The Devils Temptation {Bada L...

By InsaneMaker

121K 5.4K 728

{First Book} In where two close friends finally meet again after years. Both ending in a terrible note and fe... More

{ Prologue }
{ Cast }
{ Cycle of life }
{ The Crew Members }
{ I'll show them who the better Kim is }
{Craving her attention}
{Worth so much more}
{More like my girl}
{ Her past }
{Seducing her}
{Mr. Steal Your Girl }
{ Recognition }
{ Class Mission }
{The Annoyed Leader}
{Friends Who Flirt?}
{Filming Class }
{ Can You See My Heart? }
{ A Crush? }
{ Best Friends Again }
{Kpop Challenge}
{ Leave Me Alone }
{ Death Match}
{The Start Of Something}
{Pool Party}
{Mega Crew Mission}
{The Struggles}
{ The Unexpected }
{Filming Day}
{We Did It!}
{Old Friendships}
{She's Finally Happy}
{That's My Girl}
{Beach Date}
{The Blonde Era}
{Clingy Girlfriend}
{Cruel Society}
{Harsh Leaders}
{Birthday Date}
{One Big Family}
{Girls Supporting Girls}
{Finally Free}
{Leader; Leah}
{Hwasa Mission}
{No Bad Blood}
{Bada's Past}
{Queens Vs Queens}
{The Devil's Temptation}
{My Second Home}
{My home}
{Practice Before Finals}
{Finals pt.1}
{Important Announcement!}
{Final pt.2}
{The Finals}
{I Still Love Her}
{Second Story!}

{Fear Of Abandonment}

1.9K 102 2
By InsaneMaker

The heart broken girl stood in her living room with tears rolling down her face. No cries or sobs left her mouth as she stood there. Biting her lower lip she took a sharp inhale in holding back tears. She didn't want to cry again. She had spent a whole year crying because of Yoon. She wouldn't dare allow herself to let out a cry for her. Instead she removed her duffle bag from her arm and threw it across the room. Hearing it crash against the aisle in the center of the kitchen, a small yell left her lips. If she didn't have neighbors she would be yelling from the top of her lungs. Her brows furrowed deeply feeling all the anger and emotions of resentment towards the one girl who was supposed to stay. She thought apart from everyone else she would remain by her side. She never thought she would be wrong. She wiped the tears from her face aggressively. Her hands turning into fist feeling her nails stabbing into her palm. Her bottom lip shook in anger.

Eight Years Ago...

The seventeen year old girl stood outside her soon to be girlfriend's bedroom door. A smile on her face as she held a bouquet of pink roses. She took a deep breath in feeling nervous, all of the sudden. Raising her right hand up she knocked on the door. It took a few seconds before she heard the small come in from the other side. The girl really hoped that Yoon Ah wouldn't notice her puffy swollen eyes. She had spent two hours crying about what had recently happened with her parents. She had to do her makeup in order to hide the redness on her face. Her hand landed on the door knob twisting it. The girl didn't know what was about to hit her. She would be getting a crucial reality check. Something she didn't wish for nor needed at the moment. Upon pushing the door open she's met with the pink haired girl running around the room stuffing two suitcases. A bright smile across her face as she picked out the hoodies she would be taking. Leah's smile faded from her face as they landed on the happy girl. "What's.. What's happening?" She spoke softly, causing the happy girl to look up.

Yoon let out a small squeal, happy to see the brunette girl. She didn't hesitate to run across the room and pull the girl into a tight hug. Her green blue eyes watch how her face brightens up at the sight of the bouquet of flowers. She kissed the girl on the cheeks before running off to finish packing. "I'm going to study abroad. I got this crazy offer to finish my education in California." At that moment Leah felt as if she had just gotten stabbed in the heart. A gasp left her lips as she stood there emotionless. She felt numb hearing her say those words. I mean the sole reason she came to see the girl is for her to comfort her. She wanted reassurance and someone to talk to. And now she's just finding out she's leaving for Cali? A week after she had been kicked out of her family home. She didn't want to be selfish and tell her not to go, but she truly needed her. She needed her to stay and be with her. She couldn't.. She knows she can't deal with this all alone. "What? Cali? Since when..? You never mentioned this to me before."

