The Devils Temptation {Bada L...

By InsaneMaker

112K 5.1K 693

{First Book} In where two close friends finally meet again after years. Both ending in a terrible note and fe... More

{ Prologue }
{ Cast }
{ Cycle of life }
{ The Crew Members }
{Craving her attention}
{Worth so much more}
{More like my girl}
{ Her past }
{Seducing her}
{Mr. Steal Your Girl }
{ Recognition }
{ Class Mission }
{The Annoyed Leader}
{Friends Who Flirt?}
{Filming Class }
{ Can You See My Heart? }
{ A Crush? }
{ Best Friends Again }
{Kpop Challenge}
{ Leave Me Alone }
{Fear Of Abandonment}
{ Death Match}
{The Start Of Something}
{Pool Party}
{Mega Crew Mission}
{The Struggles}
{ The Unexpected }
{Filming Day}
{We Did It!}
{Old Friendships}
{She's Finally Happy}
{That's My Girl}
{Beach Date}
{The Blonde Era}
{Clingy Girlfriend}
{Cruel Society}
{Harsh Leaders}
{Birthday Date}
{One Big Family}
{Girls Supporting Girls}
{Finally Free}
{Leader; Leah}
{Hwasa Mission}
{No Bad Blood}
{Bada's Past}
{Queens Vs Queens}
{The Devil's Temptation}
{My Second Home}
{My home}
{Practice Before Finals}
{Finals pt.1}
{Important Announcement!}
{Final pt.2}
{The Finals}
{I Still Love Her}
{Second Story!}

{ I'll show them who the better Kim is }

5.3K 125 8
By InsaneMaker

"Confidence is the most beautiful thing you can possess."

- Sabrina Carpenter


Letting out a small yawn, the exhausted girl circled her shoulders back causing her back to pop. She let out a small groan feeling her shoulders extremely tense from the amount of dancing and choreography she has done. She spent the entire day forming a choreography for her younger brother's group. It wasn't a surprise to her whenever someone mentioned her brother's names to her. She was used to them always asking about them. Her younger brother is a famous well known kpop group meanwhile her older brother is an actor who's played many roles, the role that really was Start Up. Both of them have grabbed every girl's attention. Anytime someone mentioned their names it always made her sigh in annoyance. Don't get her wrong she loves her brother dearly but sometimes she wishes to be known for her hard work. She's been learning many dances, created tons of choreography for famous kpop groups and has attended world wide dance competitions. So sometimes she didn't understand how her fans supported her when all they ever asked her was how their brother's were doing. She allowed her body to fall onto the ground like a rag doll. She leaned her head against the mirror wall as she closed her eyes. She focused on her breathing and wondered when her next break would be. She loves her job but there were times like now where she had too much in her schedule not giving her enough time to process everything at once.

The tired girl heard the door open but didn't open her eyes. She could feel her long blonde hair sticking to the back of her neck. She had dyed it a long time ago, since her younger brother insisted that they twin.. Of course, she couldn't say no. The only people she could never deny would be her siblings. After all, they have always been there for her and she's always been there for them. Licking her lips she heard footsteps approaching her and the sound of a plastic bag being swayed back and forth. "You've been at this for hours. I think you should go home." Miyeon placed a cold water bottle out for the older girl to take. Her green eyes fluttered open. She glanced at the water bottle and took it from her hand. She untwisted the lid, throwing her head back as she downed the water. She actually ran out of water an hour ago and didn't feel like running to the near corner store to buy more. All Leah did was nod her head as she finished her water. She gasped out loud as she wiped her lips with the back of her hand. "I'm heading out. You guys have that big competition tomorrow and I don't wanna miss it. Tell the girls I'll see them tomorrow." She stood up from the ground with ease. For someone who's shoulder blades and legs ache she sure knew how to walk normally. She waved at Miyeon goodbye as she grabbed her bag from the corner of the room. She threw the bottle into the trash on her way.

Leah groaned in pain as she circled her arms around feeling how stiff her shoulders had become. Although her body may be sore and in pain, she was glad to get the choreography done for the kpop group. All she needed to do was record it and send it to them. Unless they wanted her to teach it to them in person. Usually that's how they did the protocol but because her brother is on tour at the moment, she had no idea how any of it would work out. She was just going to go with the flow and respect their decision. Turning her neck to the side she heard it pop and make part of her body relax. Licking her lips she passed by the room next to her dance group. The door is a tad open allowing her to hear their conversation. "I bet you twenty bucks that Leah's group is only going to win thanks to her famous brothers. Everyone chose her because they favor her brothers." The small smile on Leah's face instantly fell as she listened to them talk. She placed a hand over her right hip where she had a huge bruise from the amount of hours she spent dancing last night. She had stayed up into five in the morning learning a new dance routine to insure her teammates would win the final competition. "Right? That's the only reason she always wins. We all know she's talentless, the only thing going for her is her looks." They giggled together as they talked terribly about her.

