His Obsession

By Maryellen_19

7.3K 97 4

Warning: Dark Romance. Severus is extremely manipulative and cruel. If you don't like that, don't read it. A... More

My Sister Suffers
My Sister Unbroken
My Sister's Keeper
My Sister Chained
My Sister Silenced
My Sister's Problem
My Sister's Punishment
My Sister's Secret
My Sister Discovered
My Sister Defeated
My Sister Subdued
My Sister, a Lady
My Sister the Death Eater
My Sister's Betrothal
My Sister Unhealed
While my Sister Sleeps
My Sister Scarred
My Sister Resigned
My Sister's Devotion
My Sister in Anguish
My Sister Revealed
My Sister's Acceptance
My Sister's Heart
To Love my Sister

My Sister's 'Happy' Christmas

159 3 0
By Maryellen_19

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

The presents she got this year were remarkably smaller than the ones she had received in previous years. Her parents had always sent her something lavish every year, but she didn't get anything from them. The only presents she had waiting for her was a small grey and silver parcel with a small emerald bow, and a vibrant red and gold package that was an eyesore. No one else had thought to send her anything, but then again she didn't have many friends. Aurora knew without a doubt that the red present had been sent by Sirius. He was too flamboyant for it to not have been. The grey present gave her pause however, and she flipped it over slightly to see the name written underneath it.

Pink singed her cheekbones, and she was infinitely grateful that she had awoken before Snape. Lucius Malfoy, was written in an elegant scrawl on the bottom of the parcel. Checking over her shoulder to make sure Snape was still sleeping, Aurora arose from her spot next to the fireplace. She clutched the package to her chest and crept around the bed to get into the bathroom. Once inside, she locked the door and pressed her back against the surface. 

Her heart was pounding loudly in fear and excitement. What would he have sent her? The package itself wasn't overly large, it was narrow and no longer than the length of her forearm. Her fingers curled under the folded edge, and she tore the paper away eagerly. A velvet green box met her gaze, blushing deeply she opened the gift. 

Aurora gasped loudly, and she covered her mouth with one hand. Her eyes roved over the jewelry inside in complete awe. It was the most beautiful diamond necklace she had ever seen. It would fit snugly around her neck in a row of shimmering dew drops, almost as if it were a collar of wealth. 

She delicately removed the necklace from its case, and turned until she was standing in front of the mirror. Setting the box on the side of the sink, she wrapped the chain of sparkling gems around her throat and clasped it behind her. 

The twinkling stones illuminated her soft skin. Drawing focus to the delicate curve of her collarbone and the hollow of her throat. Her eyes reflected the appreciation of her gift as she stared back at herself happily. The dark circles under her eyes even seemed to be reduced slightly in her lightness of mood. Her high cheekbones were flushed, her rosy lips parted in astonishment. Aurora felt more beautiful in that moment than she ever had in her life.

Her fingers ran over the gems lovingly. It was the best gift she had ever received. Her lips drew down into a frown. She couldn't keep it. Snape would be suspicious. He would hurt her until she told him who gave her the gift. 

She couldn't be the reason for Lucius's pain, not after his kindness and thoughtfulness. So, Aurora sadly removed the necklace and tucked it away daintily. She would return it to Lucius after the Christmas feast. She used her wand to vanish the wrapping paper it had arrived with. Then she shrunk the box containing the necklace and dropped it into the inner pocket of her robes. It truly was a pity she couldn't keep the gorgeous trinket. 

Aurora sighed and exited the restroom. Walking back to her place by the fire, she reached for Sirius's present. The box was a lot larger than Lucius's gift had been, and she was a little apprehensive about opening it. Sirius had always enjoyed a good prank. She wouldn't have put it past him to have loaded dung bombs into the box, set to go off as soon as the paper is removed. 

Once the scarlet wrapper had been torn away, Aurora stared at the brown box warily. She poked it slightly with her wand, but got no reaction. Still on her guard she opened the top of the box, and peered inside. Her bow rose in question. She stared at the empty crate resting in the middle, in befuddlement. There was the tiniest edge of what seemed to be paper poking out of the inside of the crate. 

Aurora pulled the crate out of the box and opened the metal door, pulling out the scribbled letter within. 

Dear Aurora,

I can't help but notice how withdrawn you have been this year. I know Snivellus has something to do with it! I have not forgotten my promise to you, dear sister. I will kill him if he has harmed you. I know we are not as close as we once were but my love for you has never changed. It was not my intention for us to drift apart as we have... I miss you Aurora. I know you are probably still angry with me, but I've never been able to follow our sadistic parents' ideals. It's not who I am. I would have brought you with me if I had been sure you would want to come. I know we could not be more different, but we are twins Aurora. I will never desert you.. 