The curly haired girl rolled her eyes playfully. She shoved a stuffed animal into her suitcase as she lifted her gaze landing on the confused girl. "When we met I told you I wanted to be a doctor. Well my dad has connections and they offered me a full scholarship. Isn't that exciting?" Leah nodded her head. She swallowed her pain plastering a fake smile on her face. Without thinking her body moved on its own. She applauded the girl watching her jump up and down in excitement. She ignored the pain and suffering within. She processed to help the girl pack everything she would need. Standing outside Yoon home the two girls hugged each other tightly. Leah held in her tears as she rubbed the girls back. "Leah.. please promise me you'll wait for me." This causes the girl to freeze in her place. Her hand stopped rubbing her back as her arms fell next to her. Her eyes stared ahead as she heard her repeating the question. Yoon Ah pulled away from the hug, her hands landing on the brunet's shoulders.

"I.. I can't do that. I won't wait for you." In a matter of seconds her head snapped to the side as a tear rolled down her face. She knew what it meant whenever she spoke up. The girl she had fallen for had learned to manipulate and play with her feelings. Always making her feel like she was in the wrong. Like her own feelings along with herself didn't matter. Although she didn't want Yoon to go and leave her all alone. She knew it was better to let her go. Her mind was mentally exhausted, they would constantly argue and fight over the dumbest things. This always made the girl irritated and frustrated not understanding what was happening. Their morning would start all chirpy and good, but before lunch time hit. Yoon Ah was already screaming at her just because she had to do a duet dance with another girl in school. She had just found out about it and the manipulative girl was already making a huge deal out of it. "Yah! Why would you say that! Do you not love me anymore?! OH?!" The pink curly haired girl screamed into her face. Leah closed her eyes feeling pieces of spit land on her face. She shut her eyes trying not to flinch and contain her anger within her.

She poked her finger onto her right shoulder causing her to take a step back. She let out a shaky breath as her eyes fluttered open. "It has nothing to do with my feelings for you, but you truly don't expect me to wait years for you? Anything can happen, Yoon Ah."

Leah leaned against her kitchen counter taking deep breaths in and out. Her phone lay next to her left hand. Her eyes glanced at the phone debating if she should call her? Biting her lower lip she allowed her intrusive thoughts to take the best of her. She dialed her number placing the phone on speaker. Her hands shook as she remembered the last time she saw Yoon Ah. Her lower lip trembled as she anxiously waited for her to pick up. She shut her eyes praying she answered the phone. All that ran through her mind when the phone ring was please, please answer. She really needed someone to talk to right now. She couldn't deal with this pain alone. At least not again. It had taken her months and almost a whole year to be able to open up to Soo Ah and Ivy of what truly happened between them two. She had spent almost two years blaming herself for what happened. She blamed every argument on herself, blamed herself for not making the relationship work. Blamed herself for not telling Yoon how she actually felt. But at the same time every time she tried to talk she would get cut off or brush a side. Her feelings didn't matter to Yoon Ah, so she learned how to stay quiet and isolate herself from the world. Something that Ivy never thought she would ever have to witness. I mean she watched the brunette girl becoming distant not only with her but everyone around her.

She started attending dance classes less. She didn't have that spark within her anymore that always made her outside other dancers. The glow of her skin vanished and was replaced with a pale dull skin. She stopped wearing makeup and barely kept her hair up. She didn't miss the dark circles forming underneath her eyes or how she stopped talking less. She stopped wearing cute dresses and skirts being replaced with baggy long sleeve shirts and pants. There were times where she could see the gloss in her eyes from the amount of crying she had done that day. Her eyes were always swollen and red. She had this tired look in her eyes that made people stay away from her. Not only did she become distant with the world but the world distanced itself from her.  "Hello?" Her eyes snapped open upon heaving her beautiful cute child voice. A tear rolled down her face as a small chuckle left her now red lips. From the amount of biting her lower lip ripped out at some point causing her to taste the metallic taste of blood. Her hands had become white from how much pressure she had applied on them. She threw her head back taking a deep breath, feeling overwhelmed with every emotion.  "Hey, what are you doing?

