Mortal Kombat Characters x Re...

Bởi IllKnockYouOUT

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You are inside the 2023 MK1 World!!!! Either as their child, partner, parent, or sibling. Enjoy!! Xem Thêm

~~You Abandoned Us~~
Earthrealm's Greatest Swordsman
🔥Liu Kang🔥
~~She's way out of your league~~
Three Little Words (Angst/Fluff)
🎬Johnny Cage🎥
~~No time for kids~~
🦾Jax Briggs🦾
~~Your friend says you're interested in me~~
🦂 Scorpion🔥
🧊 Sub Zero 🧊
Follow My Lead
[Just An Idea] Mean Husband
Demon Slayer
🔫Erron Black◼️
👒Kung Lao🔪
🔫Sonya Blade🔫
♀️🫧Cassie Cage🔫🔫
Truth or Dare
🤖Jacqui Briggs⚡️
~~It's what sisters do~~
👊General Shao🔨
Sindel's Banquet
You Deserve This (angst/fluff)
Opposites Attract
And let you get your ass kicked? No way.
Embrace it!
Sub Zero x Reader x Scorpion
Kitana x Reader x Mileena
Sindel x Fem!Reader x Li Mei
When They Accidentally Call You Their Ex-Lover's Name
They touch your *cough* boobs *cough*
When They Accidentally Call You Their Ex-Lover's Name PT.2
🗡🗡🗡Intro Dialogues🔫🔫🔫
Johnny Cage x Reader
Liu Kang x Reader
Carrie White Romance
Shang Tsung x Funny!Reader

~~My sister is upset you haven't been writing~~

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Bởi IllKnockYouOUT

[What you look like] - Pic up top

[Who you are] - You are Raiden's older sister, Tillie. You are friends with Kung Lao.

[Your Powers] - You can control nature creatures beyond it.

[Context] - You are 15, Raiden is 10, and Kung Lao is 13. You have been ordered to travel the continent helping people with whatever troubles befall them. The only way you can communicate with your brother and best friend is through letters. After Liu Kang chose them as his champions, Kung Lao's letters started to decrease.

As tears fell from our eyes, I hugged my little brother, Raiden, and our best friend Kung Lao. I have been ordered by the elder gods to travel across the world, helping those in need. I have the powers of nature. I can control the weather, even animals. I can control the earth, as well.

I am going to help fight wars and grow crops of food for people to eat. But that requires me to leave my home. Leave my friends. Leave my brother.

I pulled away and grabbed Raiden's hands, "Stay strong, little brother. You don't need me as much as you think. Keep training with Madam Bo. I'd love to see what you can do when I get back."

"Do you have to go? You're too young!" He cried.

I chuckled, "That doesn't mean I can't start being a hero to others. You, soon, will be a hero, too, Raiden. I believe in you."

"I love you, Tillie."

"I love you, too, Raiden."

He stepped back so I could speak to Kung Lao. I met Kung Lao a while before Raiden did. I was the one who introduced the two of them to each other a couple of years ago. Kung Lao avoided eye contact with me because he didn't want me to see him cry.

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him, "Kung Lao. Please don't avoid my gaze."

He looked at me, tears in his eyes, "Please don't leave us."

I smiled, sadly, "I have to make the world a better place for you, guys-"

"But that's not your job! Why are you making yourself do this?"

"Because I care. I care for your safety, and I especially care for my brother's safety. Write me. I want you both to write me letters and I will answer as fast as possible."


"Tillie! Time to go!" My and Raiden's parents called from outside.

I grabbed my bags and walked to the front door. I turned to take one last glance at the boys and said softly, "I love you. Both of you. Don't forget to write." Then, I left.

3 days after Tillie left...

Dear Tillie,

I apologize for taking so long to write you. I just wanted you to get to your first destination, but I was not sure when that would've been. Are you okay? Where are you? I know it's been three days, and I know you've once been gone for a week, but, I miss you. A lot. Come back soon. I love you.



Dear little brother,

I'm glad you wrote! I was worried you weren't going to. I am currently in Maine. I will be in this state for a while, then I will move on to the next one. My goal is to make it across the whole continent. That should take a couple of years because I will be staying in each city in each state. I'm alright, thanks for your concern. I miss you, too. I am not used to not hearing your voice every second of the day. I can't guarantee that I will be home as soon as you wish, but I will try to get my work done fast, so I can return to you. I love you, too, little brother.

                        Your big sister,

Hey, Til,

It's so boring here without you. I wish you were here so we can explore new places as always. Please come up with something for us to do. And please come home. I miss you. I miss the days we go out for breakfast before everyone else wakes up. Who am I gonna do that with now?

                      I love you,
                       Kung Lao


Dear Kung Lao,

I'm sorry that you're bored. But, I do have a new place you guys could explore. You know the area in the woods behind my house I always told you guys not to go near? I was getting that place ready for you, for summer. It's ready now so take Raiden and enjoy yourselves. It's a pond that's always a perfect temperature for you to go swimming in. The animals won't be scared or violent when you approach them, so you can go pet them if you want to. About breakfast, you could always take Raiden with you. I'm sure he would love to go. He knows a bunch of diners to go to. I hope this helps. I miss you, too.

                 I love you, too,

7 days after Tillie left...

My Tillie,

Although I am upset you had to leave, I am so proud of what you are doing. You are going to be Earthrealm's most praised hero. I wish I could visit the places you are going to. Maybe you could take us one day. We've been training with Madam Bo, and have been getting better and better each day. I can't wait to show you everything I learned. You trained with her when you were my age, didn't you?

