The Healer

By MEllenH

34.6K 1.4K 4.4K

Evelyn was sent up to The Maze with the original Gladers. She was the lone girl right from the start. But bei... More

Author's Notes
Chapter 1: Birthday Wish
Chapter 2: Waking up
Chapter 3: Not a Witch
Chapter 4: First Gathering
Chapter 6: The Glade
Chapter 7: A Hurting Heart
Chapter 8: Banishment
Chapter 9: The Syringe
Chapter 10: Grief
Chapter 11: Moonlit Forest
Chapter 12: Final Human Trial
Chapter 13: Don't Worry
Chapter 14: Rock Bottom
Chapter 15: Broken
Chapter 16: Listless Feelings
Chapter 17: Found & Awake
Chapter 18: Angel in Moonlight
Chapter 19: Anger
Chapter 20: Deal
Chapter 21: Quality Time
Chapter 22: Blushing
Chapter 23: I'm Yours
Author Note
chapter 24: The Box
Chapter 25: Bloody Wounds
Chapter 26: Glade Princess
Chapter 27: Awake
Chapter 28: Tease
Chapter 29: Taste Testing
Chapter 30: Tipsy Little Pixy
Chapter 31: Hangovers
Chapter 32: Follow the Flame
Chapter 33: Game On
Chapter 34: The Healer
Chapter 35: Fire
Chapter 36: Chuck
Chapter 37: Grief in the Forest
Chapter 38: Greenie Day
Chapter 39: Hurt Feelings
Chapter 40: Another Greenie
Chapter 41: Slammed Shut
Chapter 42: A Night
Chapter 43: Numbness
Chapter 44: Confessions
Chapter 45: Decisions
Chapter 46: Banishment
Chapter 47: Bloody Halls
Chapter 48: Take a Shower
Chapter 49: The Girl
Chapter 50: Voices in my Head
Chapter 51: Hammock in the Forest
Chapter 52: Section 4
Chapter 53: The Cliff
Chapter 54: Voices and Leaders
Chapter 55: Attacked
Chapter 56: Gally's Warning
Chapter 57: The Truth of it All
Chapter 58: Be Careful. Don't Die.
Chapter 59: The Hall
Chapter 60: Near Death
Chapter 61: The Final Variable
Chapter 62: Rescued

Chapter 5: Nighttime Secrets

754 31 62
By MEllenH

True to his word Gally brought three beds into the little hut, with the help of Newt, Jack had helped Evelyn with George. He could mostly do it on his own, but Evelyn wasn't taking any chances.

"Ya know we might have to extend the place. Or build a bigger MedHut." Gally said looking around.

"Yeah, a bit squishy, ain't it?" Newt chuckled.

They pushed two beds close together with a small table in between against one wall, and the other bed into the corner at the back, where Evelyn would sleep.

"We can start tomorrow." Gally nodded.

"Thank you Gal." She placed a hand on his arm and squeezed gently.

He shrugged and left the hut. Jack helped ease George down onto the bed and help kick his boots off. With a groan he laydown. Jack got him situated and he was asleep within minutes.

"G'Night guys." Newt smiled at them and waved, his eyes lingered on Evelyn, who had turned back and started to putter at the table. He finally turned and left.

"Mind if I crash?" Jack asked.

"By all means. I'll stay quiet." She said gently.

She heard him flop and within a few minutes he was snoring. Her muscles were still tense. It had been a long two days. She took the few seeds from the table, a few notebooks and her pencil and quietly left the hut.

Making her way around to the back of the hut she saw that the guys had strung up a few hammocks and a few guys pulled sleeping bags over and they were sleeping closer in a clump then spaced out. It made her smile, they were starting to realize they needed each other.

She watched as one guy sat up and she heard the unmistakable sounds of crying. Another guy beside him sat up and comforted him. She couldn't see who it was, but she was glad he had a friend. She hugged her stuff closer to her chest and wandered to the back of the hut, where she had started making a garden.

It was hard work, ripping the grass way and turning the earth. But she liked the hard work, the idea of growing something from a seed and watching it grow and then becoming something to help the body. It always fascinated her. Setting her stuff down she tied her hair back with the elastic that was around her wrist when she woke up here. She got down in her hands and knees and slowly got to work. It was cooler in the evening, and quiet.

"You're up late, Ev."

She jumped with a small yelp, dropping her spade.

"Oh bloody hell! I'm sorry!" Newt mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's okay Newt. Just startled me." She forced a smile, with a hand on her heart.

He knelt down, "what cha doing?"


"Clearly. But why?"

She smiled and sat up, "making a garden. As I use things I gotta replace them."

"That's bloody clever." He nodded seriously.

It made her laugh quietly. And he grinned.

"So what are we planting?"

