Daughter of the Dragon King

By WolfQueen1978

146 18 68

Ever since Elenor was born after her Mother passed away, Her life has been happy as She lived her life with h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - The Gathering
Chapter 3.
Cruel North
Chapter 4
King Akvhi
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Tarfin's Punishment
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
30 Years ago Carshi Fortress
Chapter 13
Character Profile - Drecun
Chapter 14
Character Profile Rosenia
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Part 1/2
Chapter 21 part 2/2

Chapter 7

6 1 7
By WolfQueen1978

Two weeks passed and Elenor spent some time to know Arsen. While her older siblings did the same thing with their sweethearts.

Elenor even became good friends with some of the girls at the Palace. And got to know them as well and wrote letters to everyone back at the Castle.

One night when Elenor got herself ready and went to sleep for the night. The man with the brand sneaked into her room and quietly made his way to her bed.

He looked at Elenor's sleeping form for a few seconds before He took out a cloth. And put it over her mouth and nose starteling the girl awake.

Elenor tried to get out of his grip as He told her to stop struggling. She kept struggling until She kicked him in the groin.

She then quickly pushed him off her and quickly went for the bell. But was quickly grabbed by the man and knocked over a vase that was standing on the nightstand.

He pinned her down and kept his hand over her mouth. She grabbed one of the shards of the broken vase and stabbed him in the leg.

He let out a scream as Elenor kicked him off her and went for the bell again. She rang it once before being pushed to the wall by the man.

He then began to strangle her as He called her a bitch. Elenor dug her fingers into the wound on his leg to make him stop.

But He ignored the pain and kept strangling her as Elenor's body began to feel week. She thought She was going to die at that moment that's when a male guard came into the room.

As soon as the guard saw what was happening to Elenor He quickly pulled him off her. He then pinned him to the ground with a look of fury on his face.

Elenor gasped for air and started coughing as the guard called for his coworkers. Other guards came into the room and began to help arrest the man.

While one of them went to see if Elenor is alright and took her to the infirmary. As Elenor sat in the chair and having her small cuts treated Arsen and Elenor's older siblings came bursting into the room.

He went over to her and said with a look of concern on his face. "Elenor are You alright?!" Elenor looks at him and said as He gently put his hand on her cheek.

"I am alright, I just got a few cuts and bruises its nothing to worry about..." Rayena looks at her and said. "Are You certain? The man that attacked You didn't try to..."

Elenor knew what she e was referring to and told her and the others. "No, He didn't try to rape me. All He did was preventing me from calling for help and strangled me when I stabbed him..."

Arsen became angry upon hearing this and said. "I'm going to gut him alive for what He did..." Duncan looked at the guard as He said to him with a serious look on his face.

"The man that attacked my Sister, where did You take him?" The guard looks at the Prince and said to him.

"He's been taken to the dungeon, We are going to interrogate him first thing in the morning..." Arsen looks at the guard and said with a serious expression on his face.

"Good, Then go and tell Lord Harwin that I be joining inn on the interrogation as well..."

Elenor looked at the guard and said. "Tell him I be joining as well..." Everyone looked surprised to hear her say this as one of the healers told her.

"Princess, I would advise You to not go. With what just happened to You it..." Elenor looks at the healer and said with a serious expression on her face.

"I know, but I still demand to know why that man attacked me and what his intentions with me were."

The other healer looks at her and said. "But Princess, Your injuries..." Elenor looks at the maid and told her with a polite tone in her voice.

"I understand Your concern for my well being, but a few cuts and bruises wont prevent me from seeking answers."

She then turned back to the guard and said. "Go tell Lord Harwin that Princess Elenor will be joining the interrogation..."

The guard gave her a nod and left the infirmary to tell Lord Harwin. And everyone went back to bed as Arsen stayed awake to make sure Elenor wernt harmed again.

And as the next day came Elenor put on her dress and made sure to hide the bruise on her neck. Then went to the dungeon with Arsen to get answers out of her attacker.

As they arrived to the dungeon door Arsen took a hold of the handle. He looked at Elenor and said to her.

"Are You sure You want to be part of this? It will be bloody..." Elenor looks at him and said with a determined expression on her face.

