Time Entanglement

By Ssdevan

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With the world being under the threat of Voldemort , cloud of despair has shrouded the sun of hope.At the cr... More

Strange Traveller
Not worrying
Changing Equilibrium
New Prophecy
Soul bond.
Good Bye
Sealing the bond.
Time Wheel.
Silver Doe
In Memories
Last Horcux
Restoring The Peace
Family reunion
Unexpected arrival.
Unexpected Revelation
Switched Roles
Greater Good.
Catalyst Indeed!
New stories
Fact she knows not
Does it matter
Path Divergence.


528 25 97
By Ssdevan

"You are feeling Jealous" Hermione looks at Harry pointedly . Since two days she has been trying to find out the strange feelings she was getting but couldn't point out that what it was . It was like feeling of emotions which is not yours . It was not completely like feeling the emotions  . It was more like observing someone else emotions , like sitting outside and looking at the players playing quidditch . You didn't play but you can told the events .

After two frustrating day , sitting in the potions classroom , working with Harry in Potion, and by looking at his sulking face ,she figured out his mood is not right over something.Then suddenly it strikes in her mind that may be she is feeling his emotions.

"Why would I?". Harry speaks without looking at her while he continued to cut the roots .

"Harry!!!" Hermione speaks in a tone that told Harry,there is no room for excuses.

"You are going with Cormac McLaggen in slughorn's party " Harry turns towards her, showing some mercy to the roots .

"That's why you are Jealous?" Hermione asked feeling ridiculous about the mere idea.

"I am not Jealous " He speaks." I am just worried about you. Out of all people, McLaggen ,Really."

Hermione looks away rolling her eyes,not able to understand the reason of her best friend's confused feeling.

"He is not good for you, Hermione" Harry speaks sincerely. Seriousness of his voice forced her face to face him.

"He thinks you are some kind of trophy to get. He doesn't really care about you or your feelings. He is just being competitive , trying to prove that he can get you"  He  said , not adding that he thinks McLaggen is competing with him , trying to prove that he can snatch Hermione from him. At least The look he gave him after Hermione accepted his offer , indicates the same.

"Harry"  Hermione speaks with a sigh but a slight smile on her face. "My feelings are not attached with him in any way. " She clarified calmly , getting mixed feelings of annoyance and happiness from her best friend's overprotective nature.

"I have clearly, clarified him that it is just one time party thing, It's because I don't have any other option." Speaks Hermione dragging her attention towards their work

"Oh"! Harry too turned back to his job . Hermione can feel the relaxation washing him .She can't help the chuckle that escaped from back of her throat.

"You... You should date someone,you know" Speaks Harry after a pause with slight hesitation in his voice. Hermione stops stirring the potion and turns towards him, looking at him pointedly

"I mean .Ron is with Lavender and I am Ginny.It's only you who is alone ........Single I mean" He speaks looking away, feeling nervous under her gaze .

"It's not possible that you don't have any crush" Harry asked showing gryffindor courage.

After his succinct conversation with Ron and Luna ,Harry asked Ginny about Hermione's possible male interest.She informed him that Hermione didn't spent much time with her or any other girls in the Hogwarts. Either she remains with Harry and Ron or with her books in Library .The craving in Ginny voice when she told him about days when she and Hermione used to be close and when she shared her fantasy with him to her and she used to share her view about relationship  and love , made him think that how different is Hermione's friendship with Ginny compared to that of boys.

They didn't really talk about relationship and things like that .And if they did,it was mostly of Harry's relationship either be it Cho or Ginny. She always know about his feelings over any Girl and He didn't know even about her crush .

"It's possible because I don't have any" Hermione replied .

"What about Krum?" asked Harry

"We are  friends . That's it." Hermione replied after that they had to stop talking because Slughorn came to inspect their potion.

"So, you don't like anyone?" asked Harry picking up his bag hurriedly and striding behind Hermione to match her speed

"No. I don't . " Said Hermione turning back to look at him who gives her a look that clearly stated that he doesn't believe."Why would I lie .If there is something like that I would have told you ." She turns back and walks fast in order to reach in the next class on time.

"Just like you told me about Lockhart and Krum" Said Harry "That's not fair. You know everything about my relationships and stuffs and never told me about yours

"Are You not going to let it go?" asked Hermione turning towards him,when he joined her .

"Unless you confess that there is someone who remains constantly in your thoughts" Harry asked walking backward to face Hermione.

She stops walking at his question but he didn't realise that she stops unless he had already taken two backward steps . So he had to come forward to cover.

