Märchen Meines Lebens (FGO ×...

By Gilthur

64.4K 3.6K 434

Due to a Rayshift malfunction in Chaldea, Hans was transported to a different reality where Alaya was beyond... More

Ch1: Ledusberg
Ch2: Satisfaction?
Ch3: Blue haired child
Ch4: A disrespectful adult
Ch5: Humanity
Ch6: Mage and Cooking
Ch7: Lily Roverpy
Ch8: Spirited away
Ch9: The History Professor
Ch10: Enigma
Ch11: A shade of ice
Ch12: Permafrost's duty and honor
Ch13: Banter
Ch14: Peace at last
Ch15: Prospect Professor
Ch16: The Prestigious Academy
Ch17: Rude treatment
Ch18: Questions and Answers
Ch19: Lodging
Ch20: The Guide
Ch21: Magic Mirror
Ch22: Birthday
Ch23: Professors
Ch24: Meeting
Ch25: Disney
Ch26: A Visit in a Dream
Ch27: Profiles
Ch28: Housewarden meeting
Ch29: The Special Student
Ch30: Entrance Ceremony
Ch31: Yuu
Ch32: Grim & Arktis
Ch33: Dignity? What's that?
Ch34: Everyone, Meet Andersen
Ch35: Sorting the Professor
Ch36: The very shameful incident
Ch37: Renovation & Arrangement
Ch38: Surprise Visits
Ch39: Lonely Child
Ch40: The Problem
Ch42: Introductory Lesson
Ch43: A strange change in behavior
Ch44: In need of Services
Ch45: Burning
Ch46: Conflict
Ch47: Familiar
Ch48: Colleagues
Ch49: The Wrong Fable Interpretation
Ch50: Chaos cause by Misunderstandings
Ch51: Blot
Ch52: Literature Elective (2nd Years)
Ch53: Little Match Girl
Ch54: A saddled task

Ch41: Teacher Assistant

903 60 12
By Gilthur

AN: It's been some weeks since I have updated any of my fanfics.

I was procrastinating again and being my lazy ass self.

I keep forgetting to log in to FGO daily for the rewards. My God, I think I am slowly losing my motivation to keep playing FGO again.

Anyway, I reinstalled my Enstars and still keep playing Project Sekai and then I downloaded and started playing Reverse 1999 and I got hooked on the game and its story. I like the English VA of the game.

I will keep grinding till I get insight into all of my characters. Nothing will be left behind! So far I have already Max's insights 2 six star characters, 4 5 star, and 3 4 stars.

Anyway other than me, who did start playing Reverse 1999?

On the topic of Twisted Wonderland, I stopped playing the game but I am still keeping up with the stories, spoilers, light novels, and manga.

My little sister keeps gushing with the release of the new Savanaclaw and Octavinelle manga chapter.

I admit... The illustrations are very beautiful and I love that Yuuka has thrown Ace to the ground and poor Yuuta is squished by the leeches.

And regarding the JP game event. I didn't expect the event to go that deep and dark considering that Twist is Disney but as someone who has read the black butler.. It was expected of Yana-sama.

Anyway, after a few days, I uninstalled Enstars again and decided to play Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile.

Arc 3: The start of a troublesome year

Chapter 11: Teacher Assistant

The sun hadn't risen yet, and Yuuya was fast asleep. He was having an uncomfortable dream in the bed that Mr. Andersen had supplied for him.

Mr. Andersen furnished separate rooms with beds, cabinets, and other furniture for all four wayward other-world residents. He sees no reason to be stingy with them and denies them their rooms in this newly restored building by him and the ghosts. Even with the four individuals using the rooms, there were still several empty rooms in this dormitory now turned manor.

Yuuya was tossing and turning in his new bed as he completely dozed off. His body appears restless and begins to sweat. His brows are squeezed together, and his two fists tightly hold the covers that envelop his body. Yuuya was dragged out of the nightmare before he could fully immerse himself in it while sleeping. He experiences acute pain and strange noises outside of his dreams.

"Ahh! "

Yuuya exclaimed, opening his eyes.

"It hurts! What's happening?"

While those queries were leaving the corners of his mouth, his pupils took in the scene in front of him. His expression changed to one of perplexity.

A mother duck and five ducklings sit atop his body. Before he could say anything, he heard a slew of familiar voices.

"You don't have time to just keep staying in that bed. Get up!"

Professor Andersen was the first to speak up.

"Good morning, Yuuya!"

Yuuken is the next one. The one who greeted him cheerfully on the morning. He sounds energetic. Yuuya was envious of his energy in the morning.

' Yuuken-san is a morning person. '

"If you don't want to experience more pain, I suggest you get up from there as soon as possible."

That's one from Yuu-san, the amnesiac. He sounds the same as always. Calm and his emotions are difficult to read.

"I'm envious that you are woken up by ducks pecking on you and not your entire body being dosed with very cold water."

That voice is Yuuka...

Yuuya immediately left his bed after hearing her complaint about her experience and Yuu-san's advice, while the duck and her ducklings scrambled away from him.