She let out a small breath, her right hand coming up her chest. Feeling the tightness around it starting to disentangle itself. Allowing her to finally breathe again. She felt the world spinning around her making her feel a bit light headed. These were symptoms that most of the time lead to an attack. "I just arrived home, I was about to step into the shower. Why? What are you doing?" Attacks she always feared the most. They would either get extremely intense or lead to her passing out and ending up in the hospital. Something she didn't wish to go through again. Her therapist had recommended for her to distract herself, hold an ice cube or if she was with someone. For them to ramble about something to get her mind off whatever she was feeling. Her shaking hand came up to her necklace holding it tightly. "Me? Oh.. I've been.." Her eyes wandered around the dark pitch black room. The only lighting coming from the outside light poles. She didn't know what to say. She just wanted some scene of comfort before she lost it.

"Don't tell me you've been thinking of me?" She could hear her cute giggle from the other end of the line. A few seconds shortly the water from the bathroom started letting her know she's about to hop into the shower. Leah let out a small chuckle, shaking her head in disbelief. She let out a huge breath feeling some weight coming off her chest. She leaned her bum back against the aisle. Removing her phone off speaker she pressed it against her ear. "You always jump into whatever opportunity you get to flirt? I wasn't thinking about you but I do miss you." She spoke honestly. Taking a seat leaning her back against the aisle in the kitchen. Normally when it came to her anxiety she always took a seat on the ground. It made her feel grounded and reminded her of her whereabouts. For the longest she would just allow her attacks to take over her but after watching Girl Meets World. Seeing Riley sitting down whenever things got thought made her wonder if that truly helped? It does. It did help her. It allowed her to breathe again and it brought stability to her. She smiled softly, allowing her head to hit the wall behind her. Brining her knees closer to her chest as she stared out the huge window doors of her balcony. Her eyes falling on the one bright star in the clouded night sky.

Her right hand played with the ring on her index finger. Something she always did as a coping mechanism. "I try.. Is everything okay? You sound kind of distant." Hearing her say that caused the girl to chuckle. A tear rolled down her face as she tried not to break at that moment. It was just the pain from earlier that she felt but knowing that Bada could still tell when something wasn't right. It brought some happiness to know that nothing truly changed between them. Running her fingers through her messy hair she listened to the water running on the other side. Leah wasn't one to sit still, especially not in a quiet empty room. "I.. I feel like.." She couldn't even finish her sentence as a small cry left her lips. She pulled the phone away from her ear. She covered her mouth hoping the older girl hadn't heard her through the loud running water. Bada's head snapped to the side staring at her phone. She furrowed her brows in worry. She didn't hesitate to finish the shower quickly. She threw on her clothes hearing how quiet the other side of the phone had gotten. "Moonie, I'll be there in ten." She hung up the phone as Leah dropped her head onto her knees. Tears running down her face as her entire body shook.

The brunette girl has never been good at talking about her feelings. At least not the bad ones, nor did she allow herself to cry when she needed to. Her feelings would always bottle up inside her until something triggered one of them. They got triggered and she would cry about everything. Not only what she's going through at the time but every single emotion she brushes aside. Would come spilling out like a river flow making her break down. It didn't take long until she heard her code being put into her lock outside the door. The door swung up revealing a very worried Bada with extremely wet hair. Huge black glasses resting on the bridge of her nose. She wore a blue shirt with black sweatpants. She closed the door behind her, her brown eyes squinting at the dark room in search of the short girl. Her eyes finally landed on the crying girl who had her hands pressed against her face. Even when she cried she tended to cover herself, and it didn't matter if she was in front of people or alone. The tall girl made her way around the room not turning on the light. Her shoes off as her feet came in contact with the cold white floor. Bada ran across the room, her knees falling onto the ground. Leah lifted her head up with mascara running down her face.

