Damaged Goods (COMPLETED)

By PerfectThug187

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COMPLETED. PART ONE. Living from one hell to the next...or is it? More

Author's Note
.1. The beginning
.27. The End...Or is it?
Book 2
Book 3


289 13 1
By PerfectThug187

Rome watched as Yuri slept peacefully, reminiscing on the previous moment that they had shared. He didn't know how the rest of their time together would play out but he wanted to make sure that she understands that they would never be. At this point, he didn't want her to leave his life but he knew after his birthday, he would have to get away from her for both of their safety until he was able to control the Skisada situation.  Yuri's eyes slowly opened, stretching her body out before she looked around the room and locked on Rome, who sat in a chair beside the bed.

"Good morning." She greeted him with a smile.

"Morning." Rome replied, matching her smile.

She patted the bed next to her, causing Rome to raise from the chair and join her back in bed. He got under the covers and laid with his arms behind his head as Yuri moved closer, placing her head on his chest. He felt her getting closer to him, mentally.

"I want to apologize for yesterday." Rome said after a small silence.

"For what? We both said some things that we didn't mean."

"For touching you like that. I should have never put my hands on you or made you feel like I would hurt you, that's not who I am."

Yuri nodded. "It's okay. I know that I was provoking you" She replied.

"No, that's never okay. Mad or not, I should be able to keep my hands to myself."

"Hey, we're past it, it's okay. Tell me about the past months, how have you and the business been?" Yuri asked, changing the subject

Rome sighed. "Business is business. I've been okay." He shrugged.

"You?" He asked.

"I've learned myself more. Madam kept me in training so I've just been working, training and being there for Jaela." Yuri replied.

"Is that where your boldness comes from, my sister?"

Yuri laughed. "A little from her and some from Currency. Working at the club can get a little hectic so Currency's been teaching me how to handle situations. I have a gun now."

"What?" Rome asked confused.

"I know right. Madam helped me pick one out that's not too powerful but can get me out of a situation."

"Have you been practicing?"

"Not really. I have done some target shooting with Madam but I feel like I won't need it with Fargo and Fendi around so much." Yuri shrugged while playing with Rome's chin hairs.

"You still want to be able to protect yourself, just in case."

"I understand, I just don't like guns. But, what do you want for your birthday tomorrow?" She asked him.

Rome thought for a minute. He had never been asked that question since he was seventeen. Madam and Mister usually bought him whatever they assumed he liked while his workers stuck to cologne or new suits.

He shrugged. "I usually just buy myself what I want. Surprise me."

"You basically have everything so that may be hard." Yuri thought.

"Get whatever."

"Does that include altering a room?" Yuri asked as she thought of a perfect gift, based on the first time she had seen him.

"Altering a room in my house? Are you crazy? No one touches my house." Rome shook his head.

"Why not? You have so many empty rooms that you don't even use."

"No. I'm not compromising when it comes to my house."

"You have more than one house."

"In the world. That's my only house in Dallas."

"You can buy another one in Dallas."

"You can buy the house you want to alter."

Yuri sighed before laughing. "Just one room. It could even be the basement."

"Just take my second warehouse here in Dallas then. Why does it have to be my house?"

"Because! I want you to go to the room whenever you feel like you need to have fun."

"I don't have fun in my house."

"You have sex in your house." She rolled her eyes.

"Sex isn't fun. It's an art and relaxation."

"Boy! It is exhaustion, not relaxation."

"You came didn't you?" Rome eyed her.

"Many times." She laughed while covering her face.

"Maximum relaxation then." Rome chuckled

"Shut up. I'm surprised that your phone hasn't rung yet, knowing you're busy." Yuri said while getting out of the bed.

Rome watched her naked body move around the room, enjoying the view as she grabbed clothes from her dresser. He reached over to the nightstand to grab his phone, keeping his eyes on her as he turned the volume up, causing the phone to ring loud.

"It's been on silent, they can wait." He told her, raising from the bed himself to follow her to the shower.

"And what are you doing?" She asked while stopping in the bathroom doorway and blocking it with her hands.

Rome chuckled as he picked her up from her feet, carrying her into the bathroom. "We're about to shower."

"No. I am. Alone." Yuri laughed as she tried to protest.

