The Devils Temptation {Bada L...

By InsaneMaker

121K 5.4K 729

{First Book} In where two close friends finally meet again after years. Both ending in a terrible note and fe... More

{ Prologue }
{ Cast }
{ Cycle of life }
{ The Crew Members }
{ I'll show them who the better Kim is }
{Craving her attention}
{Worth so much more}
{More like my girl}
{ Her past }
{Seducing her}
{Mr. Steal Your Girl }
{ Recognition }
{ Class Mission }
{The Annoyed Leader}
{Friends Who Flirt?}
{Filming Class }
{ Can You See My Heart? }
{ A Crush? }
{ Best Friends Again }
{Kpop Challenge}
{ Leave Me Alone }
{Fear Of Abandonment}
{ Death Match}
{The Start Of Something}
{Pool Party}
{Mega Crew Mission}
{The Struggles}
{ The Unexpected }
{We Did It!}
{Old Friendships}
{She's Finally Happy}
{That's My Girl}
{Beach Date}
{The Blonde Era}
{Clingy Girlfriend}
{Cruel Society}
{Harsh Leaders}
{Birthday Date}
{One Big Family}
{Girls Supporting Girls}
{Finally Free}
{Leader; Leah}
{Hwasa Mission}
{No Bad Blood}
{Bada's Past}
{Queens Vs Queens}
{The Devil's Temptation}
{My Second Home}
{My home}
{Practice Before Finals}
{Finals pt.1}
{Important Announcement!}
{Final pt.2}
{The Finals}
{I Still Love Her}
{Second Story!}

{Filming Day}

1.7K 103 7
By InsaneMaker

Yoon's face turned pale as her eyes widened in fear. She had no idea that Leah would ever find out that she visited her mother a few days before she left. She gulped down letting out a small chuckle. "Leah, what are you talking about? I've never met your mother." Leah nodded her head, her tongue poking out on the side of her cheek. She swung the door around slamming it causing the girl to flinch in her spot. She took a step back unsure of what the girl was capable of. She's capable of many things, including putting someone in their place. Yoon's back hit the wall behind her, not being able to back up any further. The brunette girl took slow strides closer to her. Her eyes were siren eyes with a dark look in them. "Yoon Ah, you either tell me what you spoke to my mother about or I'll figure it out on my own. I do have to warn you if I find out you're going to regret not coming clean." The furious girl stood by the door waiting for her answer. She was only a few inches taller than the other girl but she still tower over her. She came out as intimidating, making the girl she once knew afraid. She had never seen her react this way before.

Her eyes twitch realizing she wasn't the same innocent vulnerable girl she could easily manipulate years ago. No, she's so much different. She's stronger and wiser. "I.. I never spoke to your mother." Leah nodded her head. She knew she wouldn't say anything, why would she? If her tactics were manipulating and lying. She loved playing the victim every chance she got. Her left hand held the door knob, her palm turning white as her knuckles turned a rosy pink shade as she applied pressure. She contained herself from hurting the girl wanting to give her the chance to hear her out. She turned to the side hearing her neck pop, as her eyes landed back on her. She leaned her entire body back against the wall like a frightened puppy. "Oh, this is a warning. If you ever lay a finger on Tatter or approach her again, I'll make sure your sister knows what truly happened between us." Her stare darken as she glared at the girl. Her face mere inches away from her as her eyes locked with her. Never once looking away from her making sure she got the message. Leah eyed her up and down, turning around. She swung the door open as she shoved her hands into her front pockets. She walked through the coffee shop in confidence, ignoring Yoon's friends who stared at her with a confused expression.

