His Obsession

By Maryellen_19

7.6K 97 4

Warning: Dark Romance. Severus is extremely manipulative and cruel. If you don't like that, don't read it. A... More

My Sister Suffers
My Sister Unbroken
My Sister's Keeper
My Sister Chained
My Sister Silenced
My Sister's Problem
My Sister's Punishment
My Sister's Secret
My Sister Discovered
My Sister Defeated
My Sister Subdued
My Sister, a Lady
My Sister the Death Eater
My Sister's Betrothal
My Sister Unhealed
While my Sister Sleeps
My Sister Scarred
My Sister Resigned
My Sister's 'Happy' Christmas
My Sister's Devotion
My Sister in Anguish
My Sister Revealed
My Sister's Heart
To Love my Sister

My Sister's Acceptance

209 3 0
By Maryellen_19

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

Aurora looked at the derelict house before her in distaste. She wasn't sure how anyone was able to live in it. True to his word, Snape had met her outside the Malfoy's manor exactly thirty minutes after he had left her. He had returned in a mood that was far worse than the one he had left in. Something she couldn't believe was even possible.

After roughly grabbing her by the upper arm, and yanking her into his side he had apparated them away. Now he was leading her up the steps of a very neglected home. While she had been born to privilege and didn't know much about the poor, she did not think the other half could possibly be living like this? 

Snape opened the front door and led her into the house, his shoulders were stiff. Aurora was nervous that he would hurt her the moment the doors shut behind him. She held her breath as she heard the soft click, and let it go when all Snape did was weave her through a very cluttered sitting room, and an equally cluttered kitchen. There was stuff everywhere! 

Pots and pans littered the counter tops and were piled on top of one another. They did not appear to be dirty, just not put away. Pantry items were neatly stacked together and pushed into a corner of the wall opposite the refrigerator. The mound of cans and boxes had gotten so full that it took over a third of the kitchen. The small rickety table was littered with odd baubles and ends, and old newspapers. 

However, despite the clutter surrounding everything, the kitchen was not filthy. There was a place set left open for eating among the neatly aligned clutter. The floors were clean, and the sink didn't even have a single dish in it.

"Mum?" Snape said suddenly, and Aurora looked to him in shock.

She had not expected his mother to be here. For whatever reason, she had never given Snape with parents much thought. If they were anything like their son, then it may not increase her odds of getting a lesser punishment with their presence. 

"Severus? Is that you?" A feminine voice shrilled from the cracked door that seemed to lead outside. 

Snape pushed the door open and stepped back out into the frigid wind. This door led to a small patio in the back of their house. A tiny expanse of grass reached past the concreted pad, and beyond that was a wooden fence that had seen better days. A lounge chair had been placed on the patio, a dour woman sat upon it. There was no doubt in her mind that she was Snape's mother. He had inherited her dark hair, sallow skin, and angular features.  She was wearing long sleeved robes that were a deep wine color and covered nearly every piece of skin. Aurora was able to discern small white marks on her body in the places left visible. His mother was scarred.

"What are you doing out here?" Snape asked impolitely, his lip curled into a sneer as he took in his surroundings.

His mother barely paid him a glance, her sharp eyes were narrowed on Aurora in interest. "I'm enjoying the weather." She said without humor. 

Aurora drew her brows together. It was glacial out today and she would rather be inside than out in the freezing temperatures. Snape gave his mother an incredulous look, "maybe if you were a polar bear." He sniped.

His mother frowned at him and gave him a piercing look, finally shifting her focus from Aurora to her son. "Watch your tone." She said.

Aurora watched in shock as Snape blushed slightly in embarrassment and then mumbled a hasty apology. His mother gave him an indulging smile and then her eyes were boring into Aurora once more, "So, who is your friend?" His mother asked, doing nothing to hide her curiosity.

Snape's expression grew smug as his eyes locked on to Aurora's frame, and she fought to control her reaction as he stepped closer to her. Snape wrapped an arm around her waist and brought her tightly against his side. "This is Aurora Black. She is my intended." He said proudly.

His mother looked to him in surprise, "I was unaware you were in a relationship." She told him. Frowning, she looked over to Aurora once more. Her gaze roved over her entire frame and when her eyes landed on her abdomen she lingered for a while. "Oh, I see." She murmured to herself.