"Yeah right." He told her as he turned her around and tossed her over his shoulder.

Fendi and Fargo stepped out of Fargo's blacked out escalade. He had taken a liking to the usual escalades that Rome sent for them, so he got his own bullet proof escalade. The two of them made their way up the few steps of Ski's home to do more work for Rome.

The Skisadas were not a current problem but Rome made sure to keep himself two steps ahead with sending Brynton back to them undercover. Fargo, Fendi and Ski had guarded Brynton up undetectable cameras and microphones, plus more cameras in every area that Brynton had led them to. Rome had more than enough inside information on the Skisadas now and he was just waiting for the right moment.

Ski opened the front door and greeted the men as he led them into the house. Once they arrived in the camera room, the men began to look over their current coverage.

"Everything is recording right?" Fargo asked.

"Yeah. The last location was added when Brynton put the small cameras in the art around Leon's office." Ski replied.

"Any familiar faces on the play back?" Fendi asked.

"I could relate a few men around the house to the blacked out men at the club. Total of ten recognized and twenty nine of them were spoken about but they died that night." Ski pointed over to the drawing board that held pictures to back up his words.

Fargo walked over to the board, examining it closely. His eyes stopped on a few faces before he turned around to Fendi, pointing out a certain pair of pictures.

"Do you remember him?" Fargo asked Fendi.

Fendi walked over closer, looking over the two different pictures of the same man. "Maine, from Houston? Wasn't you messing around with his sister?" He asked

"Exactly. Let's ride to Houston." Fargo told them with a smirk before leaving out of the room.

"Why is he so tapped in?" Ski chuckled as he grabbed his phone and keys to leave.

"That's why they call him Far, his connections go too far." Fendi replied while laughing and following behind Fargo.

The next day, everyone had been moving around and making last preparations for Rome's Diamond Affair. Due to the high number of RSVP, Madam moved the event from Wet Dreamz to another club she owned in Dallas, The Pynk Kitty.

"Currency, tell them to move that table for the dance floor." Madam walked around the club as she checked everything.

Currency nodded her head as she directed the men to move the table back some more for the dance floor.

"Why are you pointing fingers around instead of cooking that birthday cake?" Currency asked her

"I hired someone for it. I wanted to watch every move around here."

Madam wanted everything to be perfect for her little brother's birthday, just like she did for both of her brothers every year. She felt like both of them deserved at least one day out of the year to just say fuck everything and live life.

"What can we do?" Fargo asked as Madam turned around to look at him, Ski and Fendi

"Yeah, just let us know what to move and where." Fendi added on, looking around the club

Madam smiled as she complimented their outfits and pointed them over to a side bar that was movable.

"Please move that bar to the dj booth. Thank you for coming." Madam told them.

"You know that the Price twins wouldn't miss a Davinci party now." Fargo joked.

"Mhm. You haven't seen anything yet. The Davinci family can get a little ratchet." She told them with a laugh.

"We love a little hood."  Ski replied, laughing with them before Madam sent them off.

Madam shook her head, watching the many bodies move around to get the club prepared for tonight. She knew that Rome wouldn't be expected this big of a party, since he barely liked people, but she wanted to go all out for him.

"We have three hours people. I need those balloons floating, now!" Madam ordered while pointing to the third and fourth floor of the club.

An hour later, Yuri and Jaela had arrived to the club. Jaela wanted to enjoy her last three months working before following Fendi's commands to not work and letting him take care of her. She had agreed to his deal once he threw in a five thousand monthly income to her bank account that she wouldn't be spending from, just in case anything happened between them.

Yuri didn't work tonight but she chose to pick up a shift just because she knew that she would make bank from working tonight of all nights, plus it was Rome's day.

Both ladies entered the building and made their way to the bar, greeting Currency as they walked behind the bar.

"Hey boos!" Currency greeted them, giving each lady a hug.

"Hey honey. I see that you came in for that bartender cash tonight." Yuri joked

"Say that again. Hey love." Jaela added on while pulling back from Currency and giving her a side eye

"You know that I have to talk a little shit but since I can't get paid to shake this ass tonight, then I'll get everyone drunk." Currency defended herself.