The girl bit softly on the bottom of her lips as she listened to them talk about her. Her hand curled up into a fist as she tightened her hold on her thumb. She used to stab her nails into her palm causing cuts and bruises on her palm. After she had seen the look on her brother's face she realized how much she wasn't only hurting herself but them.. She stopped doing it and found other methods to help her control her feelings. Her left eye twitched as she stared down the hall with the sadness expression written across her face. "I mean the only reason she's relevant is thanks to her brothers. Without them she's nothing." She placed a hand over her chest feeling the tightness of her chest pain. There wasn't a day she wasn't reminded of how worthless she was. No one cared for her or enjoyed being around her. Even her own parents would forget about her birthday and would never attend one of her major dance competitions. But when it came to her brothers, they were always there cheering them on. She tried not to compare herself to her brothers but it was hard. Hard because in her parent's eyes they were perfect and she wasn't. She had many flaws that they always picked on and made sure to remind her to fix them. Meanwhile if her baby brother made a mistake they would immediately comfort him and tell them it's okay mistakes happen.

A tear rolled down her face at the sound of them laughing at her. She has always been a joke to everyone just because her brother's became successful way before her. Her head dropped down as she continued to listen to them laugh at her. Tears in her eyes wanting to be spilled. Biting her lower lip she chuckled softly, shaking her head. She shouldn't allow their comments get to her. She took a deep breath when she heard footsteps at the end of the hall, she wiped the tear away from her face. She fixed her composure, placing a tight smile on her face. She didn't mind if people saw her cry but she wouldn't allow them to see her cry after talking bad about her. She didn't need their pity or their fake hugs. All she could ever want is to be noticed for her talent.

Her two feet started to walk on their own, she walked past someone who stopped next to her. She could feel their gaze on her but she ignored it and kept walking. The tall unknown girl furrowed her brows in confusion. Her lips parted slightly, noticing her blue green eyes. Her brown eyes followed her until she had completely walked out of her vision. She blinked a few times in shock wondering when she had seen her before? She recognized those eyes from somewhere. "I'm so sorry for bothering you but did you see a blonde girl wearing all black, blue, green eyes walk by? Her name is Leah?" From utter shock, she nodded her head pointing down the hall. The girl ran past her in search of the girl. She on the other hand stood frozen in place realizing who she had just seen. It had been years since they last saw each other and this is how they met again? Her head snapped towards the crack of the door open hearing the girls badmouth the blonde. She bit her lower lip as her eyes shut in frustration.


Leah sat outside on her balcony as the rain poured down on her. Tears rolled down her face as she wrapped her arms around her knees. She pulled them closer to her chest as she heard the thunder roar through the sky. She hated crying, she hated when people's hurtful words got to her. She knew no matter what she did that everyone would compare her to her brothers. For a while she thought she had moved past that since she had focused on herself. She had spent hours and days improving her skills in dancing. Spent hours with friends, going to places that she enjoyed and traveled around the world. For a while she thought she finally belonged but now.. It seemed the world hadn't forgotten about it. They still saw her as the untalented spoiled brat sister. Her mascara ran down her face and her red lipstick was smudge all over her lips. Her body had gotten numb to the cold freezing water hitting her warm skin. The shivering and cries had stopped. Now she sat there staring at nothing in particular and wondering what she had done wrong in this life to deserve so much hate? She could hear her phone ringing from the living room of her apartment but she didn't move an inch. Whoever was calling could wait until after she was done dealing with her feelings.

She was tired. She was tired of not only hearing the same criticism from the same people over and over again. She was tired of trying too hard to please others. She was tired of caring about what others thought of her. She was tired of putting others before her. Overall she was just tired of everything.

What made her even more exhausted was hearing her own parents discuss her flaws in front of paparazzi and interviews. Her parents were well known, people only knew them as the proud parents who gave birth to two wonderful successful handsome sons. They would always smile and talk about how proud they were of them. A huge smile plastered on their faces even going into depth of when they were born and now. When they would ask about Leah, their only daughter. Their smiles would fade, they would talk about her in such a horrible way. Talking about her flaws, how spoiled she was because of her brothers. How they hated how much time she would spend locked up in a dance room and get nothing in return from it. And how dancing wasn't a real career and would take her nowhere. They were just being hypocrites since their younger son had become an idol and they praised him for it.

The girl stood up from her seat, once the sky had turned pure pitch black. The only thing noticeable were the bright white moon and a few stars. She let out a huge sigh, feeling her clothes sticking to her body as she walked inside the cozy home. Grabbing her phone from the couch she saw a few messages from her brother and friends. None that she cares to respond to at the very own moment. Except one of them caught her attention. She clicked on the email message she had received, her eyes scanned over the email. Locking her phone she threw it back onto the couch. She grabbed the ends of her shirt pulling it over her head as she headed to her shower. She will think about it and speak with her group regarding the invite. They have been invited to participate on a dancing show and she wasn't sure if she was up to it. But if her group wanted to do it, she was more than happy to let them.