"Okay fine .I confess." Speaks Hermione in business like tone ." There is a boy who constantly remains in my thoughts and I find unable to think anything else .
.She looks at him with tight smile and walks forward, leaving him spotted at his place for few minutes.

"She confessed."Harry murmurs before walking behind her, squeezing between the crowd of  students." Who is he?" He shouted looking at her .

"You" She replied without turning back and he loses his balance , toppling over his own shoes and then on his bag.

"Harry"  Hermione shakes her head and runs towards her best friend after realising that the thud sound she heard is because of the fall of his bestfriend. She sits beside him , not knowing what to do with him as she can feel his emotions which is completely roller coaster filled with different kind of emotions that so suddenly rushed into him that it is hard for her to identify .But one thing she can see is his horrified expression.

"It's not like that" She clarified and he looks at him owlishily .

"You constantly remains in my thoughts because problems , deadly problems , keep visiting you as if they are your long lost friend or your first and true love "Hermione speaks with a deep sigh . "If at any point of time it forgot its  loyalty, you yourself take a step forward and invites it  through your ridiculously stupid behaviour . Understand".She hit him on his head from her bag before standing up.

"Ouch, Someone needs to break it to you that your bag is not flower and it contains so much heavy books " He stands up rubbing his head and follows Ron

"Where is Ron?" asked Hermione .

"May be with Lavender " said Harry shrugging his shoulder, noticing the absence of his bestfriend.

"Or May be with Luna" Speaks Hermione, looking at a particular direction.  Harry follows his sight and found Ron talking with Luna with a wide grin on his face.

"Nowadays he is too much impressed with her" Harry said looking at the duo."More than required " He glanced at Hermione.

"Do you think he likes her ?" asked Hermione , still looking at Ron.

"You think that? "Said Harry with surprise in his tone "Why is He  with Lavender?. "

"You are really thick when it comes to relationship" Hermione turns towards him.

"Then Please throw some light, Professor Granger " Said Harry playfully.

"Ron and Lavender are more like hormonal thing " Speaks Hermione. " May be he wanted to feel it. Feel to be in relationship , considering the fact that most of the girls drool over you and he always become second option even after being tall and handsome."

"But Lavender's first intrest  is always he. So he likes to be special, to be someone's first choice".Said Hermione. ". It's like same with that I felt with Victor. He was the first one to approach me with...errr... that kind of liking. And it made me feel good about myself. And Ron's comment was hurting me so much that when he approached ,I was on cloud nine thinking that someone can like me too."

"But after a while I realised I don't have such feeling for him.It  was just want to be special to someone. Complicated teenage things ."

"Yeah! Ginny had  commented about only Ron not being able to kiss anyone after he was fuming over our kiss" Speaks Harry.

"See that's what I am saying " Said Hermione with a proud smile on her face and enters in the classroom

"But what's wrong in it?" asked Harry sitting beside her. " Wanting to feel special.Wanting to experience.....errr....things " He clarified."Wanting to be in relationship."

Hermione turns towards him , feeling his utter confusion over the topic and understanding that he never got the chance to understand these things .Since most of the people have parents to guide them through their teenage,just like her mom remains for her but he did not have any .The worst part is ,he didn't even realise that most of the person have one or another person to talk about these things.

If Sirius would be alive ,and if they would get some jolly time to spent together, then Harry would not been too much clueless about these things.

"Relationship is not only about wants, Harry" She speaks slowly , looking at him."A true and healthy relationship have depth in it .It contains understanding, trust and Love. "

" Lavender and Ron's relationship is too much sweet and perfect. But There is no such thing exist .A perfect relationship doesn't exist "  Speaks Hermione and Harry looks at her like a boy who just discovered that Santa Claus doesn't exist.

"Why didn't?" Harry asked looking flabbergasted. "My parents relationship was perfect. That's what everyone said.'

"Everyone looks at it like that. Just like everyone know that you are powerful and brave because you defeated voldemort multiple times. But they didn't know those moments of fear and weakness that you overcame to face him " She speaks softly looking at him. " They think that you are a superhero.  They are not wrong though But they don't know your sacrifices that made you a superhero."

"Same happens with relationship. ".She said." Just think of it.  Is it possible for two different persons to  always be happy with each other , without any issue ? Is it possible for two different person to be so much like each other that their everything matches? or Is it possible for a person to like everything about any other person?"

