Reaction to Tensura

By armaghan_ror

228K 5.3K 1.6K

Hey everyone, this will be quite a typical Tensura reaction. In which a supernatural entity kidnaps the chara... More

Special: Top 20 (Part 1)
Special: Top 20 (Part 2)
Special: Top 20 (Part 3)
Special: Top 20 (Part 4)
Prologue: Death and Reincarnation
Chapter 1 and 2
Chapter 3 and 4
Chapter 6 to 8.5
Chapter 8.6 to 12
Chapter 13 to 17
Chapter 18 to 22
Chapter 23 and 24
Chapter 25 to 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter # 42 (Preparation for Charybdis)
Chapter # 43
Break: New Guests
Chapter # 44
Chapter # 45
Chapter # 46
Chapter # 47
Break: Slime Stroke
Chapter # 48
Chapter # 49 (Butterflies of the Night)
Chapter # 50 (Part 1)
Chapter 50 (Part 2)
Chapter # 51
Chapter # 52 (Part 1)
Chapter # 52 (Part 2)
Chapter # 53 (Part 1)
Chapter 53 (Part 2)

Chapter No. 40

4K 95 25
By armaghan_ror

However, after some time they had to stop and fight, and Fuze and Kaval drew their swords to fight the spider. However, they were being overpowered by the spider. When at that time suddenly Youm came to their rescue. But still all of them are barely hanging on until.

Kenya= You guys a barely hanging on here.

Alice= Yeah, the way it looks you are about to die.

Fuze= Well yeah that is because we really were about to die.

Dagruel= Than how are you guys alive.

Fuze= Well someone came to our rescue.

Luminous= Let me guess Rimuru again.

Rimuru= Not it wasn't me this time.

Ultima= Really that would be something new.

Carrera= Then who was it?

Rimuru= You will see.

Gobta arrives. Who with the help of his new blades cuts all the eight legs of the spider and thus saves their life. He then meets with the idiot trio and then Fuze who according to Gobta is scary.

Fuze= Your name is Gobta, right?

At this Gobta asks the trio who this man is. And they tell him that he is their boss.

And so, he brings all of them back to tempest. And tells the whole story to Rimuru and everyone.

Shizu= Oh so it was Gobta.

Luminous= That weak goblin?

Leon= Yeah that "weak goblin" that has been surprising us so far with how strong he is.

Ryota= He defeated that giant spider so effortlessly.

Alice= Well of course he is Rimuru-sensei's subordinate after all.

Fuze= Why does he think that I am scary?

Testarossa= Because from his perspective you do look scary.

Fuze= (Really!)

However, Rimuru doesn't know why they are here. At this Fuze starts the conversation and introduces himself.

After the introductions and the apology, Rimuru asked him why he came here after all.

At which Fuze told him how a few months ago. The rumors of the Orc Lord were spreading in Bulmund. When we were preparing to flee that man, referring to Souei, showed up and told him that.

Souei= I bring a message from Rimuru-sama. "I have already taken the liberty to deal with the Orc lord."

Fuze= Rimuru, that is the name of the slime I have been hearing about lately. The master of the monsters.

Souei= Rimuru-sama wishes to coexist with humans. So, it would be wise to take a peaceful approach.

However, Fuze wasn't at peace at this news given the victors were monsters.

Gazel= Oh so you came for the same reasons I did.

Fuze= Yeah that is true.

Leon= That was predictable.

Rimuru= So that is why you have come here to check who we are. The same motives as the dwarven king.

Fuze was surprised at hearing about the dwarven king. And he was even more surprised when he learned that he has signed an alliance with the monster nation effectively recognizing the monster nation as an actual country.

At hearing these surprising news and after learning that the former prime minister of Dwargon Vesta and the legendary blacksmith Kaijin are also working for the monster nation he was so surprised that he stopped breathing for some time.

Rimuru= (Did he stop breathing?)

Kenya= Hahaha you just lost your mind?

Hinata= Well it is quite predictable why he lost his mind. Seeing that not only King Gazel recognizes this nation and has also allied himself to it.

Dagruel= And not just that but the prime minister of Dwargon is also working under him and so is the legendary blacksmith of Dwargon.

Jeff= Learning all of that all of a sudden would make any normal person go insane.

Veldora= And he loses his mind again afterwards.

Ramiris= When?

Veldora= . . . . . . Did you not learn anything?

Ramiris= Oh sorry.

Seeing that Fuze would take a minute to get back his senses. Rimuru turned to Youm's party.

