Life is Strange

By MiaVeranika

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Max Caulfield returns to her hometown of Arcadia Bay, Oregon, where she witnesses a girl being shot in a scho... More

27. TRAP


59 3 0
By MiaVeranika

CHLOE drives her truck down the street out of campus. I was still looking at the parking area we left.

"Oh my God.... Nathan Prescott is a mess. And dangerous... This day never ends..."

"Oh, and thank you, Chloe!" After five years, you're still Max Caulfield," Chloe said.

I looked down and shifted uncomfortably in the chair.

"Don't give me a guilty face. At least pretend you're happy to see me."

"I am indeed very happy to see you. Oh, and thank you, Chloe. It makes sense that I met you today."

"Yeah, that's the kind of day. So what does that weirdo want from you?"

"Hopefully nothing happens after today. So how do you know Nathan?"

"He's just an Arcadia bastard... Your friend really took a beating for you."

"Warren? Yes, I owe him a lot," I said.

"You're not the only one in debt, Max... and you're already causing trouble."

I took a breath. "I thought it would be quiet here. It feels very strange to be back."

"So I guess Seattle sucks?" Chloe asked.

"No, Seattle feels like a real city for artists, big and bright. Great for taking pictures."

"Yeah, it must be hard going back to a country town like Arcadia again..."

I smiled and looked at her. "Not after seeing you."

"Please, miss. You come back for Blackwell Academy."

"Of course. It's one of the best photography programs in the country... and my favorite teacher, Mark Jefferson."

Chloe cleared her throat. "So you went back to Arcadia to find a teacher...not your best friend."

"Don't you think I'm glad to see you?"

"No. You're happy to wait five years without a phone call, or even a text."

I was silent for a moment. "Sorry. I know things were hard for you when I was gone."

"How do you know? You're not even here."

"I didn't make my parents move specifically to forget you, Chloe."

"You've been at Blackwell for almost a month without telling me."

"I just want to settle down and not be a shy cliche junkie. I will absolutely contact you," I said earnestly.

"I'm sure you didn't use this sad excuse on Mr. Jefferson... Don't use it on me, Max."

I fell back into the chair behind me. Chloe is different. She was no longer an innocent girl with thin brown hair flowing down to cover part of her face. Now she's more of a hipster punk with faded Levi's and short spiky blue hair that falls past her ears. She wore a brick red beanie hat to cover her head.

I bent down to pick up my camera to capture this image of my childhood friend who is now an adult. Oh damn! My camera is broken. This must be because Nathan pushed me earlier.

"It's broken. Oh man, are you cereal?"

"Wow, haven't heard that for a long time..."

"Not everything has changed, Chloe. Unless my camera is officially broken."

"My damn stepfather has a lot of equipment. Maybe it can be repaired at my place..."

"I need a very specific little tool."

"Nerd alert! My stepdad has a fully stocked garage. And I think there's a small tool."

Not long after, we arrived at the yard of the wooden house. The paint is only half blue on the top and the bottom is still white. It seems that Chloe's father, William, didn't have time to finish it until he suddenly... died.

"Welcome home, Max."

We got out of the car and Chloe unlocked the door with her key.

"Come on in, don't be shy."

"The house still looks...nice," I said.

"Home shit home."

Chloe entered the house and I followed her.

The interior hasn't changed much. Apart from everything looking dull and old, just like us. I immediately followed Chloe up the stairs.

Looks like she's going to take me to her room. She definitely doesn't sleep in her same sweet room anymore when we were 8 years old.

Chloe opened the door. Just a room with one bed, cupboard and study table facing the window. Punk rock posters plastered every wall in the room. There were also some dirty clothes lying on the wooden floor.

"My room looks a little different from the last time you saw it."

I sat on her bed.

"This is cool. At least we can relax," I said.

"This isn't really my "chill out zone"... My stepdad made sure of that. Come in and close the door. Put on some music because I want to meditate."

Chloe lit a cigarette while lying on the bed. I approached her.

"So tell me, what does Max Caulfield do for fun now that she's older?"

"Not much. You know me. I prefer observing the world to participating."

"I can't say I know you anymore. Maybe you like to go clubbin' every night."