She instantly wrapped her arms around Bada who took a seat on the ground. She placed a kiss on top of her head as she rubbed her back. Leah's head buried in the crook of her neck as she cried, she could feel the wet warm tears landing on her shoulder. They stayed in that position for a while, the older girl didn't say anything. Her right hand laid on the back of her head as the other patted her small back. At some point the short girl had moved onto her lap. Her head deeply stuffed into the crook of her neck as she cried. Her right hand grabbed a handful of Bada's shirt as cries left her lips. Feeling her warm body pressed and wrapped around her brought her comfort. The cries started to face and the tears stopped. She sat there holding onto her for dear life. In the back of her mind she still had that trauma of people leaving her. She feared abandonment especially with everything that had happened in her life. Yoon Ah hadn't been the only one that abandoned her, her parents did too. They all left her when she needed them the most.

Bada had encouraged the girl to go shower, knowing it would help her relax. She, on the other hand, started to prepare a small meal. Enough to give them energy and keep them full in the meantime. She knew the last time Leah ate was around six pm. She had pasta that Miyeon had bought for her, she ate while watching the girls practice. She never seemed to catch a break, even on her days off she worked her ass off. The exhausted girl came out of the bathroom with swollen eyes. Her wet hair messy falling in front of her face as she made her way to the kitchen. The towel wrapped around her neck as she held a sad expression on her face. Letting out a sigh she took a seat on one of the bar stools, her eyes wanting Bada flipped a chocolate chip pancake over. The tall girl turned around feeling her lingering eyes on the back of her head. She offered the girl a small smile. She made her way to her grabbing the towel from her neck, starting to dry her hair. Leah didn't say anything. She just lifted her head up, staring at the beautiful girl in front of her. Bada had pulled up her hair into a messy bun. The short girl assumed she must've gone to her room to find a rubber band. She didn't mind it. They've always had the type of friendship of whatever is mine is yours and what's yours is mine. They practically shared everything with each other. None of them ever complained or argued about it.

They ate in silence, her brown eyes glancing at the sad girl. She would watch how she would take bites from her pancake. Nothing was said between them other than the sound of utensils and chewing. Leah reaches over grabbing the black mug filled with hot chocolate. She took a sip from it, chewing her food slowly. Nothing made Bada more worried than the silence coming from the younger girl. It's something she's always feared. She couldn't tell what she was thinking or feeling. Her face would go blank whenever she hid her feelings. She trusted the girl would tell her everything eventually. That's how they have always been. They told each other everything no matter how painful, embarrassing or stupid it was. Once they finished eating the tall girl offered to clean the dish. Leah headed to her bedroom not really saying anything else. When she finished cleaning the dishes she found the short girl laying on her back staring up at the ceiling. She rarely blinked, meaning she had zoned out. Her right hand laid behind her head as the other hand stayed on her stomach. Her mind kept replaying the same events of earlier. The arguing and how Yoon cling to her body. 

Bada let out a small sigh as she closed the bedroom door. She made her way to the bed pulling on the covers. She removed the rubber band from her hair, setting it next to the bedside table. She laid on her left side staring at the quiet girl. Brining in her lips she debated on speaking to the girl or giving her time to process whatever she went through. "Bada..? I'm so glad you're in my life again." Her green blue eyes started to tear up as she spoke. Her voice came out soft with a hit of raspiness to it from the amount of crying she had done. Leah turned to the side staring at her best friend. A tear rolled down the side of her face as her lips turned upwards into a smile. The older girl smiled, reaching over and brushing her brown hair behind her ear. She nodded her head agreeing with the girl. It didn't take long for Leah to open up to her. With tears spilling she told her everything that happened that night. Why was she crying when she found her? To almost having an attack remembering the last time she saw Yoon Ah. All Bada did was nod her head and listen to the girl. She would brush her hair to the side seeing the girl slowly starting to move closer to her.

