The Devils Temptation {Bada L...

By InsaneMaker

120K 5.4K 726

{First Book} In where two close friends finally meet again after years. Both ending in a terrible note and fe... More

{ Prologue }
{ Cast }
{ Cycle of life }
{ The Crew Members }
{ I'll show them who the better Kim is }
{Craving her attention}
{Worth so much more}
{More like my girl}
{ Her past }
{Seducing her}
{Mr. Steal Your Girl }
{ Recognition }
{ Class Mission }
{The Annoyed Leader}
{Friends Who Flirt?}
{Filming Class }
{ Can You See My Heart? }
{ A Crush? }
{ Best Friends Again }
{ Leave Me Alone }
{Fear Of Abandonment}
{ Death Match}
{The Start Of Something}
{Pool Party}
{Mega Crew Mission}
{The Struggles}
{ The Unexpected }
{Filming Day}
{We Did It!}
{Old Friendships}
{She's Finally Happy}
{That's My Girl}
{Beach Date}
{The Blonde Era}
{Clingy Girlfriend}
{Cruel Society}
{Harsh Leaders}
{Birthday Date}
{One Big Family}
{Girls Supporting Girls}
{Finally Free}
{Leader; Leah}
{Hwasa Mission}
{No Bad Blood}
{Bada's Past}
{Queens Vs Queens}
{The Devil's Temptation}
{My Second Home}
{My home}
{Practice Before Finals}
{Finals pt.1}
{Important Announcement!}
{Final pt.2}
{The Finals}
{I Still Love Her}
{Second Story!}

{Kpop Challenge}

2K 101 5
By InsaneMaker

The leader of Eternal sat in the hideout room waiting for the filming staff to arrive. She was being intertwined by one of them regarding the show and about her members. She truly didn't understand what the whole purpose of this was? I mean they constantly filmed her with her members. Letting out a small sigh she sat on the chair with her legs spread open. Her back leaned against the couch as her arms crossed over her chest. A bored expression across her face as she stared ahead. The girl zoned out waiting for them to finish setting up. Out of all the days they chose today to ask her questions. Today when she felt like crap and decided to wear the smallest amount of makeup on her face. She wore sweatpants, a black tank top and a black hoodie with her name written on the back. I mean she looked the least presentable today, the day where she didn't want to be filmed at all. She just wanted to hide around her team members to avoid the cameras as much as possible. Her mind kept going to yesterday the interaction she had with Yoon Ah. She still couldn't believe the girl had the audacity to tell her to apologize when she wasn't the one that up and left. Something about the curly haired girl she had learned to discover over time is she loves playing the victim. It didn't matter the situation or person, she always acted like the victim. Like the whole world revolves around her and only her.

As she ran her fingers through her long fluffy soft hair, her eyes glanced at the doorway seeing a group pass by. The corner of her lips turned upwards at the sight of dark brown hair with blonde highlights. The camera man spoke up telling her they were ready to start rolling. One of the staff members closed the door not wanting anyone else to hear. Smiling softly to herself she reached for a pillow placing it on her lap.

"Who is the oldest and youngest member of your group?"

"The oldest member is Ivy. I met her two/three months after Cupcakes disbanded. The youngest is Mina who I met through my younger brother."

"Who are you closest to?"

"Hmm.. I would say Ivy."

"Why did Cupcakes disband? And what was your reaction?"

Leah let out a small sigh as she raised her brows in surprise. She didn't think the questions would start getting intense so quickly. Licking her lips, she thought back to that time. She actually had no idea if she could even talk about the disbandment. There were always contracts with things and it would specify certain things they weren't allowed to talk about.

"I.. I don't know if I can say the reason for it. I personally wasn't too fond of the idea. If anything I was scared of losing my teammates. At the time they were the closest people I considered family."

"Was there a reason why you didn't stay in touch with Bada or Reddy?"

"Uh.. not really. I started to focus on my personal career and we all kind of just drifted apart. We became distant and went our separate ways. I'm not sure what happened between them."

"Have you tried to talk to them about it? Or tried to fix your relationship with them?"

"At first, I wanted to stay as far away from them as possible. Too many memories and unanswered questions. I guess you can say as time went by.. I did make up with one of them.

The brunette girl smiled at the camera at the sole thought of the tall girl. If anything she's thankful that they're friends again. She really had missed her best friend over these past years. Having her back meant the whole world to her.

"Do you favor any of the groups? Do you like a member from a group?"