"Now she wants a piece of the pie. I bet that I make the most tonight." Yuri flipped her hair over her shoulder while laughing.

"I bring you the customers, you know they're locked in with me. Why do you think my name is Currency?" Currency winked at her

"My name is Ice for a reason, now." Yuri blew her a kiss.

"Is this a bet going on?" Jaela asked, eyeing the ladies.

"I bet twenty five of loser's take home for the winner." Currency said while holding her hand out.

"I love going home with a hundred and twenty five percent." Yuri replied while shaking her hand.

"Oh, no we are not having bets at my bar." Madam told the ladies.

Jaela pretended to pull out cups while Yuri and Currency gave each other a hug, playing it off.

"Whaaaattt?" Yuri dragged out while pulling from the hug and turning to Madam.

"Mhm, let me put two thousand in for Currency." Madam said while pretending to fix her dress, mocking the ladies.

Jaela gasped. "Oh, Madam. Are you having bets at the bar? How dare you? Three thousand on Yuri for me." She added on, continuing to stack the cups.

The four of them began to laugh as Madam shook her head.

"Get back to work. We will finish this at the end of the night." Madam told the ladies as she walked away to finish the decorations for the night.

Two and a half more hours later and The Pynk Kitty was filled from wall to wall with bodies and smoke. Jaela, Currency and Yuri were bombarded with customers back to back as customers came back for more rounds.

"I wonder when does Rome plan to show his face." Yuri asked while filling a cup with water for a woman.

"Why? So you could dip off with him?" Jaela joked while handing a couple a round of vodka shots.

"What? Nobody said that Daisy." Yuri replied.

"You wore that diamond grill for a reason." Jaela joked with her

"What? Lace me in. You and birthday boy have something going on?" Currency asked Yuri as she set up a line of shot glasses.

"She doesn't know what it is. They had sex a few times and went back to normal life away from each other." Jaela told on Yuri.

"Woah, you let him get into the cookie jar more than once and didn't get clarity?" Currency asked shocked.

"What if I don't want clarity? I'm okay with having sex and being free from a relationship." Yuri shrugged as she made two long islands.

"So, will you be okay if he has sex with other women?" Jaela asked.

"At this point, I could either know about it and stay single or act like he's not doing it in a relationship." Yuri replied.

"Are you going to have sex with other men?" Currency asked.

"When did this turn into an interrogation bar?" Yuri asked, taking her tip from a customer before turning to them.

"We just want to know what to prepare for. We have your back but we don't want your feelings to get hurt." Jaela told her

"I was being nosey, you know me bitch." Currency said causing the girls to laugh.

"Shout out to the birthday boy, Rome in the building!" The dj yelled over the music.

The ladies attention turned to the spotlight on the entrance doors of the club. Rome walked in first with Mister and security guards following behind him. A wide smile played on his face while he walked to the VIP section and the club sang happy birthday to him. Madam had taken over the microphone and guided the club into singing while bottle girls went around with sparklers and bottles of liquor to his area.

Yuri watched intensely as he and Mister made their way deeper into the club.

Rome shook hands and hugged with a few people as his eyes danced around the club. Madam greeted them both as she handed them shots and made a toast. Yuri watched as Rome leaned in close to Madam, clearly asking her something, before Madam nodded and pointed over to them. Rome's eyes soon locked with Yuri's, motioning her to come over as she shook her head and continued to make drinks. Right on cue, Rome smirked and leaned over to Madama again before he made his way out of VIP.

"Uh oh, he's coming this way." Fendi said as he approached the bar, snapping Yuri out of her thoughts.

"She's just now hearing us." Jaela laughed at Yuri's face.

Fargo and Fendi had joined them at the bar a few minutes ago and had been talking with Jaela and Currency while Yuri had her stare down of Rome. They all observed as Rome made his way downstairs to the second floor and through the crowd to the bar.

"Looks like Yuri's in trouble." Currency joked.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Yuri fanned them off as she began to make more drink orders.

"We will see." Fendi said.

"Boss man. Happy thug day." Fargo told Rome, dapping him up as he handed him a shot.

"Appreciate it." Rome nodded as he threw the shot back then sat the glass on the bar.

"Happy Birthday Ro." Fendi told him.