I chuckled. "Ah, can you see me going crazy at the club?"

"I'll dose those candy flipping fools and watch them twitch into a DJ death dance... Take that photo!"

"I take photos. Of me, the world, everything. This may sound sad, but I'm having fun."

"That doesn't sound so sad," Chloe said.

"I'm happiest when I get a good image in my lens. I'm not lonely, I'm not afraid..."

"Now that's more inspiring. I don't feel so hopeless..."

I move around looking for the power switch. After finding it, I turned it on then looked for a metal box under the bed and took the CD out of it. Underneath the CD I took, there was a photo of Rachel Amber, I pulled it out and opened it to reveal that the other side of the picture showed Chloe.

"Hey, give it to me!" Chloe snatched the photo from me.

"Sorry. I wasn't trying to be nosy. Obviously, she's a good friend," I said.

"Yeah. It's simple."

I sat next to Chloe.

"That's Rachel Amber... The missing person posters are all over Blackwell."

"Yeah, I put it up... She's my angel," Chloe said. Her tone turned sad. "After my father died and you moved away, I felt abandoned. Rachel saved my life."

"Dude, I don't know."

"Well, you never try hard to find out. I was 14, we used to be best friends."

"So, Rachel took my place... I'm glad she was there for you," I said heartbroken.

"Rachel supported me. We had a lot of fun. You'd laugh at how different we were... She wanted to be a star."

"She looks like a model."

"That's the plan. Our plan. Get out of Bigfootville, and into Los Angeles."

"So, what happened? Did your parents, your mother, try to stop you?"

"My mom is too busy hooking up with Sergeant Shithead."

"I feel love... Now, when exactly did Rachel disappear?"

"Six months ago. She just... left Arcadia. Without a word. Without me."

"How do you know she disappeared? Maybe she wants to start a completely new life," I said trying to think positively.

"Unlike you, she'll definitely tell me, okay? Something happened to her."

I nodded. "I believe you. I'm just trying to figure it out."

"Before Rachel left, she said she met someone who changed her life... Then, poof...."

"And you haven't heard anything from her since?"

"Like everyone in my life. My dad, you... and Rachel. Gone..." Suddenly she became agitated and had trouble breathing. Tears are located. "Can you put on some music now?"

I got up, put a CD in the stereo. Santa Monica Dream by Angus and Julia Stone starts playing. Chloe lay down on the bed, a sad expression on her face, and she started smoking.

"By the way... You can find tools to repair your camera in the garage."

"Chloe, are you okay?"

"Sure, I'm great. I just want to flare up and be alone for a while..."

"Okay," I said.

So I left Chloe's room and went down the stairs.

I haven't seen this place in five years... but it feels like a long time ago. The stairs I came down from were directly opposite the front door. On the side is a door to the garage and across from it is the kitchen with an unaltered ivory white counter. I walked to travel back in time for a moment and looked at the photos displayed on the wall. Photos of Chloe when she was still with me, my innocent and happy Chole. I never saw her smile like in this photo again. Now she looks more bitterly at life....

And, ouch! What's this? Photo of Chole's mother, Joyce, with... Head of Blackwell campus security, that annoying David, right? So she is Chloe's stepfather? Unbelieveble. The world is so small! Wow, and this must be hard for Chloe to live with.

There are no photos of William here anymore, but somehow I can still feel he is still here because most of the furniture hasn't been replaced and these are all from William.

I entered the living room where there was a dining table, chairs, TV and sofa. The red wine spilled on the floor was still there. At that time we were around 12 years old and found a bottle of red wine when the house was quiet. I told Chloe to try it.

"How does it feel?" I asked.


"Wow. I want to try it too, bro!"

"You said you didn't want to? That's fine, you can't!"

"Uh, Chloe, come on!"

I drank it. "Hm, not bad either. It's delicious!"

"Ouch! We spilled it on the floor!"

"Hurry up and clean it up and cover it with a carpet!"

I smiled remembering it. Those memories seem like they happened just yesterday....

I went into the garage. OK, now I should be able to find the tools I need here. There are several drawers and counters attached to the wall. There was a gun cabinet near the door and an old washing machine next to it.