The day of filming finally arrived, making Leah extremely nervous as she stood on the stage. Her green blue eyes scan the room waiting for the rest of the dancers. She could feel her anxiety starting to kick in as she stood there. Her hands turned slightly sweaty as she made her way to the camera man. She started to go over where she wanted the cameras to be angled. She glanced at the monitor a few feet away from her where another staff member sat. They stared at the two monitors seeing all the cameras and where they were pointing. She did ask them to move a few cameras slighting to the right or left wanting the video to capture more of the dancers. She fixed the earpiece in her right ear as she nodded her head hearing a few staff members go over a few things. She took over the filming and positions, wanting this video to go smoothly. She waited on everyone else who is currently getting ready. Nodding her head one of the camera men carried a personal camera for the show. He zoomed into her face seeing how she put her input into things. She focused on the smallest details not wanting them to ruin the performance. Her brows slightly furrowed as she focused on the staff members who guided her on how they would be filming way before the music started.

When everyone arrived on the stage they couldn't help but gasp out loud at how huge the stage actually is. It was a lot bigger than the one they battled on a few days ago. Her focus didn't leave the staff as she guided them about the certain angles. Her hands moved in front of her as she spoke to them. The girls of Eternal approach their leader. Ivy and Yujin jumped into the discussion wanting certain things to shine on camera for their parts. Both Ivy and Leah went over the smoke they wanted to appear behind them as the opening part. They wanted to make the place seem majestic and mysterious all at once. They decided to film a dance practice real quick. Just the girls of Eternal to see the lighting and the smoke coming from the sides. When they finished Leah rushed to look at the monitors. She told them about the lighting needing a spotlight at the beginning focused on Yujin. The short haired girl nodded her head agreeing, she also incorporated it to have the lights flicker. She told them to add blue, white and red lights. The girls kept going over the dance wanting to see how it would look on the camera.

They spent hours dancing and going over the choreography. It wasn't until they did the last take where they were all extremely happy with the results. The girls gathered around in the center of the stage hugging each other screamed in happiness. Sweat rolled down her necks and faces as they embraced each other. Leah pulled away from the hug, holding the microphone close to her lips. "I want to thank you guys so much. Without you all none of this would be possible, from the bottom of my heart thank you. It means the world having you guys here not only helping us but supporting us no matter the circumstance." The girls all held onto each other's hands standing in a line bowing their heads. As the rest of the members went to thank the dancers. Leah stepped onto the back tears rolling down her face. She felt every emotion overcome her. Every emotion she's felt the past month, stress, happiness, anxiety, nerves, joy, love and most importantly tiredness. She's been working her ass off this past month not having one single break. She shook her hands staring up at the bright lights trying to get rid of the tears. Closing her eyes teared rolled down her face as she stood there. She clapped her hands hearing the crew cheer out loud in happiness.

She stood off to the side wiping the tears from her face. One of the cameras zoomed into her face as she shook her head with more tears spilling. Ivy glanced to the side noticing the brunette girl, she didn't hesitate to jump in front of her. Blocking her front the camera man who kept trying to film her in this intense vulnerable moment. Leah wasn't one to cry in front of her members let alone cameras. But something about feeling accomplished and proud of your hard work. Really got the best of her, all the members were aware of all her hard work. The way she supported their ideas and wanted to genuinely apply them into the choreography. She held in her tears when she was performing not wanting to ruin her makeup or the performance. It felt incredibly surreal being able to perform not only with her teammates but her brother. It took everything within her not to break down as she danced. Ivy made a heart with her hands on top of her head as she stared at the camera. She made sure the brunette girl was being covered and that no one dared to film her. Felix and Chan noticed how the girl wasn't to be found near them. They saw how Ivy smiled, sending hearts at the camera.

Felix made his way to the girl, finding her sister behind her covering her face with her hands. She silently cried not wanting the rest of her members to see her that way. The blonde boy pouted as he wrapped his arms around his older sister. He kissed the top of her head, rubbing her back as she removed her hands. She sends him a small smile as she wipes the tears from her face. "You did amazing, noona." The older girl chuckled, nodding her head. Her brothers had no idea how much it meant to her whenever they praised her or told her they were proud of her. Chan offered her a napkin which she gladly took. She cleaned her face making sure not to smudge her makeup. She took a deep breath fixing her composure, Lix helped her clean the lingering tears. He placed his hands on her shoulders, turning her around to face Hyujin who approached her with a bouquet of blue roses. The girl gasped out loud in shock as the rest of the crew recorded her. Her right hand covering her mouth that fell open. "This is from us, we wanted to thank you for always being there for us and supporting us. You have been the best choreographer we've ever had and the best sister we could ever ask for." She let out a giggle, as a tear rolled down her face.

