun focus their fire on the F-4 but they all missed unsurprisingly.

"Crap- the bomb-!" She exclaimed.

The bomb impacted and let out a series of explosion throughout the central area of the bastion, smoke pour into the air as the men down below desperately putting out a fire, her company was not effected since she was in the Eastern wall but the impact could be feel from here. And that's not all, US forces has also advancing further and further they will definitely reach this bastion within a week if not couple of days. The Ganzir attack will go on as the battle that seen the most usage of ordnances, with over 8,000 tons of bomb and missiles drop on it for the entire offensive.

Location: New Otaheit, Replublic of Mu, 2nd Civilized area
5th September, 1632, 4:00 AM

It the morning of this Tuesday, street light shining and the tall cargo ship flying distinct red flags can be seen in the port of Otaheit. You may be wondered why and what reason make Mu established a new capital named after the old Otaheit. It simple, the old capital of Mu is flooded during the 'Holy age' the remained of building and structure still can be found just only the east of New Otaheit.

Soviet union also request Mu to allow the making of the red army base in city of Hongcyn. This further allow the defense of their airs and land based attack if Gra Valkas were to launched a full scale invasion, joint research and development is also carried out the moment they signed the treaty. Mikoyan company that on a verge of bankruptcy, being unable to compete with Sukhoi, the company fonds itself to Mu, they cooperate with Mu aerodynamic advancement to ensure the living of their company. Sukhoi however still standing strong and start a new project, in which a response to American ATF program.

Advance Air-Dominance fighter program (господство в воздухе) under the codename of КX-89. The first of the experimental КX series will take it first flight in 1633 (1988) but the testing version, the КX-45 took off in the night of 6th September, 1632 (1987) following it success on foward swept wings configuration they begin improve on it for a real flight. For Mikoyan they also got their respond for the ATF and КX program, they improve and advanced the already existed project to the next level. Future fighter (будущее воздушного боя) or the Mig ИИF91

An improve version of Mig 1.44/1.42 project, the next generation jet aircraft is coming in close and near, only time can tells who of which will launch it first.

Soviet troops also has set foots on Second Civilized area along side foreign troops from the warsaw pact, for the past few days communism start to spread among the populace of Mu. A sign to the future sphere of influence, two superpower start setting off it's string in this new world.

Gorbachev has arranged a meeting with Ronald Reagan for a matter regarding the weapon of mass destruction, and also to establish a joint-defense treaty mostly due to the threat American ambassador spit out back in Berlin. Not to mention the fact that Soviet Navy make contact with American submarine around the northern hemisphere, that of course would raise their cautiousness.

And a thing about small conflict that has been going off in USSR waters ever since they were transported here is the unwelcoming native, trying to attack Soviet navy with a wooden galleon and other type of antique ships most of which are turn away without the use of forces. That's not something of their concerns, the real thing is tension in Europe.

Then threat from Gra Valkas empire is imminent but the threat from America is more horrifying, they goes on for full readiness on military and immediate deployment of forces can be order instantaneously. No one want to make a move first and they stuck in a stalemate until the official declaration of mutual defense pact.

Location: United States of Nigrat, Second Civilized area
6th September, 1632, 1:56 PM

"You goddamn chicken!"

"Get out!"

"You fucking bitch!"

The civilians hurl endless swearing and mockery toward Gra Valkans troops. They throwing stuff at them in an rebellious act, this kind of riot is happening all over the country with no end in sight. Group of special forces is sent to dispatch off the situation, no uses of force from Gra Valkas troops despite being harassed from every direction.

The riot was suppress by regional troops, many form of ideology is also started to spread among them, anarchism movement in Nigrat has prove difficult for Gra Valkas empire to make rid of it and also nationalistic nature of people of this world is something they never seen before. On Yggdra, people are easily manipulated and a key to being a powerhouse. Kain limited the study only to the rich so that it populace will not get any smarter or an idea to rebels and will comply with every of the government request or bullshitery, Gra Valkas empire on the other hand allowed more freedom to it people but certain rule are not be break and no one will believe something else other than the face of the emperor himself. Religion is limited, and freedom in ideology isn't allowed since it might make the empire too divided.

