His Obsession

بواسطة Maryellen_19

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Warning: Dark Romance. Severus is extremely manipulative and cruel. If you don't like that, don't read it. A... المزيد

My Sister Suffers
My Sister Unbroken
My Sister's Keeper
My Sister Chained
My Sister Silenced
My Sister's Problem
My Sister's Punishment
My Sister's Secret
My Sister Discovered
My Sister Defeated
My Sister Subdued
My Sister, a Lady
My Sister the Death Eater
My Sister's Betrothal
My Sister Unhealed
While my Sister Sleeps
My Sister Scarred
My Sister Resigned
My Sister's 'Happy' Christmas
My Sister's Devotion
My Sister in Anguish
My Sister's Acceptance
My Sister's Heart
To Love my Sister

My Sister Revealed

186 3 0
بواسطة Maryellen_19

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

When Aurora woke the next morning, Snape was already awake and sitting next to the fire. She noticed that he had a steaming mug of tea in his hands, and his face was pinched tightly in discomfort. She smiled slightly at the fact that he was in pain and pushed the comforter off of her tiredly. By the time she and Snape had made it to bed last night, it had been closer to three a.m. A swift look at the clock confirmed that it was definitely too early to be awake yet. It was only seven fifteen in the morning, she had only gotten four hours of sleep.

The tempest of her emotions weighed heavily upon her, and she desperately wished to return to the blissfulness of sleep. Aurora sighed loudly, and swung her legs out of the bed. She rubbed at her eyes to get rid of the crud that had formed while she had been resting. 

As she sat on the edge of the bed, she gazed out of the window across from her. The Malfoys had an expansive yard, but it was devoid of scenery in the front of the house. Unfortunately, their room looked out over the vast stretch of grass on the Malfoy's front lawn. She could see the tops of the wrought iron gates that barred the house from prying eyes. 

She appreciated that about the manor. The historical accents of the house made it only that much more impressive. Suddenly, Aurora felt a pang of homesickness. Grimmauld place was also a relic of the past. She had enjoyed discovering its many secrets as a child, hiding away in places she had no business exploring. 

She could never go back there. The weight in her chest deepened at the thought, pressing harshly down on her ribcage. Unbeknownst to her, she had started sniffling quietly longing for her room, and the comfort of her brother. 

"If you're going to sit there blubbering like a baby, the least you can do is have the decency to cast a silencing spell." Snape snapped. He wasn't looking at her, his head was bowed and he was rubbing his temples lightly.

Aurora turned a hot glare in his direction, "maybe if you didn't make me so miserable, I wouldn't be crying!" She seethed. 

Snape paused in his ministrations, and flicked a dark gaze at her. "You didn't seem too miserable last night." He mocked her.

Aurora felt disgust climbing up her throat, and her stomach dropped sickly. She had been the most miserable she had ever felt last night, it just had not been because of him for once. He smirked at her as she sat there in silence, proudly holding over her head what had transpired between them in the Malfoy's entrance hall. 

'What do you know?" She scoffed, and stood so she could make her way to the restroom. Knowing him, he would have probably celebrated after the rape and torture of an innocent. He certainly gets off on making her life a living hell.

She heard him chuckling lightly but he gave her no further response. Aurora rushed into the restroom and turned on the faucet to the bath tub. At least she would be able to wallow in her suffering in peace here. She quickly relieved herself, and then stripped from last nights garments. She had been feeling very dirty anyway, the warm water should do her some good. At least she hoped so. 

Aurora piled her curls up loosely on top of her head and sank into the relaxing warmth of the tub. Closing her eyes, she leaned her head back against the cool ceramic. She sighed wistfully. She wished she could always feel as good as she did when she was soaking in the tub. The heat of the water always washed away the feelings of despair that tried to pull her down into their depressive depths. 


Snape's POV

Aurora had disappeared into the bathroom, and he could hear the water running suggesting she was bathing. Severus was sorely tempted to join her, if he were not already in a bad mood. Before Aurora had gone to the gathering last night, and after his talk with Lucius about him keeping an eye on her, the dark lord had summoned Severus to see him. 

