Daughter of the Dragon King

By WolfQueen1978

146 18 68

Ever since Elenor was born after her Mother passed away, Her life has been happy as She lived her life with h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - The Gathering
Chapter 3.
Cruel North
Chapter 4
King Akvhi
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Tarfin's Punishment
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
30 Years ago Carshi Fortress
Chapter 13
Character Profile - Drecun
Chapter 14
Character Profile Rosenia
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Part 1/2
Chapter 21 part 2/2

Chapter 16

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By WolfQueen1978

(Warning Sensitive topic of Rape in this chapter, Skip if You do not wish to read it.)

Upon reaching her room Elenor began to treat Torin's small injuries He received during his beating. Torin hissed a bit in pain as She started to clean his small cuts on his ribcage.

Elenor apologised to him and Torin said to her. "You don't have to do this, I can treat these myself..." Elenor looks at him and said with a sad look in her eyes.

"Its fine, I want to treat Your injuries... Because its my fault that You got hurt in the first place..." Torin looks at her and said with a calm look on his face.

"Its not my first time getting beaten up like that... Besides, I didn't want Tarwin to assault You like that..."

Elenor stopped and took notice of the look in his eyes and said. "Torin... You know how it feels don't You?"

Torin gave her a nod as He told her. "Yes... It happened to me a few years ago and... It was the worst things that could happen to me..."

Elenor looks at him and said with a concerned look on her face. "Torin, I am so sorry that happened to You..."

Torin has a sad look on his face as He thought about what happened to him and said. "I still think about it every day and I cant stop thinking about it... The way He... I was so helpless to do anything to stop him and..."

He then started crying and Elenor began to comfort him. He cried for a few minutes before He stopped and said between sobs.

"I couldn't do anything to stop him... I feel so ashamed of myself to let that happen... If My Father and Brothers found out what happened to me... They would hate me..."

Elenor looks at him and said with a comforting tone in her voice. "Torin, They will not hate You for something so horrible happening to You.

I do not hate You and what happened to You is not Your fault. And that bastard that did it to You is a sick pice of shit that deserves the worst punishment."

Torin looks at her and said. "I... I... Thank You for the kind words... I haven't talked about this to anyone... I just kept it to myself because I was so scared of what might happen to me if I told anyone..."

Elenor gave him a comforting smile as She told him. "Nothing bad will happen to You, I wont let it happen You have my word as Your friend..."

Torin were surprised to hear this and looks at her for a few seconds as a tear ran down his face. Then He looked out the window and looked at the setting sun and told her.

"Its getting late, I should get back to my room..." Elenor looks at him and said with a gentle tone in her voice. "You sure? You can stay here with me until tomorrow morning..."

Torin gave her a small smile as He told her. "Its fine... I don't want to be a bother and I don't want to share a room with a married woman..."

Elenor understood and said to him. "I understand, be careful on Your way back and if You wish to talk, My door is always open..."

Torin gave her a nod and bid her a good night before leaving her room. He then let out a small sigh and started to make his way to Akvhi's bedroom.

When He reached his door He knocked and entered the large bedroom. Akvhi were standing by his desk looking over some papers as He said to him.

"I see that You have finally arrived, what information have You gathered about my Daughter." Torin were silent for a few seconds before saying to him.

"N-Nothing interesting... She just talked about her dragon family..." Akvhi let out a little sigh as He told her. "Again? She didn't say anything about herself that is interesting?"

Torin Shaked him telling him no while keeping the information about her liking books a secret. Akvhi looks at him and said with a calm expression on his face.

"You better find something interesting about her tomorrow, and I will ignore that little incident that happened with Commander Tarwin.

You're dismissed..." Akvhi looked back to his papers as Torin stood still for a minute before saying to him. "Your Majesty... I been thinking and... I don't think its wrong that You treat Elenor like this..."

Akvhi looks up from his papers and said to him with a bit of anger in his face. "What did You just say?"

Torin looks at Akvhi and told him. "I just said that Its wrong what You are doing to Elenor... Its even worst what Tawrin did to her and... I do not want to be part of Your scemes anymore..."

Akvhi looks at him with a look of anger on his face and told him. "When did You become so brave, Mutt? Have You forgotten where Your fucking place? Go do Your job or I will have You punished..."