I opened the counter in front of me, but there was nothing but canned food and used cartons. Then beside it there is a cardboard box. I tried to reach for it, but instead it fell to the floor where there was oil splatter so that everything that fell down was covered in oil. Ah. Shit. I picked up the paper and was shocked. Those are photos of Kate! Why does David collect Kate's photos? As if he was watching her all the time. What's wrong with David and Kate? They David seem obsessed with digging something out of Kate? Some of the photos are close-up photos of Kate, there are photo prints from CCTV, etc.

I rewind time so that the box returns to its place and is not stained with oil.

I opened the next counter. A TV and a map of Blackwell Academy were taped to the counter door. Wow, what is this? David plans to install CCTV in several areas on campus. He marked it with a red marker.

I turned on the TV because it was strange to have a TV on the counter.

What The----

It turns out that the TV was displaying CCTV images in this house! Chloe's stepfather, David, the stalker, installed CCTV in his own house. What for? This guy really has serious trust issues. Do Chloe and Joyce know this?

I turned off the TV and closed the counter again.

Then switch to the washing machine. On it was a pile of cardboard marked "William's Stuff." And right above there is a small box that looks like the tools I'm looking for to repair the camera. How to take it?

I turned on the old washing machine. He shook and the small box fell. However, when I wanted to pick it up, the box was far from my reach under the table and I couldn't reach it. I also couldn't possibly move the table with all this heavy stuff on it. Oh, that's so clever, stupid... Once I couldn't reach it.

I turned back time and the small box returned to its place on top of William's box. Then I found a piece of cardboard. I pushed it under the drawer, then turned on the washing machine. The small box fell right on top of the cardboard I had placed before and I just had to pull it.

Yes! You've got crazy skills, Max. I've got the tools, now I have to get back upstairs before Chloe panics.

I went back to Chloe's room upstairs.

"You found the tool? Sweet. You can sit at my desk and fix your camera.

I sat at the table trying to fix my camera, but the tool didn't work.

"So?" Chloe asked.

"I can't fix this."

Chloe sat at the table across from me and found my photos.

"Is this your new photo?"

"Yeah... I just picked it up today."

"Let me see..."

Chloe took the butterfly photo I took in the bathroom.

"Wait... I've seen this before."


"No way! When did you take this? YOU took this photo, Max? In the bathroom today... You were the one who raised the alarm! That's why Nathan was throwing a tantrum at you... This makes perfect sense. You saved my life... Now tell me the truth, Max!"

"I was there... Hiding in the corner," I confessed.

"Damn. You're a ninja."

"A ninja is going to cut off Nathan's head. I'm just taking photos of butterflies."

"It was terrible," Chloe said.

"Oh, yeah, I almost peed my pants when I saw that gun."

"So do you recognize me?"

"I'm not sure," I answered.

"I know I look different."

"I'm scared too. I can't see straight."

"I don't blame you, Max." He stood up.

"As you said, this is such a day."

Chloe hesitated for a moment. "So you must have heard our conversation."

"A little," I said.

"There's no way you didn't hear every word."

"Okay, I just heard something about money...drugs...but that's all."

"Now for the big question...did you tell anyone?"

I shook my head. "No. I don't know what to do..."

"I don't blame you... That's complete bullshit."

"Maybe I should go to the principal..."

"Principal? Are you still twelve? That drunk bastard only cares about cash for Blackwell Academy... Don't believe him."

"Seriously, I'm not blabbing to anyone. Promise."

"Thank you, God... I'll tell you more someday, and I really owe you one, Max."

Chloe squatted down to look for something in the small cupboard next to the study table. I stood up and followed her. She pulled out a vintage camera just like mine, but this was nicer and definitely not broken! The camera was familiar and it was William's.

"I, uh, know your birthday was last month... This is my real dad's camera... I want you to have it," Chloe said as she handed me the camera.

"It's cool that you remembered my birthday, but I can't accept this."

"Of course you can. My father would be mad if I never used it. And now I know it will be put to great use."

Chloe took a picture of a butterfly from the table.

"And I will take this photo as a symbol of our reunion. OK?"

"Yeah, of course... Cool! Thank you... This camera is so cute," I said.