Aurora wanted to disappear. She already had a tough time meeting new people and his mother had a very unsettling gaze. She was making Aurora feel extremely uncomfortable with how she was scrutinizing her body. 

His mother sighed dramatically, and then stood up and walked past them back into the house. "Severus, I'd like to speak to you for a moment." She said as she passed by them. 

Snape sighed and pulled Aurora back into the kitchen and walked her over to the cleared space at the table. "Stay here and don't touch anything." He told her sternly.

Aurora nodded lightly and took a seat at the table. She watched Snape and his mother disappear into the sitting room and then there was nothing but silence. 


Snape's POV

Severus followed his mother into the sitting room and immediately put up a privacy spell. "What is it?" He asked impatiently. He didn't like leaving Aurora alone for too long, she might try to run away from him. A small grin threatened to split across his features at the thought of him chasing after her. 

"She's pregnant." She stated while giving Severus a disapproving glare. 

Severus smiled slowly, "she is." He said smugly.

His mother's scowl deepened and she crossed her arms over her chest, "you don't have to marry her just because she is pregnant."  She told him. 

Severus frowned at his mother's words, "that's not why I am marrying her." 

She stared at him for a moment like she didn't understand why he couldn't see what was wrong with him being with Aurora. "Severus, she is a pureblood." 

He shrugged, "yeah, so?" 

His mother rolled her eyes and sighed exasperatedly. "So, her family probably isn't going to be too happy with this arrangement." 

Severus laughed, "you're right, they weren't. They disowned her, but she doesn't have to worry because I will marry her and we will have our own family." He told his mother resolutely. 

Eileen put her hands on her hips and fixed her son with a stern glare, "Severus, I know you feel responsible for her because of the situation you have found yourselves in but don't make this decision lightly. Marriage is a big step and I just don't want to see you stuck in a loveless marriage like I was." 

Severus clenched his jaw tightly as anger began to fill him. She was being deliberately obtuse and he couldn't understand why she was so hesitant about him marrying Aurora. Aurora is perfect and he couldn't see a single reason why he should not go through with his plan to claim her completely. He had honestly thought that his mother would love Aurora. 

"Whose fault was that mother? I'm not stupid enough to pick someone who is inferior to me. Aurora is perfect in every way and she is the one I choose." He bit off a little too harshly. 

They glared heatedly at one another for a while before she said, "if that is your decision."

"It is." He snapped and turned to leave the sitting room. He almost tripped over a pile of precariously stacked books next to the love seat. "You should really straighten up." He said over his shoulder. 

"Watch it!" His mother snapped back at him and he felt a smile creep across his features. 

His Aurora was sitting perfectly still with her back ramrod straight and her legs crossed when he reentered the kitchen. Her eyes were fixed determinedly on the wall in front of her and was trying way too hard to make it seem like she had been doing nothing. He knew better though. She was exhibiting more than a few of her nervous tells. She was breathing a little erratically and her lip was sucked between her teeth as she brutally chewed on it. 

Severus sauntered over to her and guided her gaze up to his, "did you behave yourself, pet?" he asked deviously. He saw the flash of anger in her eyes at the demeaning name, but she said nothing. She had been very subdued all morning and he knew it was because she was still expecting a punishment for kissing Lucius. 

Severus gritted his teeth at the reminder. He had confronted the blonde about it before they had left the manor and Lucius had laughed it off. He admitted to the kiss but had said it was only initiated to rile Severus up, a way to challenge his authority. Severus knew the blonde was just as much a favorite of the dark lord as he was, and there was very little he could do to assert his dominance over him. Lucius knew this too, which is the only reason he insists on playing his little games. 

"Y-yes." Aurora uttered, a little too quickly.

Severus smirked at her, caressing her cheek lovingly. "Well let's get you upstairs so we can get settled. I'll properly introduce you to my mother after we have finished the discussion we started at the manor." He told her, relishing in the fear that filled her eyes at his words.

Severus led her up the dilapidated staircase and into his small bedroom at the top of the stairs. His was the first on the left and his mother's bedroom was at the end of the hall. Although she had taken to sleeping in the guest room downstairs since his father had passed. 