Torin thought about what Elenor told him before He left and told him. "No... I wont, I told You that I am done..."

Akvhi has a look of fury on his face as He called the guards. The guards entered inside and grabbed Torin by the arms and forced him on his knees.

Akvhi went over to him and said with a serious look on his face. "It would appear that You have forgotten how to obay my orders, while You were spending time with my daughter.

It looks like You have to be reminded of what happens when You disobey orders..." He then ordered his guards to take him out to the courtyard and have every slave and servant gathered.

Torin got dragged out of the room and had a fearful look on his face. Meanwhile Elenor was getting ready for bed and heard shouting out in the hall.

She went to see the shouting was about and heard a man say to the servants. "You three, to the courtyard now! An order from his majesty."

Elenor went over to the guard and said. "What's going on?" The guard looks at her and said. "Go back to Your chambers, its none of Your concearns..."

Elenor looks at him for a few seconds before She started running to the courtyard. The guard shouted at her to come back but She didn't listen and She kept on running.

When She reached the courtyard She saw the servants and the slaves gathered by the wooden platform. And on top of that platform is Torin who has his hands tied behind his back as He is held by two guards.

On the right side of the stage stands the commanders who has a stoic expression on their faces. Except for Tarwin who has a little smirk on his face as He is about to see Torin get what's coming to him.

Standing by the wooden pole Akvhi who does not look happy as He starts addressing his servants. "Tonight, The Mutt who has decided to not be a obedient little dog that He is.

And will be facing the consequences of not listening to what his Master's orders. To show what happens when You do not know Your place in my Kingdom!"

Elenor has a fearful look on her face hearing him say this as Akvhi continued on with his speech. " As Punishment for disobeying a direct order, He will receive 500 lashes. If any of You will rather take his place and receive his punishment, Be my guest for no mercy will be given to You either..."

Elenor took notice that no one dared to step forth and stand up to Torin. She turned back to Torin and saw the fearful look on his face and didn't want him to suffer.

So She took a deep breath and said with a serious look on her face. "I take his Punishment!" Everyone turned their attention to her as Akvhi looks at her and said with a serious look on his face.

"Why the hell is She out of her room? Guards take her back to her room and make sure that She stays there..."

One of the guards went over to her and grabbed her by the arm. But Elenor pulled her arm off his grip and said to Akvhi.

"I am not leaving and I am taking his Place and receive the Punishment!" Torin looks at Elenor and said with a fearful look on his face.

"Elenor No! You don't have to do this! I forget about me I be..." One of the guards that's holding him punched him in the stomach and told him to be quiet.

Akvhi let out a small chuckle as He told her. "You want to receive his punishment, That's funny. Now get back to Your room and..."

Elenor looks at him and said. "I'm serious, I'm taking his punishment..." Akvhi saw that She was serious and told her with a serious look on his face.

"If You truly wish to take his punishment then come up here, But remember You wont be shown any mercy..."

Elenor then started to walk towards the platform and walked up the small steps. Torin looks at her and said with a pleading look on his face.

"Please don't do this, I don't want to see You get hurt!" Elenor looks at him and said with a gentle smile on her face.

"I don't want to see You get hurt either, I am fine with taking Your place with this..." She then went over to the wooden pole and let the guards shackle her to it.

Tarwin went over to her and said as He whispered into her ear. "You can back out right now, there's no shame in it... besides, I don't want to see that beautiful skin of You be damaged..."

Elenor gave him a angry look before She kicked him in the groin and told him. "In Your dreams... Pig..."

Tarwin held his groin in pain before He went back to stand with the other commanders. Serenity has a little smirk on her face seeing her fellow commander in pain as He doesn't like him very much.

The executioner went behind Elenor and tore the back of her nightgown. He then took a few steps back before He started to whip her.

Elenor prevented herself form screaming as the executioner gave her lash after lash. Her blood spilling everywhere on the wooden boards as people watched on in horror as Torin screamed at him to stop hurting her.

Akvhi ignored his pleas as He watched his daughter's suffering with a stoic expression on his face. When the executioner finished giving her 500 lashes Elenor's back is full of deep wounds as her ribs is slightly exposed.

Blood flows down her back and stained her white nightgown. One of the servants started to vomit after seeing the horrible sight.