"Now that we've gotten this shit out of the way, I feel like stage diving! Let's destroy this place!"

Chloe turned on the Hi-Fi in her room. Piano Fire starts playing. Chloe pulled me to join in dancing with her.

"You're crazy," I said, laughing. My body moves stiffly. I was never a dancer, just an amateur photographer.

"Yeah, yeah, my brain is totally crazy! Let's Dance! Shake that skinny white ass! Or take a picture of me with your new camera!"

Today there are no stranger...

Chloe climbed on the bed and danced around there. He's so happy, just like when we were ten years old...

I took a photo of Chloe with William's camera.

"Fucking rules of this song! Can't dance, hippie? Come on! Take it out! Yeah! Break it, Max!"

There was a faint sound from under the stairs.

"Chloe, are you up there?"

"Yo, turn it off, turn it off!"

His voice was getting closer. "How many times have I told you to stop making that noise?"

"Dude, the music isn't even on yet! Bastard."

"I'm coming, we need to talk!" The roar of a man who seemed familiar to me.

"Impossible!" Chloe turned to me. "You have to hide, Max. Now! My stepfather will kill me if he finds you here!"

Chloe leaned against the door.

"Chloe, what happened? Open the door, please."

"Relax, I'll change clothes, is that okay?" Chloe turned to me and whispered. "Max, find a place to hide, NOW!"

"Chloe... What are you doing?"

"I'm coming!"

"Chloe, you're stalling."

"I'm getting dressed! Give me a minute!"

"Don't act smart, let me in. Now," said David.

"Hold bra is stuck."

"I'm not kidding, soldier. Chloe. Open this door. I give you exactly three seconds to...."

I panicked then found a wardrobe to hide in. I went into the wardrobe just as the door opened.


David entered Chloe's room.

"What's going on here?"

I peeked through the wardrobe gap.

Chloe let out an exaggerated sigh. "Jeez, I was just trying on clothes. You're so paranoid."

"Yeah, fighting will do that to you. I ordered you to never look at my files, but you did."

"I didn't touch your files, David. I don't really care about your files."

"You cared to begin with, Chloe. And it's getting old."

"One of my guns is missing. Did you take it?"

"Oh my God, I'm not taking your stupid gun. You know I believe in gun control?"

"Wait! Is that weed? You're smoking weed again here?"

I was astonished. It turns out that Chloe has really crossed the line. He has changed. Even he smokes weed?

"Oh, yeah, guns, weed... You look like a tripper."

"I'm sick of your disrespect! Tell me the truth, that's an order! Whose is this?"

Well, no matter what, he's still my friend....

"Sorry... That's mine," I said as I stepped out of hiding.

Chloe and David were both surprised to see me.

"Okay. I don't like strangers in my house. Especially a user. So you brought drugs into my house. How about I call the police? That would ruin your clean Blackwell record... Looks like you can get around... Max.. . That's your name isn't it? I'm sick of you losers dragging Chloe down. And....troublemakers, you just love showing up and starting trouble. Like this afternoon you interfered between me and Kate Marsh. You don't have anything smart to say now? Yes? Huh?"

He intimidated me like he did Kate. Chloe pulled my hand back.

"Get away from him! Stop bothering my friends!"

"You don't have any friends."

"As you know. You're not even a real cop, you're a fucking security guard!"

"Be careful what you talk about! I was a soldier, Chloe. And Max, if I see you here again... You'll learn all about the real deal. I'll send you to prison!"

David left the room and Chloe flipped the bird with both hands.

"Because you're an asshole, Max... Let me show you my new toy... I'm Price, Chloe Price! Bang!"

Chloe took out a gun and pointed it at me while smiling broadly. I distanced myself from the gun.

"Jesus Christ, put that thing down!" I shouted.

"Chillax, sista. This gun doesn't even have bullets... yet."

"I thought you believed in gun control."

"Yeah, I'm sure I have to control the gun. It's the man who needs to be checked. Do you believe Nathan or David? Thank you. We really kicked their ass, Max. He's no match for you and me now... That's a great victory epic. Anyway. Let's sneak out the window...there's one cool place we can hang in this hick hole."