He wanted an update on if Severus had been able to find out who had killed Orion without orders to do so. Severus had been so caught up with Aurora he had not dedicated a single moment to finding the 'culprit.' He had reluctantly told the dark lord that he had not made much headway yet, and bowed his head respectively. 

While Severus was favored by the dark lord, it did not exempt him from punishments and he knew if he did not give the dark lord an answer soon, there would be retribution. The dark lord had reminded him that he wanted an answer before the start of term and then sent him on his way. 

Severus had not been able to concentrate after Aurora had left for the gathering. His mind had been filled with all the possibilities of what could be happening. He had paced the room for the better part of an hour before he had decided that he needed a drink. 

He honestly hadn't meant to get as hammered as he had, and probably wouldn't have stayed as long if it weren't for a woman. She wasn't a beauty by any means, but she had been extremely flirtatious and she knew just how to stroke his ego. 

Her name had been Leslie, her hair was short and sandy blonde. She had it cut in a shorn pixie cut style, small strands just barely peeked around the side of her ears. Her eyes had been an intense honey brown color, freckles dotted the bridge of her nose. Her frame was skinny and she held little to no curves, her breasts no bigger than a small orange. 

She could not have been much older than him, but he did not recognize her, so it was safe to assume that she did not run in the same social circles as himself. At first, he had mildly indulged her flirty teasing, giving her no more than a few smiles and subtle invitations. He had not meant to actually go through with anything, he was just using her to pass the time until he could have his Aurora back in his arms. 

However the fire-whiskey got away from him and before the night was out, Leslie had climbed into his lap and snogged him thoroughly. She was rubbing her center provocatively against his own, her fingers caught in his hair roughly. Severus had snarled at her act of dominance and lifted her until she was laid out on the bar table. He had intentionally chosen the one in the far back, hidden from the view of most patrons. He had not wanted to be disturbed, clearly Leslie had not taken the hint. Not that he had been complaining. 

Leslie reached out and slowly started undoing the buttons on his button down shirt, and he leaned over to capture the flesh of her neck between his teeth. He nibbled it seductively and she gasped, her hands snaking around his back and pulling his frame closer to her.

Snape suddenly pulled away at the sound of her moan. He had been brutally reminded of his Aurora when Leslie had emitted the primal sound. He had allowed himself to get too carried away. While he would enjoy having his way with Leslie, what he truly wanted was to be buried between Aurora's supple thighs as she unwillingly gave in to him. 

So he had left Leslie sexually frustrated and splayed out across the bar table seductively. Grabbing his robes, he walked out of the establishment more than a little inebriated, and with thoughts of his Aurora squirming around him. 

He had been surprised with how well Aurora had received his touches. Severus had noticed that over the weeks she had slowly became more receptive to their sexual encounters. Had even sought out intimacy with him when she had rode him in his sleep, but she had been stubbornly denying herself since then. 

He smirked slightly as he rubbed his temples gingerly. His head was really starting to be a problem. He vowed next time he would not allow himself to consume as much alcohol. When he had first awoken, he had sent a house elf to retrieve him a hangover elixir, but the dastard creature had yet to return. 

He was just beginning to think that the elf would never come back when he heard a soft pop next to him just as the water in the bathroom turned off. The elf kept his head bowed and his bulbous eyes on the ground as he extended the vial of shimmering black liquid. "Mister Snape's potion sir." The creature squeaked.

Severus's lip curled in distaste as he reached out and snatched the vial from him, "took you long enough!" He snapped, and downed the contents eagerly. Almost immediately the cloud of pain cleared from his head and he was able to think more clearly. 

"Bumbles is sorry, mister Snape." The elf said timidly. Severus looked down at the shaking elf in indifference. Bumbles was standing next to him submissively, waiting for his next command. "You may go." Severus said dryly. The elf nodded once and then was gone as fast as he had appeared. 

Severus stood from his spot on the couch and walked over to the armoire. Since he still had every intention of spending the last week before the term started at Spinners End, he had not completely unpacked their things. Aurora's winter cloak was hanging up, as well as a nice set of lovely green robes. He knew she planned to wear the outfit today, as she had picked it out the night before. 