Akvhi turned to look at Torin and said to him. "You're lucky She took Your punishment, or else I would have enjoyed hearing Your screams of pain again..."

He then turned to his guards and ordered them to unshackle her. The guards took the shackles off while one of the guards untied the ropes around Torin's wrists.

Elenor let out a few breaths before her legs gave away and Torin quickly caught her. Elenor looked up at him and gave him a small smile before She lost consciousness.

Torin called out her name and tried to shake her awake before carrying her to the infirmary. Upon reaching the infirmary He handed her to the healers and let them treat her injury.

He looked down at his hands covered in her blood as He began to feel guilty. Guilty for letting this happen to her and scolded himself for what He did.

Once the healers were done treating her Torin stayed by her side. To make sure that She's okay and wished that She would wake up soon.

Meanwhile Drecun and the others has made camp for the night. And Arsen went outside the camp to take a pee in peace.

When He got to a place with a small river He unbuckled his pants. And began to pee on a tree with a calm expression on his face.

As He kept peeing someone snuck up behind him and held a dagger to his throat. He let out a small sigh and told the person behind him with a serious look on his face.

"You know, its very rude to interrupt a man while He is doing his business..." The person behind him spoke with a voice that sounded like they were either 14 or 17 years old saying.

"The only rude thing I see is You, Now put Your hands behind on Your back or I cut Your throat..." Arsen has a serious tone in his voice as He told the person.

"I am not letting You tie my hands behind my back while my cock is out. Put down Your blade or I rip off Your arm..."

The person chuckled a little then said. "I am not putting down my blade for a bastard like..." Before they could finish their sentence Arsen quickly elbowed them in the guts.

And grabbed the dagger out of their hand before pinning them to the ground with his foot. He looked at the person and it turned out to be a young girl who wears a black bandana around her neck.

Arsen looks at the young girl and said to her as He buckled his belt. "A child? Now why the hell are You all the way out here trying to cut my throat?"

The girl tried to get out of his grip He has on her as She told him. "I am not telling You shit! You have to kill me while You have my comrades! You fucking servant of Akvhi!"

Arsen looks at her and said with a confused expression on his face. "What are You talking about, I am not..."

Before He could finish his sentence a man in his 30s came out of the bushes and went to attack him. Arsen quickly dodged his attack and drew his sword and began to fight back.

The man managed to cut Arsen in the arm before He got kicked to the tree. Arsen ignored his small cut as the man slowly got back on his feet.

It was at that moment the girl decided to attack Arsen and let out an angry scream. Arsen dodged her and grabbed her arm and put it behind her back.

The girl struggled to get out of his strong grip as the man screamed at him to let her go. Arsen looked at the man as He said to the two of them.

"Listen, I am not Your enemy here and I am not one of Akvhi's soldiers..." The girl looks at him and said with a look of fury on her face.

"You think We believe Your lies!?! Now unhand me right now or else!" Before She could finish her sentence Duncan had arrived and said with a look of concern on his face.

"Arsen! I heard shouting are You..." He stopped mid sentence when He saw the sight before him as the man got his sword ready.

Duncan looked at the man and the girl then turned to look at Arsen to say. "Arsen... Who are those new friends of Yours?"

Arsen looks at him and said. "That's what I wanted to know, since the girl here decided to ambush me while I was pissing. And believes that I am working with the man that stole my Wife..."

The man gave him a confused look as He said to him. "Wait, You don't serve Akvhi?" Arsen looks at him and said with a sarcastic tone in his voice.

"No I serve the snow queen, of course I don't serve that bastard! That's what I been trying to tell Your girl here before You attacked me!

Now tell me who the hell You two are!" The man looks at Arsen and said with a calm look on his face.

"I'm Altir, and the girl You're holding hostage there is Felish. And We are with the rebellion..." Duncan gave him a curious look as He asked Altir.

"Rebellion? So You and Your group is fighting against Akvhi the conqueror?" Altir looks at him and said with the same expression on his face.

"Yes, We are fighting to reclaim the homes and people that were taken from us." He then turned to look at Arsen and said to him.

"And You mentioned that Your wife was taken?" Arsen gave him a nod as He told him. "Yes, She was kidnapped by one of his men a few days ago and We are here to get her back.