"Happy Birthday Rome." Jaela and Currency added on as well.

Rome thanked them with a smile that turned into a smirk as his eyes landed on Yuri. She acted as if he wasn't standing in front of her.

"Y'all can go up to VIP. I'll pay y'all for working tonight, go party or something." Rome told them as everyone nodded.

"You don't have to tell me twice to find a seat." Jaela replied while they walked away from the bar.

Yuri stayed at the bar, distracting herself from Rome's gaze as he leaned over the bar to stare deep in her soul. A smirk played on his face as he watched her move around, making drinks as she avoided eye contact with him.

"You're going to act like i'm not standing here?" Rome asked her

"I'm working, why aren't you enjoying your party?" She asked him.

"I am, enjoying the view right now. I paid you for the night, come enjoy it with me."

"I can make my own money."

"I never said that you couldn't. I just want to enjoy my night with you by my side. Is that too much to ask?" Rome smirked.

Yuri smiled as she fixed another order of drinks. "Why do you want me to come? It's your day"

Rome looked out into the bodies dancing before he looked back at Yuri. "You know me a little more than all of these people. I'd rather party with you and my family." He told her.

"Well, I can't say no to that." She smiled as she pulled her apron off and climbed over the bar.

"I knew you wore that grill for a reason." Rome smiled back, showing his own diamond grill as he helped her over the bar.

Rome took Yuri's hand and led her through the crowd and up to VIP. Everyone greeted them as they made their way up and Madam handed them a round of shots with a wide smile. Madam liked seeing them together, she felt like Yuri calmed Rome down and reminded him of who he was instead of what his last name was.

"To Rome's twenty seventh and many more to come." Madam said as everyone raised their shot glasses, with Jaela's holding water.

"Cheers." Rome said as everyone clinked glasses and took their shots.

The music began to take over them as they began to dance. Yuri, Jaela and Currency got a few songs in with each other before Fendi pulled Jaela away. Fargo eventually pulled Yuri away for a friendly dance as both of them stood on couches and began to rap the words to the current song playing.

"How you get shot and I wasn't even there? Voodoo" Yuri rapped while pointing her fingers.

"That's cold, Igloo." Fargo finished off, throwing his arm around Yuri as they finished the song.

Everyone in the section watched them as they laughed and shook their heads. Fargo and Yuri had became closer due to Jaela and Fendi staying around each other. They had seen each other as soul brother and sister since they weren't actually related. The song eventually ended as Yuri got down from the couch and took herself another shot. She definitely began to feel the liquor and weed in her system as she took the blunt from Fendi and took another hit.

"You might want to slow down." Rome told her from behind as he held her waist.

Yuri smirked as she turned around to face him, watching his low eyes as he downed another shot and looked down at her.

"You look more lit than me." She yelled to him over the music.

Rome shrugged as he picked another shot up from the table. "It's my day."

"You might not make it to see how it ends." Yuri told him. "Madam could have a big surprise."

Rome licked his lips as he eyed her. "Oh, I know how it's going to end." He told her.

Yuri shook her head with a smile before she took a seat on the couch, watching the crowds as she vibed in her seat. Jaela, Madam and Currency soon joined her on the couch as Fargo, Mister, Fendi and Rome began to turn up with each other, rapping Meek Mill lyrics to the top of their lungs.

The night continued on with more drinks and blunts flowing with a mix of everyone's favorite songs. Jaela and Fendi had soon left, leaving everyone else to party while Yuri made herself comfortable with sitting in Rome's lap. Rome wouldn't let her move after he slid her over onto his lap and she decided not to protest, knowing that it was his day and he was very cross faded.

"I'm about to get out of here. I will text you tomorrow." Currency told Yuri over the music as she leaned down to her.

Yuri nodded her head as she gave her a hug. "Get home safe."

"Oh, I will" Currency smiled while pulling from the hug.

Yuri gave her an eye as Currency began to walk away. She watched her just to see if Currency walked out of here with a man on her arm. To no surprise, Currency had definitely found her a man to leave the club with, but the surprise was who.

"Mister?" Madam said confused as she looked over at Yuri.

"What is going on?" Yuri said, shocked as well but began to slowly laugh.

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