Severus grabbed the robes and cloak, and took them over to the bed. When he smoothed them out to make sure they didn't wrinkle, his hands roved over a small bulge in the pocket of her cloak. Curious, he dipped his hand inside and withdrew a small velvet box. His brows furrowed deeply, and he used his wand to enlarge the box. Severus opened it and sucked in a breath at the expensive diamond collar within it. 

Why would she be carrying around such valuable jewelry in her pocket? Severus thought darkly. She had to be hiding something from him. Otherwise wouldn't it be in the box where she kept all of her other ornamental adornments? Unless she had taken it out so that she could wear it with her outfit today. The diamonds would look very nice with her green robes. He nodded, and set the box down on the nightstand next to the bed. He left it open and on display near her robes. When she returned from the restroom, he would know from her reaction if it was anything for him to worry about.

Severus grabbed the rest of their belongings and stowed them away inside of his robe pockets. He was slightly nervous about taking Aurora to his home, mainly because of his mother. But he also knew Aurora most likely would not be impressed, she came from a family that exuded wealth, much like the Malfoys. It was not often that Severus was left feeling inadequate, especially not since the dark lord had taken him under his wing. 

However, the thought of his Aurora not liking what was meant to be hers someday did not sit right with him. He ran a hand through his dark hair nervously, and went to sit on the edge of the sofa. He needed to get his emotions under control before Aurora left the bathroom. It did not matter if she disliked his home, she would still be living in it regardless. 

His mother was another matter entirely. She had spent countless years under the abusive hand of his father, and had grown somewhat bolder in his absence. Severus knew there was no way his mother would approve of him treating Aurora the way he did. He would have to be more cautious with his handling of her while under his mother's watchful gaze. 

Even though Severus had hated his father, he did have a soft spot for his mother. It had been hard for him to accept her weakness when they were both still under his father's boot, but now that he is gone. It made forgiving her a little easier. 


Aurora finished drying off and stepped out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped tightly around her frame. She had forgotten to grab her robes out of the armoire in her haste to get away from Snape and his antagonizing words. 

When she walked back into the room, she noticed that Snape was sitting on the sofa with his dark eyes trained intensely on her frame. Her robes were no longer hanging in the armoire but instead were laid out on the bed smoothly. She took a step towards them but stopped suddenly when she saw the open box on the nightstand. The diamonds glittered at her sinisterly, and her heart jumped up into her throat. 

Aurora turned wide eyes on Snape. She nearly bolted back into the bathroom when his features twisted into anger. He stood up and walked towards her slowly. His hand came up to grasp her chin in his fingers, and he looked intensely into her gaze. "What is it, pet?" He asked lowly.

She sucked in a breath while taking a cautious step back, "n-nothing." She murmured.

Snape laughed quietly, stepping further into her space. "Why do I not believe you?" 

Aurora stood completely still, desperately trying to think of an excuse for her behavior. Did he already know who had gifted her the necklace? Why else would he put it on display, mocking her with its presence. Her heart thundered loudly in her ears as she said, "I- I don't know. It's nothing though, I swear. You just make me nervous." Her voice was quiet when she said the last part. It was true but she hated admitting it to him. 

Snape smiled, he moved his hand from her chin and slipped it back behind her head. Grasping tendrils of her wet hair tightly, he tugged her head back and forced her to look deeply into his eyes. His grip was unrelenting, and she was unable to move her head away from him. "I want to believe you, Aurora." His lips quirked up in amusement, and he brought his free hand up to her throat. His fingers wrapped lightly around her neck squeezing gently. "The problem is, I don't." He said darkly.

Aurora watched in apprehension as he connected her eyes with his own. Before she could properly ascertain what he was going to do next, she heard him whisper softly. "Legilimens." 

The memory of her unwrapping the grey parcel in the bathroom on Christmas morning was at the forefront of her mind.  Aurora could feel Snape's anger rising when he saw the elegant scrawl of Lucius's name underneath the package. His focus shifted from the gift, and he began to look for memories specific to Lucius. She had no chance of resisting him as he tore through her mind and found what he wanted.