Now why don't You put down Your blade so We can talk more about this at our camp?" Altir looks at him and said with a serious look on his face.

"Only if You let go of Felish..." Arsen looks at him and said before letting Felish go. "Fine, I let her go..."

Altir looked at him for a few seconds before putting his sword away and said. "Show us the way to Your camp..."

Arsen gave him a nod and gave Felish her dagger back as She said to him. "Sorry that I ambushed You with Your cock out and everything..."

Arsen looks at her and said as they started walking to their camp. "Its fine, not the first time someone has snuck up behind me.

But never have I had a young woman like Yourself sneak up on me like that..." Felish looks at him and said. "Well I guess it wont happen again... What do We call You and mister red flaming here?"

Arsen looks at her and said. "I'm Arsen of Savath, and this is my Brother-In-Law, Prince Duncan. He is heir to the throne and future King of Fireland."

Duncan looked at Altir and Felish and said with a friendly smile. "It's a pleasure to meet You two." When they reached their camp Drecun came out of his tent and took notice of the new commers.

He looked at his son and son-in-law and said. "Duncan, Arsen what is the meaning of this? Who are these two?"

Duncan looked at his father and said. "Father, this is Altir and Felish. They are working with a rebellion that is fighting against Akvhi."

Drecun looked at Altir and said to him. "Is it true?" Altir bowed his head and told him with a serious look on his face.

"Yes, Me and my friend here were patrolling when We came across Arsen here. We thought He was working with Akvhi and We didn't know He was with You..."

He then turned to look at Arsen and said. "We do apologize for that by the way." Drecun has a curious look on his face and said.

"Is that so? Who is the leader of this rebellion of Yours?" Felish looks at him and said with a serious tone in her voice.

"Our Leader is Jack Bloodstorm and Your little foot soldier here told us that Akvhi has kidnapped his wife..."

Drecun gave her a nod and said. "Yes, My Daughter was taken from us and We wish to have her returned. We are on our way to take her back from Akvhi's grasps..."

Altir looks at him and said. "If You intend to travel all the way to Akvhi's castle then Your little rescue mission is a failure."

Selenia looks at him and said with a serious look on her face. "What do You mean by that?" Altir looks at her and said with a serious look on his face.

"Akvhi has doubled his defences on his Castle and has cannons strong enough to break a troll's skull open. And no one can get in or out without being detected by his guards and hounds..."

Carden looks at him and said. "Those defences will not stop us dragon bloods from getting our Sister, especially when they are faced with 200 dragon fire..."

Drecun gave his son a disapproving look as Altir looks at him and said. "Good luck with trying to breathe Your fire on the castle, its impossible to get close to that castle without being shot by their cannons..."

Sally has a sad look on her face as She said to him. "But... How do We get our Sister back? We cant just leave her..."

Felish saw the girl's sad expression and thought for a second before looking at the Dragon King and said. "What if You went to speak with our leader? Jack can probably help You find a way to get the one that was taken from You."

Altir looks at her and said with a disapproving tone in his voice. "Felish... No..." Drecun looks at the girl and said.

"How do we know that You wont try to murder me as soon as I step into Your camp?" Felish looks at him and said with a serious look on her face.

"And face the wrath of the Dragon King? We have heard the tale of how You burned down Carshi Fortress. And You have our word that there wont be an attempt to take Your life, King Drecun..."

Drecun looks at the girl for a few seconds before saying to her. "Very well, I will go see Your leader." Everyone became very surprised to hear this as Felish said to him. "Really? You go see him?"

Drecun gave her a nod as He told her. "Yes, go tell Your leader that I be seeing him personally in his camp tomorrow morning.

But if You try anything against me or my family..." Felish gave him a nod as She told him with a small smile. "We wont, I cross my heart on that... Meet us by the river and we take You back to our camp."

Altir looks at Felish for a few seconds before He left the camp with her. One of Drecun's men looks at him and said with a wary look on his face.

"You sure its wise to trust them? They might try to attack You as soon as You step foot into their camp..." Drecun looks at him and said with a serious look on his face.

"I don't think they have any desire to attack me, if they did then they wouldn't be alive right now... Besides, I am very curious about this rebel leader..."

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