Anyway, I got something for you. She reminded me of you when I saw her. I just don't want you to have to feel lonely anymore. 


Aurora felt happiness enter her for the second time that morning. She had a pretty good guess already at what Sirius had gotten her. She had always had a fondness for cats, despite her father and mother never allowing her to have one. The crate that he had sent was just the right size for a full grown cat too. The thought of having a pet of her very own made a large smile creep across her face. 

There was a shuffling sound behind her and she turned. Snape was stretching and blinking his eyes blearily around him. Before they had arrived at Malfoy Manor she had never seen him when first waking up. He was normally awake before she ever was. Maybe he could relax more when he wasn't at school? 

He looked to her side of the bed and frowned when he noticed that she wasn't there. Snape sat up and whipped his head around the room until his gaze met hers. When he noticed her by the fire, he relaxed. "What are you doing?" His voice was husky from sleep. Aurora brushed aside the shiver of arousal with annoyance. 

"Opening my present." She said. "Sirius has gotten me a friend, I believe."  A small smile was still touching the corners of her mouth. 

Snape gave her a wry smirk, "if it's not an owl, he can return it."  

The smile disappeared from her face, her jaw clenched in suppressed anger. Of course, he would deprive her of this too. She had been elated to learn of her new friend, someone to ease the separation of society. Aurora had not known how much she needed it until he had refused her. Her face twitched, she struggled to hold her tongue but the words slipped out before she could stop them. "I hate you." She seethed. 

Aurora knew she had angered him, it was obvious in the stiffness of his posture. His words were clipped and devoid of emotion as he said, "I don't care." 

It was a lie, all he does is lie. Aurora dropped her head into her hands and pulled strands of her hair tightly. She pulled until she felt the sharp ache in her scalp, a frustrated scream bursting forth from her lips. 

She could feel his dark gaze on her, taste his amusement in the air. Her pain meant nothing to him, or perhaps it was everything? Snape chuckled darkly, throwing back the covers he began to get dressed. His flippant attitude towards her obvious distress fanned the flames of hatred within her. How could she have ever thought that she could convince herself to see the good in him? She had been naive, and it no longer surprised her. 

Aurora wiped the tears from her face and stood silently next to the couch for a moment. She had to steel herself against the disgust building in her stomach as she approached him. He had already put on the majority of his outfit but his black shirt hung loosely across his frame, unbuttoned. His hair hung lankly in front of his face, obscuring his penetrating gaze partially. He cocked a dark brow in her direction when she stopped in front of him. Aurora bit her lip apprehensively, bringing a shaking hand to his torso she ran her fingers along the dip in his sternum. 

She looked up at him coyly, "I- I really need this. I-If you would be willing to a-allow me to.." Aurora broke off abruptly as Snape's hand shot out. He grasped her wrist tightly, halting her wandering fingers. 

"What are you doing?" He growled.

Aurora gulped and looked up at him in fright, she had lost her nerve and she tugged lightly on her captured wrist. Snape smiled at her mockingly, "were you suggesting what I'm thinking Aurora?" 

His arm suddenly started to move downwards, and he took her hand with it. He dipped her fingers just below his waistband. "Were you going to offer me something in exchange for your little pet?" 

Aurora's eyes widened and her breathing quickened as he drew her fingers an inch deeper. Her traitorous body lit up with arousal, her eyes deepened with lust. "Yes." she breathed.

Snape smiled at her, he leaned forward, her hand sliding even lower in his pants. He brought his mouth to her ear, "you know what that would make you, don't you?"

Aurora shivered from his breath as it fanned across the shell of her ear. She hated how he affected her. Her brain was getting fuzzy and her senses were alive with fear and pleasure, obscuring her rational thought. 

His tongue snuck out and he licked a trail to her neck. He bit down over his bite mark from the night before, deepening the bruise. Confusion filled her as arousal soaked her knickers from his painful nip. 

Her hand began to move of its own volition. She pushed it down further and wrapped his cock in her small grasp. He moaned loudly against her skin and dropped his forehead against her chest. Aurora stroked him tentatively. She still marveled at the feel of such soft skin encompassing a rod of steel. Her clit pulsed in agony, and begged to be touched. She was too lost in the moment to feel shame at her reaction to touching him. 

Snape's shoulders were shaking and it took a moment for her lust filled mind to realize that he was laughing. Embarrassment filled her, was she doing it wrong? Snape stepped away from her, her hand sliding from his pants easily. 

