Come dance for me

נכתב על ידי laflor777

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Camila Cabello is supposed to meet her best friend Dinah Jane at a new club in town, but she gets stood up. S... עוד

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38: The Final Chapter

Chapter 7

567 27 3
נכתב על ידי laflor777

Lauren stood in her office. She looked at herself in the mirror. She had bought some new costumes for the dancers. She tried one on she had bought for herself. Normani was fixing her hair. It was black and red bustier corset and stockings she was going for a Burlesque theme. She ran her hands over her body, turning from side to side. "What do you think Mani, too much?" she asked as she straightened the top up.

"It looks great, but let's be honest there isn't much that doesn't look great on you!" said Normani putting the finishing touches to her hair.

"Camila's coming for lunch soon. I'm going to ask her to stay longer to see what she thinks of the new show," Lauren said.

"You're seeing a lot of her I guess things are going well," Normani asked she watched Lauren in the mirror. "You really like her, don't you? I can tell because you never looked at me the way you look at her. You might not have loved me, but I loved you, Lauren, let her in you deserve to be happy."

Lauren turned around "So do you, and I am sorry I couldn't be the one to do that." She leant forward and pecked Normani on the lips. "Right let's have a look at you, you have those Hickeys disappeared yet" Lauren smiled. The other night ran through Lauren's head yes something did feel different with Camila. Camila made everything seem so free and easy, made her feel safe like she could bare her soul with her, and she wouldn't turn away from her.

"Hey, have you heard anything I just said to you" Normani laughed.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about something," Lauren said as she fussed with her appearance.

"Or somebody" Normani chuckled.

There was a knock on the door, and Camila walked in. "Hope I'm not too earl..." Camila said, the rest lost as she took in what Lauren was wearing. Camila just stood there staring.

Normani leaned into Lauren "I think she approves" she whispered as she walked towards Camila. She waved her hand in front of Camila's face "I think you may have broken her though." Normani laughed and left the room.

Lauren walked around the desk and leant against it and pulled Camila towards her. She slid her arms around Camila's waist and kissed her. It took a few seconds for Camila to break her stare and kiss her back. Then Lauren felt her hands all over her, and this kiss got more passionate. "You're so fucking hot Lauren I can't think straight" Camila whispered between kisses. Lauren smiled against her lips, Lauren had no body issues and knew she had a good body, but she enjoyed Camila telling her. Especially with so much lust behind the words.

Camila suddenly pulled away "sorry we were supposed to be having lunch" Camila mumbled still a little flustered. She couldn't keep doing this if she wanted it to be more than sex, she thought.

Lauren looked a little disappointed as Camila sat down in the chair with her hands in her lap. She shrugged and reached over the desk to grab the food she had made. "I made us some wraps are you ok with...."

"Shit! Lauren don't do that" Camila called suddenly. The next minute Camila was behind her with her hands on her backside. Camila leant over her and kissed the exposed skin on her back, her hands grabbing at the flesh of Lauren's ass.

Camila unfastened her stockings and slid her panties down her legs. She grabbed her backside and just stared at Lauren bent over her desk. She was a fantastic sight. Camila wanted to behave, but Lauren just did something to her and made her lose her senses.

"The door, lock the door" Lauren moaned. Camila turned and clicked the lock, and her hands returned to Lauren's backside. One of Camila's hands slipped around Lauren's waist, and her fingers slid inside Lauren "Yes, Camila" moaned Lauren.

Camila threaded her fingers into Lauren's hair and gently tugged arching her back so she could kiss her throat. Lauren liked this take charge Camila maybe she should have dressed like this before. Camila's teeth grazed against the skin of her throat as her fingers circled her clit, getting more delicious moans from Lauren. "Sorry we are supposed to be having lunch," Camila said, her hands stopping.

"Stop thinking Camila and just fuck me" Lauren demanded. Camila moaned she let go of Lauren's hair and her fingers made their way over Lauren's ass and between her legs. She entered her with two fingers. "Oh god, yes Camila" Lauren called out as Camila slid her fingers in and out of Lauren.
Lauren ground her backside against Camila's hand, encouraging her deeper inside her.