Walking into the dance room where her group trained, she leaned against the door frame. Her eyes watching them dance through the mirror in front of them. The corner of her lips turned upwards in admiration as she watched them dance so effortlessly happily. With no worry in the world, they enjoyed each other's presence. Her smile grew even bigger at the sound of their giggles and laughter. She scrunched her nose as she closed the door behind her. It's something she tends to do with her nose when she finds something cute or adorable. "Alright my beautiful angels, I brought snacks!" She smiled as the girls all cheered in happiness. Miyeon ran to her grabbing one of the bags from her hands. She started to pass the snacks around for them all to grab some. The older girl sat down waiting for them to settle down before telling them the news. She wanted their opinion in the matter and wouldn't force them to do anything they didn't want to. Pushing a few hair strands behind her right ear she leaned her back against the mirror wall. Biting her lower lip she chuckled, as her eyes traveled to Mina who grabbed a dumpling out of the bag. Most of the girls in her group were a few years younger than her. She didn't mind it because they all got along super well. The only one in the group older than her is Ivy. "There's actually something else I need to tell you guys. I received an email yesterday and we have been invited to be part of a dance battle show. It's called Street Woman Fighter, this would be season two. I sent you guys an email with more information and a link to the first season."

She watched how they all rushed to grab their phones. Instantly opening up the email to read the information of what the requirements would be. "I didn't want to make a decision yet, not until I receive all your opinions and feedback. I won't force you guys to do it. We all have until Monday to decide what we're going to do. Also, if it makes you guys feel better we can do an anonymous voting. You can all write either yes or no, on a piece of paper and slide it into my bag." The girls nodded as they glanced at one another. It was obvious that they were all excited except for one of them. She felt quite the opposite, anxious and scared about participating in such a huge event.

"Last thing, I will not be in tomorrow. I received notice from JYP that he wishes for me to come down to the studio and teach the boys the new choreography for the new upcoming album. If you guys need anything Ivy will be there and if you do truly need me then just text me." She winked at them. It didn't take long for them to start dancing as a group. They didn't have any major events or competitions coming up but nonetheless they still enjoyed practicing as a group.

The next few days had gone by a lot quicker than she had expected. Now she is on the floor of her small apartment looking down at her phone. A blank expression across her face as she stared at the name of the Youtube channel.

JustJerk Dance Academy just liked your recent post.

It didn't really faze her seeing the channel like her content. It wasn't the first time that I liked her videos or watched them. She was used to it, she was used to people liking, commenting and watching her things. To her it wasn't a big deal anymore and every channel that liked her videos brought some sense of hope within her. Telling her she was much more than what people said about her. The decision has been made, they will be joining the dance battle show. Something she wasn't looking forward to. But it would at least make the girls happy and give them a chance to experience more. She truly is happy for them and can't wait to watch them blossom. It's just she knew what would happen the moment the episodes would air out. She knew what people thought of her and how they spoke of her. That's what bothers her, knowing what's to come. Letting out a huge sigh, she leaned back onto her couch allowing her head to drop back. She closed her eyes, as she listened to classical musical play through her headphones.

The tall bored girl laid on her couch, holding her phone in front of her. Her eyes clicked on a few videos of Leah's channel. She watched the most popular ones once seeing how much she had improved over the years. She had even dyed her hair blonde and had gotten a tattoo on her back. No one could tell what it was and could only see the ends of it. Pressing the buttons on the side of her phone she screenshot a part of the video. She zoomed into the phone trying to figure out what the tattoo was? As much as she turned her phone or zoomed in she couldn't tell. It was hard especially since the girl always wore jackets and baggy clothes. Shrugging it off, she looked at the feedback on her own Youtube channel not seeing anything from her. She at least expected a like or a comment thanking them for liking her videos. But nothing, she blew air through her lips watching her bangs sway a little.

All the girls arrived at the studio with excited smiles across their faces. Leah couldn't help but smile seeing how adorable her teammates look. She had recently dyed her hair back to brown feeling out of place with blonde hair. She had actually dyed her hair a few times in the past, she did enjoy changing her image every once in a while. Being able to change her hair color to her represented closing an end of an era/chapter she went through. She followed close behind them as they made their way up the stairs. Nothing was running through her mind at the moment, she didn't have any thoughts. This all looked beautiful and too good to be true. She always knew not to trust people or their intentions. The young fifteen year old girl had finally grown up into a beautiful strong independent twenty five year old woman. She walked with confidence, her hips swaying with every step she took. She had siren eyes and blinked slowly, coming out as intimidating. The girls walked into a room where they bowed their heads greeting the staff members. Sitting down in front of the camera, Leah decided to sit in the back row on the right side. She let out a sigh, as the girls still squealed in excitement. The direction gave them the signal to start. "Hello, we are Eternal!" All the girls smiled and waved at the same time. Leah placed a fake smile across her face as she stared at the camera. Oh, how she wished to be in the comforts of the four walls and wood flooring. She could be dancing her little heart out, yet, here she was. She couldn't complain because she knew how much attention they would get from this.

