Life is Strange

By MiaVeranika

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Max Caulfield returns to her hometown of Arcadia Bay, Oregon, where she witnesses a girl being shot in a scho... More

27. TRAP


14 2 0
By MiaVeranika

I left Kate's room and went out of the dorm. In the yard there were still several people playing baseball and Taylor - Victoria's friend sitting under a tree reading. I ignored them and immediately headed for the gate, but there was Warren who was standing leaning against the support pillar of the principal's dormitory building while playing on his cellphone. Warren had come out early too, as if he was waiting for someone.

"Max! Take a look at this!"

I approached him. "Warren, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, that's fine – waiting. For a call? I mean, I already got a call... Anyway, I want to talk about yesterday's action."

"It was intense. It all happened so fast. I owe you."

"Oh, yeah, right. I got my ass kicked by that dick. I'm a personal superhero," Warren said making me laugh.

"You are truly Everyday Heroes. You stood up to bullies and it was awesome."

"Even though you left me with that bully and ran off with that girl... She's a punk rock beauty, how do you know her?" Warren asked.

"An old friend. Chloe Price? We haven't seen each other for a while," I answered.

"I'm sure you loved watching her explode in that truck like a rock star. Which begs the question--why does Nathan Prescott drive you crazy?"

"He's dangerous," I said. "I don't want you to get involved. You helped me get out of there, but shut up, Nathan Prescott will get his karma soon."

"What a weird week. Like yesterday's weird snowfall. Speaking of dystopian, the drive-in was having a '70s Planet of the Apes marathon." Come on, Go Ape!" said Warren.

"Yeah, that's what I need. I love those old school monkey movies."

"Well, that was easier than I thought. Cool. I'll send you the info," Warren said. "I have to tell Brooke that I'm going to the movies with you. I'll text you later?"


I walked out of the dorm.

Not long after, there was an incoming message from an unknown number.

"This is Nathan's father.

This is a message to let you know that attempts to slander and extort my son will be met with many lawyers and legal consequences.

You're not the first Blackwell student to do this.

I hope you are the last.

Consider this a final polite warning."

It's strange that Nathan's father bothered to terrorize me. That bastard must have done it himself. Terrorizing with messages on your cell phone is not at all manly.

I walked across Main Campus. There's David Madsen and Nathan Prescott arguing. David talking to Nathan wasn't anything good. This has to have something to do with Kate... or Rachel...

A yellow school bus came. I got in and sat in the back seat and put in my earphones. I stared out the window as the streets of Arcadia Bay passed by.

The bus stopped in front of the Two Whales Diner. I got off and went straight to the restaurant.

Talk about going back in time... the restaurant looks exactly the same. A sign with an adult whale and a small whale says Two Whales Diner. I pushed open the door, which was made of light iron with a small circle window with a Rachel Amber poster plastered in the middle.

Gosh, the smell of breakfast and the sound of clinking cutlery... Makes me feel like I'm thirteen again...

The lights were flashing strangely when I entered. The ceiling fan rotates slowly clockwise. Two policemen sat at the bar counter sipping their coffee in mugs. On the plate they only left pieces of omelet.

"Coming at noon, KBAY 7 News will explore the mystery of yesterday's unusual snowfall on a warm, sunny afternoon that confused and delighted Arcadia Bay residents. We'll talk with a Portland meteorologist in the area----"

The sound from the television displayed on the wall, no one seemed to pay attention to it. After all the sound collided with an 80s song from the stereo. I walked to look for an empty seat lined up with the sofa next to the window.

I sat on a maroon sofa with a wooden table in front of me. A middle-aged woman wearing a uniform and apron with blonde hair neatly tied in a bun approached me while holding a pot of coffee. Even though I haven't seen her for years, I can still recognize her.

"And there she is--a beautiful young woman. How are you, Max?"

She poured coffee into the cup in front of me.

"Hi, Joyce, nice to see you again. You look the same," I said.