"I wouldn't necessarily say I favor a group. I happen to grow fond of Bebe, Jam Republic and Tasuba Kill. Even if I am competing against them I can't help but support them and fan over them."

"What is your relationship with Kirsten and Akanen?"

"I meant Kirsten a while back at a dance competition ever since then we've been good friends. For Akanene.. Uhmm. I just happened to meet her but I found her to be lovely." 

"Use five words to describe your members  and tell the viewers at home why they should support Eternal?"

"I would say cute, pretty, beautiful, brave and sexy... Why wouldn't you support Eternal? Like come on bro. We are a group of lovely beautiful independent women. We are a group of many talents including cheerleader, ballerina, gymnastic, contemporary dance and many more.. We are definitely worth it!"

Leah waved at the camera goodbye as she blew a kiss. The staff thanked her as they began picking up some of the equipment. She stood up bowing her head and thanking them. The girl headed outside the room and made her way to the upstairs part of the stage. She leaned against the metal railing staring down at the huge stage. She held a straight face as she zoned out. Although she had passed out early last night due to the amount of intoxication in her body. She had woken up at three in the morning unable to fall back asleep. Her mind kept wandering to the recent events that occurred in her life. In one half of her mind she's happy that she had Bada back in her life. In the other she couldn't help but to think of Yoon Ah and how things ended. Her mind tends to overthink things even the smallest words or interactions that didn't have much meaning to them.  She knew there wasn't any chance of her potentially getting back together with Yoon. Everything that had happened between them was too much for her to deal with. She couldn't.. No she wouldn't allow herself to go through that again. On the other hand she has Bada now. The first girl she ever liked and had feelings for. It was thanks to her that she was able to discover this new side of her.

Both girls were complete opposites. Yoon Ah tends to be more aggressive, she always blamed you for everything and would play the victim. Never once did she try to understand your point of view. Whenever she saw you out with another girl she quickly assumed that you were cheating on her or that she was moving on from her. She would constantly search up your location and would bombard you with questions of where you are. She's the definition of a toxic draining person. Someone you need to stay far away from. The crazy thing is that the curly haired girl wasn't like that at first. She was full of joy and light, making Leah's days better. She always looked forward to seeing the girl. But once she confessed to the girl that her own mother knew about them. It was as if a switch flipped inside her. Everything had changed overnight which terrified the brunette girl.

Then there's Bada.. Her Mar (Ocean). She's always been so sweet and kind, no matter what. She always tended to be there whenever Leah needed someone to hug or just be around with. She would always hug her knowing something was wrong and she never once tried to get her to talk if she didn't want to. The older girl always encouraged her to do her best and give it her all. She's always been the positive joyful one out of all the girls from the group. She always smiled and made people around her laugh. She never made Leah feel excluded and would constantly invite her out. Both girls had grown inseparable, they would spend the night at each other's places. Share food, share clothes and would constantly hold physical touch with each other. Everyone around them assumed they were either good best friends or dating at this point. Even now after ten years of not seeing each other, Bada hasn't changed one bit. I mean apart from her appearance she's still the beautiful kind girl who always made her feel wanted. She was still her best friend no matter what. The thing was.. Nothing bad happened between them. Their friendship didn't end badly. Leah had been the one that walked away from it leaving Bada behind. If the tall girl did end up hating her, she would have accepted her decision. She wouldn't have argued with her because it was her fault.

Letting out a sigh she dropped her head onto her hands feeling her head starting to hurt from all the thoughts consuming her mind. One thing she is sure of is, she would never choose between both girls. She couldn't possibly do that to them. And if it did have to come to that she would make sure to get her priorities straight. The girl lifted her head up at the sound of a staff member handing her her phone. She furrowed her brows in confusion as she told her that her manager has been calling her non-stop. She nodded her head taking the phone.  She answered the phone knowing it was something important. Their manager wasn't the type of person to call. He normally asked to meet in person, send the information via email or text. Whenever he did call it was always an emergency. Placing the phone close to her ear she waited for him to speak. "Leah, have you seen the news?" His voice has always been claiming and relaxing whenever he spoke to the girls. He cared about them like little sisters and has never once treated them harshly. He always kept a mental note of their interests and dislikes. Which is why it was easier for him to work with the girls. They constantly had meetings about their competitions or their next tournament.