"I am the leader of Eternal, Kim Leah. I have been dancing since I was five and we created this group five years ago. I personally have traveled all around the world competing in different tournaments. I help choreograph dances for a few kpop idols, I teach dance and post a lot of my dancing videos all over social media."

The brunette girl paid attention to how the stage room fell instantly quiet at the sound of their footsteps. She continued to sway her hips with every step she took. She would smile at the girls as they gawked and spoke about how cool everything looked. All the girl could do was nod and offer them a smile. She also thought everything looked incredible. It wasn't her first time being on such a huge stage or studio, or in front of the cameras. She would constantly go live with her baby brother and take pictures with her older brother. She also attended events with them and interviews. A lot of people were invested in their family and wanted to know more about them. They could never get enough of them and love the relationship between the three siblings. Anytime she would go see her brother's the cameras would follow her. They would constantly film and take pictures of her. It wasn't something she was used to and truly doesn't think she would ever get used to. Her blue green eyes averted to the huge lights over them, she knew it was bound to get extremely hot inside. Especially with at least thirty people, plus the staff and the instance dancing they would be doing. Raising her hand up to her face, she pushed a few hair strands away from her face. She giggled watching Miyeon scream in excitement as she leaned against the metal railing looking down at the stage. Leah did notice how the atmosphere of the room became thick and tenseful.

As she carefully stepped down the stairs, she didn't hesitate to lift her head up. Her curly brown hair bounced with every step she took. "Wow, she's beautiful." Her ear lifted up slightly hearing someone talk about her. The corner of her lips turned upwards, hearing them gush about her. It was no lie that the girl is extremely beautiful. Everyone envied her beauty and how lucky she had gotten with the genes. Her brother's weren't the only ones with the good genes. Her eyes glanced to the right, meeting Reddy's dark brown eyes. Her smile dropped as her eyes traveled down her body, not being too fond of her. She rolled her eyes as she looked away from her. She ran her fingers through her beautiful long brown fluffy soft hair. "Her aura and confidence are no lie. That girl radiates confidence." Downy whispered to one of her teammates, amazed by her beauty. Leah had noticed Bada sitting in the front row of her group. Both girl's didn't make an effort to glance at each other. Instead her black heels clicked against the floor as she walked past her. She moved her left hand towards her back, fixing the small box attached to her jeans.

There was no lie that Leah had enriched the good looks from her mother and grandmother. Licking her lips she caught up to her teammates who had huge eyes. They admired everything on the stages, loving the colors and banners with their team name. The confident girl scrunch her nose at the sight of Mina jumping in excitement. For the most part, Mina and Miyeon were the sweetest, most caring and innocent girls. They were both the babies of the group and the other girls would do anything to protect them. Ivy the oldest was the most girl-liest out of all of them, she loved wearing dresses and skirts. Even though she also liked dressing tomboyish at times. Her style was mostly girly. Leah dressed in between girly and tomboyish. She loves both styles and could never decide between. So she chose which days to dress like a girl and which days to dress like a boy. She mostly wore baggy pants and tight shirts. On special occasions she would wear dresses, although she wasn't a huge fan of them. She actually loved being in between both styles. Actually most of her style and clothing choices came from Becky G. Since Leah is both Korean and Mexicans. She loved putting outfits that showed her culture. The next person was Yujin. Her style was mostly normal. She wore whatever she felt like wearing without caring what people thought of her. She actually would change her hair color and would get hair cuts just because she felt the need to.

Standing in the center of her group, she felt Ivy wrap an arm around her waist. She turned to look at her offering her a small smile. "It feels surreal to be here." The older girl whispered, as her eyes looked around at the people around them. She couldn't help but feel a little anxious at the amount of eyes on them. Leah nodded her head, as she turned around to look at the younger girls. Mine smiled brightly, looking at the beautiful structure of the stage. She made her way to Leah who wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Their eyes look up at the screen in front of them there evaluation started playing.