Lauren grabbed the edge of the desk as she got closer her knuckles going white as pleasure rippled through her. Camila trailed kisses along her back. Lauren called her name as she burst over the edge, her backside grinding into Camila. As her orgasm slowed, Camila pulled her into her lap as she sat back into the chair.

"I didn't think you had that in you Miss Cabello. You constantly surprise me" Lauren whispered. "I may need to reward you for such a good effort."

Lauren dropped to her knees in front of Camila and started unfastening her jeans with that look in her eye. Camila soon knew she would be calling Lauren's name.

Camila sat in front of the stage she had agreed to tell Lauren what she thought of the new show. She laughed at how her life had changed. She was sat in a club in the middle of the day. If someone had told her six months ago, she would be dating a smart, sexy woman. She would've laughed at them. Camila sat there, sipping a coke as Normani sat down next to her.

Camila looked at her and smiled. She still felt a bit awkward around Normani the woman intimidated her. She thought she should make an effort to be friends with the woman if she was going to be in Lauren's life. Camila felt a little nervous as Normani looked at her she could tell there was something she wanted to say.

She hoped it wasn't that she was still into Lauren because Lauren had stated they were definitely ex's. "So here's the thing you have got further in two weeks with Lauren than I did in a year, she really likes you, Camila," Normani said. "I won't pretend I don't still love her, but she doesn't love me not the way I want her to anyway. You need to know that for how much she appears to have a hard shell, she has a big heart underneath and it can be broken."

"I have no intention of hurting her. I really like her" Camila said.

"Well, keep it that way, and we will be friends, hurt her, and you better run far away!" Normani said. "Right enjoy the show I have to go get ready your delicious little friend is coming tonight" Normani winked. Camila understood why Normani had spoken to her, but it still annoyed her a little bit she would never dream of hurting Lauren.

Camila stood at Lauren's door. She had invited her around for dinner something Camila would never turn down. She did enjoy Lauren's company more than anything. She rang the door and waited patiently for her. A couple of minutes later, the light came on, and Lauren opened the door she smiled and gestured for her to come in. Camila leant in as she passed Lauren and kissed her, she held out the wine. She had brought both not sure what Lauren liked "I didn't know which you preferred, so I hedged my bets and brought both" Camila said handing over the bottles. "Sorry, its probably not very classy stuff."

"I'm sure it's fine Camila" as she took it from her "come through to the lounge it will be another twenty minutes yet!" Lauren said pointing to the lounge.

"Are you going to be in the kitchen?" Camila asked "because I would rather be in there if you are" Camila smiled. She hadn't come around to sit alone in the lounge she would instead be helping Lauren.

"Sure follow me" as Lauren lead her into the kitchen. Camila noticed everything always felt a little strained at first she wanted to get straight to the relaxed part. Lauren put the bottles of wine on the side and headed back to the stove. "You can get us a drink if you like the cider is in the decanter on the side and glasses are in the cupboard over there" she casually pointed to the cupboard next to the sink.

"Great," Camila said as she walked over to the cupboard, she grabbed a couple of glasses and poured the cider. Camila placed a glass near the stove and sipped at her own damn that tasted good. "Is there anything I can help with?" she asked as she leant against the counter.

"I don't think so, I just need to watch it and give it the odd stir" Lauren replied.

"So what are we having?" Camila asked taking a deep sniff everything smelt amazing.

"Just a roast tonight I didn't have time for much else when I got back" Lauren answered.

"There's no just with you everything you cook is so delicious" Camila smiled. Lauren looked at her and shook her head. "The new show was great yesterday. You were great as usual."

"Thanks, we have been working on it for a while" Lauren replied. "We always talk about my work. What do you do?"

"Its not that interesting today I was in the office most of the day waiting for one of the guys to come to fill out some papers, and then I sifted through some warrants for tomorrow" Camila explained. "Then I get to chase them all up tomorrow. Luckily the place has a small gym in it so I can work out while I wait. Tomorrow is the fun bit, especially if they try to run" Camila enthused.

"Isn't that dangerous? Have you ever got hurt?" Lauren said her voice laced with concern.