Aurora's face was flushed in excitement and her breathing was heavy. She struggled to catch her breath. He reached over and lifted her gaze to his face, he was smiling at her in obvious amusement. "That would make you a whore." 

She recoiled away from him. Unbidden, hurt consumed her and she broke all over again. Aurora didn't understand why he had to torment her this way. He didn't care if she didn't want sex with him, he just took it anyway. He clearly didn't care when she had taken it from him either. However, when she offered it to him in exchange for something she desperately needed or she would go insane. It crossed the line. It made her a whore.

"Wh-what more c-could you poss-possibly want from m-me?" Her sobs were making it hard for her to talk. Her voice was heart wrenched and broken, and she stared at him desperately seeking an answer. 

Whatever he wanted she would gladly give it to him a thousand times over in order to escape this hell she has been living. She watched him through a curtain of tears as he finished getting dressed and stepped back over to her. He had a smug smirk on his face, leaning forward slightly in order to meet her gaze. 

"Your undying devotion and obedience." He laughed wryly, "I've never made it seem as if it were otherwise."

"You have it." Aurora rushed out.

Snape cocked his head to the side and eyed her amusedly, "Do I?" 

"I-I'll do better. I promise!" Aurora told him. Her jaw set determinedly. 

Snape smiled at her indulgently, "Pack our things before meeting me downstairs for the breakfast feast. We will be departing soon after it ends. In the mean time, I have something to discuss with the Malfoy's." 

He leaned forward quickly and kissed her on the corner of her mouth, "we'll finish our talk later." His eyes darkened lustfully at the thought. 

Aurora shivered but nodded. He broke her gaze and strode purposefully from the room. Her nerves were still shaken from her break down, and she stepped back until her butt landed on the surface of the bed. How was she going to prove to Snape that she was utterly devoted to him? 


Lucius had been pointedly ignoring her all morning. She felt the weight of the necklace heavily in her pocket. Snape had refused to leave her side, hovering over her like an extension of herself. Aurora had been sneaking glances in Lucius's direction, trying to catch his gaze but he had not looked at her once. It admittedly stung that he would not give her the time of day.

He was currently enraptured in conversation with Narcissa. Nodding politely at something she had said, and smiling at her alluringly. Aurora was beginning to think she would not have a chance to return his gift to him. It was hard to imagine the gift had come from him at all, not when she watched him with her cousin. It was clear to everyone that had eyes, that he held much affection towards Narcissa Black. 

Maybe the undertones of the necklace had not meant what she thought? It could have just been a token of friendship. The Malfoy's were very wealthy, it was hardly a big deal for him to buy diamonds. Snape would think otherwise though. 

Aurora ducked her gaze back down to her plate for the sixth time that morning. She moved a few pieces of bacon on her plate, rearranging them but not really eating. Her nerves were twisting her stomach and she was finding it hard to eat. She had managed a few bites of egg and toast, but that had only been for the baby's sake. 

She jumped when Snape put his hand on her thigh and slid it up until it rested close to her center. Aurora tensed, she could feel his eyes on her, and she knew he was silently commanding her focus. Sighing she set down her utensil and turned until she was facing Snape. 

He had been displeased about something when she had met him in the dining hall this morning, and she wasn't sure what had caused it. He had barely looked in her direction while they had been eating, and had said no more than two words to her since she had come down the stairs. 

"Are you finished?" He grumbled.

Aurora bit her lip, her eyes unconsciously sliding over to glance at Lucius. She knew that they would be leaving almost immediately, and a feeling like a sinking stone weighted her gut. She flicked her eyes back to Snape's and nodded. She would just have to do her best to hide Lucius's gift from Snape. 

Aurora could tell from the tight clench in Snape's jaw and the dark look he sent across the table that her slip up had not gone unnoticed. As if he could feel their combined gazes on him, Lucius looked up for the first time since she had been seated. Their eyes met and he gave her a sly smirk that only deepened when his light blue orbs roved over to Snape. 

She felt Snape stiffen, the hand that clasped her thigh under the table squeezed her flesh painfully. Aurora winced, and dropped her eyes back to the plate in front of her. Her nerves were on high alert. She could feel her breathing quicken, why would Lucius challenge Snape like that? He clearly did not hold the same fear of Snape that she did. Aurora frowned, she was annoyed that Lucius would provoke him. She would be the one to suffer the consequences.

 Snape pushed back from the table and excused both himself and Aurora. She scrambled to her feet as Mr. Malfoy bid them farewell, and followed Snape out of the room at a hurried pace. Her eyebrows drew together in confusion as he led her up the stairs and back into the room that had been given to them. 