Leah threw her arms around the tall male hearing him chuckle in response. He rubbed her small back leaning down for her. The hug lasted for a minute before she pulled away pulling Chan and Felix into a hug. The crew took a picture together, with Leah standing in the middle. A proud grin on her face as she held the bouquet of blue roses. She truly never thought she wouldn't ever need her parents but now standing here. Being appreciated and loved not just by her teammates but by her guys. Brought so much joy within her. Knowing she had created a huge wonderful family without even knowing it. She took individual pictures with the rest of the dancers. She took one with Soo Ah and Yuqi. Soo Ah pressed her lips on her left cheek as she smiled at the camera. Yuqi placed a hand on the girl's shoulder as she raised a piece to sign up. The girls of Eternal took a picture together. They were the last to leave the set thanking the staff members and every dancer that came to help them.

The leader of Eternal sat in between Chan and Felix, her eyes looking down at her phone. She received a message from Bada thanking her for buying her flowers. She waited for Chan to get the live stream started and the video pulled up. The two males wanted to record their reaction to the first episode that aired out last night. They made sure not to hop onto social media and not to spoil it for each other. "Okay, we are live." Chan spoke, causing her to lock her phone and shove it into her pocket. She smiled at the camera waiving. Her eyes looked at the two monitors in front of them. The one in front of them showing the video and the one on the right showing the live stream. "Hello guys, I am here with Felix and Leah. If you guys aren't aware Leah is Felix's older sister. Also known as one of the main choreographers of JYP." He placed his hands in front of her as she stood up bowing her head and waving. Both males looked at her with a bright smile. Happy to have her and to be able to spend more time with her.

"Hello, I'm Leah also known as the leader of Eternal!" She smiled brightly. She winked at the camera fixing her sweatpants. She took a seat leaning her back against the chair as she pushed her hips forwards. Her legs spread open in a man's spread, not caring what anyone had to say. Felix nor Seon Ho didn't care if she acted lady-like or not. They loved her either way and would never judge her for being herself. Her left arm wrapped around Felix's chair as she saw the views of the stream sky rocket. More fans started to join by the minute. "We will be reacting to episode one of Street Woman Fighter 2. Just to give you guys a heads up we will only be reacting to Eternal's parts." The older male spoke again as she placed the video onto the live-stream allowing the fans to see as well. Chan started to play the video making Lix scream in excitement at the sight of his sister. His mouth fell wide open seeing how she swayed her hips with confidence as she strutted down the hall.

They continued to watch the video Leah with a smile on her face seeing herself and the girls. She would giggle every time her brother would react. He complimented how stunning she looked as she made her way down the stairs. Chan's mouth fell open hearing the terrible feedback the girls were getting from the other crews. His eyes widened in shock as he turned to glance at the brunette girl who laughed. She covered her mouth looking away from him. He paused the video as Felix stood up from his seat starting to get mad with the way they spoke of his sister. "They're allowed to say that on tv? Why were you smiling?" The girl ran her fingers through her hair pushing it to the side. She looked at the screen reading over a few comments. She didn't think the boys would react in such a way. She found it quite funny seeing them react like this. She leaned forward playing her hands on the wooden desk in front of them. The corner of her lip turned upwards seeing all the positive comments. "Of course, they're treating it like a reality show. You know how dramatic they are." Felix would scream watching his sister battle. The move she hit made him cover his eyes.