Rimuru= So why did you guys come here are you from the Guild of Bulmund as well?

Before one of them was about to answer his question. Youm spoke up.

Youm= Before that I want to ask something. Why is the slime the one doing the talking?

Does no one else find this odd? It is a slime for fuck's sake a slime! Not to even mention all the strong looking guys in the back. What is this jiggly thing being all haughty for?

Rimuru= (I mean he isn't wrong.)

Dino (throwing his hands in the air) = Here we go again.

Velzard= What do you mean?

Dino= What I mean is another idiot not even thinking about the possibility that this slime might not be actually weak given that it has so many strong monsters under its command.

Leon= We have already gone over that topic and why they think that.

Dino= But it still bugs me.

Ramiris= When did you start to get this angry?

Veldora= Ever since he started to see just how stupid the people who underestimate Rimuru are.

Benimaru= That is what everyone does, they underestimate Rimuru-sama.

Rimuru= That is my biggest weapon, the fact that they underestimate me.

Gale= And then they fight sensei and lose.

Diablo= That is their biggest and last mistake.

Guy= But I won't be making a mistake like that. Ever since you stepped foot into Walpurgis. I knew you were not someone to be underestimated.

Shion= That's rude.

Youm= Shut up boobs.

As soon as Youm said he was immediately struck on the head by a sheathed giant sword which belonged to Shion.

Shion= Opps.

Rimuru= Don't "Opps" me.

So, he apologized to Youm for what his secretary had done but also reminded him that it was sexual harassment on Youm's part.

At this Milim began to laugh at Shion.

Shion= Well I think he definitely deserved that one.

Dino= You know what yeah, he did.

Dagruel= Wow we are seeing something new today.

Dino= I am seriously pissed at that guy right now.

Gazel= Well I guess you would be even more pissed when you will learn where he is now a days.

Dino= What do you mean?

Diablo= He is the first king of Farmenas.

Dino= Are you serious? You have chosen him to be your puppet king.

Rimuru= He isn't my puppet.

Gazel= Oh he is Rimuru calls you 'Boss'.

Rimuru= Well he won't from now on.

Gazel= We will see.

Gazel says while giving him the scary side eye.

Rimuru= (Why is he giving me that look?)

Ciel= <Maybe because he is feeling threatened by you.>

Rimuru= <But why would he, is it because he thinks that Farmenas is my puppet.>

Ciel= <First it is just not that he thinks that Farmenas is our puppet, he is actually our puppet.>

Rimuru= <No he is not. Youm is independent to do whatever he wants.>

Ciel= <But do you think that if you would give him an order, would he not follow it.>

Rimuru= <...... Yeah, he most likely would.>

Ciel= <Second, the fact that we have a whole nation as strong as Farmenas under our control. It is quite sensible why he would feel threatened from us.>

Rimuru= <I see.>

Ciel= <You don't need to worry about that because as long as we can convince Gazel that we don't have any ill intentions towards him then everything will be fine.>

Rimuru= <Yeah.>

Dino= But seriously why did you choose him as your puppet king?

Benimaru= Well he becomes quite capable in the future.

Carrera= So even he becomes capable while that would be sight to see.

Gabiru= Well he does go through hell to achieve that capability.

Ultima= Hell?

Hakorou= You will understand when you will see.

At seeing Hakorou's menacing and Gabiru's scared face. Ultima somewhat understands what this means.

Ultima= Ookaayy.

At this the guy next to Youm spoke.

???= We are an investigation team from Falmuth. This is our chief; Youm, and I am the overseer of the team Ronmel. It is by pure chance that we are able to meet you, but we are lucky to find out that the Orc Lord is no more.

Ronmel further told Rimuru that they were not a legal organization but just a rag-tag band of criminals banded together through magical contracts.

Jeff= That's what that governor thought would be the best course of action to send a bunch criminal to investigate.

Tiss= Well they are free and already know how to fight.

Alice= However, why didn't they just run off.

Shizu= That is because they are bound by magical contracts, and they can't leave.

Ryota= So they don't have any free will.

Kenya= Also if you would have paid attention it was written right there.

Alice= I didn't understand it properly and why do you have a problem with it.

Kenya= Because you are asking useless questions.

Alice= Useless?

Kenya= Yes.

Hinata= Enough you two.

At this both of them decided to shut up.

However, by now all the contracts have gone void. At this Rimuru asked Ronmel why he was still with them.

Ronmel= That is because I have decided to follow Youm.

Kenya= What they have gone void that why are they still part of the team?

Alice= Look who's asking.