Leah always felt safe in Bada's arms. She felt safe when they were friends, to best friends now feeling this tension between them. No matter what happens or changes, she will always feel safe with her. She had become her person. The person she's longed for so long and regrets leaving behind. With tears and her voice cracking she spoke. She needed to get the truth out. She needed to tell someone of how she's been feeling. She knew the right person was Bada. She would never and has never judged her. At some point both girls fell asleep. The brunette girl laid her head on Bada's left shoulder as her arms wrapped around her waist. Her face almost buried into the crook of her neck as she peacefully slept. Bada kept her right arm wrapped around Leah's small waist with their legs tangled. The covers pulled over their bodies as they both slept. Her brown eyes fluttered open for a few seconds, she smiled as her eyes landed on Leah who cuddled closed to her. She leaned down to kiss the top of her head, her arms pulling the girl closer.


Both girls rush into Bada's apartment the next morning needing to change, they had accidentally slept in.  Leah didn't get the chance to change in her home due to them running a bit behind on time. She rushed into Tatter's room throwing off her pajamas. She threw on her baggy blue jeans, she pulled her hair up into a messy high ponytail. She rushed out of the room forgetting her bag in the living room. Tatter screamed in shock at the tattoos on the girl's body. This caused the brunette girl to scream in fear as her eyes widened. She stared at the younger girl in confusion wondering why she screamed. "Unnie! I have no idea you had two tattoos." Leah glanced down at her body realizing she was only wearing her black bra. She bit her lower lip, shutting her eyes in annoyance. She's been in such a hurry this morning she completely forgot about the black ink on her skin. Tatter stood up from the couch moving closer to the girl. Her eyes examined the tattoo in the middle lower part of her boobs. Bada rushed out of her room in worry, her eyes scanned the room to come across Leah half naked. The blonde girl walked around the older girl, her brown eyes examining the ink of her back. "I guess I forgot to mention that. I just.."

Leah turned around to face Tatter with a small smile. She took a hold of her hands causing her to look up. "I ask you don't tell anyone about my back tattoo. At least, not yet." The younger girl promised she wouldn't say anything. Well until she felt comfortable with showing and telling the world about it. Leah kissed the side of her head as she ran back into the room. Bada stood near the doorway of her room amazed by the beautiful ink on her back. She wanted nothing more than to run her finger over the outline. It looked beautiful on her warm soft pale skin. Her eyes followed the girl rush into the other room leaving the door open.  She grabbed the white red jersey, throwing it over her head. Her hands slid into it as she pulled her perfume out of her bag. She sprayed her neck, armpits and wrist. Shoving it back into her bag she decided to just do her makeup at the set. The girls all left the apartment, getting into Leah's car. They decided just to take one car since they were all heading to the same place.

"I call shotgun!" Bada screamed in the parking lot running towards the car. Tatter chasing after her yelling at her in annoyance. She wanted to sit next to the brunette girl. All Leah could do was laugh and shake her head in disbelief. No matter who she was with or where she was, she always ended up being the more mature one. She pressed on the key unlocking the doors as the taller girl jumped into the passenger side. Tatter pouted in defeat, jumping into the back seats, she sat in the middle to get a better view of both girls. Leah placed her bag next to the younger girl before closing the door. She opened the driver's door, jumping in and shutting the door. As she drove her eyes would glance at the girl next to her seeing her doing her makeup. She was going with more natural makeup. Leah made a quick stop to grab some coffee buying Tatter and Bada something as well. Arriving at the set she's surprised to see Mina and Miyeon arriving together. Normally both girls got here at different times, Miyeon was the early morning person while Mina hated mornings. She would always arrive late than everyone else.

The red headed girl ran through the parking lot, her arm wrapping around Leah's shoulder. The girl let out a small chuckle as she hugged her back. She rubbed the younger girls back telling them something was up. It's something that the leader of Eternal has been good at. She could easily tell when something was up with one of her team members. After all she's spent five years with them, more years with Ivy but she could always tell. They were all terrible liars especially when it came to trying to lie to Leah. She didn't ask her any questions knowing that Mina has always been more of a private person. The older girl reached into the car pulling out a drink and handing it to the girl. She watches how her face instantly lights up knowing how much her leader always thinks of them. Walking into the set a few people were surprised to see Bada arriving with some of the girls of Eternal. Her arm wrapped around Leah's shoulder as she smiled at something she said. Tatter giggled as Miyeon whispered into her ear as her eyes traveled to the two older girls. Leah moves her arm to wrap around the taller girl's waist, her hand holding the side of her waist. Mina walked ahead of the girls in her own little world smiling brightly as she drank the refresher.

