His Obsession

By Maryellen_19

7.3K 97 4

Warning: Dark Romance. Severus is extremely manipulative and cruel. If you don't like that, don't read it. A... More

My Sister Suffers
My Sister Unbroken
My Sister's Keeper
My Sister Chained
My Sister Silenced
My Sister's Problem
My Sister's Punishment
My Sister's Secret
My Sister Discovered
My Sister Defeated
My Sister Subdued
My Sister, a Lady
My Sister the Death Eater
My Sister's Betrothal
My Sister Unhealed
While my Sister Sleeps
My Sister Scarred
My Sister Resigned
My Sister's 'Happy' Christmas
My Sister's Devotion
My Sister Revealed
My Sister's Acceptance
My Sister's Heart
To Love my Sister

My Sister in Anguish

174 4 0
By Maryellen_19

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

Aurora felt the weight of what she had done like a thousand bricks pressing into the tops of her shoulders. She had stolen a life. Extinguished her inner fire like it had never been lit in the first place. 

She felt numb. The inside of her was humming loudly, vibrating her nerve endings like a hive full of angry bees. She barely paid attention as Lucius apparated them back to Malfoy manor. Wasn't sure if she had even given him a reply to his goodnight wishes. Her mind was stuck back at the house where that poor woman had lost her life. 

She gulped the air greedily as she struggled to tame the noxious roiling of her stomach. She could feel Lucius's gaze on her, but she couldn't concentrate on forming words. She wanted to reassure him that she was alright, except she didn't have it in her to lie right now. Aurora climbed the wooden stairs leading to the second level of the house.

When Aurora entered the shared room, she had fully expected Snape to be up waiting for her. However, he was nowhere to be seen. She felt mildly bereft by this revelation. Although he was not the best when it came to comfort, he would be better than nothing. 

She walked over to their bed and collapsed on the soft mattress. Aurora didn't even bother to get undressed as she slipped off her boots and laid back against the pillows. Snape had ruined her body, and was slowly twisting her mind, but the dark lord had tarnished her soul. Now that she had been sucked into the world that she had so desperately wanted no part of, she was losing herself.

Her decisions were not her own. Aurora had not wanted to hurt Muriel Whitby, had not wanted to watch as all the fight was tortured out of her. Aurora was fairly certain that had Lucius not put her under the imperious curse, she would have fled the scene entirely. 

Aurora was still suspicious of Lucius's motives. He had been flirting with her the past few days and had even given her a necklace, but why would he risk the dark lord's ire just to help her? She wanted to say it was because Lucius was not like the others, that he had a sense of morality that the other followers did not. Except she had seen the lustful look in his eyes when he had watched the mudblood being raped, and had seen him callously kick a helpless man to the ground. 

She was beginning to suspect that Lucius may have a deeper agenda than what she had initially assumed. Aurora wanted to believe that the older male was genuinely interested in her but it was becoming clear that it may just be wishful thinking on her part. 

She brought her hands up to her lips, she could still feel where Lucius had brushed his own softly against hers. Although he had done it while she was cursed, she still knew it should have never happened. If Snape were to ever find out about it, she would probably wish she was dead. She doubted he would care if she had not been in her right mind when it had happened.

Aurora was conflicted over her true feelings regarding the small press of Lucius's lips against hers. She was elated that he had done it at all, as well as disgusted by the fact that he had done it while a woman was being violated behind them. How could something revolt her and please her at the same time? Her feelings were becoming more complicated with each passing day.

A woman was murdered, by her hand, and while she would never be able to forget or forgive herself for committing the heinous act, Aurora could also not stop thinking about the stolen kiss. What sort of person did that make her?

She sighed frustratedly and pulled Snape's pillow down over the top of her face. She screamed loudly into the plush material, muffling her overwhelmed screech. Her mind was racing a mile a minute, and there was no doubt in her mind that she would not get to sleep easily tonight. She even wished for the company of Snape to distract her from the emotional turmoil of her mind. 

Throwing the pillow off of her, she sat back up and looked around her. There was nothing in the room that she could use to draw her focus from her dismal thoughts. Exhaling loudly, she swung her feet off of the mattress and stood up. She looked at the clock that was hanging near the door to the right of the sofa. It was nearing one a.m. in the morning, and she wondered where Snape could be? 

It was not uncommon for him to arrive late. But he had ordered her to come back as soon as the dark lord left. Wouldn't he want to be here to ensure she had followed his command?  Biting her lip indecisively,  Aurora looked at the ground in contemplation. She really didn't want to stay here lost in her own thoughts right now. 

Nodding to herself resolutely, she stepped forward and walked out into the hallway. At least if he punishes her for leaving, she would have something to take her mind off of Muriel's screams. The hoarse whimpers of suffering and loud grunts of arousal were still echoing in her ears. It was hard enough for Aurora to cope with being used by one person, she couldn't imagine surviving what Muriel had been put through tonight. 