Kenya= Shut up.

Alice= Hehe.

Benimaru= That is the Jura Forest is really dangerous and if they decide to separate themselves from the group then there would be a higher chance of them dying to monsters.

Gale= So they are sticking together to protect themselves.

Rimuru= Correct.

Turning to Youm.

Rimuru= Then why didn't you run away?

Youm= huh...

Rimuru= You were sent on a mission with cheap equipment, from what I have heard you don't like the type to please your employer.

Youm= I know that.

Youm= If no one scouts the forest, the people in the city would be in danger, right?

Ultima= Don't tell me that he is going to turn out to be a goodie good person?

Shuna= Well he did have extremely bad manners.

Shion= And was disrespectful to Rimuru-sama.

Shuna= And was a little prideful. But at the end of the day. I think yeah, he was a good person.

Rimuru soon realized that even though this guy's manners aren't good, he is actually a nice guy, who cares about the weak. And just despises that noble.

Ultima= Nooooooo.

Guy= (Why is she being so overly dramatic?)

Carrera= Seriously just because he turned out to be a good person.

Ultima= Literally everyone is turning out to be a good a person why can't there some bad people for once.

Rimuru= Just you wait you will see a bunch of them soon.

Then Youm went out on a rant on how the noble is corrupt and he has taken all the tax money to fill his pockets otherwise a kid like Ronmel wouldn't even have been sent.

Rimuru= (Makes sense why Ronmel follows him.)

So Rimuru thanked him for saving Kabal's party. But Youm quickly dismissed it saying that he wasn't much help at all, and it was that weirdo (Gobta) who saved them.

Gazel= I see so he never was prideful to begin with.

Carrion= Why did you thought that he would be prideful in the first place?

Gazel= Just from his earlier behaviour.

Rigurd= But you saw later that he wasn't prideful.

Gazel= Oh I just thought that it was because during training the sword saint beat every single shred of pride out of him.

Hakorou= No that was not the case.

Testarossa= So he also later trains under you.

Hakorou= Yes. He does.

Rimuru= (He may sometimes be prideful but never gets too full of himself. He has the charisma of a Leader. Isn't bad looking and above all is a good guy.)

At this Rimuru begins to silently laugh.

Benimaru= He is plotting something.

Shuna= Sure is.

Most of the subordinates & students= Here we go again.

Veldora= Another amazing plan from Rimuru.

Hinata= You guys knew just from his giggle that he is plotting something. How?

Benimaru= Well we have been with him for so long that we know that silent mischievous giggle.

Shuna= A giggle that means another amazing plan is coming.

Dagruel= A giggle that means that the whole world is about to change.

Rimuru= Can I have a moment Fuze?

Fuze= Ye-Yes.

Rimuru= Does the Public already know of the Orc Lord's Defeat?

Fuze= N-No.

Fuze= Only these three and I were present when the envoy arrived. The only other who knows about this is a minister of Bulmund. We have yet to tell the masses. Announcing it without confirming the intel would only be inviting chaos.

Carrion= That is true, if you had told the public about the Orc Lord, then controlling them would have been an even greater challenge than the Orc Lord.

Frey= Not just the Orc Lord but also that there is a monster in the Jura Forest strong enough to defeat the Orc Lord. Yeah, saying that it would have caused chaos would be an understatement.

Fuze= Yes, we knew that.

Rimuru= That's great. Alright I have decided Youm.

Youm= Huh?

Rimuru= How do you feel about becoming a hero?

At this Youm became surprised.

Hinata= What hero? Don't tell me, this is from where the tale of Youm the champion starts.

Luminous= Youm the champion? What is that? When did this idiot become a champion? And why didn't you tell me?

Hinata= That was just a story that I heard in the form of rumors. I didn't really pay any attention to it. So that is why I didn't tell you.

Luminous= Oh so we are going to learn what is that tale and how did that tale originate and as always Rimuru was behind it.

Author's note: (Hey everyone I am finally back sorry that it took so long my exams finally ended on the 10th of November. So it was because of those that I wasn't able to upload for the past one and a half month. I had tried to upload on the 12th but because of a couple reasons such as power out, family business, lack of ideas (due to the fact that this part of story is really slow and I was not writing anything for the past One and a half month) I wasn't able to hopefully from the Charybdis fight I would finally be able to catch momentum again just like the story. Now I am back expect one upload every week. At least that is what I would like to keep. However, this upload can go to shambles but I will try to upload as frequently as possible.

Until then take care.)

Total Word Count= (2150)

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