The girls of Eternal made their way down stairs, all of them excited to show everyone what they were made off. I mean they were able to get down the choreo in a matter of one hour. All girls are extremely skilled in many ways. The only one of the group who didn't smile who stood out like a sore thumb is their leader. She held a poker look on her face as she confidently walked down the stairs. Her brown wavy hair bouncing along her eyes never made eye contact with anyone. She had her iconic red lipstick as many groups turned around to watch her. Taking the last step down she followed her group across the stage, pushing half of her hair behind her shoulder. People gasped at the sight of her bare back, she had tugged in the back of her jersey underneath her bra line. She had a makeup artist cover the tattoo knowing people would be able to see it from the acrobatic moves she would be performing. Taking a seat next to Mina she spread her legs leading forwards. She placed her elbows on her knees as she watched Tsuba Kill go up on stage first. Her eyes squinted as she examined carefully, not liking the cocky smile across their faces.

Although she's aware that the group is powerful and skilled. She hated people who gloated over the smallest compliment. They were definitely taking the zero votes to another level. Trying to crush BEBE's spirit. This caused the girl to let out a chuckle, as she turned her head to the side, slightly annoyed. She watches the group with a serious face. Not faced at all by their performance, her eyes landed on Akanene who smirked at her. She raised a brow at her trying to come off as intimidating. Leah smiled for a second before it was replaced with an annoyed look. Her eyes shifted to the side hearing a few people whisper about her attitude. The camera zoomed into her face seeing how she stared down the Japanese group. People clapped for the group as they walked off the stage heading back to their seats. BEBE is up next and Leah couldn't help but feel a bit anxious. Her eyes landed on the blonde girl who had a worried expression on her face. Her hand shook slightly as she stretched out her body. Biting her cheek she watched the group. Her left shook as her eyes stayed glued on Tatter. She intertwined her hands together praying that she would succeed.

Leah scrunched her nose at the sight of the blonde girl falling on the ground. She stood up from her seat worried about the girl. She placed her hands on each side of her mouth. "Come on, angel! You got it!" Even if she wasn't her own teammate she would still support her no matter what. She screamed encouraging words telling her to keep going. All of Eternal started to cheer the girl on, forgetting about the competition. They were on their feet cheering on the girl. Leah clapped the loudest not caring who stared at her or who spoke of her. She could see the face of distrust on Tatter as she finished the last part of the choreo. The brunette girl pouted seeing Bada rush to hug the younger girl. She also wanted to run by her side but unfortunately it would be their time to perform. The group of Eternal headed onto stage her green blue eyes wandered onto every member. She told them to gather around asking the staff for a second. "I just want to say have fun. No matter what happens, if one of us messes up we keep going. Okay?" The girls all nodded agreeing with their leader.

"One." She placed her hand in the center with her thumb sticking up. The girls all chuckled, staring at the hand. "Two." Ivy placed her hand on top of hers, smiling brightly as her eyes met Leah's. "Three." Yujin didn't hesitate to place her hand on top. She nodded her head with a smile on her face. "Four." Miyeon joined her eyes, landing on Mina who didn't hesitate at all. "Five." The girls all threw their hands up screaming in union. It's something they tend to do before performances or competitions. At the moment it felt right for Leah to do it. Especially after watching what happened to BEBE. They all found their formation waiting for the music to start playing. The leader circled her head around hearing her neck pop as her face changed instantly. Staring off the dance the girls gave it their all, their facial expressions were on point. Leah didn't hesitate to jump over Miyeon hearing people scream in excitement. She landed on her hands doing the next acrobatic move. When she landed on her two feet, her hair came flying back. She smirked hearing the screams of impressed and shock. Her hair was flying all over the place as sweat started to forming on her back from the intense dance.