Oh, God... that's not going well for me. If I wanted to keep my Blackwell scholarship, I couldn't lie to anyone, not even Chloe. I have to think about my own future...

Should I turn back time and not say anything about the weed? But Chloe will definitely be mad at me because I didn't side with her. My mistake was big enough to leave him without any news for five years... From now on all I have to do is never let her down.

"You're giving me a look I haven't seen in a long time. What's wrong?"

"Why steal a gun from your stepfather? You knew you'd get caught."

"Or... someone like Nathan will shoot me first! To hell with that. I need to protect myself."

"Your stepfather won't let you off that easily," I said.

"What would he need another weapon for? To take down a Bigfoot cheerleader?"

I realized that we were playing a game that wasn't for kids anymore if it involved weed and guns...

"This is all very scary."

Chloe held my shoulders which were shaking in fear. "I know, Max. But I feel safer having these nine millimeters in my pants."

"Can you really use it?" I asked.

"After about a hundred videos online, yeah."

"Don't keep it in your pants, okay?"

"Max, I'm not looking for trouble. I just want protection. If anyone in this country has a gun, it should be a woman..."

I just kept quiet. We have to get out of here quickly before that annoying David comes back and drags me to the police station. I opened the window and looked at Chloe. Then I jumped out through the window and my feet landed on the roof tiles. Chloe followed me. We went down into the yard careful not to let anyone see us, then we headed to the car and Chloe took me away.

Chloe stopped the car when we reached the beach. She ran along the path into the forest thicket.

"Isn't this a delicious adventure? It really reminds me of when we were kids..." She waved at me. "Come on, slowpoke!"


I followed her. When I looked up, I saw a red lighthouse staring at me from the top of the hill. Chloe continued walking there.

I haven't been here for a long time... So why do I feel like I was just here? Wow, this is the exact same path I walked during my nightmare today...

Roads with soft soil and pine trees in all directions. The reddish evening sky greeted the gray cengak birds flying around the hills. There is a bird perched on a large rock. I took out my new camera and took the time to take a picture.

After that I continued my journey and finally reached the lighthouse.

Birds are very lucky, they can always escape...

Chloe sat on a bench overlooking the bay and sunlight. It's the golden hour... I took out my camera again and this time took a picture of Chloe. Even though it's only from the back, this image can convey emotion.

I sat on the bench next to Chloe.

"Sure you don't want to be alone?"

"Please sit down, Pete."

"You're in a good mood," I said.

"Seeing my stepfather being played makes me happy."

"I'm not as brave as you. And David is indeed a "stepfather"."

"I'm sorry you had to experience that first hand," Chloe said.

"You have to stay with him. Is he always like this?"

"Ever since my desperate mother dragged her ass into our house! I've never trusted David."

"He was scared of poor Kate Marsh today."

"I know her. She's cool. Only those bastards would bully her."

"He's got some kind of strange agenda," I said.

"He's got a lot of secret files. Rambo still thinks he's gathering enemy intelligence. Did you snoop?"

"Well, yeah. I couldn't help it."

"Never change. What did you find?"

"Creepy photo of Kate Marsh...another Blackwell student..."

"This man takes his job too seriously. He still thinks he's at war or something. He has a total surveillance fetish. I'm afraid there are spy cameras at home."

"I know you don't! Chloe, your house is under surveillance," I said.

"What are you talking about?"

"There are cameras all over the house. I saw them on the monitor in the garage."

"I knew it! He's very paranoid. I'll keep this a secret for now," Chloe said.

"Sometimes ignorance is bliss."

"No wonder I'm so miserable. Everyone in this town knows everyone's secrets..."

"Even yours?"

"Not anymore," Chloe said.

"So what do you have on Nathan?"

"He's an elitist bastard who sells pieces of shit with laxatives... and he gave me drugs in his room."


"I met him in a bar that wouldn't give me a card. He was too rich for the place and too wasted. And he kept showing me the bill..."

"Just tell me what happened, Chloe. Now."

"I was stupid. I thought he was so excited it would be an easy score."

"You really need money?"

"Actually, yes. I owe him a lot of time. And I think I'll have enough for me and Rachel if he shows up..."

