Daughter of the Dragon King

By WolfQueen1978

146 18 68

Ever since Elenor was born after her Mother passed away, Her life has been happy as She lived her life with h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - The Gathering
Chapter 3.
Cruel North
Chapter 4
King Akvhi
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Tarfin's Punishment
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
30 Years ago Carshi Fortress
Chapter 13
Character Profile - Drecun
Chapter 14
Character Profile Rosenia
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Part 1/2
Chapter 21 part 2/2

Chapter 8

6 1 4
By WolfQueen1978

Three days had passed since the incident as everyone quickly found out what had transpired in the dungeon.

Elenor would hear people gossiping about her being Akvhi's daughter. And some would even tease her about it while others showed her kindness.

She got support from both her lover and her siblings as all of this was happening. And as expected Drecun came to the Palace as soon as He heard what happened.

And went to the Palace check if Elenor was alright. As soon as He entered into the Palace and found Elenor sitting in the large gazebo.

She was looking at the red roses in the vase with a thoughtful expression on her face. Drecun walked over to her and said with a calm gentle tone in his voice.

"What is on Your mind, my child?" Elenor became a bit startled upon hearing her foster father's voice and turned to look at him.

She got up from her chair and said to him. "Father, I expected You would come sooner or later..." Drecun looks at her and said with a gentle smile on his face.

"I came as soon as I heard what had happened, Are You alright?" Elenor looks at him and said with a bit of a sad expression on her face.

"No... Things have been... A bit hard for me since that man tried to take me..." She let out a small sigh and said to him.

"It still feels strange to know who my blood father is... A part of me still believes that is a lie and the other half believes it...

I honesty do not know what to feel about it anymore..." Drecun looks at her and said to her as He sat down by the table with her.

"I understand that You feel conflicted with this... You need to calm Your mind and not focus too much on this..."

Elenor looks at him and said. "I know... But I cant stop thinking about it... Especially when people start spreading rumors about what happened that night..."

Drecun has a curious expression on his face and said. "Rumors? What rumors?" Elenor looks at him and said. "One of the girls here have been spreading rumors that the man that violated me...

But He did none of that except strangle me and try to..." Drecun curled his hand into a fist upon hearing this and said.

"Squawking hens the lot of them for spreading such lies..." Elenor looks at him and said. "I know, but luckily most the people here do not believe those rumors.

Neither did Arsen for He supported and comforted me, like Duncan and Rayena did..." Drecun looks at her and said with a curious look on his face. "I'm glad to hear that, and that You have such wonderful people looking out for You... including Your old man..."

Elenor has a little smile on her face as She told him. "And I'm grateful for it, As I am grateful to You for the things You have done for me..."

Drecun gave her a small smile as He told her. "That's the sweetest and kindest thing You ever said, Daughter... I am glad to have You as my daughter..."

Elenor looked at him with a small smile but that smile quickly faded when She saw the look in his eyes. He had a thoughtful expression in his eyes that told her that something was wrong.

She looked at him and said with concern in her voice. "Father, What's wrong?" Drecun let out a small sigh and said to her.

"I want to inform You about, It's the second reason why I came here in the first place..." Elenor has a curious look on her face as She asked him.

"What is it?" Drecun let out another sigh as He told her. "The other Lords and Ladies of the clans has caught wind of what happened to You...

And they wish to have a meeting regarding You..." Elenor has a surprised expression on her face upon hearing this and said.

"Where is the meeting going to take place?" Drecun looks at her and said. "At the old Verdinian Temple... I'm going to meet up there in two days from now..."

Elenor looks at her and said to her. "And You want me to attend the meeting as well?" Drecun gave her a nod as He told her.

"Yes, So You can have a chance to defend Yourself and have a say in this matter... You have the choice of not attending the meeting as well.

What ever You chose is up to You..." Elenor thought about it for a second before giving him her answer. "I will attend the meeting, only if Arsen is also allowed to join as well..."

Drecun looks at her and said with a small smile. "Of course... And I will see You in two days time..." Before leaving He gave Elenor a gentle kiss on the head and told her that He love her.

And Elenor sat in the garden until She went to tell Arsen about the meeting. And two days later they left for the temple to attend the meeting.

Elenor sat on Arsen's back as He was flying in the sky in his dragon form. He sensed that Elenor was nervous about the meeting.

And He didn't know what to say or do to make her feel better. Once they reached the large temple in the middle of an open field.

Arsen landed gracefully by the steps of the temple and let out a loud roar. Elenor climbed down from his back and waited for him to transform back to his human.

Arsen looked at her with a comforting smile before the two of them descended up the stairs. And when they reached the top of the stairs and entered through the large metal doors.

The Lords and Ladies of the clans turned their attention to the young couple as they entered inside. The nuns of the temple closed the doors as Lord Oskin Darkvin said.

"Looks like the daughter of the conqueror has finally arrived." Arsen looks at Oskin and said with a serious expression on his face.

"Call my Fiancè that again and I tear out Your tongue..." Lord Aldathi Savath looks at Arsen and said with a bit of warning in his voice.

"Arsen..." Elenor went to sit next to Drecun as Arsen said to Aldathi. "What? Cant I defend my Fiancè from people who call her ill things?"

