Unholy (Jenlisa AU)

By vnothappyv011125

299K 6.8K 1.2K

"Lust and adultery are sins driven by the devil inside you. To engage in premarital or extramarital sex, befo... More

Chapter 1 (M)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (M)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (M)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (M)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (M)
Story Time (Not an Update)
Chapter 14 (M)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (M)
Chapter 19 (M)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 (M)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 (M)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (M)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 (M)
Birthday (M) ?

Chapter 39

3.9K 161 35
By vnothappyv011125

Jennie's POV ⚠️

Lisa's words woke me up. My sleepy state vanish when she held my body too tightly. Her cold hands marked my skin while I tried to get away.

"No!!" I shouted and shook my body to protest, but her eyes glared at me. She was furious. She was sheeting, her eyes were bloodshot, her brows furrowed while grunting to stop me from moving.

"Why? You love this, Jennie. You love how I touches you!!" She said, and her teeth were gritting. She looks so mad.

"Li-lisa," I called her name, hoping it could make her stop, but she only shook her head and pushed me back in the bed with so much force.

My heart was pounding so loud, my hands were shaking, and my body felt so cold to how frightened I was. This isn't her. This wasn't the same Lisa I knew before.

"You're mine, Jennie. There's no way others can touch you like I do. No one, "

She caught her breath, and the veins of her neck were about to pop while she walked closer to me. I don't know what was happening, nor I don't know what to do.

Fear succumbed by body, and my mind couldn't even think about how I could get away from her. I know I can't run because of my ankle, and I knew it would be useless to shout because there's only the two of us in this damn place.

"Ple- please, Lisa, stop what you're doing," I cried, my tears fell. I admit that I'm scared, my clothes are half torn, and there's no blanket that could cover myself.

I could only beg her to come to her sense and stop what she's doing because it's scaring the living shit out of me.

I froze when I heard her laugh. Her voice echoed around the place while she moved and sited next to me. I gasped when her hand touched my face, I flinched when she moved closer, and when I tried to move away, I grunted in pain when she grasped my hair tightly.

My eyes widened while I looked at her.

What was happening.

"I saw you. I saw you hanging around with that pathetic boy. I even heard you call out his name while you sleep. Damn you Jennie, how could you!!" She shouted, and I just tightly closed my eyes when she slap me.

Stunned was an understatement, she-

No, the Lisa I knew would never lay a hand over me. She would never hurt me.

This isn't Lisa

I held my face. It felt swollen already, and I even tasted the metallic iron from my mouth. I looked up at her, wanting to know what gotten into her. To what pushed her to be acting like this, but I only felt myself shiver when she held my jaw tightly, so tight that I can felt it bruising, while she force me to straightly looked at her.

"This soft lips of yours, does anyone tasted this aside from me?" She asked, her voice tone down a bit, but force was still there. That if ever I would say the wrong answer, I just knew she could hurt me again.

I stayed silent, I wanted to look tough while I glared at her. It won't make any changes now if this will be my faith. At least I stood my ground.

I didn't answer her question, but I made an expression that I had someone kiss me other than her.

My body fell colder, and my nervousness doubles when she smirked, until it turned to grinned and pushed my body back down the bed, that I ended up lying helplessly.

I looked at her when she stepped back, her teeth gritting, and I could only flinch when she shouted and took the vase near her and threw it across the room.

"FUUUUCK!! FUCK YOU JENNIEEEE!!" she was gone mad. Her eyes were flaming in anger, and her sweats were dropping down endlessly while she kept shouting and throwing things carelessly.

I'm scared, I'm so scared of her that I can't even move a finger to stop her, to make her shut up.

"W-why are you doing this?" I cried, I can't fake it anymore , she's frightening me.

I moved back when she stepped closer, but I could only cry when she held my feet and pulled me towards her. I tried to kick her face, moving my body to protect myself, but she was stronger.

