Mortal Kombat Characters x Re...

By IllKnockYouOUT

27.5K 282 135

You are inside the 2023 MK1 World!!!! Either as their child, partner, parent, or sibling. Enjoy!! More

~~You Abandoned Us~~
Earthrealm's Greatest Swordsman
🔥Liu Kang🔥
~~She's way out of your league~~
Three Little Words (Angst/Fluff)
🎬Johnny Cage🎥
~~No time for kids~~
🦾Jax Briggs🦾
~~Your friend says you're interested in me~~
🦂 Scorpion🔥
🧊 Sub Zero 🧊
Follow My Lead
[Just An Idea] Mean Husband
Demon Slayer
🔫Erron Black◼️
👒Kung Lao🔪
~~My sister is upset you haven't been writing~~
🔫Sonya Blade🔫
♀️🫧Cassie Cage🔫🔫
Truth or Dare
🤖Jacqui Briggs⚡️
~~It's what sisters do~~
👊General Shao🔨
Sindel's Banquet
You Deserve This (angst/fluff)
Opposites Attract
And let you get your ass kicked? No way.
Embrace it!
Sub Zero x Reader x Scorpion
Kitana x Reader x Mileena
Sindel x Fem!Reader x Li Mei
When They Accidentally Call You Their Ex-Lover's Name
They touch your *cough* boobs *cough*
🗡🗡🗡Intro Dialogues🔫🔫🔫
Johnny Cage x Reader
Liu Kang x Reader
Carrie White Romance
Shang Tsung x Funny!Reader

When They Accidentally Call You Their Ex-Lover's Name PT.2

583 10 1
By IllKnockYouOUT

Can everyone chant 'JUSTICE FOR KENSHI ' in the comments?

{Daddy Takashi}

I returned to Y/N with a heavy heart, my mind racing with guilt and remorse. I had committed a grave mistake, accidentally calling Y/N by Suchin's name. It was a slip of the tongue, an innocent error, but the impact it had on Y/N was undeniable. I knew I had to make things right and seek forgiveness for my thoughtless blunder.

Walking up to Y/N with an air of humility, I cleared my throat before speaking. My voice carried a tone of sincerity, tinged with regret. "Y/N, I need to apologize," I began, my eyes locked onto Y/N's, seeking forgiveness. "I made a terrible mistake, and I am truly sorry for calling you by my ex-lover's name. It was purely accidental, and I understand how hurtful it must have been for you."

With each word spoken, my voice grew more resolute. I knew I had to take responsibility for my actions and make amends. "I want you to know," I continued, "that you are the most important person in my life. The slip of my tongue should never diminish the love and respect I have for you. You deserve better than that, and I promise to do better in the future."

I reached out, gently taking Y/N's hand in mine. The touch was tender yet firm, conveying my sincerity. "Please understand that my mistake does not reflect the strength of our relationship," I implored. "I am here, right now, asking for your forgiveness. I know I have hurt you, and I am ready to make it up to you in any way possible. You mean the world to me, and I am truly remorseful for my thoughtless actions."

As I concluded my plea for forgiveness, I held Y/N's gaze, my eyes filled with vulnerability. "I understand if you need time and space to process this," I said, my voice softening. "But I want you to know that I am committed to making things right and to proving to you that you are the one I love. I will be patient and understanding as we work through this, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."

With my apology spoken, Kenshi hoped that Y/N would see the sincerity in my eyes and give me a chance to repair our relationship. I knew i had made a grave mistake, but I was ready to do whatever it took to earn Y/N's forgiveness and rebuild the trust I had inadvertently shattered. In that moment, my vulnerability and commitment to making amends shone through, a glimmer of hope that our love could triumph over his momentary lapse.

"Kenshi, you asshole," she chuckled, "You're making me cry again."

I laughed in relief. I thought (Y/N) was rejecting my apology. I should've known she wouldn't so that.

"Of course, I forgive you," she said and hugged me, "I am sorry I overreacted. I love you, Kenshi."

A smile appeared on my face as I kissed her, "I love you, too, (Y/N)."

{Kuai Liang}

As Kuai Liang and (Y/N) strolled hand in hand through a picturesque park, the atmosphere was filled with warmth and their laughter echoed through the air. It was the perfect setting for a date - the sun's rays shimmering through the tree branches, casting a gentle glow upon their faces.

Their relationship had blossomed over time, and Kuai Liang was deeply smitten. He found solace in (Y/N)'s presence, cherishing every moment they spent together. However, his heart still carried remnants of his past - memories of his ex-girlfriend, Harami, which occasionally resurfaced, unwelcome yet persistent.

As they paused to admire a vibrant flower bed, Kuai Liang's gaze shifted momentarily, and his lips accidentally uttered the wrong name. "Harami, these flowers are beautiful," he said, before his mind could catch up with his words.

Time seemed to stand still as (Y/N) froze, her eyes widening in surprise and hurt. The atmosphere that was once filled with joy now became clouded with discomfort. She felt a pang of insecurity, wondering if she truly meant as much to Kuai Liang as he did to her.