"No.. I headed straight to the set for filming. Why?" Her voice was above a whisper. He could hear some rawness to her voice. Almost as if she has been yelling or crying for hours. Running her fingers through her hair she pushed it to the right side away from her face. She turned around leaning her bum against the metal railing staring at the wall in front of her. She wasn't one to spend hours on social media and preferred to just watch movies/tv shows. Unless she was at the dance studio coming up with a new choreography for her team or dance class. "Good, I don't want you to lose focus on the competition. I'll keep it simple, there's been pictures leaked of you and Soo Ah's sister. They're circling the internet, people wanting to know who she is and why you two went out for lunch. It also doesn't help that she posted on her instagram about you." Leah let out a huge sigh, lifting her head up. She closed her eyes in frustration knowing this was bound to happen at some point. That girl never gave up when it came to her. Even when they weren't in touch or talking, she would constantly post on social media about her. Bringing questions and rumors to spread like wildfire. She truly didn't understand what else the girl possibly wanted with her.

The girl nodded her head hearing her manager giving her some words of advice. To stay in her apartment and avoid questions thrown by paparazzi. Although she wasn't a famous idol or actor like her brothers, the media tended to be all over her business. Treating her as if she's some crazy famous known celebrity. Once the phone call had ended she handed her phone back to the staff member. They could rarely have their phones with them. It was a strict policy from the director of the show, they didn't want any distractions at all. Bada laughed out loud at something Lusher had said causing the rest of the girls to laugh. They turned the corner into the stage room, her brown eyes landing on the brunette girl who sat at the top of the staircase. Her brows deeply furrowed as she stared at nothing in particular. Her right leg was shaking as she had completely zoned out. Lost in her own thoughts she hadn't heard the group of girls approaching her. All the girls walked around her and not even their footsteps let alone present caused her to glance up. The leader of Bebe took a seat next to the girl holding a cold coffee in her ring hand. She spread her legs wide open as her eyes landed on the distracted girl. "What's wrong?" Her soft soothing voice brought her back to her senses. She blinked a few times, turning to look at the girl who offered her a kind smile.

"What do I do?" She sincerely asked the girl wanting to know her opinion. She always went to Bada when she needed advice on certain things. The girl sitting next to her raised her brows in surprise, she tilted her head to the side getting a better view of the girl. Leah lifted her legs closer to her, placing her elbows on her knees as she looked down at the rings on her fingers. "When I went to eat lunch with Soo Ah, yesterday. She failed to mention her sister would be there. I'll give you the details later but we talked and she had the audacity to ask me when I was going to apologize to her. Now it's all over social media because she posted something about me." She let out an emotional chuckle. The girl always laughed, she laughed when she felt awkward, uncomfortable, frustrated, angry, upset and even when she was on the verge of breaking down. The brunette girl smacked herself on the forehead wanting nothing else than her mind to stop thinking. Bada removed her hands from her head and instead placed the cold coffee in between her hands. This caused the girl's eyes to light up, her eyes reading over the ingredients on the side seeing an ice white chocolate mocha with an extra pump of regular mocha. An excited squeal left her lips as she held the cold coffee carefully. A small pout on her lips as her eyes became doe. "Yah, you really are my best friend." Bada smiled brightly as Leah didn't hesitate to engulf her into a tight embrace.

The older girl rubbed her small back making sure she didn't fall off the stairs. She knew how the smallest things always made Leah happy. It's just the thought that counts for her, that truly made her day brighten up. The rest of the group watched the girls carefully. Tatter secretly pulled her phone out and took pictures of them. She made sure no one was around knowing the staff would take her phone away. "And about your situation, don't worry too much about it. I'm sure it will pass once they realize that she's Soo Ah's sister. After all, they can't keep spreading rumors when you spend most of your days here filming." Leah pulled away from the hug taking a sip from the coffee. A smile spread across her face realizing how Bada even remembered she hated whip cream on her coffee. When they started hearing more people approaching the stage they decided it was best to head down stairs.

Tatter attacked the brunette girl into a hug causing her to giggle. Her arms instantly wrapped around the younger girl. Her right hand landed on the back of her head as they rocked side to side. The next person she hugged was Kyma and ended with Lusher. She waved goodbye to them seeing her group coming down the stairs. The girl got dragged by Mina who hugged her and made her start walking backwards. Ivy on the other side made sure Leah didn't trip on her feet.