Joyce is Chloe's mother. After she married William, Joyce worked at Two Whales Dinner and still doesn't seem to want to stop now.

"Like I'm still a waitress at Two Whales after all these years?"

"No, like you still look beautiful."

"Nice save, kid. You're still smart," Joyce said. "But not that smart... Now you're caught smoking pot. I heard the whole story from David. I'm sorry that this is how you had to meet him. He's a nice guy... no matter what Chloe says."

"Yeah, I'm sure. I don't even smoke... like, ever. It was almost like an accident. So stupid. I'm sorry."

"That surprised me, Max." Joyce's tone turned somber. "I hope you can be a good influence in Chloe's life now."

"Yes, I will. Promise. I know things are hard for you and Chloe. I feel bad I didn't call. Now my parents are in Seattle and I'm alone in Blackwell. It's my karma."

"You did the right thing. You moved forward with your life. I did, after William died. Chloe...Chloe chose to stay angry... Anyway, I hope we get to see more of you. Chloe needs another old friend, Joyce said.

"Joyce, I'm so sorry about William. I have fond memories of him."

"I'm glad, Max. It was his gift to us... happy memories. Even if Chloe doesn't understand yet."

I nodded. "Chloe must have changed a lot in that time."

"Oh, she's gone through all the phases... banishment, running away, drugs, bad kids, tattoos, piercings, blue hair... Now she has to rebel against her stepfather," Joyce said.

"I understand why... I mean--"

"Do you understand? She's not as stubborn as you think. But you told she that you would always be with her, right? You took that responsibility?"

"Yes. And I'm sorry. I don't want Chloe in any more trouble... Or me."

"There's nothing wrong with a doobie, Max. And I admire you taking the drug issue for Chloe... Like a good friend," Joyce said. "But Chloe fought David and it wasn't fair. David paid his dues in the war. He cared about Chloe, along with all the students at Blackwell."

"I understand, Joyce. I know Chloe still likes to stir things up."

"Yeah, she provokes people. Especially David. I just want us to be a family soon. I think it's all about timing."

"I think you're right, Joyce."

Joyce took out her paper and pen. "So. Now let's get down to the nitty gritty. What would you like to eat?"

I thought for a moment before answering. "The last good Belgian waffle I had was here when I was thirteen. So bring it on."

Joyce smiled and didn't need to write it down. "Now finish your coffee." She left then shouted into the kitchen. "One Belgian waffle for a hungry girl. Soon!"

"One Belgian waffle at 12 o'clock!" a Diner Employee shouted in the background.

I love the anticipation of a delicious breakfast.

A truck driver sitting at the bar shouted. "Can I get some beer and bacon before I die?"

"This is a restaurant, not a bar!" Joyce replied fiercely.

"No beer?"

"You seem to have plenty. Stick with the bacon."

I ignored the atmosphere by looking out the window. A lighthouse at the end of the view with the beach exposed along my window. The lighthouse looks so mysterious... I wish I could stay in this moment forever... I think now I can. But then it wouldn't be a moment...

I drink my coffee. It's like fourth dimension déjà vu... I keep going back to the past...

"Enter!" Turns out Joyce was standing next to me carrying a plate of waffles topped with maple sauce and melted butter. "I can hear your stomach growling from here, Max. This is it. You're going to love this."

Joyce placed her plate in front of me.

"I'm drooling like a baby," I said.

I devoured the food until there was nothing left.

"Still can't believe you're a woman. When I saw Chloe's photo—"

The door opened and we looked up. Chloe enters the restaurant.

"Speak of the devil..."

Chloe and Trevor high five then fist bump.

"Mom and Max, together again!" Chloe exclaimed in disbelief.

"And Chloe, looking for free food. You've put your entire college fund on the tab."

"I'm treating Chloe to breakfast," I said.

"Are you also going to make up for yesterday?" Joyce asked.

"Oh, God, Mom, please leave Max alone for that. She apologized," Chloe said.

"I know she will. Max is a good girl--a woman. She's eighteen now."