"Are you kidding? Leah is in Eternal? That girl has moves! I would a hundred percent say she's the strongest out of her group. Her motivation, ambition, strength and experience definitely pays off." The girl smiled as she watched Kristen speak so highly about her. She actually missed the girl so much and couldn't wait to see her. Hearing her still talk about her in such a positive way caused her heart to warm. She turned her head to the side catching Kristen's eyes. She winked at her seeing the blonde girl sent her a warm welcoming smile. Her focus shifted back to the screen hearing what everyone else had to say about them. A few of the girls saw how they interacted with each other and wondered if they knew each other? "Leah? Kim Leah is their leader?" The next girl that went on screen laughed at the sole thought of the Kim girl being there present. The quiet girl couldn't help but tilted her head to the side as she watched the girl intensely wanting to know what she meant with that tone? Licking her lips, her brows furrowed in concentration. "There's no hope for that group. Leah is only famous because of her two successful brothers."

Hearing her say that caused Leah to chuckle, she shook her head pushing a few hair strands back from her face. She knew the comments and gossip of her brothers would be coming soon. It wasn't something new or surprising. It was quite the opposite, predictable. The only time people spoke about Leah was because of her brothers. Yoon Ji who had made the comment glanced at the girl seeing how she found her words quite amusing. She didn't even seem hurt or affected by them. "I mean when I heard one of the Kim siblings was coming. I was so excited to see Kim Seon-ho, not the wanna be a dancer." She laughed at the thought of her brother trying to dance. That boy didn't have any rhythm and didn't know his left from his right. There was a huge reason why he never danced nor tried to dance. She grinned trying to get the image of her brother's terrible dancing.

"Who is Eternal anyways? I never heard of them and I doubt anyone knows of them." Ivy rolled her eyes in annoyance. She removed her arm from her friend's waist feeling quite disturbed from the stupid comment. She had heard a few rumors about how shows exaggerated things but she didn't think it would be this bad. She wasn't the type to handle bad criticism or terrible rumors about her group. She actually loved putting people in their places. She was the type of person to get all up in your business and tell you what's up. "Would you look at that? We have another amateur who doesn't know how to dance. She should truly leave the dance to her idol brother." The brunette girl kept smiling through the harsh comments, not really caring about them. She expected them to diss her. Yujin, who stood behind Leah, let out a scoff, not believing what people were saying about their leader. She knew better than all of them how easily the older girl lost her temper. She was good at hiding it but once it was unleashed there was no turning back. She turned into the devil herself, unleashing harsh truths and throwing her hair up into a ponytail ready to fight. She could hear her sigh, as she placed her chin on her left shoulder continuing to watch the screen. All five girls were touchy and showed most of their love and admiration through physical touch. "The only two people I truly believe are a challenge are Ivy and Yujin. The rest of them should just sit back and look pretty. That's the only thing they're good at."

Bada, who had been staring at the screen not glancing at Leah once. Shifted her eyes towards the brunette girl who ran her tongue over her top white teeth. Her smile was long gone as her eyes narrowed and hardened. Her intense stare had turned cold and sharp, ready to kill anyone who crossed her. The evaluation ended and the next screen to appear was the votes of the no respect dancer. Leah had the most votes out of her teammates. Two people voted for her and dared to challenge her. She laughed, making almost everyone around her look at her. They all looked confused at what she found funny. A smirk appeared on her lips as she turned around heading to their seats. "Yah, Leah has gotten more beautiful than the last time we saw her." Tatter spoke to Bada as her eyes were focused on the older girl.

She sat down on the front row in between Mina and Miyeon. She leaned back, placing her elbows on the step behind her. She leaned her head back, closing her eyes as she heard the lights and dramatic effects go off. The host began to introduce himself hearing most of the girls scream in excitement. Leah, naturally rolled her eyes as they fluttered open. Her head turned to the side to see Daniel the host. The girl ended up zoning out and stared at the ground with a poker look. It was her natural rbf and people always assumed that she was one giving attitude or two a mean person. Ivy patted on the girl's knee causing her to look up, she blinked a couple of times trying to focus on where she was. It was pretty easy for her to lose focus and zone out, especially with events like these. She didn't waste any second on getting up from her seat and following her teammates. Walking past Bebe's room she could somewhat hear their muffled conversation. She took a deep breath in ignoring them and walking past them. She headed inside their room and quickly changed. They only had around thirty minutes to get changed and meet back up in the stage room.

Fixing up her hair in the huge mirror around the corner of their hang out. She felt a small smack on her butt and a whistle following close behind. Her eyes look through the mirror at Ivy who looked at her with shock. "God damn girl, you look hot as fuck." Leah smiled, tilted her head to the side. She threw her hand out motioning a stop it girl. She wasn't trying to impress anyone but wanted to look good while dancing. Plus the episodes would air out at some point and she needed to look good in front of the camera. The girl leaned closer to the mirror focusing on her red lips. She made sure she didn't smudge her lipstick on the outside of her lips. It didn't take long for them all to join the stage again, this time people seemed to be more mesmerized by her outfit and her red lipstick. Some of the girls couldn't help but glance down at her stomach seeing something of an outline of a six pack. It wasn't that noticeable but with the shadows and lighting it was somewhat noticeable. Bada licked her lips as her eyes traveled down the girl's body. It was no secret how attractive Leah is. Especially when she knew how to dress and make her makeup enhance her features.