Any time she twerks or thrusted the air he would immediately look away not being able to watch it. As much as he loves his older sister. It made him cringe seeing her do that. Don't get him wrong, he loves how confident and how she's able to pull off those moves. He just.. He could never see his sister differently. Chan on the other hand hyped the girl up, he had never seen this side of her. The amount of times he's watched her dance not once has he seen her go all out conveniently. She destroyed that dance floor and he's living for it. They finish watching the first episode on a good note, all three of them smiling at one another. "My favorite part is the look in your eyes. When you're about to battle someone there's this shift in your eyes. They sharpen and harden ready to devour your opponent. It is quite scary but amazing to watch." He tried to replicate it, making Leah laugh. She playfully pushed the male to the side causing him to chuckle.

"I want to know how you did the roll up." His sister got up pushing the chairs to the side while Chan fixed the camera angle. Everyone could see Felix on the screen as he tried to roll his body grabbing to the waistband of his jeans. He mimicked the move causing many fans to go crazy in the chat. He even hit Michael Jackson him trust. Leah smiled proudly as she stood next to him. He moved out of the way standing next to Chan allowing his sister to do the move. She threw her head back as the body roll started from chin, going down her neck, through her chest and down her body. As her body rolled her right hand ran down her neck, following the roll up. She bit her lip as she gripped the bottom of her sweatpants near her crotch, trusting the air. Chan made a face letting out a small, "ooh." He had no idea she had that much swag and rizz all at once. He could definitely see why girls were starting to go crazy over her.

The girl didn't stay long after that she bid her goodbyes at the two boys. It was starting to get late and she actually had a busy schedule these past few days. She really couldn't believe she would start feeling for Street Woman Fighter 2 all over again. She also had a press conference to attend with the rest of the leaders making her feel a bit anxious. She didn't know what to expect since she didn't really talk to the rest of the leaders. Upon opening the front door of her apartment she's met with the smell of Japanese curry. Her stomach started to rumble at the wonderful delicious smell. She removed her shoes, placing her keys on a wooden bowl on the shoe rack next to her. She slipped into her slippers making her way around the house. Entering the kitchen she's met with Bada's tall figure standing in front of her stove stirring the curry. The taller girl had her hair up in a low bun, her black glasses on the bridge of her nose. A blank muscle shirt on her upper body showing the muscles of her arms. She usually wore her gray sweatpants, her left hand stuffed into her pocket. "What is all this?" She asked, placing the bouquet of roses on the aisle.

Bada turned around at the sound of her sweet voice. She smiled at her pulling her into a hug, she kissed the top of her head. Seeing how she's distracted by the food, her green blue eyes staring at the pot in front of her. The tall girl kept an arm around her small waist as the shorter girl took a whiff of the cooked food. "I thought I would surprise you, since you bought me flowers." Leah smiled, her eyes glancing down at Bada's hand as she turned off the stove. Her hand trailed upwards landing underneath her chin and turning her head. Her eyes locked with hers as she leaned down to capture her lips with hers. The shorter girl moved her right hand to the crook of her neck. Her thumb trailing down her neck as they kissed slowly. It was a gentle, meaningful kiss. None of them wanted to rush anything nor feel the need to rush the other person. Bada pulled away and licked her lips as her eyes stared down at her smaller lips. "Go wash your hands so we can eat." The girl nodded her head, she made her way to her room. She removed her jacket and threw it into a laundry basket.

Making her way into the bathroom she removed her makeup. Washing her face with her cleanser she dabbed a towel on her face. She washed her hands right afterwards. She grabbed a crunching from one of the drawers running her fingers through her hair. She threw her hair up into a messy ponytail as she made her way out the door. She took a seat on the couch joining Bada who placed spoons on the table. "I didn't know what you wanted to drink. I poured myself some cranberry juice, can we share?" Leah nodded her head not really caring. If anything she's more excited to eat the delicious food sitting in front of her. Bada grabbed the remote control playing the show from the other day. She watched how her face lit up in excitement, wanting nothing more than to finish the show. The younger girl took a bite of her food moaning at the amazing flavor. She closed her eyes, chewing softly as she started to move her shoulders around. She fluttered her eyes open focusing on the show. "You know, for a while I forgot how amazing you cook. I haven't had Japanese curry in a while." She turned to look at her girlfriend as she took a huge bite of her food.