"Lis- Lisa, stop. What are you doing. This - this isn't you!!" I tried to say, but it feels like she didn't hear me. Instead, she lays on top of me, putting her weight on mine while she locks my hands above and ties it with her belt. I tried to get away from her, to at least free my hands, from her, but it was all useless when she had already done it.

Her smile was shown after she's done. My clothes were ripped apart, and only my underwear was left.

She stood up before me. It was like a demon, looking and planning to what unholy things she could do after tying me up.

I tried to take my hands off, I cried and shouted, calling her name, hoping it would make her senses come back, but she wasn't listening.

She looked at me like a pawn. Her tongue licked her mouth while she unbuttoned her belt and climbed up to me.

"LISAAA!! LISAA WHATEVER YOU'RE PLANING PLEASE STOP!! PLEASEE!! I BEG YOU!!" I shouted repeatedly, crying louder, screaming, but she didn'teven bother to stop.

Her hands ripped my brassiere, exposing my breast, and fear took my body when I saw how her eyes darkened with lust. Her touches were not the same as before. It was hard, and it pained me on the way she held my body. Her kisses were not as soft when she suck and bit my skin, leaving bruises all over. When I felt her breathing on my centre, I tried to protest that I ended up kicking her face, which made her look at me.

Her anger was shown, then moved closer, and I gasped loudly when she slapped me so hard, again and again, that I could only feel my cheeks numbing due to the pain.

"Lisa," I sob, and cried.

"Stop, stop it, please."

"This isn't you,"

And again, she didn't react.

Her cold hands forcefully took my undies away. Leaving me naked and exposed helplessly in front of her. I was tired, I lost all my energy to fight, and I could only look at her taking her clothes off, revealing her nakedness.

Her wicked smile irked me.

"I hate you." I said, which made her stop and grinned at me.

"No, baby. You love me." That was she said and pushed herself inside me.

Her groaned makes me want to puke. I was disgusted with myself as I watched her use me. My tears fell endlessly, like a river flows down to my cheeks while I sob silently, biting my cheeks to stop the sound of pain I'm feeling.

I won't make her satisfied.

I will make her regret for treating me this way.

"Fuck!! So tight!!! I bet he's small, isn't he, right baby? It's like you're choking my dick, just like before, yeah?" She even dared to say while she continued on thrusting inside me without consent.

She was the worst.

"Tell me,I'm the best, wasn't I? And that stick boy of yours wasn't giving you any pleasure. "

"Answer me!!" She shouted and slap my face again when I just kept my silence.

I don't know who's the boy she's talking about, but I never have someone aside from her. But of course I didn't tell her that, I wanted her to hate me, she had already taken everything from me, I'm not scared to lose everything.

"In between the two of you. He was better. He was better in everything, Lisa. In fact, you're not even half of how good he is. "

And just like that, she pulled out. Her eyes were blank, and there were no emotions in those eyes while she stopped and stared at me.

Somehow, I felt a sense of regret when I said those to her, but I can't just tell her that she's the only person who I gave myself with.

"You're lying," she mumbled. It was so soft that I almost didn't hear it.

I stood my ground and shook my head.

"Aww," I cried in pain when she moved so fast and flipped my body. I'm lying down on my stomach while she holds my legs tightly, gripping around it, her nails buried on my skin, and I froze when I felt her shaft on the hole that was not expected she would enter.

No.. no.. no...

Not in there


"Lisaaa!! Stop it. Stop it, please. I beg you!!" I cried and shouted while I tried to look at her, wanting to lose from her grip, but the again she was stronger.

"No... noplease," I cried so loud

"Ohh baby, don't cry. I promise I'll double the pleasure that he gave you,"


I woke up drench with sweats, my cheeks were moist, and quickly got up, as I remembered Lisa forcing her

When I saw her sitting on a chair in front of me. I took hold of the blanket tighter. The nervousness I felt doubles, and it was getting out of hand, especially when she moved closer to me.

"What did you dream of that made you this scared of me?" She asked, and when I smelt the alcohol from her body, I was already shaking in fear and cried for my safety.