"The first dancer for the first battle is.. From one million, Redy." Her blue green eyes watched how the girl came down the steps with a smile on her face. She held the microphone in her hands carefully as her eyes scanned the room. Leah leaned forward placing her elbows on her knees, her lead leaning down as her eyes watched the girl like a hawk. Her stare has always been intense, making people feel intimidated and uncomfortable. Some people would get extremely nervous about how she could keep eye contact for so long without feeling nervous or embraced. She actually enjoyed staring people down and her face always expressed what she was feeling. "As the no respect dancer, I choose.." Reddy took slow steps making her way around the stage. Her eyes found her green eyes, she smiled. She knew the girl would pick her at some point. It might not be now but maybe later. Nonetheless she's prepared and ready to beat her. She had done her research when she found out the groups and members who would be part of the show. Watching Redy's dance videos she could see the girl had gotten so comfortable with the same usual things. Which was an advantage for everyone in the room. As a dancer you had to try new things and put yourself out there more in order to experience and learn more.

Opening her mouth softly looking away from the brunette girl and turning around to face the group called Bebe. "It's Bada of Bebe." Her eyes traveled towards the tall brunette girl who casually drank her water without a trace of worry on her face.

"I had a feeling she would choose between Bada or me to challenge. I wouldn't say we ended on good terms because we all went our separate ways."

Leah stood up from her seat wanting to get a better view of the dance battle that was about to take down. She fixed her ear piece as she made her way across the stage towards where Jamrepublic sat. She smiled at the softly crouching down in front of them. "I don't respect you. That's it." Some of the girls gasped in shock at what she had just said. The brunette girl rolled her eyes knowing how dramatic the girl could be. She pushed a few hair strands behind her ear as her eyes fell on Bada who nodded her head. She didn't seem to be fazed at all from what the younger girl had said. Actually the tall girl could care less what people thought of her. She knew her worth, her confidence and how strong of a person she truly is. She didn't listen to anyone unless herself or those she cares for. Anyone could call her the meanest nastiest names and she wouldn't be fazed at all. "Not Reddy. Soo Bin! You're still an eighth grader to me." The green eyed girl smiled, biting her lip, stopping herself from laughing. She will never get used to how straightforward Bada could be. She thought she had gotten used to it by now but it still took her by surprise. She felt a small tap on her shoulder causing her to look back. Kristen patted the seat next to her telling her she could sit. She nodded her head thanking her as her eyes focused on the battle in front of her.

Bopping her head to the music she studied Reddy's moves. Her moves were sharp and clean. She could tell she had improved over the years. Her smile fell when she realized that she started to dance the repeat the same moves over but with different steps. Letting out a sigh of annoyance, she scratched the back of her neck waiting for her to do something else more impressive. She could hear her leader screaming and encouraging her to keep going. "Switch!" Her eyes traveled to Bada who made her way to Reddy, she stood up real close to her. Her eyes searching around and not looking down once. Raising her right hand up she threw it over the shorted girl's head. Walking away the taller girl started to hit every beat on the song making Leah's lips fall open in shock. It had been forever since she had last seen her dance. She didn't think she had improved so much over the years but damn girl has moves. Her eyes traveled down her body as she hit every move and danced confidently. Her hits were so sharp and strong that it made a few girls in the room intimidated. Leah bopped her head at the music as she studied the girls moves seeing how she made every move easy. Her head tilted to the side seeing her drop to the ground and humping the air. Her red lips opened wider in shock as she gridded the air.

Her green eyes seemed to be glued to the way her body moved. She tried to look away for a second but she feared she would miss something. Licking her lips she began to fan herself in the face feeling hot all of the sudden. It was no secret that Leah found women attractive, especially when they danced and knew how to move their body to the beat of the music. She covered her wide open mouth as her eyes widened at the sight of Bada playing with her shirt. She tugged it up showing her stomach as she trusted and swayed her hips. She chuckled, once the dance ended knowing who had won. She stood up from her seat walking past the two girls back into her seat. Mina leaned closer to the girl whispering only for them to hear. "Unnie, I'm pretty sure Bada won." The brunette nodded her head in agreement. She knew for sure that Reddy did not win the battle. Her moves were so slow and basic that anyone could do them.