He could feel the terror vibrating off of Aurora as he led her into the bedroom and closed the door. Casting a quick muffliato he turned and grinned at her lasciviously. He would finally be able to work off some of the pent up aggression he had been carrying all morning. It was a pity that he wasn't able to release any of it during his conversation with Lucius, but he would enjoy Aurora's submission just as much if not more so. 


Aurora's POV

Aurora was shaking like a leaf caught in the wind. She was terrified of what Snape had in store for her, and she knew it wasn't going to be something she enjoyed. 

"Kneel." He said deeply.

Aurora stared at him in surprise, unsure if she had heard him correctly. Snape was looking at her darkly and there was no amusement dancing in his gaze. She swallowed thickly, and then slowly lowered herself into a kneeling position. When he made no move to come towards her she tentatively raised her gaze up to him. 

He was staring down at her with a calculating expression, his lips were pursed in thought. His eyes narrowed upon her frame as they roved over her. He leisurely stepped around her kneeling frame and circled her like a tiger waiting to pounce. 

"I like you like this. Submissive and completely at my mercy." He told her as he stepped behind her back. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She could no longer see him and her mind was filling with the possibilities of what he could do to her. "You do understand why you need to be reprimanded, don't you?" He asked her. Aurora flinched when she felt his finger run down the line of her spine sensuously. 

"You offered a part of yourself to another that was not yours to give." Snape told her as he let the finger drop and he walked back into her line of sight. 

Aurora scoffed before she could stop herself. She had been imperiused when Lucius had given her that kiss so she hardly offered anything. Had she wanted to kiss Lucius though, it would have been well within her rights to do so. They were her lips after all.

Snape stepped forward and she looked up in fear instantly regretting her mistake. Why couldn't she just be quiet and not provoke him? He dropped to one knee in front of her, reaching out he pinched her cheeks in the grasp of his hand roughly, his dark eyes glinting at her maliciously. "If you think I don't have a final say over who gets to enjoy your body, then you are sorely mistaken. Don't forget, after we are wed, I will have a lifetime of reminding you of who you belong to."

Aurora felt the panic rise up within her at his brutal truth. If she had been 'gifted' to someone more compassionate, maybe she would have been able to retain the rights of her body. Unfortunately, the dark lord had saddled her with a psychopath. She knew without a doubt that there was no genuine niceness lurking within him, he was a vile unfeeling bastard.

The only time he ever showed her an ounce of gentleness was when he was buried between her thighs. It's probably the closest to any real intimacy he had ever achieved.

"I'm going to enjoy our lesson tonight, and judging from our previous sessions together I'm going to say you probably will too, pet." He said passionately, his grip loosened on her face as he leaned forward and captured her lips with his own. Aurora was expecting him to be ruthless, but he surprised her with the gentle way he licked the seam of her mouth, asking for entrance. She opened her mouth to him, allowing his tongue access within her. 

Snape caressed her tongue with his and ran his fingers up into her curls intimately, twining the strands loosely around his spidery digits. Aurora moaned and brought her hands up to his shoulders, she tried to lift herself up and closer to his frame but he pulled back from her. 

Snape stood back up to his full height and then conjured two ropes with his wand, both were about twenty five feet in length. Aurora's heart beat picked up in pace, as she watched him disappear behind her. She gasped loudly when her clothes were spelled off of her, and her nipples pebbled at the rush of cool air. 

Snape grasped her wrists roughly and pulled them behind her. He tied them tightly together at the small of her back. Using the second rope he wound it underneath her breasts and around her arms and body, and then again just under her collarbone. He then brought the end of the rope down to her bound wrists and tied it around the existing knot. The coarse rope was digging into her sensitive skin. He had her breasts sectioned off, and they were turning pink from the lack of circulation. Her shoulders were aching from the strain of her arms being pulled back in such an awkward position. 

Snape walked back around to the front of her, and she felt her belly tighten at the carnal look in his eyes when he looked down at her. His hands reached out and grasped her swollen nipples greedily. He rolled the sensitive buds and her eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head at the sensation. Her body was overly sensitive to his touch with the new position he had her in. There was a fear swelling inside of her at the realization that she was completely vulnerable without the use of her limbs. 

Confusion filled Aurora when her fear only heightened the sensations of arousal building within her. What was wrong with her? She had never thought she would gain pleasure from Snape's sadistic intrigues. 