"I am certain..." Arsen opened the door and stepped inside with Elenor. The man with the brand was shackled to the ceiling as the torturist sat in his chair.

The torturist looks at the couple and told them. "I see that the two of You finally arrived, I been itching to start cutting into this lad..."

Arsen made his way to the man and removed the wooden gag from his mouth. Arsen looked into the man's brown eyes as He told him with a serious expression on his face.

"So this is what's going to happen, You are going to tell me why You attacked my Fiancè. and I wont break Your bones and cutting You open..."

The man looks at Arsen and said to him. "I wont tell You shit..." Arsen looked at him for a few seconds before He punched him in the ribs.

He then looked at the man and said. "Then I guess You are going to suffer for the next few hours..." He then turned to the torturist and told him to get the tools.

He got the tools and they started to torture the man with the brand. As Elenor watched with a stonic expression on her face.

For the passed two hours the dungeon was filled with the man's screams. The man let out a few gasps as blood oozed out of his open wounds on his body.

Arsen looked at the man and said. "I once again ask You, why did You attack Elenor?" The man let out a few more gasps as He told him.

"I... I talk... I was sent by my master to... Keep an eye on her... Last night... I was informed to bring her back..."

Elenor looks at the man and said. "Keep and eye on me? And where did You intend to take me?" The man looks at her and said.

"I... I... I cant say..." Arsen became a bit annoyed and grabbed the branding iron from the table. He then breathed fire on the branding iron until it became glowing hot.

He looked at the man and said to her. "Tell us or You are getting a second branding mark..." The man were silent for a few seconds before telling him.

"If You think branding me a second time will make me talk, then You are surely mistaken... For I am numb to the pain of the hot iron..."

Elenor looks at him and said. "You have gone through things much worse than the treatment that You just received?"

The man looks at her for a few seconds before telling her. "Yes... And hearing You say that reminds me so much of her..."

Elenor became a bit confused to hear this and said. "What do You mean? Who are You talking about?" The man looks at her and said.

"I'm talking about Your Mother..." Elenor was surprised to hear this and said. "You mean by birth mother? How do You know her?"

The man looks at her and said. "I knew her long before You were born... She had a Gentle touch when things became shit..."

Elenor looks at him and had a strong feeling that this had to do with her dead mother. She then began to ask him a question.

"How long were You spying on me?" The man looks at her and told her. "I been spying on You ever since You came here... Before then someone else was keeping an eye on You..."

Elenor were surprised to hear this and said to him. "I'm going to ask You this one more time, Where did You intend to take me and what do Your master want with me?"

The man went silent and refused to tell her. Arsen was about to put the branding iron on him but stopped when Elenor came over to the man.

She gently put her hand on his chin and told him with a gentle tone in her voice. "Please... I have to know..."

The man looked into her purple eyes and were reminded of her mother. The way She used to tend to his wounds and comfort him when ever He got a beating.

He started crying a little before He told her as the tears flowed down his face. "I was told to bring You to Adventhi..."

Elenor looks at him and said. "Adventhi? Why would Your master want You to take me there?" The man looks at her and said.

"So... So that You may be returned to... Him..." Elenor has a confused expression on her face as She asked him. "Him? Who are You talking about??"

The man were silent for a few seconds before telling her. "I'm talking about King Akvhi... Your Father..."

Elenor became shocked upon hearing this and stepped away from him. She were silent for a few seconds before telling him.

"No... No... It... It cant be... I... No... He cant be... I cant be..." Arsen look at Elenor being in distress for a few seconds before turning to the man.

He grabbed him by his short black hair and told him. "Is this some kind of sick joke?! She cant be that sick bastard's child!"

The man looks at him and said. "I am speaking the truth... She is of his blood... So please... Let me go..."

Arsen let out a small growl as He told him. "Not until I kill You for harming my beloved!" He then let go of the man's hair and told the torturist.

"Put him back the cell, I be coming back for him later and have him burned alive..." He then gently grabbed Elenor's hand and started walking out of the dungeon with her.

As the man got taken to his cell to await his execution. When Elenor and Arsen got to the office where Duncan, Rayena and Lord Harwin waited for them.