Aurora had already packed away their belongings and shrunk the items. She had given the downsized items to him once she had met him downstairs. So, there was no reason for them to be returning to the room. He had said they would be leaving after the feast was over, and for them at least, it was. 

Snape exhaled loudly, and sunk into the sofa by the fireplace. His gaze was pointedly fixed on the mantle above it. His jaw was clenched, ripples of movement feathered across the expanse of his cheek. 

Aurora stood in front of the closed door, her feet were shifting back and forth uncertainly. She knew he was deeply angered, but for the moment it did not seem to be centered on her. Still she was nervous to shift the attention to herself, so she stayed quiet while he stewed. 

After what seemed like an eternity he finally spoke, "we cannot leave yet." He said.

Surprise spread across Aurora's face, hesitantly she peaked up at him. He was still facing away from her, his figure so immobile he resembled a statue. "Why not?" She asked slowly.

The silence stretched longer between them and she was beginning to think he wouldn't answer when he finally said, "there is a gathering tonight." 

Aurora sucked in a breath and stepped towards him, "but those are for marked followers." Anxiety began to creep into her bones as she realized something else. "You won't be going."

Snape whipped around, a sneer across his rough features. "No, I won't be." He said resentfully. 

Her breathing began to accelerate once more. She would be alone, in a room full of death eaters. Not that she was particularly safe with Snape, but she knew he would protect her from others. "I-I don't w-want to go. Can I stay with you? P-please." Aurora couldn't stop the wave of terror crashing into her ruthlessly, she didn't even care that she sounded so weak. 

Snape gave her a rueful smile, "you know you can't. The dark lord would not be pleased." 

Aurora nodded solemnly and dropped her head. On the inside, it felt like her heart was going to break free from her chest. It's ferocious pounding echoed loudly in her ears, the excess pumping of blood sending tingles of apprehension down her spine. Maybe tonight she would find out why the dark lord had marked her so soon. She gulped loudly, she wasn't sure she wanted to know. 

As her fear reached its peak, a sharp pain in her lower abdomen brought her back down to earth. The muscles in her womb were contracting lightly, and yet still harsh enough to draw her focus. Aurora rubbed the aching muscles soothingly and tried to calm her racing nerves. All this worry and stress was definitely not good for the baby, and she worried she was going to harm her unborn child. 

There was no need to get so worked up about the gathering. The dark lord rarely harmed his followers without good cause, and she was pregnant. So, the chances of him harming her was even more unlikely. Aurora tried to convince herself of this, but it did little to abate the noxious roiling of her stomach. 

"I also doubt you would be able to resist the call. I've seen your tolerance for pain, and it leaves much to be desired." Snape said tauntingly.

Aurora blinked at him, she had forgotten that he had even been in the room. Her brows drew together in concentration as she tried to focus on what he had said. That's right, the mark burns when he summons you. She thought, worriedly. She had of course never experienced it for herself, but she had seen others clasping their forearm. Their features twisted in discomfort whenever they would get the call. 

She looked down at the ugly mark marring her arm, uneasily. Most of the time she avoided looking at it, trying to forget its permanent imprint upon her flesh. Aurora dreaded the suffering that was bound to come when her 'master' called her tonight. Snape was right, her tolerance to pain was not ideal.

A few tears slid down her face but she blinked the rest back determinedly. She refused to sit her and cry about something she could not change. She had accepted the dark mark, and now she must accept the responsibilities that came along with it. Regardless of her true feelings on the matter. Aurora was starting to understand that her feelings were insignificant when it came to the life she found herself living. 

"You should be grateful he has even given you the mark. It's an honor to serve him." Snape said bitterly.

Aurora wasn't sure if he was angry that she would be going without him, or that she would be going at all. She hummed noncommittally and nodded her head. Snape's eyes sharpened on her in displeasure. She could tell that his ire was shifting towards her, and she distractedly walked over to him. She was not sure what she could do to try and placate him, but she knew she was not in the right mindset to deal with one of his tantrums. 

She stopped when she was directly in front of him and bit her lip uncertainly. Snape was staring at her impatiently, a dark glint in his eye. Aurora steeled her resolve, and slowly climbed into his lap. She rested her head against his chest, one arm tucked firmly in her lap and the other was splayed hesitantly across his chest. Her legs stretched out onto the vacant cushion next to them, her bottom sitting securely against his groin. Her posture was anything but relaxed, and the sentiment was echoed by Snape as he wrapped his arms rigidly around her.  

It was clear that she was not comfortable in his arms, and she suspected that Snape did not know how to comfort someone when it did not suit his purposes. Despite their awkwardness, neither moved away from the other, and no other words were said.

A/N: Thoughts? 

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