"I'm glad you like it." Bada took a spoon full of food, her eyes flickering to the tv screen. Leah shuffled closer, placing her lips against her cheek. She pulled away, seeing her cheeks turned a shade of pink as the corner of her lips turned upwards. She shook her head with the brightest smile grabbing another spoon full of food from her plate. Leah chuckled, seeing her reaction. Her eyes wandered back to the TV watching the show. She finished her food a lot faster than Bada. Setting the plate down on the table she pushed herself back onto the couch. Her knees coming inwards towards her chest as she placed a pillow in front of her chest. She cuddled it, her head tilting to the side, watching how Jiaxu stared at Sang Zhi, realizing he was starting to fall for her. She always found it adorable when she would catch couples staring at each other. She's always been a huge romantic, she had just learned to be careful with people. She didn't show that side of her unless she felt something extremely strong for the other person. The last person she would do anything for was Yoon Ah. After she left her heart was never the same.

She had developed trust issues because of her. She also didn't allow herself to feel what she needed to feel for the other person. She would always hesitate so instead she would only hook up with girls or have the friends and benefits kind of deal. She never found herself growing feelings or attaching to any of those women. Instead they were the ones always coming back for more. Not being able to get enough from her just by a one night stand. With her eyes focused on the screen she failed to notice how Bada stared at her with so much love and adoration. She would smile anytime she saw the younger girl scrunch her nose or chuckle slightly. Bada ended up moving closer to the girl wrapping her arms around her shoulders. Leah leaned her head against her chest as cuddle into her.


For the first time on the show Leah walked in looking somewhat manly from the choice of clothes. She used the smallest amount of makeup on her face enhancing her male features. She trailed behind her group who looked around the new stage in amazement. They screamed in excitement while others had their eyes slightly widened. Ivy smiled, liking the feel of the bigger stage. Mina and Miyeon both skipped around the ring in the center of the stage. Meanwhile the leader walked with confidence, her eyes looking around the new set. A few girls gasped at the sight of her, and found her more attractive. Some girls squealed seeing how she had rolled up her sleeves showing the muscles in her arms. She wore high waisted baggy jeans. She slid some of her fingers into her front pockets as she strutted. Not a single word leaving her lips as her eyes scanned the room. She thought the place was beautiful and spacious but also felt as if it was lacking something. The truth is that the shore she wore wasn't even hers. It still has the familiar lingering floral scent to it. She truly had no shame in wearing Bada's clothes. Sometimes she actually preferred her baggy clothes over her own. They are always warm and comfortable to wear at home and outside.

Their eyes met as she walked past her, she winked at her following Ivy. The girls took a seat next to team BEBE. Leah sat at the front like always with Ivy right next to her. She didn't hesitate to spread her legs open as she leaned back. Her elbows landed on the seats behind her, almost touching Yujin who sent her a death glare. Her green blue eyes traveled to the opposite side landing on Chocol who had her eyes locked on her. The brunette girl is almost certain that the older girl seemed interested in her. "Hello, I am Kang Daniel, the MC of Street Woman Fighter 2. The Mega Crew Mission, the signatured mission of Mnet's original dance series, has come to an end. However, out of the eight crews here, one will be eliminated and will have to go home." A few groups glanced at Eternal noticing how their leader didn't seem fazed or bothered at all. She's extremely confident with her group and the performance they did. There's no doubt in her mind that they won't be eliminated so easily. Although she wanted nothing more than to be home and focusing on her own career. She decided to join this show for her teammates. As long as she's here she would make sure to give it her all. She would make sure her own team outshines everyone else.