Realizing his grave error, Kuai Liang's heart sank as soon as the words escaped his mouth. He turned to (Y/N) with a mixture of regret and worry etched on his face. Gently taking her hand, he spoke softly, "I am deeply sorry, (Y/N). That slip of the tongue was unintentional and does not reflect how I truly feel about you. You hold a special place in my heart, and comparing you to my past was a foolish mistake."

(Y/N)'s gaze softened, but the hurt lingered in her eyes. She wanted to believe his words, but the pain of being compared to someone from his past had temporarily overshadowed their beautiful connection. She searched for sincerity and truth in his eyes, silently begging for reassurance.

Seeing her vulnerability, Kuai Liang took a deep breath, summoning his inner strength to express the depth of his remorse. "I treasure what we have, (Y/N). You are unique, and your presence fills my life with joy. My past should not tarnish our present. I promise to be more careful with my words, but above all, I promise to cherish you always."

His words resonated with (Y/N), and she felt a sense of comfort in his earnest apology. Slowly, a smile began to grace her lips as she realized that mistakes could be made, but they could also be forgiven.

"(Y/N), please give me a chance to make it up to you," Kuai Liang pleaded, his eyes brimming with sincerity and love. "I want to prove to you that you are the one I choose, and I am forever grateful to have you in my life."

Moved by his heartfelt words and the depth of his apology, (Y/N) knew deep down that her love for Kuai Liang was strong. With each passing moment, she felt her pain and doubts dissipate, replaced by understanding and forgiveness.

Reaching out, she gently cupped his face, her touch filled with tenderness. "Kuai Liang, love isn't just about perfection; it's also about embracing imperfections and learning to grow together. I forgive you, and I believe in us. Let's move forward and create beautiful memories together."

A sense of relief washed over Kuai Liang's face as he realized the profound impact of (Y/N)'s forgiveness. Gratefulness and love welled up within him as he wrapped his arms around her, embracing her tightly.

With their love rekindled, Kuai Liang and (Y/N) continued their date, their hearts now more connected than ever before. This mistake became a stepping stone in their relationship, testifying to their resilience and commitment to each other. Together, they embarked on a journey of healing and growth, building a love that could withstand trials and emerge stronger with each passing day.

{Liu Kang}

Liu Kang, the skilled warrior, and his girlfriend (Y/N) were diligently preparing for the imminent war. They had both dedicated themselves to long hours of training, honing their combat skills to face the upcoming challenges. Their bond had grown stronger through shared experiences and countless battles.

One sunny afternoon, amidst their rigorous training routine, a momentary lapse caused a grave mistake. As Liu Kang, consumed by intense concentration, launched into a powerful attack, he accidentally blurted out, "Kitana, watch out!"

(Y/N) froze, shocked by the unintended slip of her boyfriend's tongue. The mention of his ex-lover's name pierced her heart, bringing forth emotions she had hoped were buried deep in the past. Hurt and confusion rapidly washed over her, clouding her previous excitement for their imminent fight.

Liu Kang immediately regretted his mistake, realizing the anguish he had unintentionally caused. He ceased his fighting, dropping his guard, and rushed to (Y/N)'s side. "I'm so sorry, love," he pleaded, his voice filled with genuine remorse. "You are the only one who matters to me now. Please, find it in your heart to forgive me."

(Y/N) struggled to maintain her composure, her voice barely above a whisper, "How could you say her name? After all this time? Do I mean so little to you?"

Liu Kang's heart clenched in agony, feeling the immense weight of his mistake. With sincerity flooding his voice, he tried to explain, "It was a mere slip of the tongue, my love. My heart belongs to you entirely. Kitana is but a distant memory, a chapter of my past that has been long closed. I love you, (Y/N), and I would never want to hurt you intentionally."

Tears welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes, torn between the pain her heart felt and the realization that her love for Liu Kang was strong enough to endure. She understood that the road to forgiveness would not be easy, but deep down, she believed in their love.

"I want to trust you, Liu Kang," she finally confessed, her voice trembling. "But this moment has reopened old wounds. Give me time to heal, time to rebuild the trust that has been shaken."

Liu Kang nodded earnestly, his eyes filled with determination. "I will wait for however long it takes, (Y/N). I am willing to fight not just for our lives on the battlefield but also for the restoration of our love. I promise you, my heart is yours alone, and I will spend a lifetime proving it to you."

Days turned into weeks, and the couple's training continued, now imbued with a bittersweet determination. Liu Kang consistently showed love and devotion to (Y/N), never once faltering in his commitment to win back her trust. And (Y/N), with each passing day, felt her heart slowly healing, realizing that Liu Kang's slip of the tongue had been truly unintentional.

During the final battle, when the cries of war echoed, and the heat of combat filled the air, Liu Kang found himself fighting not just for the salvation of Earthrealm but also for the forgiveness of his beloved (Y/N). In the midst of chaos, he fought with unwavering resolve, risking his life to show her the depth of his love.

As the dust settled, Liu Kang emerged victorious, alongside his allies. But it wasn't just the triumph of battle that warmed his heart; it was the sight of (Y/N) standing beside him, her eyes shimmering with newfound strength and forgiveness.

Their love had endured the trials and tribulations of war, proving that even the most unforeseen obstacles could not break their bond. With tears streaming down their faces, Liu Kang and (Y/N) embraced, knowing that they were now stronger together than ever before.

WORDS: 1810

Elmosnugget where is my money

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