Aurora shuddered as she walked down the stairs and into the sitting room just past the entrance hall. The doors leading out to the garden were through the ostentatious room, and although she had no desire to be out there she desperately wanted some fresh air. Also, the bench under the gazebo provided a direct view of the front of the house. She would be able to see Snape return if he was no longer on the grounds. Something told her that he wasn't, but she couldn't be sure how she knew. 

She walked out to the bench and sat down on the intricately carved wood. It was stained a dark brown and had black iron railings for the arms. It wasn't the most comfortable in the middle of winter, but the cold bite of the metal was a welcome feeling. It helped to ground her so she wouldn't spin out of control. 

Small puffs of white carbon dioxide filled the air as she breathed out into the night. She could feel the numbness creeping into the tips of her nose and ears, but she was reluctant to cast a warming charm. A small part of herself wanted to suffer in retribution for the pain she had been involved in tonight. 

Aurora believed in the pureblood movement, she understood that mudbloods should not be allowed to mix with their ancestral lines. However, she did not think they deserved to die for what they were. Ousted from society maybe, but not completely eradicated.

A light turned on in the west side of the house, and Aurora's focus was drawn to it. She could see the silhouette of a male standing in front of the window but could not discern any features. The west wing was reserved for the family, and so it was more than likely Lucius. Aurora watched his shadowed movements intensely, blushing when she was able to determine that he was undressing. 

His frame was completely shrouded by the thin drapes hanging from the window, but the thought of him naked sent a pulse of need to her center. She was going to have to have a talk with these hormones of hers before they got her into trouble. 

Aurora's eyes narrowed when Lucius shifted slightly, and another form appeared next to him. It was obvious from the feminine curves that it was a woman. The woman reached up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, tilting her head up invitingly. Aurora could picture the flirtatious smirk that Lucius was probably giving her, vividly. 

Jealousy clenched her gut tightly, but she stamped it down stubbornly. He was more than likely with Narcissa, and she couldn't fault him for seeking out his intended. However, it further cemented the idea in her head that he was just playing games with her. He clearly held a lot of love for Narcissa. Aurora did not think he would jeopardize their union for her. Not that she would want him to anyway. Snape would surely kill them both before it ever came to that. 

Aurora turned her gaze away from Lucius and shifted on the bench so she could bring her knees up to her chest. Her face felt frozen and her fingers were beginning to harden into blocks. Reluctantly, she cast a warming charm around her, wincing at the biting feeling of her limbs defrosting. 

She missed Sirius. He may not know what to say in this moment to make her feel better, but his presence had always been a comfort. Maybe it had something to do with them growing together in the same womb. Forever connected by the soul, one half of the other. Her misery had started well before Snape had ruined her. Sirius used to make the days easier to get through, and his absence had hurt her more than she could put into words. 

Aurora couldn't wait for the term to start back. She desperately wanted to speak with her brother. She wasn't a fool. She knew she would not be able to tell him of anything that had transpired over her holiday, but just hearing his voice would be enough for now. 

Two tears slid hotly down her face, and she sighed tiredly. She didn't know how much more of this emotional agony she could take before the strain on her heart became too much. 

Aurora jolted suddenly when she heard a loud pop of apparition, and saw the appearance of a lone figure on the front lawn. She knew the shape of him instantly. Her heart clenched in apprehension as Snape stumbled to the entrance hall. Why would he be stumbling? Is he hurt?

Aurora jumped to her feet and ran back through the garden doors and sitting room quickly. She didn't stop to analyze the feelings of concern that were filling her at the thought of him grievously injured. They were too confusing, especially when she knew that she should be elated by the possibility of his suffering. 

Snape stepped through the front doors, just as she entered the entrance hall. His appearance was rumpled. His robes were folded over one arm, leaving him exposed in his white button up shirt and a pair of black slacks. Aurora could not help but notice that the first three buttons of his shirt were undone, and her brow furrowed in thought.

She flicked her eyes up to his face. His dark hair was wild, sticking up at odd angles, as if someone had been running their fingers through them. His eyes were red rimmed and glassy, staring at her mischievously. He wavered slightly on his feet and Aurora knew he was definitely drunk. 

She stopped where she was standing hesitantly, she didn't know what he was like when he was intoxicated. He was unpredictable when sober though, so if that was any indication she should definitely err on the side of caution. 

Snape continued to stare at her but he said nothing. His smile grew wider as he tried to walk purposefully towards her. He tripped slightly, and his robes slipped from his grasp as he flailed his arms out to recover his balance. He smiled at her impishly, and began striding towards her once more. Aurora bit her lip uncertainly. She took a few steps back, cursing when her back collided with the wall. 

He crowded her once he reached her side, leaning into her space heavily. Aurora caught a faint whiff of his scent and stiffened as she detected floral notes within it. Had he been with someone else? "Where were you?" she asked softly. Hating herself for how small her voice sounded, she really did make herself the perfect prey for him. 

Snape leaned forward, staring deeply into her gaze. "Why? Wer' you worried?" His words were slurred slightly, and his breath smelled of fire-whiskey. 