Professor Andersen recalled the mother duck and her five ducklings after soaring and jumping out in fear.

Andersen left Yuuya's room without explaining himself, holding the surprisingly calm Grim in his hands as he headed towards the lounge area. He was followed by four Yuus.

Yuuya inquired of Yuuka on their way there.

"What time is it?"

Yuuka responded by blinking and hiding her yawn with her palm.

"It's currently around 3:00 in the morning."

Yuuya is becoming increasingly irritated as he listens to Yuuka's response.

It was already impolite of Professor Andersen to disturb his slumber. But being roused up at this hour irritated Yuuya, who was not a morning person.

However, as they followed Mr. Andersen, his annoyance changed to melancholy. While they were walking, Yuuya realized that everything that had transpired the day before had not been a dream. He was present, and it was real.

Because of a faulty magic mirror, he was transferred to another world. He was gone from his home and his family. He wasn't on planet Earth anymore.

Despair, wrath, hopelessness, and loneliness were his feelings after being uprooted from his home with no clear way back.

Yuuya thought that by looking at Yuuken, Yuuka, and Yuu-san, he could ease and calm some of his negative feelings.

As bad as this made Yuuya feel, he was secretly relieved and guilty that he wasn't the only one who had been sent to Twisted Wonderland.

Like him, they were wrongfully and inadvertently transferred into this world.

They were exactly like him. Ordinary people who were chosen to be Night Raven College students. Even yet, they couldn't be students because they lacked the magical abilities that the headmaster insisted were a requirement.

Andersen sat on one of the sofas in the living room when he arrived. The quartet then elected to sit together on the huge sofa, their gaze fixed on the stack of papers on the table in front of Professor Andersen.

After a few moments, Yuuken decided to express the issue that had been plaguing him since he was violently woken in his sleep by Mr Andersen.

"Professor, do you need to rudely interrupt our sleep so early in the morning? It wasn't even sunrise yet."

Andersen responded, his piercing blue eyes narrowed at them.

"So you don't want to stay in this establishment?"


Yuuken looks perplexed at Andersen. Andersen continues, saying

"I have indeed accepted the four of you and this pet of yours to stay here."

Grim wanted to scream in outrage when he heard Andersen refer to himself as anyone's pet. He wasn't anyone's pet or summon! He is only interested in himself! Even though Grim wanted to react to Andersen, he was afraid of the consequences. He has no wish to become a popsicle, or worse into something else. Something unpleasant and gruesome. Grim decided to keep quiet and behave like a docile house pet in Andersen's arms.

" But I wouldn't let you stay here while you slack and become freeloaders. If you want to stay here, you'll have to work your way. Did you forget what I said the previous night?"

Yuuken and the others were metaphorically drenched in cold water after hearing Andersen's chilly and uncaring tone.

Of course, Mr. Andersen accepted them to stay here, not out of kindness or pity; they have to earn their keep if they want to stay here.

Andersen was pleased to see that they had reached an agreement, so he picked up some of the papers on the table and gave them a single copy.

Yuuka frowned attentively as she read the newspaper.

"I am your assistant for the 3rd year students in summoning subject? "

"It says on the paper that I am a teacher assistant for the 1st year in literature."

Yuuken elaborated. Yuuya and Yuu responded to their disguised query when they noticed Yuuka and Yuuken looking at them.

"I'm an assistant for the literature subject for the 2nd year."

"I'm a summons subject for my 2nd year."

Andersen asked the four stray other planet residents again after they had completed their assigned responsibilities.

"Do you accept your delegated duty? This is the only way you can stay here with a roof over your head."

Yuuya sighed as they exchanged helpless glances.

"It wasn't like we had another easy choice, didn't we?"

When Andersen noticed Yuuya grimacing, he chose to ignore him and focus on Yuuken.

Andersen then handed Yuuken a different kind of paper. The latter made the conscious choice to read them. Yuuken balked and looked at Andersen with concern after reading it.

With his schedule that full, how could he not be concerned? Except for an hour's break, Yuuken and Andersen had no other opportunity to rest.

Yuuken looked at the schedules for the other days, and their grimace deepened. The same thing happened on Wednesday and Friday. The only time for students to rest is during the hour-long lunch break in the cafeteria.

Yuuken was unconcerned about his strength or endurance. As a member of the Kendo Club at school, he could put up with this schedule as long as he was permitted to eat and drink during his break.

Yuuken was skeptical about Professor Andersen's physical abilities based on his stature.

Andersen scoffed as he noticed Yuuken looking at him with concern.

"Why are you looking like an abused puppy? I only required all of you to attend one day once a week as my teacher's assistant on the schedule that I assigned to all of you. It wasn't my concern what all of you decided to do with the rest of your vacant time."

After giving them their schedules as teacher assistants, Andersen directed them to rush into the lounge area and wait for Crowley to hand over their spare clothes and the staff uniform that he would furnish.

With this routine, Yuuken suspected Andersen of being a masochist or a workaholic. Yuuken was seen with Andersen after Crowley gave their clothes to them in the morning. They went to the professor's first-day literature class.

Teaching the 1-A Class students.

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