She knew he could feel her lust towards the older male, and she wanted to scream in frustration when he brought up the memory from last night. The faintest touch of Lucius's lips, and the pleasant tingle it had sent down her spine. He felt her longing for more, as well as her trepidation in pursuing it. 

Abruptly Snape withdrew from her mind, and Aurora winced from the force of it. He let go of her curls in favor of wrapping his hand around her thin throat next to its mate. He tightened his grip forcefully, and Aurora coughed from the pressure. "You must enjoy angering me." He seethed. 

She clawed at his hands fruitlessly, "Sn-Snape Pl-please I can't....breathe." Spots danced in her vision, and she knew she would pass out soon if he didn't let up. 

Snape shook his head at her, his obsidian eyes glittered at her menacingly as he said, "You never learn." He released his hold of her and stepped away from her suddenly.  

Aurora backed up until her back hit the smooth expanse of the wall. She watched him cautiously. Her breathing was erratic, and her breasts pushed up against the binding of her towel with each greedy breath.  She brought her hand up to rub at her throat soothingly, it was tender and sore, having not completely healed from his last mistreatment of it. 

"Why do you torment me?" Snape asked, his voice was tight with unrestrained emotion.

Aurora drew her brows together in confusion. He had been the one to terrorize and torture her since the moment he had taken away her choice in the common room months ago. "I - I don't understand." She said hoarsely. 

Snape's lips curled into a sneer, "I've given you everything and still you push me away. Try to reject me so that you can fall into the arms of another."  He spat.

Aurora shook her head vehemently, "You have given me nothing! Except for pain, and you have made my life an emotional roller coaster that I desperately want to get off of!" She tried to shout but her voice sounded strained. 

Snape stared at her intensely. His anger and hurt was written all over his face, and Aurora felt a sick satisfaction in her ability to make him suffer slightly. She flinched when his hand reached out and grasped her wrist tightly. He yanked on the appendage until she fell against his solid frame. 

His other hand wound into her hair, firmly grasping her curls yet again, and pulled her head back. Her grey orbs snapped to his burning gaze fiercely, "And yet, you continue to do everything in your power to ensure you will feel nothing but pain from me. I could be nice. I could be gentle. Have I not given you rewards before? Did you not enjoy them?" His fingers trailed up the sensitive skin on her forearm as he spoke.  

Thin strands of his jet black hair had fallen down into his gaze, and partially obscured his features. Aurora shivered at the feelings he was inducing in her body. She couldn't understand how she could feel hatred and attraction for him at the same time. She hated how confusing her own feelings have been lately. 

Snape was too close, she could smell his intoxicating scent, and her pupils dilated slightly. He was right, of course. He had been gentle with her before, and she had liked it. It was only reasonable that she would grow to crave his soft touches. However, she knew gentleness was not what was in store for her now.

Snape gave her a cruel smile as he leaned down to her lips. He hovered for a moment, so close she could feel his breath on her cheek, and then drew himself up, and stepped away from her. Disappointment filled her, and she looked at Snape with utter confusion.

"Get dressed." He said waspishly.

Aurora was dumbfounded. What was he playing at? There was no way he was going to let the kiss with Lucius slide. "Umm what?" She asked dumbly.

Snape gave an annoyed huff, "do not make me repeat myself, Aurora." He snapped.

Aurora watched him cautiously as she donned her robes and stepped into her booted heels. She was nervous that he was going to do something horrid to her the second her eyes left him. She shifted slightly on her feet at the continued silence when she stood before him fully dressed.

He gave her a once over and said rudely, "fix your face, and meet me downstairs in thirty minutes. We are leaving the Manor today." 

Aurora flinched at the venom in his voice, but nodded her head solemnly. She wasn't exactly sure how to feel about the fact that Snape wanted to wait until they were alone to enact his punishment. He turned to walk out the door, and her heart leapt into her throat at the sudden hopelessness that filled her. 

"Snape!" She called just as he was closing the door behind him.

He paused and looked back at her impatiently. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

He chuckled lowly, and she trembled at the threatening tenor of it. "I know, pet. But not as sorry as you're going to be." He told her.

When the door closed with a resounding click, she fell into a million pieces.

A/N: Thoughts?

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