His pelvis was inches away from her face, and he pushed the clothed surface against her. Aurora felt his erection poking her in the  bottom of her chin. She had expected dismay to fill her at the thought of having to take him inside of her mouth again, but instead a gush of wetness filled her knickers, and her pupils dilated in arousal.

Aurora rubbed her face against his clothed crotch erotically, a burning desire ignited within her center. Snape undid the zipper to his pants and she watched in anticipation as he freed his cock from within its confines. She unconsciously licked her lips and Snape's eyes darkened in approval. 

He gripped the base of his shaft and guided it towards her mouth, the soft skin skimmed over her lips teasingly. "Open up, pet. I want you to wrap that pretty little mouth of yours around my cock." He told her. 

Aurora expected to feel disgusted by his dirty words and while she did slightly, it was overridden by her intense feelings of desire. She parted her mouth and took him inside her moist cavern eagerly. Snape groaned the second her tongue caressed his tool exploringly. It made her feel a small sense of power that she was able to affect him so easily. 

The last time she had done this she had not had time to properly learn how to please him. He had ruthlessly bucked into her mouth until he found his release. She was determined to learn exactly what he liked, she was determined to make him lose control. 

Aurora swirled her tongue around the tip and worked to relax her jaw as he pumped his hips into her mouth. She gagged when he wrapped her hair around his fist harshly and slammed his cock into the back of her throat. Her eyes watered as she struggled to breathe deeply through her nose, and she swallowed around his length experimentally. 

Aurora peeked up at him and felt her abdomen clench at his blissful expression. His mouth was parted and he had his head thrown back as he lost himself to the throes of pleasure. Aurora sucked hard while he thrust down her throat ruthlessly, spit dribbled from the corners of her lips and slipped down her face.

Her eyes began to burn, tears blurring her vision, as he slammed against her face. "That's it pet, suck all of me down your throat like the good little slut you are." Snape hissed. His nails slid through her scalp, and he rubbed the burn soothingly while he caressed her. He pushed the flat of his palm against the base of her skull and pushed her so far onto him that her nose touched the top of his pelvis. His pubic hair tickled her nose, and her jaw clicked from the strain of being stretched so wide. 

Hot spurts of cum shot down her throat and Aurora struggled not to choke on the thick substance. Her eyes widened in fear when Snape had yet to withdraw his cock from her airway. Her lungs burned furiously from the lack of oxygen. The coarseness of the rope dug into her shoulders as she strained to release her hands. Instinct telling her to try and push Snape off of her. She looked up at Snape pleadingly. He smirked darkly at her and then withdrew from her mouth.

Aurora sucked the air into her lungs greedily. The relief was almost instant, but soured by the burn of his cum sliding into the back of her throat. She coughed loudly, her shoulders hunched over and she struggled to maintain her balance. Her knees were hurting from having to support all of her weight for an extended period of time.

"You always look so beautiful when you're taking my cock." Snape said as he stepped forward and lifted her face up to meet his gaze. His thumb rubbed across the flesh of her bottom lip, and she shivered at the gentleness of his touch. 

"You will never pleasure another with any part of your body. I know this is difficult for you to accept but I promise you this. I will spend every day of the rest of our lives educating you on that fact if that is how long it takes." He said quietly. 

Aurora knew without a doubt that he was not bluffing. She knew him well enough now to know that whenever he threatened something it was never empty. "I don't want to be with anyone else." She said, surprised that it didn't feel like a lie.

She didn't love Snape, didn't think she would ever be able to, but she accepted that she would never be free of him. If she wanted to make life less hard for herself then she needed to focus on staying on Snape's good side. Her flirting with Lucius had been fun, but it was time she returned to the real world. Snape was going to be her husband, she owed him her fidelity at least.  

"Not even Lucius? Because, your memories would suggest otherwise." He barked harshly.

Aurora tensed from the venom in his voice and shook her head, "I've learned my lesson." She said quietly.

Snape walked behind her, his shoes reverberating loudly against the hardwood. She felt his hand push into the middle of her back as he guided her forward until her nipples brushed the ground. Her cheek was pressed into the floor of his room and her ass was high up in the air. She could see him in her peripheral vision but wasn't able to tell exactly what he planned. 

"I don't think you've learned just yet, pet. But you will." He told her.

He reached out and rubbed the palm of his hand against her ass enticingly. Aurora's pulse jumped in anticipation. Was he going to spank her again? He hadn't done it since he had found out about her pregnancy. Her heart was pounding at the possibility. 