"The fates of the crews will be determined tonight. Which crew will be eliminated? The five hundred points of the fight judges, five hundred points of the online public evaluation will be added up to a total of one thousand points. The crew in first place will receive five hundred points and points will be disturbed to the rest according to the rankings." Leah nodded her head as the host explained the points. He went into full detail about the judges and the points given from them. He also added the one hundred points that the judges would choose the team that deserved it. To her everything seemed fair so far. He also went over the highest amount of views and combined. The girls all praised themselves feeling pretty proud of it. "There is a crew that got the highest number of views..." Before he could say the crew's name a staff member appeared out of nowhere. She handed him a new card to read off, in which his face fell into shock. He turned to look at the staff member who nodded her head telling him it had suddenly changed overnight. The girls from one million all glanced at one another waiting for Daniel to say their name. They were very confident that they had the highest amount of views and votes from the public. Daniel let out a small sigh, as he focused on the groups before him. "The crew that got the highest number of views is Eternal."

Mina and Miyeon gasped out loud looking at each other with pure shock. Yujin stood up in her seat not believing what she had just heard. They surpassed one million? That was extremely shocking even for them. Leah is handed a microphone in which she grips tightly, her eyes wandering around the room in search of words. She also had been completely thrown off by the amount of views her own team received. Brining the microphone closer to her lips, she let out a shaky breath. "It's.. It's quite surprising to know that so many people watched the video. It truly means the world to us seeing the amount of support we have been receiving. I want to thank everyone who helped us and these amazing girls." She turned around to face the girls of her team who all smiled at her. Ivy moved closer to the girl intertwined their hands together as she leaned her head onto her shoulder. Mina and Miyeon placed their hands on their leader's shoulders offering her a kind smile.

"I want nothing more than the world to know what we're capable of. The first motive that I had in the first episode was to show the world what I was really capable of. I wanted to tell the world that I was worth so much more. Now that we've progressed over filming I want everyone to know who Eternal is. I'm hard on them for a reason. Especially in practice, I know how much potential and skill they individually have. That I push them, I push them to do more and show the world what they're really capable of. I just hope that they're aware of how much I love and care for them."

As the show went on, Leah pouted at the sight of Kirsten holding in her tears. She chuckled, slightly playing with the microphone. She stared off to the side trying hard not to break down in front of everyone. To tell the truth all the leaders went through a lot in this mission. Wanting nothing more than to succeed at the end. The brunette girl placed both her hands by her mouth screaming. "You did amazing, my luv! I love you!" This made the silver haired girl laugh. Her eyes sparkled at the sound of her voices. A huge grin on her face as she glanced at her friend. She nodded her head, thanking the girl for the encouragement.

"Next, the crews that chose all the all gender theme. Among Ladybounce, BEBE and Eternal." Mina felt extremely anxious sitting away from their leader. She slid down next to Leah, cuddling into her right side. Knowing that they were getting closer to their scores and video performance they had filmed. Made her extremely nervous. She could already feel her own heart racing although the other two groups are going before hers. Leah could feel how anxious the younger girl was becoming. She wrapped her arms around her making her lean the back of her head against her right shoulder. The older girl leaned down to kiss the side of her head as she rubbed her sides. She didn't want her to feel this way but she understood people reacted differently to things. For the most part the leader of Eternal reacted pretty positively to all the other groups. She's actually very impressed with their different styles and song choice.

It was no surprise how different and unique each group was. Her green blue eyes landed on the huge monitor behind Daniel as they showed some of BEBE's toughest moments. They even showed a clip of Bada and Leah hugging, as the older girl cried into her shoulder. The girls began to whisper to one another wondering if they were friends again? Leah shifted her eyes to the older girl sitting almost right next to her. Seeing how she stared at the screen with a straight face. The screen then switched to Leah who stared at the camera with tears in her eyes. She fixed the cap on her head covering half of her face. "It really broke my heart seeing Bada like that. I've known her since I was ten and I've never seen her that way.: The camera zoomed closer to her face as tears rolled down her face. She turned away from the camera, whipping her tears. Of course, they chose to cut off most of the things she had said that day. This show fed off drama. All the girls gasped seeing the girl on the screen. They had no idea that they would include that for them to watch. Bada turned to look at her girlfriend seeing how she stared down at her right hand. Her eyes glued to the ring around her index finger. She had no idea how much seeing her cry would affect her in such a way.