"Stay away from me!!" I can't help but shout and move away from her. The pain from my ankle inflicted me, but I can't just bear to be this close around her.

I saw her stop , her hands levelled in her head as a sign that she surrendered. But her eyes, it was different from I dreamt moment ago. This time, she looks hurt and tired.

"You know I could never hurt you. I could even dare to kill myself before I could ever lay my hand on you, Jennie." She said to me, it sounds like she's in so much pain and regret. Somehow, I felt guilty with her words, as I remembered the same thing she meant when dad caught us being together for the first time

Then she took a chair and sat near the bed, ensuring the decent space for me while I rested my back in the headboard, laying on the other edge of the bed.

"I hate to see you, hating me. I don't like what I'm seeing in your eyes when you see me, " she added, smiling slightly and linking her fingers, while she looked straight into my eyes. Her sincerity could be seen on it, but that doesn't mean I can trust her again. I knew this was the reality, but she even had the guts to kidnap me and took me to this island, I just know anything is possible.

"Just go out, Lisa. I don't like being near you. " I coldly told her.

Her eyes reflect pain as she nooded her head. It glimmers and waters while she looks away from me.

"I just wanted to see you asleep. Without the look of hatred for me, without those pain whenever you look at me. Jennie, I miss it, I miss you so much, "

I don't know where her words are coming from, but I couldn't deny that it made my heart soften a bit. But things are just so complicated and different now, and everything is starting to get better, with both of us living away from each other.

"We can't force things, Lis," I just said, and I heard her sighed and nooded her head again, understanding what I meant.

"Do you have someone else?" She asked suddenly, which made me look away from her.

If she's pertaining to V, he and I don't have a relationship yet. But he's courting me, I know he had some bad side, but he was always there when I needed him. He didn't leave me and made his promise to only love me. But I don't feel the same way. I appreciate how he cared, but that's all I could give.

Even so. I nodded my head.

I gripped the sheet tighter when I saw how her eyes watered and tears fell down. My chest tightened the more I stared at her, something in my mind was pushing me to do something.

"I heard you said his name while you sleep. You seem to love him very much. You kept in mubling on how you miss him. On how you miss Leo"

I stopped at the name she said. Somehow, I felt nervous, and my heart was pounding so loud, I felt how my body shivered and suddenly got cold.

"Leo?" I clarified, and Lisa nodded and held my hand gently.

She looked at me like she's ready to let me go. She's holding me like this was the last time she could do it.

"I wanted to meet this man. I saw you with him before. When I first landed in New Zealand at your university. You seem so happy being with him, but I couldn't dare to see how other people could make you happy aside from me. So I decided to take you, and then this happened. " she let out an amused smile and kissed my hand before she slowly let's it go.

I'm confused, I don't get where this is heading. I don't understand.

What the hell is happening!!

She knew who Leo was. I told the maid before. I told her to tell Lisa that we have a son and I named it after her. But why is she acting like she doesn't know a thing.

"I'm happy for you." I held her hand when she was about to stand up. It feels so cold and even shaking while we stare at each other's eyes.

"Jennie, please let go."

I didn't. Instead, I held it tighter.

I want to clarify something I wanted to know, and I wanted to understand what was happening.

"Are you going to let me go?" I asked instead. Somehow, the question that I wanted to answer couldn't even spill out of my mouth. I felt stupid and scared. Somehow, at the back of my mind, I was frightened of the pain it would cause me when I learned to know her answer.

She took my hand off hers and gently put it back on my lap. She smiled and nodded her head, and I closed my eyes when she held my face and kissed my forehead.

"Tomorrow, you're going to see Leo again." My heart flutters the thought of seeing my son again, making me so much happy and at ease. My joyful appearance didn't go unnoticed as Lisa stared at me before she walked closer towards the door.

"Lisa?" I called, which made her stop while she tried to hide her tears, waiting for me to continue.

"Leo, is your son"

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