"Not really." Aurora breathed. Her focus was drawn to how close his lips were. Every nerve ending in her body that was in contact with him was alive. 

Snape pouted at her amusedly, "tha's not very nice." He told her playfully. 

Aurora stared at him dumbly. She was not sure how to engage with Snape when he was in a jestful mood. She cocked her brow questioningly, "I'm sorry?" 

Snape beamed at her, leaning forward he stopped just a hairs breath away from her lips. "Good girl." He growled, before claiming her mouth ruthlessly.

Aurora couldn't stop the gush in her knickers at his praising words, anymore than she could stop his invading tongue from dominating her mouth. She was lost to the sensations of his wandering muscle as it plundered her moist cavern. She could taste the burn of the whiskey he had consumed, his tongue swirling enticingly against her own. 

Aurora moaned and lifted her arms around his shoulders, threading her fingers through his silky black hair. For the first time tonight she felt completely alive with pleasure. The pleasant tingles devoured her senses and took control of her every thought. The emotional breakdown from before was pushed to the back of her mind, and she sighed gratefully at the ease of pressure on her chest. For the moment, she was determined to forget.

Snape pulled away from her mouth and began trailing hot open mouthed kisses down her neck. Aurora's fingers twisted tightly in his inky locks, and she threw her head back, moaning loudly at his touches.

Snape put the palm of his hand against the wall behind her to steady himself as he reached down with the other and lifted her leg up, wrapping it around his waist. She bucked against his hardened erection when it came in contact with her thinly covered center. His lips didn't cease their pursuit in claiming her skin as he dipped even lower. Her nipples hardened unbearably when he laved the top of one breast with his silky tongue. 

Aurora clutched him to her, relishing in the sensations he was making her feel. "Please, Snape." She begged, mewling with pleasure as he brought his free hand down to her other breast and grasped it firmly in the palm of his hand. He kneaded the flesh roughly, the scratch of the fabric of her bra roving over her erect nipple sent delicious sparks to her core. 

His mouth closed around the flesh exposed above her neckline, and he bit down gently. He marked her, sucking the skin into his mouth. He soothed the aching sting with the warmth of his tongue. Aurora's back curled into him, pressing as close to his frame as she could. "Please." She said again and nearly cried in relief when Snape's hand disappeared from her breast and she heard the sound of his zipper being undone. 

He didn't give her much warning before he snatched the center of her knickers to the side and brutally slammed into her. Aurora's eyes widened at the force. Her balance was threatened slightly, she wobbled a bit before regaining her footing. He filled her completely and her walls clenched around him, desperately drawing him into her. 

Aurora groaned, "yes." She whispered.

Snape pulled out and rammed into her again. Her eyes snapped to his when he chuckled at her.  "knew you enjoyed this. You want me jus' as mush as I wan' you, you jus' won't admit it to yourself." He said, his voice sounding strained, and jumbled. 

He was wrong of course, but she didn't care what he believed, so long as he kept making her feel this way. One of her arms dropped from his shoulders to grab at his hip tightly, trying to urge him to fuck her harder. Snape groaned as he picked up the pace and ruthlessly slammed into her. The loud smack of his hips hitting her own and her loud pleasure filled cries rent the air around them. 

Aurora could focus on nothing else but the way he felt sliding inside of her. The way his cock kept hitting that special spot inside of her, bringing her closer to her release. Snape brought his head back down to suck and nip her neck eagerly. She could feel the sweat roll off of his forehead at the exertion of their activities, and yet his thrusts never slowed, he pounded into her dripping cunt forcefully. 

Aurora snuck a hand down between them and swirled the tip of her pointer finger over her swollen nub. Stars erupted behind her eyes at the feeling, and her mouth opened in a silent 'o' as she brought herself dangerously close to her climax. Snape's thrusts were getting longer and deeper, and she could tell that he was seconds away from cumming. 

She flicked her clit fiercely and felt the wave cresting in her abdomen. Suddenly Aurora's focus was drawn to movement just over Snape's shoulder. She made eye contact with light blue orbs and moaned loudly as she fell over the edge. Clamping down on Snape's cock forcefully she milked him, her walls suctioning him inside of her as he filled her with his release. 

Snape pulled himself out of her and rested his head against her collarbone. Her leg fell back down, and her foot resumed its place on the floor. "You are fucking amazing, pet." Snape breathed.

Aurora could barely concentrate on him, her gaze was locked firmly with Lucius's. He had not moved from his place on top of the stairs since she had noticed him. He was staring at her with a lustful fire in his eyes, and a small smirk across his face. She wanted to slap it off of him. How dare he watch her? It was indecent! But then again so was letting Snape take her against the wall right in the middle of the entrance hall. 

Lucius cocked his head amusedly at her, and then winked salaciously. For a moment she had thought that he would join them downstairs and make her embarrassment complete, but he did not. He turned around and disappeared back down the hall. She wondered what it was he had been coming downstairs for to begin with? 

A/N: Thoughts?

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