Lady Sarena Velin has a smile on her face as her husband Lord Terrin Said to Lord Darkvin and Arsen. "Are You two done with defending a Lady's honor? Or are we going to start talk about what We are really here for?"

Arsen looks at Terrin for a few seconds before going to stand next to Elenor. Drecun looks at each of the Lords and Ladies as He began to speak.

"As all of You are well aware, My adoptive daughter, Princess Elenor Fireheart. Is the daughter of Akvhi the Conqueror and the recent kidnapping attempt on the Princess...

I have a strong suspicion that He might try again to capture Elenor, And have her brought back to his Kingdom."

Lord Saldna Alnar looks at him and said. "If You have a strong suspicion if the conqueror wish to make another kidnapping attempt.

Why not hand the girl over to him? He is of his blood after all..." Elenor looks at him and said. "If You wish to have me handed to a man who has conquered and enslaved thousands of innocent people,

Then You are surely mistaken for I will not be in the hands of such a heartless man..." Lady Yumiko Tanver looks at him and said as She combed her long black beautiful hair.

"She's right, being handed to such a cruel man is a death sentence in my eyes. I advice that We find another solution that doesn't have to be that kind of fate..."

Lady Isina Frost looks at her and said. "What other solution do You surggest that might help the girl in this situation?

That cold hearted bastard will not stop at nothing until He gets what He want, You and everyone in this room know that..."

Lady Otina Darkvin looks at her and said. "The only way to get that bastard off our backs is to send him a clear message, like We did 30 years ago..."

Drecun has a serious expression on his face as He told Otina. "I will not go and have his entire Castle burned along with innocent people..."

Lord Oskin looks at him and said. "Oh really? You didn't say that when You and Your Queen burned down Carshi Fortress..."

Drecun looks at him and said with an angry look in his eyes. "We do not speak of Carshi Fortress..." Oskin looks at him and said with a sarcastic tone in his voice.

"Oh sure, We do not talk about that place or those bastards that got burned alive along with it. The reason why You and Your wife did it was because of what they did to Anja..."

Drecun got up from this chair and said with an angry tone in his voice as blue flames came out of his mouth.

"Do not speak of the men that took Anja's life! If You say one more thing about that then You will surely regret it Lord Darkvin!!"

Darkvin had a bit of a fearful look in his eyes as He looked at Drecun's look of fury. A fury He had 30 years ago that burned with so much anger.

Rosenia gently placed a hand on her husband's shoulder. Drecun saw the look on his Wife's face that told him to calm down.

He let out a small sigh and turned his attention back to the Lords and Ladies. "Pardon my little outburst, Going with such measures is too extreme and it will only cause more harm than good..."

Lord Hanshi Tanver looks at him and said. "I agree with You, Your majesty. But what other solution do We have?"

Lady Priena Alnar looks at him and said. "Why not have her disguise herself as one of the working girls at the brothel?

The Ladies there are quite skilled with a blade and isn't afraid to take a life when it comes to it." Lady Otina looks at him and said with a sarcastic tone of voice.

"Sure, have pretend to be a whore that is a great idea until one of his men finds her and tries to take her..."

Lady Yumiko looks at the Lords and Ladies and said with a smile. "Why not have her and Arsen married?"

Everyone was surprised to hear her say this as Lord Aldathi said to her. "Have You completely lost Your mind Woman?!

Having the two of them married before the one year mark is outrageous!" Yumiko looks at him and said.

"I know that breaks tradition and our way of doing things, but this is a different situation. And having Elenor married to Arsen this early will give her protection.

And Akvhi wouldn't dare try to steal a Dragon's wife as long as they live..." Lord Inkthi Frost looked at the others and said.

"She's right, having Elenor married to Sir Arsen earlier will keep her safe from him. And We all know how Humans are afraid of us Dragon Bloods..."

Lord Darkvin looks at him and said. "Even if they are married, He will still try to take her." Arsen looks at him and said with a serious tone in his voice.

"If He try, I burn every man or woman He sends to try to take her..." Oskin looks at him and said with a small smile.

"Are You sure about that? You wernt there to protect her from being almost kidnapped, and I doubt that She will..."

Elenor looks at the Lords and Ladies and told them. "I accept..." Everyone was surprised to hear her say this as Rosenia looks at her and says.

"Elenor, honey, Are You sure about this?" Elenor looks at her adoptive mother and said. "Yes, I am sure about this Mother. I rather turn to this solution than being taken away from all of You.

For I love and cherish everyone in his realm and I am proud to be its Princess..." Drecun turns to look at Arsen and says to him with a serious look on his face.

"Do You also accept, Arsen of Savath?" Arsen were silent for a second before saying to everyone present.

" I also accept, for I wish to keep my beloved safe from harm and ending up in that bastards hands..."

Drecun saw that He was serious about what He just told everyone. He then turned to look at everyone and said.

"Does anyone oppose this decision?" Everyone was silent as they did not object this decision. Lord Oskin wanted to object but He was afraid to make his King angry again.

Drecun looked at everyone before saying. "Then it is decided that Princess Elenor of House Fireheart and Arsen of Savath shall marry in a months time..."

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