"Your survival will depend on this next mission. After this mission, the very first crew will be eliminated from Street Woman Fighter 2." Leah lifted up her head in surprise. She didn't think it would come so soon to choosing a team to be eliminated. Mina who sat next to the leader moved closer to the girl feeling slightly anxious. The brunette girl wrapped her arm around the younger girl as they continued to listen to Daniel talk. "This next mission will determine the forest crew to get eliminated. It's called the K-pop deathmatch mission. The major four entertainment agencies in Korea popularized the performances of Korean artists all over the world. And you will perform songs from these agencies to battle it out." Leah smirked at the sight of Stray Kidz and Itzy appearing on the monitor. Now this truly is a mission to be excited for. This was one of her greatest strengths and she would make sure to show the world. People screamed in excitement. Some even mimicked the dance moves from Stray Kidz.

"I haven't been this excited since the moment we stepped into this set. I gotta say I'm super confident with this challenge."

"The crews that chose the same entertainment agency will battle it out one on one. One crew will come out as a winner and the other as a loser. It will be advantageous for you to compete against the crew you have a shot at beating.


The girls of Eternal all gathered around the black board, Ivy had written down the name of each company. They wanted to discuss this and go over it thoroughly, most of them already knew what Leah's choice would be. I mean it was pretty obvious but not enough where the other groups could tell. "I think we should go with either JYP or HYBE. I mean our style is a mixture between female and male energy." The raven haired girl was the first to speak. Yujin nodded her head agreeing with the older girl. Their duality was insane. It's something that always intimidates and threatens other groups. Mina glanced at Leah seeing how deeply furrowed her brows had become. She didn't miss how she squinted her eyes looking at both company names. She could tell something was running through her mind as she remained silent. "I agree but I think we could pull HYBE better. I mean we could always use duality, start girly and then shift to male energy? I mean we all have the skills and power to pop off." Miyeon stood up from her seat pointing at the black board. The leader of the group nodded her head. She wanted to hear them out before making a decision together.

"What do you think Mina?" The girl spoke up causing the rest of the girls to look at the younger girl. The red headed girl took a nervous breath in. She glanced at the board trying to think strategically. She wasn't that experienced with choreography. The whole reason she joined the group was because of Leah. So situations like these always made her anxious. Her legs shook as she thought for a long hard second of what to say or which group to pick. "Umm.. I lean more with JYP. I think unnie has more experience with making choreographies for them and they're style. I feel as long as we can enhance that into the choreographies we can win this." All the girls nodded their heads. They continued to discuss what would be the best option. Especially when it came to choreo's and strategic reasons. Leah spoke here and there wanting to get a good idea of where her teammates were at. She wanted to know their dislikes and likes when it came to this competition. She didn't want to force them to do something they didn't wish to.

The monitor lit up telling them to head downstairs and choose the company. Leah and Ivy went together leaving the younger girls behind. The leader of Eternal couldn't help but feel slightly anxious. Ivy noticed it and she intertwined their hands together. She could feel how cold they had gotten and how they shook with nervousness. Both girls headed down stairs hearing how everyone in each room went silent. Both girls glanced at each other with smiles on their faces. They headed to the room they knew they would succeed in. The door opened revealing both girls and the other groups couldn't help but gasp in shock. Lia rolled her eyes in annoyance knowing how much more complicated things would get. Bada bit her lower lip at the sight of the short girl. Leah smirked seeing how much of an impact the sight of her had on people. She confidently walked into the room as Ivy threw an arm around her shoulder. Her blue green eyes landed on the one singular empty chair. She gestured for the older girl to take a seat. The raven haired girl took a seat, her right hand still intertwined with Leah. She stood next to her face changing into a poker face. Her eyes landed on Lia who chuckled staring at her, the brunette girl's eyes traveled down her body not feeling the slightest intimate by her.

"Of the four crews, only two crews can face each other. The crews will fight each other using the song to determine which three crews will ultimately face off." Ivy nodded her head, her eyes glance up at the leader of her group. She could see how far she had gotten over the next few minutes of just being in the room. She couldn't see any signs of worry across her face. The girl tugged on her hand making her look down at her. She raised a brow in surprise wondering what the older girl had to say. She placed her hand behind her chair as her eyes focused on the staff member. "We'll give you thirty seconds of music to battle with. Create a choreography you can defend and win with." All the groups nodded. Most of the girls glance at the two girls from Eternal. Leah nodded her head with a small smile on her face. She knew she could do it. She's been making choreographies for years. The only trouble would be remaking a new choreography to dances she's already made. She's been working with JYP ever since her brother debuted. She wasn't thankful to JYP and she didn't offer to help because of him. She did it because of her brother. Bang Chan had been the one to convince her and JYP.  Ivy gestures to the brunette girl to lean down. Leah leaned down without a hesitation, her hear coming near the older girl's lips. "Do they even stand a chance against us? You literally choreographed all the dances for JYP." She whispered into her ear, making the leader smirk. The brunette girl shrugged her shoulder as her eyes shifted to all the girls staring at them.