"We are friends for years . Do you like everything about me or Ron? Don't you ever get irritated from us? Didn't our friendship get tested over period of time? There was issues between You and Ron , between Ron and me , between You and me. Sometimes they were really ugly. " She said.

"Forget about friendship. Sometimes People have differences with their parents " Said Hermione.

"They have?" asked Harry completely surprised.

"Yes. Most of the time, Parents and children don't understand each other and gets engaged in conflicts .If relation like that cannot be perfect, How can someone expect a relationship to be perfect which is much more complex and much more demanding than all of the rest relations?"

"Ron and Lavender are just looking at the goodness of one another whether it is look ,  or something else. But in real relationship one wholly accept another, with their faults too . Just like Ron is accepting Luna even with her weird dreamy things. He is not getting bothered with it."

" If Ron and Luna can have that type of relationship,why Ron didn't approach her first. Why he didn't think of her like that?" Asked Harry after a short pause.

"Because,  A relationship requires too much efforts and we are teenagers Harry. We don't want something complex in our life .We tends to bend towards the thing which is easy. With period of time, we will understand that everything which is easy is not always right. "

"How do you know that much " Speaks Harry in awe " You are also a teenager, remember."

Hermione takes a deep sigh not wanting to confess but at the same can't keep quiet under his gaze.

"My Mom"  She speaks, looking at him for any sign of hurt over the mention of Parents. But she didn't get it.Yes  there was craving but not hurt. She felt surprised to feel that he wanted to know more about her and her mother.

"At a point of time, I was very much conscious about my looks ." Hermione speaks looking forward.

"In fourth year, I know" Said Harry.

"My relationship with Victor really confused me . And Ron too." Hermione added.

"Ron?"Speaks Harry.

"He was behaving like a Jealous prat and I was dreading that he might have feelings for me" Speaks Hermione, surprising Harry.

"Really!!! Does he?"  Asked Harry, looking at her.

"No ,he didn't. But that's what I think?" Said Hermione with a chuckle. " I was kind of considering the statistics of the possibility of Me being with Ron."

"But he is your best friend. "Said Harry ."And you can't think about best friend like that"  He protested the mere idea so strongly that it makes Hermione smiles.

"You are cute. You know" Said Hermione controlling her laughter.

"Cute is not a proper adjective to describe a man." Said Harry looking away with embarassment.

"Asked Ginny to describe you in all those proper adjectives " Speaks Hermione , turning towards him." But for me ,You are cute ."  Hermione teased , understanding his embarassment.

After a while , Fitwick came into the class ,and all of them gets silent . He started telling about the hand moments and rest of of the class listens to him carefully. After a while all of them started following his instructions while murmuring the spell.

"So, One can think about his best friend in that manner" Speaks Harry abruptly and Hermione can't suppress her laugh and  giggles ,which is more because of the the feeling of Harry that she can observe now. It was like when a child would know that  moon doesn't shine and the moonlight that fascinates him is because of the sunlight which is not as wonderful as moonlight.

"Miss Granger" Fitwick scolded her , causing her to stop abruptly.

"Sorry Professor" Speaks Hermione glancing at Harry with suppressed laughter.

So how was the chapter?


I am sorry for not being specific about the timelines. The story has  Started around the book of half-blood prince , however it will soon skip towards the deathly Hollow as I  don't have any plan to write whole things of the book ,I will mostly narrate the happenings in short and succinct manner.

In original Books, Ginny taunting Ron occur during her relationship with Dean but I changed that .

Also, In this story Ron doesn't have any feelings for Hermione till now , however I will go towards it later but under different circumstances, Just to explore the dynamic and complexity of friendship between A boy and A girl. Also ,Only this can justify his Jealousy with Harry in the forest and his leaving too. But still he will not turn into negative

Ron's character was beautiful for me in the books because it was well written, holding all the immaturity and jealousy of a normal Teenage boy.His jealously is justified to me because that is what human Nature is. Best part of the character was ,he realises his mistakes .

However I didn't like Ron and Hermione Pairing in the books. I have came across the argument of Ron being well written in the book than Movie and Hermione's character's have flaws in the books and not in movie,this made people hate their ship.

But I don't watch the movie, however I read the book. Yes , Ron and Hermione has their share of banter but it ended after hurting one or another. Ron as a friend was okay for Hermione but not as a boyfriend or husband . Most of the time he didn't care about her emotions and he couldn't understand her feelings.

But Again,  He was not straight horrible. He was good to her as a Friend.

But This is my opinion .Some may  like the Ron and Hermione pairing because that's their own opinion and I respect to their opinion too.

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