"How many strikes do you think you deserve? Hmm?" Snape asked as he lazily stroked her globes of flesh. "I think fifteen should be more than sufficient. What do you think, pet?" He rumbled behind her.

Aurora tried to look behind her to catch a glimpse of what he was doing but it was hard to see him from her current position. She didn't answer him, wouldn't give him the satisfaction of humiliating her further. 

"I want you to count every one. If you forget one then we will just have to start again." He said.

Aurora nodded, her cheek rubbing against the rough wood of the floor. Snape gave her no warning before he slapped his hand against her ass loudly. The breath whooshed out of her lungs and she squeaked. It took a moment for her brain to remember her task and she hurriedly said, "one." 

"Good girl." Snape praised and she unwillingly felt warmth enter her belly at his praise.

His hand returned his assault upon her bottom and left a surprisingly pleasant burning in its wake. She counted the second hit, confused at the rising feelings of arousal. He smacked his palm against her quickly two more times and she had to struggle to breathe from the force of his hits. "Three. F-four" She stuttered out.

Her face was burning from embarrassment of being spanked like an errant muggle child. And yet her twisted body was also enjoying his physical onslaught, evidenced by the growing pool of moisture between her thighs.

By the time, he had landed the final blow to her cheeks, her core was dripping and she was wiggling her hips to create friction between her legs. There was a delicious heat on her ass and an ache in her center. She hoped he would be fucking her before the punishment was over. A thought that filled her with a small amount of shame.

Snape banished the ropes and she sagged against the floor from the relief of the strain in her shoulders. He walked towards her, the sound of his shoes hitting the floor bouncing off the walls. He leaned down and grabbed her hands softly in his own and helped her to rise to her feet. 

Aurora looked up at him through her lashes. He was looking at her intensely with his head cocked slightly to the side. He had a passion burning in his gaze as he brought the palm of his hand up to cradle the side of her face. "Tell me that you are mine." He said pleadingly.

Aurora drew in a sharp breath. She had never heard him beg before and the fact that she had been the one to cause it made her feel special. She gave him a thin smile, "until my dying breath." She whispered. Aurora couldn't bring herself to say that she belonged to him, even though she knew the words would have been true. 

Snape's lips drew down into a frown but  he didn't push her further, and he leaned down slowly. He pressed his lips softly against her own and then he drew back. "One day you'll scream those words and mean them with every fiber of your being. However, I'll settle for your solemn acquiescence for now." 

Aurora did not think there would ever be a time when she would feel more than slight arousal for him. Her resentment for how he treats her gets in the way of her developing deeper feelings. But, since he was no longer angry she didn't want to correct him of his assumption. 

Snape reached into his pocket and withdrew a black leather choker. It had a silver snake in the middle that was biting an emerald gem. He stepped around her and pulled her hair up into his hold. The hair on the nape of her neck stood up from the sensitive touch of his fingers on her skin as he wrapped the band around her throat. 

The choker wasn't too tight, but she could feel its hold as it rested heavily against her windpipe. Her fingers came up to touch the cool metal of the snake, "what's this?" She asked.

Snape's lips touched the outer shell of her ear and she tensed. His deep voice rumbled around her as he told her, "It's your Christmas present. I was reminded that I had neglected to get you something after our discussion at Malfoy Manor." 

Aurora stroked the necklace softly, her lips twisting into a small smile, "thank you." She breathed.

Snape chuckled deeply and ran his nose up the length of her neck, "I wouldn't thank me just yet, pet. You won't be able to remove it. It's keyed to my magic, and my magic alone. I've also added a nice little hex to it." He said amusingly.

Snape kissed the juncture of her neck and shoulder lightly, "If anyone tries to touch you intimately then they will find themselves blown several feet back. Myself excluded of course." 

He bit down on her flesh harshly, marring her skin with his teeth. Aurora gasped and arched her back, her hand unconsciously tangling in his hair behind her. She pulled him closer to her neck as he sucked the sore tissue into his mouth and rolled his tongue over her silkily.

Aurora wanted to hate him for collaring her, and forcing her to stay true to him, but she had already decided that she was going to do so anyway. It really didn't affect anything, she already knew she belonged to him. 

A/N: Thoughts?

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