The leader of Eternal stood in an empty room all by herself. She stared at the mirror in front of her as she played the Not Shy by Itzy. She knew this would be a challenge but never imagined it would be this difficult. She had been the one to come up with both choreography. Now she needed to come up with a whole new one. The rest of the girls had gone out to go buy lunch leaving her to get a head start on coming up with something. She bit her lower lip as she listened to the song. She thought back to when she first came up with the choreo. She had to change many parts of the dance feeling as it didn't fit the concept. So she started there, she redance the two other choreography she had done for Not Shy. She went from there coming up with something. It was more of a rough draft but it was something. She placed her phone on the ground recording the choreo in case she forgot it. Although Leah had the girls to lean on when it came to creating a choreo she liked to be left alone. She processes things differently and more inspiration appear to her whenever she watched herself dance.

The dance and the concept of the song was all girly and more feminine. Something she set her mind on and applied to the dance moves. Her long hair stuck to her neck as she started to sweat more. It didn't bother her, she knew part of this career was the amount of dancing and sweating. That's something she would never mind. It actually helped her stay fit and shape. After two hours of intense choreography she allowed her body to fall onto the ground. She had asked the girls not to come into the room unless she said otherwise. She really needed to focus and allow mind to flow. The girl finally felt accomplished with the first half of the song. She asked the girls to come down, in which they did and they brought her food. Leah showed them the choreography as she continued to explain that she ate her now cold salad. The salad wasn't healthy for sure. She liked to add things onto it making it less healthy. She actually hated healthy things. The only thing closest to healthy she ate was fruit. Once she showed them the formation and the choreo. She sat in front of the mirror eating her food while watching them dance. "Miyeon pop your chest more!"

Her eyes wandered around to the girls. "Ivy apply more power on the hips!" She covered her mouth each time she screamed. Although the girls have been dancing for five years now having Leah and Ivy both lead the group. They still couldn't help but feel intimidated and nervous whenever her green blue eyes watched them dance. It wasn't because they feared her, mostly because they didn't want to disappoint her at all. Once the leader finished her food she told them to keep practicing the choreo as she went to make the other half. The girls stayed almost all night at the set practicing until they almost felt like the choreography was perfect. Leah started calling their names one by one, telling them they could go home. The last one to stay behind was Mina, she had a pout on her face as she stared at the older girl. Leah stood up from her seat making her way to the red headed girl. "It's okay. I'll focus more on you now that it's just the two of us." The younger girl nodded her head.

She only kept Mina for another hour before sending her home. She's the last one from her team still practicing the choreography. She hated being a perfectionist but she wanted to look perfect while doing it. She continued to practice the dance ignoring the terrible pain on her shoulder blades. The girl had stayed up all night practicing. She didn't get a wink of sleep at all. She only left the building to go home, shower and change clothes.

Arriving back to the set she met up with her team which only had two to three hours of sleep. They arrived two hours early to set, wanting to get more practice in. Now with the whole group here they didn't waste time to start practicing. All of them were wearing matching outfits as they danced. As they danced Leah stopped in her place tilting her head to the side. Her face changed into confusion and annoyance.. "Hold on, what are you two doing?" The girl approached Mina and Miyeon who had switched positions all of the sudden. The leader crossed her arms over her chest, staring them down waiting for an answer. Both younger girls gulped looking at one another. They weren't unsure of what to say or how to explain it to the girl. Ivy on the other hand let out a small huff as she grabbed her water bottle. "We thought it would be best to switch since.." Miyeon spoke but Leah talked over her.

"Says who? Because this was never brought to my attention. I made this choreography and placed you guys in places I knew you would succeed in. Go back to the regular formation. Let's start from the beginning." Both girls nodded their heads scared of saying anything else. They continued to practice with the brunette girl watching them like a hawk. Yujin noticed how the girl let out a sigh of frustration as she rolled her head making her neck pop. As they practice as a group one last time Leah pitches the bridge of her nose because Miyeon had accidentally stepped on her foot. She also wasn't on the right spot either. "Let's just stop." Is all she could say. She grabbed her water bottle exiting the room in search of fresh air.

-This chapter is a bit shorter than the rest. I'm currently writing the next one but I hope you guys still like it nonetheless. Hope you guys have or had a great day! -Luv Lizzie <3

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