                   Your humble brother,

My Raiden,

Reading what you wrote for me made my day. I appreciate how supportive of me you are. I could never ask for a better brother. I would love to take you guys around the world one day. And you are correct about my training with Madam Bo when I was your age. She taught me all that I know and have taught you guys. I can't wait to see what she taught you.

                    Your favorite person,



Thank you so much for making that area for us! We had a great time. We spent the whole day there swimming and playing with the animals. When you come back, you can go with us. Stay safe!

                  Your not-so-humble friend,
                          Kung Lao


Sweet Kung Lao,

I am glad you enjoyed my surprise. I would love to join the two of you one day. As a heads-up, I will not be able to write you back for the rest of the week. Surely you'll survive. I'll write to you next Monday. I love you, goodbye for now.
                       Your savior,

Around the time Liu Kang chose Kung Lao and Raiden...


I know this sounds like a trick or a scheme, but you know I never lie, so I'll just come straight out with it. We have been chosen to be Earthrealm's protectors. I have been chosen to be Earthrealm's champion. It's me, Kung Lao, and two other guys our age, Johnny Cage, and Kenshi Takahashi. We have been taken to Outworld. I'm pretty sure you know what that is. I won't be able to write as much as I usually do, but know that I am constantly thinking about you. I love you, Tille.
               Speak soon,


Dear Raiden,

I believe you. I'd be a fool not to. I am proud that you have become Earthrealm's champion. Have you met Sindel, Kitana, and Mileena yet? They are true gems. Fight well, and stay safe. I believe in you. You can do this. Tell Kung Lao to write to me as soon as he can. I miss writing him. I hope you write me when you're not busy. I love you.


It's been a couple of months since Kung Lao wrote me a letter. I understand that he's busy in Outworld, but as Earthrealm's champion, Raiden has time to write to me. I miss speaking to my friend. I love getting updates on my brother's life and his life.

I was currently in Sacramento, and I just got back from defeating Shang Tsung's army. I entered my small apartment and plopped on my couch, exhausted. I would've fallen asleep if it weren't for the knock on my door. I groaned and got up to get it.

I opened it to see the legendary Liu Kang, Sub-Zero, and Scorpion. I was awestruck. I could not move a muscle. Sensing my amazement, Liu Kang chuckled.

"Tillie?" He asked, amused.

I snapped back to reality, "Uh-yeah! S-sorry. Would you like to come in?"

He nodded and the three of them entered my apartment. They sat on my couch and waited for me to speak.

"How's my brother?" I asked, "How's Kung Lao?"

"They are fine," he answered, "they complain about missing you, daily. They have so many stories about how strong and protective you are."

"I love protecting my family. I would do anything for them. But...what are you doing here? To learn about me? To send a message from the boys?"

"No, Tillie. I am here to bring you to Outworld. You are far too powerful to stay in Earthrealm."

"But, Earth is my home!"

"Your home is with Kung Lao and Raiden. Don't you miss them? And joining us will make it a lot easier for you to protect Earthrealm. So, are you joining?"

I thought for a bit. If Liu Kang goes and tells Raiden and Kung Lao that I refused to join, they'll never forgive me. I can't do that to them.

"I'll join," I decided.

"Great," Liu Kang smiled, "follow us this way."


I smiled as I approached Sindel, Mileena, and Kitana. I haven't been graced with their presence in a while.

"Tillie!" Mileena exclaimed as she hugged me, "It is good to see you again, my friend."

"Hello, Mileena," I smiled, "How have you been?"

"Very well!" She responded as I hugged her sister and mother, "I... am currently seeing someone."

I stopped in my tracks, surprised by the news, "Seeing someone? You? The person who's always saying relationships are useless? Who is it?"

"It's Tanya!"

"Tanya-" I was cut off by the voice of my brother calling my name.

"Tillie?" Raiden asked, hesitantly, unsure if it was me or not.

I turned around with a wide smile on my face, "Hello, little brother!"

He gasped and ran towards me. When he approached me, I basically jumped into his arms. We hugged for what seemed like hours. I haven't seen Raiden in so many years. He's so much taller than me now, I can't believe it!

I felt tears form in my eyes, "You're so tall now."

"Which means you can't call me little brother, any longer," he joked, making me chuckle.

"I'll always call you little brother. I doubt you've matured."

"I have. Kung Lao hasn't. But I'm not complaining."

"Take me to him."

"Kung Lao? Of course! He's right over here."

Raiden led me through the castle and to the training room. There, I saw Kung Lao training with Tanya. It seemed like he had the advantage in the fight. Kung Lao was about to win but turned his head and saw me smiling, proudly, at him.

"Tillie?" He asked, before being knocked down.

Tanya jumped on top of him and laughed, "Never lose focus, Earthrealmer." She turned to me and smirked, "Good to see you, Tillie."

She, then, left the room and sprinted off someplace else. Kung Lao was still lying on the ground, so Raiden and I approached him to make sure he was alright.

"Kung Lao!" Raiden called, "Are you al-"

Kung Lao interrupted him by calling out to me, "Tillie? Is it really you?".

I chuckled and reached out a hand to help him out, "Yeah, it's me. Did you really get knocked down by Tanya?"

He smiled and accepted my help, "What are you doing here? How are you here?"

"I've been kidnapped by Liu Kang, as well, Kung Lao."

He laughed and hugged me, also towering over me, "You got smaller. And nerdier."

"You got handsomer. And cockier." I smirked as I broke from the hug.

"Are you guys really flirting in front of me?" Raiden asked, annoyed.

"You could always walk away," Kung Lao rolled his eyes.

Raiden groaned, jokingly, then stomped away. Kung Lao chuckled, deeply, then turned his attention back to me. For some reason, I couldn't look away. What's happening to me?

WORDS: 2086

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