The time passed on, she sat there waiting patiently as she watched a few people duel one another. She had hyped up Kristen after watching her dance. She has always been a huge fan of hers and the girl inspires her to keep improving. Seeing her win brought her so much joy, she ended up running across the stage and attacking the girl into a hug. That confused many around them wondering where the two girls knew each other from? She stared down at her new acrylic nails waiting for someone to pick on her. She had two stickers on her pants and wondered who had chosen her as a weak dancer. Grabbing her water bottle from the ground she brought the straw to her lips. Sucking on the straw she hadn't noticed the eyes glued on her as they watched her drink water. "Even when she drinks water she looks so effortlessly pretty." Tatter spoke out loud causing her leader to glance at the quiet girl who removed the straw from her lips. She pushed herself back leaning her back on the step and her arms over Ivy's legs. Bada didn't say anything in response. Her brown eyes stayed glued to the girl, her eyes traveling down her body until they landed on the silver ring around her index finger. While waiting patiently for the next person Leah heard Mina struggling to open her water bottle. Without thinking the older girl grabbed the water bottle, twisting the cap and opening it with ease. She handed the bottle back to the younger girl who thanked her and took a sip from her drink. "The next no respect dancer, I chose is Leah from Eternal."

Everyone cheered on Reddy assuming she would win. Since everyone thought that Leah was a weak dancer and good for nothing. The quiet girl nodded her head as she stood up from her seat. She fixed her sweat pants as she confidently walked into the center of the stage. Her blue green eyes met her dark brown hatred eyes. She also despite Leah so much for abandoning her years ago. "You are the second person I truly do not respect. A girl who gets everyone's attention thanks to her brother's success." Leah giggled, knowing how much people loved that sentence. It was the same thing over and over again, everyone assumed the same thing. She nodded her head with a smile still plastered across her face. One of the camera man made sure to zoom into the girl's face seeing how she smiled instead of feeling intimidated. Reddy raised a brow in confusion wondering why the girl kept smiling so much. The host handed her a microphone in which she thanked him. She brought the mic closer to her pink soft lips. "I see you're still talking too much and not dancing enough." Girls behind her gasped in shock at her words. She shrugged her shoulders unaffected at all by her words.

"Let me show you why I AM the better Kim." She winked at her, handing the microphone to Daniel. Reddy went first showing her basic dance moves as she moved around the stage. At some point she made her way across towards the brunette girl. She bumped her chest trying to come off as intimidated. All Leah could do was smile and nod her head as she watched her closely. She knew she could easily beat the girl especially with her repetitive moves. Anyone could easily beat her, it wasn't that hard to mimic her moves. She opened her lips and parted her lips, making a small yawn. Showing her how bored she was with her dancing. She took a step closer to the short girl as she dropped lower twerking. She glanced to the side with a bored expression.

{For anyone who watched the video, start from 0:13 to 1:05}

"Switch." The smile on her face dropped, as she turned her head to the side hearing it pop. Pulling the ear piece from her right ear, her body instantly started to move to the beat of the song. Her hits were strong and sharp, causing people to cheer for her. Don't even get her started on her incredible facial expression she did when she danced. Her brunette hair followed right behind her. The judges opened their mouths seeing her drop to the ground as she gridded the air. She slammed her fist against her palm as she stood up on beat. "Show her who's boss, Leah!" Her teammates cheered her on. Her eyes fell into siren eyes as her body hit every move with so much power.

She could feel sweat forming on her forehead as she slowly moved forward. Dropping to the ground, she turned on her knees. She slid on the ground almost looking like a cloud floating across the sky. Setting her feet on the group she created a body roll picking herself up from the ground. She pushed her arms out, nudging her head up. Bada, who had been sitting down for most dance duels, stood near the corner intently watching the brunette girl dance. She tilted her head to the side as she crossed her arms over her chest. She nodded her head seeing the girl pop her hips out sharply. Leah's intense stare stayed glued to Reddy as she showed her who was boss. All three of them might have gotten separate ways but Leah definitely spent years focusing on her dancing skills. She wouldn't dare spend a day laying around at home doing nothing. Instead she spent every month, week, day, hour and minutes dancing. Bada smirked, pushing her cap up to give her more view access. Her brown eyes traveled down her body landing on the way she twerk. Hearing the host yell the time was up, she gasped for air. Making her way back to her place she turned around to face Redy who had a straight face. She didn't show her any type of emotion and wasn't intimidated by her. "Let's reveal the results of this battle. Fight judges, cards open." The confident girl took deep breaths in and out, her chest rising and falling. She rolled her head around hearing her neck pop again. Turning to the left she faced the judges who looked at the cards in front of them.