"Too old to get a lecture from you or Sergeant Pepper," Chloe grumbled.

"Call him David if you don't want to be lectured. You only got one piece of bacon today."

Joyce went back into the kitchen to bring Chloe breakfast.

"You guys are still the same," I commented while taking a bite of the rest of the waffle.

"Another reason to blow up this city. What's this shit on the jukebox?"

Chloe approached the jukebox and changed the song.

"Well, now it's fun!"

Chloe jumped into the chair across from Max.

"Let's talk about your superpowers," Chloe said.

"I don't have an explanation... And I can't explain why I saw that crazy tornado."

"Come on, it was just a daydream. I want proof that you can rewind time."

"This all happened so fast," I said.

"We'll start slow. Right here. Now."

"Mm... I can tell you every thing you have in your pocket."

Chloe was shocked. "You have x-ray vision, dude? I don't even know what's in my pocket. Let me see..."

Chloe searched her pockets.

"Okay, Max, impress me!"

"Lock your car!"

"Duh, too easy! I need details! Explain my keychain," she challenged.

"Skull keychain, for punks like you!" I just guessed.

"That's so...wrong, Max. Okay, Psychic Girl, let me show you what's really in my pocket."

Chloe took out the contents of her pocket and placed them on the table.

"That's beyond epic failure. You even make me want to believe you."

I needed to see the goods and step back for Chloe to trust me.

OK, Max, study each item carefully and don't forget anything! You got it, Max, now back off and blow Chloe's mind!

I rewind time.

"So, here I am telling you what's in your pocket."

"Okay, Max, I'm ready."

"Lock your car!"

"Duh, too easy! I need details! Explain my keychain."

"Cute panda robot keychain!"

Chloe grinned. "Not bad, Super Max! You've got the luck of the Irish, Caulfield. What else?"

"A few pennies."

"Oh, I'm really rich! How much money do I have?"

"86 cents," I answered.

"That's right! His name also lives in Arcadia Bay! This is cool. What else?" Chloe asked.

"A pack of cigarettes, but only contains 8 cigarettes and a 10.34 AM parking ticket."

Chloe took out the things in her pocket and put them on the table, surprised to find that I guessed it right.

"Amazing. I actually feel cold in my neck. You have power."

Joyce approached the table carrying a bacon omelet.

"Get that rubbish off the table, Chloe."

"Sure, mom." Chloe put the items back in her pocket and Joyce placed the food in front of Chloe who started to eat.

"How's the food, Max?" Chloe asked.

"Better than I remembered," I answered.

"Very good save." Joyce returned to the kitchen.

"Oh my God, I'm hungry as a wolf," Chloe said.


"I'm freaking out about what just happened. You have to show me more, something much cooler so I'm going to believe you without a doubt."

"I will predict the future," I said lightly.


Now, pay attention to everything that happens in the next few moments, so you can dazzle Chloe with your crazy powers.

Joyce walked past our table, waving at us. As she continued walking, the truck driver accidentally dropped his cup.


"Did you break another cup? Really? No refill for you!" Joyce snapped.

Police listened to warnings on their radios.

"Damn, now I have to take this call and leave my breakfast... Hey, where's my friend?"

Fellow cops drove past the restaurant in a police car with sirens blaring.

Justin and Trevor start arguing.

"You bastard!" Trevor cursed.

"Don't slap me, bitch!" Justin replied.

"Bring your fight club outside!" Joyce snapped.

"He started it!" Trevor replied.

"I'm finishing it!"

A cockroach crawls on the jukebox and a distorted tune begins to play.

"That's the best song I've ever heard!" said one of the saccharists.

"It's definitely better than other rubbish!"

"It looks like our jukebox is headed to Davy Jones' locker," Joyce said.

Chloe patted my hand. "So what are you waiting for?"

"Now I have to step back and tell Chloe everything that just happened."

I turned back time.