"We?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Well clearly I'm not sleeping. Might as well be bloody helpful."

She smiled at him, his eyes flicked all over her face. The moon light was making her pale skin glow and her golden sunshine hair have an otherworldly shine to it, it looked almost white in the moonlight. Her face took on a slight pick tinge, and she looked down and started digging in the dirt.

"Newt? Can I asked you something?" She asked as her hands dug in the cool dirt.


"What do I look like? I... don't even know!"

He sat back on his heels dusting his hands off, he cocked his head, his eyes trailing all over, having an excuse to look at her.

"Well. Your hair is sunshine blond, the colour of gold. Your eyes are a bright green, like fresh grass or bright emeralds. You have a splash of freckles across your nose and cheeks, your skin is pale and clear. You have a small little nose and your lips are full and pink. And like Minho likes to tease, your bloody short."

"Maybe your just really tall and I'm average height!" She shot back raising her eyebrows.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Love."

She lowered her head with a small smile and heat rising in her face. He was very discriptive in describing her and then he called her love.

Newt leaned forward and kept digging. Evelyn followed his example. They dug and planted in silence for a bit longer. It was a comfortable silence, she was greatfully he didn't force her to constantly talk.

Out of the dark something silver flashed in the moonlight. It scurried over towards Evelyn.

"Why hello little Hephaestus. I haven't seen you all day." She smiled at the lizard.

Newt looked up, and eyed the machine wearily as it climbed up her arm into her shoulder. It settled down and turned its lamp like eyes on Newt. He gulped nervously, but it didn't do anything else, but watch him.

"So, why at night?" Newt finally asked.

"Hmm?" She hummed.

"At night, why a garden at night? And even the first night you were up late, wandering the trees."

She paused and raised an eyebrow.

"No! No I wasn't watching in like a creep way. Just couldn't sleep and noticed you leaving into the forest and came back a while late only to go back."

She still didn't say anything, but a small smile formed at the corner of her lip.

"Your also the only buggen' las in the place. Hard not to notice."

She hummed softly and then shrugged.

"I like the dark. The moon is soft and gentle, it's not harsh and bright. I can tell the moon anything, and he holds my secrets."

"Do you have secrets to hold, Love?"

"Doesn't everyone, Newt? Everyone has a secret or two they don't want others to know about, even from those we hold closest to us." She said quietly.

He hummed in response, watching her thoughtfully. She paused in her work and looked up. His big melted chocolate eyes gazed at her, she could see the storm brewing in them. He tried to hide it behind his smile.

"Newt?" She asked quietly, gently reaching for his hand that was resting on his knee. She took it gently, "Are you alk right? Is there a secret you want to share with...the moon?"

He looked at her for another moment, she could see the battle in his eyes, she could feel it in his soul, threw his hand. He blinked and it was gone.

"Nah, I'm good, Ev. Not everyone keeps secrets."

She gave his hand a gentle squeeze, whether or not she meant to do it, she felt a small surge of her power transfer to him. She saw his eyes light up and a healthy glow in his cheeks. And she felt the depletion of her energy. She suddenly felt exhausted again.

He frowned at her.

"I think it's bedtime. We did quite a bit tonight." He said standing up, he kept a grip on her hand and pulled her up, the lizard jumped off her shoulder and scurried away.  She wobbled as she stood, Newt grabbed her arm again.

"Whoa, you definitely need to sleep."

He slid a hand around her back and helped her back to the front of the hut, pushing the door open they both heard snoring.

"The perks of living with boys." She grumbled.

"For the record, I don't snore." Newt chuckled quietly, so not to wake the guys.

He helped her over to the bed in the corner.

"Need anything?" He whispered.

"That mug of tea on the table?" She asked pointing.

Newt came back holding it, his nose wrinkled.

"Tastes better than it smells and tastes even better when it's warm and with honey "

"What's it for?" He asked handing it over.

"Replenishing energy."

She sighed and downed the tea, with a small shudder. Much to the ammusment of Newt.

"Well I should let you sleep. G'Night Love."

"Good night Newt. Thank you. For the help in the garden."

"Anytime. It was bloody pleasant work."
He turned and left, closing the door quietly.


The next morning Evelyn woke as the sun was just peeking over the wall. She stretched and got out of bed. If she hurried she could grab a shower before too many guys were awake.

She grabbed her stuff and headed towards the shower stalls. Thankfully they were all individual stalls with locks. She turned the water on, it was chilly. It warmed up slightly, it wasn't going to be hot, but it was better than freezing. She washed her hair quickly and scrubbed off the sweat and dirt. She was thankful there was shampoo and conditioner and soap in her boxes.