"How much do you owe?"

"Three thousand plus flowers. And before I could get a piece of it from Nathan... he filled my drink with shit," Chloe said.

"Oh my God, Chloe, I can't believe this... I mean, I do. So what?"

"I know I passed out on the floor. I woke up and the perv was smiling, crawling towards me with the camera..."


"Everyone ran away... I tried to kick the ball and broke the lamp. Nathan panicked, so I managed to push the door and get out. Max, that was crazy."

"Chloe, that was so messed up. What were you doing then?" I asked.

"I thought I'd make him pay me to keep quiet. So we met in the bathroom."

"And he had a gun."

"That was Nathan's final mistake," Chloe said.

"He's still dangerous, Chloe. Not just to you."

"Good thing you didn't tell anyone. Nathan Prescott better watch his back now."

"I won't always be there to save you."

"You're here today, Max. You saved me! I'm still tripping over it... Seeing you after all these years feels like—"


Chloe got up from the bench and approached the cliff. I followed him.

"If this is fate, I hope we can find Rachel. I miss her, Max. This shit hole has taken everyone I've ever loved... I want to drop a bomb on Arcadia Bay and turn it to glass..."

I had a headache and was dragged into a nightmare.

A strong wind hit me. I was on soft ground and spruce trees on the trail. I went back to that night. What happened? This is the same place. And where is Chloe?

Oh no! Not anymore... Why is this happening to me? Why am I here again? Is Chloe still there? I have to find out!

I followed the ghost doe to the top of the hill when a large rock fell at the left fork in the road. Thunder crashed and lightning struck a tree, causing it to fall in front of me. It backed away and walked down the path as a tree fell behind it. I continued to follow the ghost up the stairs to the lighthouse.

I've never seen a storm like this in Oregon...

A pile of wood fell on the path in front of me. I rewind time and stand in the area next to the path as they pass by. I continued towards the lighthouse.

"Oh, my lord! The tornado is back! Is this real?"

A boat flies out of the tornado and crashes into the lighthouse.

"Wow, damn!"

Debris rained down and knocked down fallen trees blocking the path to the sea below. The top of the lighthouse falls and balances precariously on the edge of the cliff. It slowly tipped over and fell into the sea, taking chunks of the cliff with it so I couldn't cross. I rewind time and cross to the bench area after the debris rains down. The roof of the lighthouse fell again behind her. I then read the newspaper stuck to the fence.

"October 11th? Is it Friday? That's only four days away!"

The wind ripped the newspaper from my hands. I witnessed a tornado.

"Oh no..."

"The tornado headed straight for the city..."

Chloe's hand touched my shoulder. My vision ended and I found myself back with Chloe at sunset. I fell to the ground and Chloe knelt beside me.

"Chloe! You're here! I'm back. Oh, my lord, this is real—this is real! God, this sucks."

"Max, what happened? You really fainted."

"I didn't pass out... I had another vision. This city will be destroyed by a tornado," I said.

"Oregon gets about five tornadoes every twenty years; you must be high!"

I grabbed Chloe's wrist.

"No, no, I saw it! I could actually feel the electricity in the air..."

"Come on, breathe, okay?"

"Chloe, I'm not crazy. But there's something else I have to tell you... Something...hardcore."

"Talk to me, Max."

"I had a similar vision earlier in class... When I came out of it, I discovered that I could reverse time. Like I said: I'm not crazy."

"But drunk, right?"

"Listen to me do you think I saved you in the shower?"

"By turning back time? Yes, sure."

"I saw you get shot, Chloe. I saw you really...dead. I could go back and pull the fire alarm," I said.

"Okay, I see you're a geek now with a great imagination, but this isn't anime or a video game; people don't have those powers, Max."

"I don't know what I have, but I have it. And I'm scared to death."

"You must be drunk. It's been a really crazy day..."

I shook my head. Snowflakes fell on my face and I wiped them away. Chloe and I watched the snow fall around us.

"What is this?"


Chloe wakes up.

"Like... eighty degrees. How did this happen?" Chloe asked.

I wake up.

"Climate change...or a hurricane is coming," I said.

"Max...start from the beginning. Tell me everything."







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