"I'm going to predict four events that will happen in the next thirty seconds or so," I said. Chloe started to listen. "The truck driver dropped his cup and Joyce ripped him a new cup."

"So what happened next?"

"The policeman got an emergency alert on his radio and his partner in the car left without him."

"Okay, let's see how it goes," Chloe said.

"Justin and Trevor were arguing and Joyce broke it up."

"This is getting good, can't wait to see what happens!" Chloe exclaimed.

"The jukebox went crazy when the cockroaches crawled all over it," I continued.

"Quite strange, Max. But let's see if everything happens as you say."

Joyce walked past our table, waving at them. As she continued walking, the truck driver accidentally dropped his cup.


"Did you break another cup? Really? No refill for you!"

"Oh, that's great, Mom!" Chloe exclaimed.

Police listened to warnings on their radios.

"Damn, now I have to take this call and leave my breakfast... Hey, where's my partner?"

Fellow cops drove past the restaurant in a police car with sirens blaring.

"You name it. Bet he's going to go catch some skaters."

Justin and Trevor start arguing.

"You bastard!"

"Don't slap me, bitch!"

"Bring your fight club outside!"

"He started it!"

"I'm finishing it!"

"Trevor and Justin are definitely in love," Chloe commented.

A cockroach crawls on the jukebox and a distorted tune begins to play.

"You predicted a cockroach in the jukebox?" Chloe asked. "I pledge my allegiance to Max and the forces he fought for."

"This isn't a toy, Chloe. I have to be careful how I use it--"

" Fuck! Of course it's a toy! The best toy ever! You can bang anyone with no strings attached, rewind time, and boom, like it never happened!"

"Cool, right?"

"You can rewind time, Max. That's so crazy. We have to play!"

"I don't have time," I said.

"You didn't say that."

I smiled, but something came out of my nose. Running fast like a leaking faucet. I felt my nostrils and knew it wasn't snot. The liquid that dripped down to my upper lip was blood.

"Uh... Check your nose. Too many blows? Hey, you okay?"

"Too much excitement. See what happens when we connect again?" my comment.

"Then... let's go to one of my secret lairs and test your strength to the fullest. You'll need a sidekick to guide you," Chloe said.

I wiped the blood from my nose with a tissue on the table. "Okay, Girl Wonder... Show me the way to Chloe's Cave."

We got up from the table. Chloe finally believes me... and I wonder what kind of crazy things she's thinking now.

"Okay, Supergirl, let's go to my secret place!"

I had just followed her out of the restaurant when my cell phone rang.

"No need to pick up. We have places to go and people to do... Come on, before Mom starts talking nonsense again. Let's get out of here!"

"This is Kate Marsh, from Blackwell," I said.

"So what? You also haven't called me once in five years and now you're all about some beeatch you see every day at school? I see how you roll. So go ahead, have a chat with Kate Marsh from Blackwell. I've got someone else to talk to too hang out," she said sarcastically.

I just shook my head then picked up the phone.

"Hi, Kate, what's up?"

"Please, don't let your best friend get in the way," Chloe said again. I bet she must have been trying to eavesdrop on our conversation even though he pretended not to care.

"You okay, Kate?" I whispered softly.

Joyce approaches Chloe and the two start arguing.

"I promise, Kate. I won't forget. I swear. Just do your homework and don't stress."

Joyce returned to the kitchen.

"I don't think we need to discuss this right now. I'll call you later, okay?"

I hung up.

"Thanks, Max. If you'd rather chill with Kate, feel free."

"You're ridiculous. I'll chat with you, okay?" I persuaded.

"For now. Let's party."

Chloe left the restaurant and waited for me outside.

It sucks that Chloe and Joyce are fighting... I could back off and not answer Kate. It's not like I won't see her in class later.

However, right now Kate needs me more than anything. And I will do my best to be there for her, while right now I will obey Chloe's wishes.

I followed Chloe out of the restaurant. Chloe was already in the car next to a van with a dog and its owner sitting in the front watching us from a distance.






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