As soon as they enterd through the door Duncan took notice of Elenor's expression and said. "Nori, What's wrong? What did that bastard tell You two?"

Elenor were silent for a few seconds before telling him and Rayena. "He spied on me and intended to kidnap me... So that his master could hand me to my Father..."

Rayena looks at her and said with a bit of a confused expression. "Your Father? What do You mean?" Elenor looks at the two of them before telling them.

"I asked him that and I were told that my Father is King Akvhi of Adventhi..." Duncan and Rayena were quite surprised and shocked to hear this.

Lord Harwin looks at Elenor and said. "Akvhi the Conqueror?! Are You certain that He were speaking the truth?"

Elenor looks at him and said. "I... I saw that look in his eyes and... Gods, I don't know..." Duncan gently placed his hand on her shoulder and told her.

" Nori, Please calm down..." Elenor looks at him and said with a distressed look on her face. "Calm down? CALM DOWN?!

I got attacked and nearly kidnapped, and I just found out that a man who is so power hungry might be my Father.

Do You have any idea what could happen if People found that out? They might think the worst of me and..."

Duncan looks at her and told her. "They wont think the worst of You, and You are nothing like that bastard."

Rayena looks at her and said. "Duncan is right, You are the sweetest kindest woman in the entire world and everyone knows that.

Even the people at this Palace knows that..." Elenor looks at her older siblings for a few seconds before telling them.

"What do our Father say when He finds out about this? He be coming here and don't take this information well..."

Duncan looks at Elenor and told her. "Elenor, If You are afraid that Father might hate You that You're Akvhi's Daughter.

Then You do not need to worry, Father loves You no matter what and He wont care that what blood flows in Your veins.

He did take You under his wing and raise You like one of us. Me and Rayena doesn't hate You and We both love You, little Sister..."

Elenor looks at her siblings for a few seconds before She started crying. Duncan and Rayena started comforting her as Arsen went to burn the man alive.

As Lord Harwin looked at him as He allowed him to leave. When Arsen went back to the dungeon He started dragging the man out of his cell.

And started dragging him out of the palace grounds. They walked for a few minutes before stopping at an open field and Arsen let go of his chain.

He looked at the man for a few seconds before saying to him. "Anything You want to say before I burn You to a crisp?"

The man looked down at the grassy ground and told him. "No... I do not have anything to say except... I'm glad... I'm glad that I'm not facing whatever punishment I would receive, if I would return back to my Master..."

He looked up at him and said. "At least, I get to be reunited with my Family..." Arsen looked down at the man and let out a small sigh before transforming himself into a large black dragon.

He spread his large wings as his long spiked tail swished back and forth like a cat. He looked at the man's face and didn't see a hint of fear on his face.

The man looked away and told him with a sad smile. "If You see the girl... Tell her that I'm sorry for what happened yesterday..."

Arsen opend his large fanged mouth and started to breathe his deadly red fire on him. The man screamed out in pain as He were burned alive and his lifeless body collapsed on the ground.

Arsen looked down at the burning body for a few seconds before returning back to the Palace. Once He got back He went to see Elenor who was sitting by the fountain with an thoughtful expression on her face.

She heard him coming and the first thing She said to him was. "Do You wish to continue with this?" Arsen felt a bit confused as to what She was talking about and said.

"Continue with what?" Elenor looked up at him and said. "Continue with the engagement..." Arsen looks at her and said as He sat down next to her.

"Is it because of what that bastard told You?" Elenor looks at him and said. "Yes... And I wouldn't blame You if You wish to break our engagement..."

Arsen looks at her and said. "I do not wish to break off our engagement..." Elenor looks at him and said.

"But... What about... They..." Arsen interrupted her saying. "I do not care what people might say or think about this, I do not care about what ever crap they says about me.

I only wish to be with You, because I love You..." Elenor looks at him for a few seconds before telling him as She shed a few tears.

"Arsen... I..." Arsen began to comfort her as He told her that its okay and that He be with her no matter what.

Elenor cried in his arms for a while until She calmed down. Then She went with Arsen to her bedroom where they would sit on the balcony and watch the stars.

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