"In three, two, one." Leah nodded her head, she placed her hands together bowing her head at the judges. She had no doubt that she would win. After examining Redy's dance moves earlier, it was easy for her to hit every move that the shorter girl missed. Fixing her shirt she smiled waiting for one of the judges to speak on why she chose her. "I chose Leah because she was the one that really captured my attention. Her energy and movements were so perfectly placed that it was hard not to watch. I am extremely shocked at how you were able to use your opponents weakness as your advantage. When I heard your name for the first time, I must admit I had no idea who you were but now see you dance and your aura that you carry with you. I can say I'm glad to meet such a powerful strong woman." The girl bowed her head thanking the judges. AS her eyes averted to Redy her smile dropped as she fiercely walked away from the girl without sending a glance. Miyeon and Ivy attacked the girl into a hug causing her to giggle. She kissed Miyeon's head as she screamed in victory, being proud of the older girl. The older girl patted Leah on the butt causing her to push it out more making her laugh.

"It felt so ridiculously good beating her! She wasn't the only person assuming that I'm only known because of my brother's success. Seeing the look of shock written across her face when the judges picked me, brought so much joy within me."

The director of the show called off everyone to take a twenty minute break. The happy girl told her teammates to text her whenever they were staring again. She needed to get some fresh air outside and felt extremely stuffy in the room. She hated feeling hot and sweaty. She also didn't like crowded places and could feel herself starting to get exhausted. Opening the door that led to a small balcony she was met with fresh clean air. A smile appeared on her lips as she allowed the door to slip through her fingers as she leaned against the metal railing. Closing her eyes she enjoyed the small lingering breeze in the air. She could feel her tense shoulders instantly relax. Lifting her head slightly she felt the heat from the sun radiating against her skin. She failed to hear the sound of the door opening, too busy focusing on the sound of the cars driving by and the singing of the birds. The anonymous person closed the door behind her carefully as she leaned against the railing next to her. She didn't want to bother her seeing how she seemed to be lost in thought. Leah's eyes fluttered open, as she stared up at the bright blue sky. Nature and dancing have always been her source of motivation, strength and happiness. The brunette turned to look at the side screaming at the sight of Bada standing before her. She leaned down on the railing making her bump pop out due to their height difference. Her brown eyes had been staring down at the few people passing by. Leah placed a hand over her chest trying to control her breathing. "How long have you been standing there?" The taller girl didn't say anything and kept staring down. She could feel her green eyes staring at the side of her face.

She realized that Bada wasn't going to say anything and figured she probably needed some time alone. So she reaches to grab the door handle only to let out a small gasp at the feeling on a warm hand over hers. She turned to look at the tall girl who leaned her left shoulder against the door stopping her from walking in. "Why have you been responding to my messages?" She blurred out, not feeling slightly embarrassed for what she had said. Leah raised a brow in surprise feeling her heart skip a beat at how close she had gotten. She could almost feel her warm breath against her skin as she glanced up. There was no doubt that the girl was way taller than her. Everyone was, the girl was barely five three and people seemed to surpass that. She blinked a couple times seeing how serious the older girl was. She placed hand on top of her phone that sat in her back pocket. "Oh? I changed my number a long time ago." The thing that Bada never knew about Leah was the secret crush. A crush she had kept well hidden because she was scared of ruining the friendship they had. At that time they were still young and reckless. She didn't have time to think about love or relationships. She was really starting to focus on her dancing career and didn't need any distractions. Yet, somehow she always found herself wanting more from her. She wanted more than just the gazes, laughs, conversations, small hugs and training sessions.

Although Leah is good at holding eye contact and staring at someone. When it came to Bada she got nervous causing her to look away. She always found it hard to keep eye contact for so long with her. "Then I'll give you mine." She removed her hand from hers, pulling out her phone. While the tall girl looked down at her phone. Leah glanced at the door handle wanting nothing more than to twist it and rush inside. She could feel her heart beating against her chest at how nervous she felt around her. She always kept her distance, hating how she always fell into Bada's enchantment. One whiff of her shampoo or cologne was enough to drive her crazy. She took a step back leaning against the wall as she carefully turned the handle. Biting her lower lip she glanced to the side seeing the door slowly open. All she wanted to do was run and hide from her. The tension in the air between them is killing and suffocating her all at once. Without looking up once Bada placed her left hand on the door shutting it close making the other girl shut her eyes. "Put your number in." The brunette opened her eyes looking down at her phone. She removed her hand from the door handle as she grabbed the phone out of her hands. Gulping down she could feel her intense stare as she typed in her number. Once her number was in she handed her the phone. The taller girl pressed the call button making sure it's the correct number.

Leah felt her phone vibrating on her back pocket causing her to pull it out. She turned the phone around showing her that it was her. Bada nodded her head, as she grabbed the door handle leaving her all alone. The nervous girl let out a shaky breath leaning her head against the wall. She brought her hand over her chest still feeling her heart racing. She could feel her cheeks heading up from the encounter. Biting her lower lip she glanced at the door as the corner of her lips turned upwards.

~Also here is her battle outfit, just imagen the white shirt over the outfit that isn't blurred out. That's how I imagined it!~

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