Time Entanglement

By Ssdevan

15.2K 735 2.4K

With the world being under the threat of Voldemort , cloud of despair has shrouded the sun of hope.At the cr... More

Strange Traveller
Not worrying
Changing Equilibrium
New Prophecy
Soul bond.
Good Bye
Sealing the bond.
Time Wheel.
Silver Doe
In Memories
Last Horcux
Restoring The Peace
Family reunion
Unexpected arrival.
Unexpected Revelation
Switched Roles
Greater Good.
Catalyst Indeed!
New stories
Fact she knows not
Does it matter
Path Divergence.


293 3 18
By Ssdevan

Hello My dear Readers.

This is my first book on HP world. I have read the book and immediately starts shipping Harry and Hermione .I was almost convinced that they would end up together but Ginny and Harry pair is kind of disappointment for me.I can't see any ground for them to be shipped together. I have came across the debate that Ginny is much better in books than movie. Yes She is . She has definite character curve but she is still not the one that can be with Harry. I practically hated the reason that Jk Rowling gave in a line of book, in which Harry was quite impressed with Ginny when she didn't cry unlike Hermione

There was literally comparison and I hated that JK Rowling portrayed crying as some sort of weakness and Ginny doesn't have it so she is strong and perfect for Harry. So I decided to write that not crying thing and  different parts where Harry made comparison between Ginny and Hermione and thought Ginny to be better than Hermione (During his relationship with Ginny). Harry's constant comparison of Ginny also marks the presence of special feeling towards Hermione.

There is also a debate that Hermione is much better in movie than in Book. That's why people ships her with Harry. 

Yes ,I agree that Hermione's character is almost without any flaw in movies but I loved the book Hermione more because of her flaws.

I tried to intact those flaws in my story too. Like Hermione is outright brilliant but she is also somewhat proud on her brilliance ,not able to digest that she can be ever wrong .Or to assume that she knows what would be right for everyone. Like she assumed that getting divorce from Harry is right for him and hence decided on his behalf that he wants divorce. If you've read the books of HP ,then you would know that most of the Hermione does things irrelevant to her nature because of Harry .In first book ,she burns Snape ,a professor 's cloak because she suspected him of harming Harry . In book two ,she decided to brew illegal Polyjuice potion because Harry was panicking about the possibility of him being the reason of school's  problem .There are many such incidents in the book.

Also Her brilliance is both bane and boon to her . Because she is very well aware that she is not that likeable because of her 'know it all nature' and hence naturally there is some sense of insecurity in her due to which she takes more than required time to understand Harry's feelings towards her.

I also tried to not keep Ron totally out from the frame (Something I hated in many fanfiction). The most beautiful thing in HP series, according to me, is Trio friendship. I have came across some fanfiction that totally downgraded Ron's friendship to show the greatness of Harry and Hermione bond .

I tried to portray their friendship as beautiful as it was in real book. Also I tried not to completely diverge Hermione's friendship with Harry as compared to Ron and same with Harry

Like in forest , Hermione too was affected by Locket as much as Ron was . However I tried to differentiate their reactions marking the difference. Like Ron leave from there outweighed by the hatred towards Harry, Hermione stayed hating herself not Harry , prioritising his life over everything.

Since I have planned to end Voldemort's fragmented soul within Harry's body due to soul bond with Hermione,so Hermione was always a threat to it .Due to which Harry mostly remain annoyed from her over every little things , for example he was angry at her when his wand was broken . However he refrain himself from saying hurtful words to her , burying his anger and annoyance in himself .

So Voldemort did have negative impact on Harry as well as Hermione but his impact was nothing compared to their care towards each other that refrain them from reacting impulsively and from destroying their relation
Which is my attempt to show the difference between Harry and Hermione's relationship from that of their relation from Ron. A subtle divergence that marks that depth of  their relationship is much more than friendship .

Also , I tried not to made everything sweet between Harry and Hermione. They share their own sense of indifference and heated conversations . Through Luna I tried to convey that how their differences is actually a plus point for them.

I don't know how much I have succeeded to put all the above points in the book. It is upto the readers to give their feedback. Constructive criticism is always welcomed.

In next book I would try to explore the new dynamic of their new relation.

Till then


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