Their allies, Germanikan imperium rule with absolute totalitarianism, same with Liola Kingdom. Some form of capitalism is still existed in Yggdra but they could count a countries that rule with capitalism in a single hand and all of them have weak national power and uninfluenced to the world's politic whatsoever.

People in this world however, still stick with the nationalism and all the seemingly undeveloped ways of thinking. Monarchism and Democracy is out of the era for Yggdra, it weird to see it again in this world but well done be done. Magikaraich took more land from Nigrat, mostly from the deal they made with Gra Valkas empire and start modernizing their armies from using an old school musket to bolt action rifle within a days.

Television and radio broadcasting the Magikaraich prime minister speech of the brave new world that were to come, every mans, womans and children came to listen together with a tad bit of hope that the world will get loose from the grip of tyrannical first civilized area.

"Greeting ladies and gentlemen, and this is a broadcast. I will said this to the entirety of Magikaraich and second civilized area that.. we will rise like never before. We will stood up against the tyranny and the central church. For a long time they have hold this world and play it with their rules but NOW it our turn to play the world with our own rules. Ever since the dawn of Holy age and the great discovery, they have been using us like a puppet"

He paused for a second and continuing his speech.

"For all to remember, with my hand i will guide us toward the light beyond this realm. Gra Valkas empire has been helping us since, we will take down this corrupted and conceited system of the three civilized world.. we will make everyone equal in their own terms, there will be no races, no ideology and no conflict. It an utopia and for our better, no.. for the world at large I hereby declare that we, everyone that are listening to my speech is a heroes and will be heroes for our new and peaceful world!"

A clapping is heard throughout the parliament and through the radio and television, he shook hand with representative from Gra Valkas empire and Replublic of Nozadik as a sign of friendship. But they would not know that all the effort for this is just a bait for something.. much bigger. Gra Valkas empire then sign a cease fire with Mu and halt their offensive for economic rebuild, giving the last two standing nation a time to breath.

Location: City of Kity, Grimil's kingdom, Parpaldia empire
5th September, 1632, 2:00 PM

The same time during the landing in eastern shore, great merchant city of Kity is captured by American troops, with little to no resistance from the native or Parpaldian forces. This would also proof crippling for Parpaldia as Kity is an area that's connect to the 7 major rivers of Philade and a center for trading and supplies.

A direct order from emperor Ludius is that they will do everything in their power to take the city back no matter what now with Arde in charges, the utilization of their ancient weapon is take into consideration.

Governor of the city, Hilyvus Vondisu got interrogate by American for an information, they captured him as a first priority target ever since they step into the city.

"Tell me, is there any Parpy high ranking official in the city?"

"..I don't know-"

He got punched in a guts again and this time also was kicked in a nuts, it been like that a few time now. This desert city is supposedly center of trading and supplies surely there must be something behind it.

"Answer me, there got to be a high ranking official around here. Where are they?"


He see the American tightened up his fists again, before knowing it the word slipped out.

"They're hiding in the Forvula district down in the west! Please no more!"

He falls to his knees and keep praying.

"Great, that did it"

They however did not release Hilyvus as he might have more valuable information, if they let him go then he would turn around to bite them in a back later. Now they are heading to the destination that governor told them.

When American troops reach the district they were met with an ambushes, a brutal one at that, a humvee and IFV is getting attack from down the road. The ambush is make clear by American, and they continue their ways driving past the dead bodies of Parpaldian soldiers. Apache went right past them and release a fury of rocket and missiles, they could see hidden Parpaldian running around chaotically, the helicopter make way for them.

"These dirty bastard.. they thought ambusing will make any difference?"

"Hey! Look! That a big building holy shit!"

A distinct building that represents a residential area, that might be a place where the Parpaldian official are hiding. American forces then assault the residential area and are able to secure 6 Parpaldian officials other than this 6 mens everyone else is killed or ran away in fears.

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