As the girls moved away from the center instead of Yujin doing the flip. The leader decided to take it, she might as well finish what she started. But instead of using two hands to help her flip she proceeded to apply her webster into the choreo. Her body flying across the center of the room. Kirsten stared at the girl with a wide mouth. Her eyes widened seeing the girl jump back into action not hurt or struggling at all. As they came to a final pose. Leah smirked, raising her index finger up, moving it closer to her lips. Her head tilted to the side hearing everyone's cheers. As the rest of the group kept performing her blue green eyes kept glancing at Tatter seeing her turned around covering the tears rolling down her face. She couldn't help but worry about the girl. When the performances came to an end she didn't hesitate to get up running across the stage. Her hand landed on Tatter's shoulder who lifted her head up. Tears in her eyes as she tried to hold them back. "Unnie.." Her voice cracked as she stood up engulfing Leah. The brunette girl let out a small sigh as she wrapped her arms around the younger girl.

She kissed the side of her head as she rubbed her small back. She could feel the huge wet warm tears on her left shoulder as the girl silently cried. "It's okay.. You did great." The rest of the girls from BEBE stared at the two girls with a small pout on their faces. They could truly see how much Leah cared for the girl. She herself fought back the tears in her eyes. She hated seeing Tatter like this, she actually hated seeing her friends and family in this state. Especially because she knew what it felt like. Leah could feel a present next to her, she glanced to the side seeing the leader of BEBE. She patted Tatter's back giving her some comfort. Leah could see the hurt in Bada's eyes as she watched the younger girl cry.

Sitting alone in a quiet room Bada sat next to Tatter on the couch as she continued to cry. Leah crouches in front of the couch listening to the blonde girl. "I seem to be out of my depth there, and I just can't accept it." She wiped her tears away with a napkin. Her bottom lip trembled as tears rolled down her face. Bada rubbed the girl's back as she nodded her head listening to her. Leah placed a hand on the girl's knee as she stared up at her. She bit her lower lip hearing how voice cracked and her lip trembled every time she spoke. "Don't dwell on it. You get what I'm saying, right? Don't brood over it for too long. Okay? I know you're good." The crying girl nodded her head. She sniffed as she wiped the tears from her face. Her full attention on her leader hearing her saying good things about her. The leader of Eternal stood up from the ground taking a seat behind Tatter. She sat on the edge of the couch, her eyes expressing how worried she truly is. She loves Tatter as a younger sister she would do anything for her. Even if it meant crushing Tsuba Kill's spirit for being all talk and cocky. "You're a good dancer. You have to show the world how good you are. So you need to be stronger than this. Don't dwell on it and don't let people see it, except us. It's okay with us."

The blonde girl nodded her head still feeling a few lingering tears. Bada's brown eyes glanced up at Leah who seemed to be a lot quieter than she imagined. This caused Tatter to turn around her eyes landing on the older girl who stared at the wall in front of her. "I have to admit I haven't seen you grow like Bada has.. But that doesn't mean I'm not proud of you. I spent years watching videos of your dances and competitions. And I'm truly proud of you." A tear rolled down her face as she avoided eye contact with the girls. She glanced down holding Tatter's hand also feeling quiet emotion with what had just happened. The younger girl smiled, leaning her head on Leah's lap. The girl switched her hands, her left hand holding Tatter's hand as the other one landed on the side of her head. "When I first saw you again I.. I couldn't help but think woah, my little angel has grown up. For a moment I thought you might not need me anymore because you had Bada. And even if you didn't need me I will always be here. I will forever cheer you on no matter what. You will always be my little sister." She wiped the tear from her face as Tatter lifted her head up.

She stood up from her seat standing in front of the girl and wrapping her arms around her. Bada chuckled, shaking her head. She laughed at the fact both girls were crying now. She stood up making her way over to them, joining in the hug.

-This chapter made me cry. I'm still crying lol. I'm super happy you guys like this story! It makes me look forwards to keep posting! I hope you guys have or had a great day! - Luv Lizzie.

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