"Now let's watch BEBE's Mega Crew performance." The brunette girl clapped excitedly to see what the girls had come up with. She screamed anytime she liked something from the choreography. She didn't hesitate to cheer anytime she saw a team member appear on screen. A smile on her face as she watched the crew. Leah screamed proudly seeing Tatter come on screen as she used the dancer to lift herself off the ground. She stood up from her seat causing her younger sister to look her way. She chuckled watching how the older girl showed her support towards her. She will forever be her friends and family's number one fan. Tears appeared in Tatter's eyes seeing the older girl encourage not only her leader for her entire team. The video came to an end showing everyone's fairy ending. She could see the look of uncertainty in Bada's eyes as the camera landed on her. The team BEBE all praised each other holding hands and hugging one another. "Great job, BEBE!" Leah screamed, feeling extremely proud of them. She out of everyone else in this room knew what the team was going through.

Bada let out a huge sigh still feeling uncertain about the whole thing. She felt really vulnerable the entire time. She hadn't been able to pick herself back up until Leah started to motivate her. Praising her for the smallest efforts and telling her to take a breather. The younger girl would listen to her rant and pick her up from the ground whenever she broke down. If it hadn't been for her, she didn't think she would have gone through it. "BEBE, thank you for your performance. Let's now, find out the director's scores now." The older girl dropped her head down staring at her hands. Leah took a seat closer to the edge, she reached over placing a hand on her girlfriend's knee. This caused her to look up, her brown eyes landing on her small palm. She hesitated to place her hand with hers but once her eyes met hers. She knew she was doing it for support. She nodded her head interwinding their hands together as they patiently waited for the scores. "Let's see the scores of BEBE"s directors."

Bada- 360/ Tatter- 367/ Lusher- 360. Total- 1,087

Bada removed her hand from Leah's as she turned to praise the two girls. Tatter and Lusher both smiled at her thanking her. The older girl couldn't be more proud of her group. If anything she's happy that the two girls got a good score. It had taken her a minute to understand and comprehend that BEBE wasn't just all about her. Her team stood alongside her, even after they watched her crash down. They kept encouraging her to keep fighting as well. Just like she never gave up on them, they would never give up on her. The younger girls promised each other to protect their leader no matter what. Although Bada is a strong hearted chill person. She's also a softie, people could easily break her esteem and hurt her feelings. "I actually.." She couldn't finish her sentence. A small chuckle left her lips as she threw her head back holding in the tears. She didn't think seeing the score would affect her this much. She smiled trying to hide the emotions overtaking her. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath in. This is all overwhelming to her knowing what she had gone through. She couldn't even imagine what her own teammates were feeling seeing her in such a state. "Yes.." She spoke softly as her eyes landed on Lusher who shed a few tears. She wiped them away as Tatter comforted her by rubbing her back.

Leah bit her lower lip as she stared at the back of her head. She intertwined her hands together as she leaned her elbows onto her knees. "I feel bad about my score, I realized I have a long way to go as a director. Also, I'd like to thank the members that worked hard together... I also want to thank my best friend for being there for us." Bada smiles softly at the camera, as she turns to look at the brunette girl who nodded her head. She offered her a kind smile as her girlfriend tried to find other words to say. Her mind raced with many thoughts. Her hand gripped the microphone as her eyes wandered around the stage. "That's it." The older girl looked down her hair covering her face as tear rolled down her face. She still had the image of Leah coming into the dance studio with a bright smile on her face. She carried bags of snacks to encourage the girls, she hugged each and every one of them. She hugged, jumped, joked and laugh with them trying to lift up the mood. All for them to keep moving forwards and for them to give the same motivation to their leader.

-I'm so happy you guys have been loving the story! I try not to rush writing or rush the relationships between both girls. Thank you for all the positive feedback and support from you guys. I apricate every single one of you guys! Also I do want to know if you guys like me writing and including Felix and the rest of the characters? I wasn't sure if you guys would enjoy seeing that as well.. Let me know your thoughts! I hope you guys have or had a great day! - Luv Lizzie

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