Drying off and putting on clean clothes was nice. She felt better. Along with the tea last night she felt almost back to herself. She wandered back to the MedHut, it was still quiet. Most of the boys were asleep still. She noticed a few guys stirring. She dumped her stuff. George and Jack were still sound asleep. And George had more colour in his sleeping face.

She decided it would be a good idea to start a fire, so she could boil some water, but she needed to find a pot first.

"Maybe Fry has one, hey, Heph?"

She had noticed the little lizard scuttling through the grass. She noticed that it looked less shiny and his eyes weren't as lamp like, a little dull, today. And she frowned

"What's the matter with you Heph? You feeling under the weather? You don't look so shiny!"

It cocked its head at her. She crouched down and held a hand out, and it crawled into her hand. She lifted her hand up to eye hight. Looking at the metal lizard thing. The metal was a bit more smooth, meshed together and the lamp like eyes looked like the lights were fading.

"Hmm Hephy, you don't look so good. Are you malfunctioning?" She lifted her hand to her shoulder and he crawled into it and nestled down.

"Well, I'm off to the kitchen, see if Fry is up, you up for a ride?"

She stood up and slwoly made her way to the kitchen area. She noticed a few of the guys were now moving around slowly. Gally waved at her and she waved back.

"Hey, Pixy! You're up early!"

"Good morning Minho."

She turned to see the Asian boy jogging over, she slowed to a stop. He had his typical smirk in his face, but again she could see the verge of panic in his eyes. He caught up to her. She reached out and touched his arm.

"You doing okay Min?" She asked gently.

She felt a little surge of her power and she sent it down her arm and into his. She saw his muscles visibly relax and the panic in his eyes lesson. It was quick, only a brief exchange, but she felt the dizzy spell, like she stood up too fast.

"Dammit." She muttered to herself.

"Yeah, I'm good. Sleeping in a bed is a lot better then the ground!"

She just hummed.

"Well you off to breakfast?" He asked, bouncing on his toes.

"You seem to have extra energy."

"Yeah...I feel like ..I don't know....maybe I'll run some laps or something...I dunno, feel like I have all this pent up energy."

"Well, there's a lot of space to run."

"True Pixy."

Together they turned and walked toward the kitchen area.

"So. Newt was up late."

"Oh? Did he stay up even after helping me?"

"Oh so that's where he was!"

"He helped me in the garden behind my place."

"Oh yeah? Moonlight date?"

"It wasn't a date. We dug in the dirt and planted seeds. We said like 4 sentences to each other."

"He came back with an awfully big smile."

"He came home to you? Doubt my time with him means much then, if he comes home to you."

"Ouch! Pixy, your nasty!" He chuckled.

She smirked but looked away with a small eye roll.

"Nick is right, you don't say much, but when you do, wholly he'll look out. That young is sharp as a whip!"

"Just don't say stupid things and it won't hurt." Evelyn raised an eyebrow at him.

He held his hands up in defense.

"All right all right! Sheesh!" He smirked at her. "So. To bed late, up early..."

"I don't require a lot of sleep."


"I prefer the night."

"Well that's dark."

"Punny. You're punny Min."

He stopped and looked at her and blinked a few time, and the burst out laughing, a wild loud belly laugh, it made her break into a smile.

"What's so bloody funny?" Newt asked striding up to them, his hair damp from a shower.

"Pixy! She's punny!"

"You mean funny?" Newt frowned in confusion.

"No! Punny! She's punny!" Minho gasped.

Newt gave her a look, and she shrugged with a smirk and rolled her eyes.

"Come on Newt, let's go get some breakfast. Think they have coffee?"

"Oh I bloody hope so!" He grunted down at her. Together they turned towards the kitchen and continued walking, away from the gasping Asian who was doubled over still laughing.

"Wait! Wait for me!" Minho called bounding after them.

"Did ya sleep okay?" Newt asked, looking at Evelyn.

She nodded with a smile, she tucked some hair behind her ear and looked up at him. His big brown eyes looked a little more settled today, and she was glad the storm had settled a bit, it worried her.

"Good, you have some colour back in your face now."

She felt the blood rising in her face and she looked down at her feet.

"Maybe it's cuz your terrible flirting?" Minho scoffed and smacked Newt's head.

"What the bloody hell?" Newt yelped and turned towards Minho, they started bickering and trying to smack each other. With an eye roll she left the boys, "come on Heph."

"Morning. You must be Frypan." She smiled at the boy behind the counter.

"The one and only, ma lady!" His big loud voice echoed off the kitchen walls, "and you must me Evelyn!"

"The one and only." I said quietly with a smile.

"Well, here's some breakfast, and whoever has us here gave us coffee."

"Yes please!" She smiled.

He presented her with a big mug of coffee.

"Hey, Fry is there an extra put or something I can use at the MedHut?"

"I'm sure I can find something!" He beamed at her.

"Good that!" I smiled back.

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