"Not seriously mainly cuts and bruises, last year I fractured my wrist" Camila replied. "He was a big guy though should've had the taser with me. You must have had some rowdy clients in your club sometimes."

"Yes but not usually felons plus that's what security is for!" Lauren said poking at the potatoes to see if they had softened up.

"I was once a criminal though, and you let me into your house" Camila teased.

"Can I ask what you was in prison for?" Lauren asks hoping she doesn't come off as prying.

"Sure" Camila shrugs. "It's not a secret, I did a few stupid things as a teenager stole a few things because I was desperate and hungry, but other times just because I could. Then I got with my ex Shawn, Henry's father and he stole some watches, and I got caught taking them back. Later, I found out Shawn had ratted me out and let me take the blame. So I spent eleven months locked up and gave birth to Henry."

"I can't believe he did that's terrible," Lauren said.

"Believe me I was so angry at first, but he was a year older than me, and his story wasn't very different to mine" Camila continued. "We were just dumb kids, I originally never told him about Henry to spite him and was going to give Henry up for adoption."

"What changed your mind?" Lauren asked pulling the pans off the stove.

"He did, I saw his face and held him in my arms and changed my mind. I couldn't do it" Camila smiled. "I didn't realise the next time I got to hold him was three months later when I got out. Having him snatched out of my arms barely a few minutes after I gave birth broke me." She turned away from Lauren to wipe her eyes "Shit, sorry."

Lauren walked over to her. She placed her finger under Camila's chin and lifted her face. "Never apologise for that Camila your baby was taken away from you, and you were sent back to that prison all alone its enough to break anyone," Lauren said wiping the tears from Camila's cheeks. Camila leant in and kissed her, again her heart started beating fast.

Lauren kissed her back tenderly, wanting to take all her hurt away. Camila pulled out of the kiss and rested her forehead against Lauren's "Thanks, Lauren I think I have ....."

Lauren pulled away from Camila before she finished what she was going to say "I need to sort the food out" she seemed really flustered, and she fussed about the food. "Erm why don't you get some more drinks and set the table the stuff is over there," she said her hand flailing in a general direction.

"Erm, sure!" Camila said a little confused as she walked over to grab the cutlery and their drinks. As soon as Camila left the room, Lauren dropped what she was doing and ran her hands through her hair. She leant back against the counter her fists hit the cupboard behind her.

Camila was getting to her under her skin, she knew what Camila was about to say something that would make her heartache, and she didn't want to hear it, she couldn't. She grabbed the plates of food and walked into the room. She set them down. She went through and fetched the rest of the serving dishes she had made to much, but she always did.

The meal tasted amazing, but ever since their moment in the kitchen, something was weird. Camila had been about to say she had feelings for Lauren, but she pulled away and then the moment had gone. Camila wasn't sure if to leave it or tell her, she had promised to take it slowly and didn't want to push her. She certainly didn't expect for Lauren to say it back. Camila decided just to see where their evening went and see if the moment came up again.

They had washed up together and was now relaxing in the lounge. Too far away for Camila, Lauren had sat at the opposite end of the sofa. Lauren had put a movie on it was another old one, not Camila's thing but she just liked being around Lauren. She barely looked at the movie anyway her brain trying to think of a way to close the gap desperately.

She saw her chance when Lauren kept moving her legs and feet always changing position. She shifted up the sofa and took Lauren's feet in her lap and started rubbing them. "What are you doing?" Lauren said almost pulling her feet away from her.

"You looked uncomfortable, so I thought I would help you relax and rub your feet" Camila smiled. She took her hands off "If you don't want me to, I won't."

"No, it's fine, thanks" Lauren replied as she stretched her legs out, so it was easier for Camila. Camila used her thumbs to massage the soles of her feet. "That feels good" Lauren moaned. A few minutes later Camila turned around and Lauren had fallen asleep she laughed and got up carefully. She took the blanket off the back of the sofa and covered her up.

She sat back down and switched the telly over to one of the late-night shows and sat there quietly watching it.

Camila woke up a couple of hours later laid against Lauren. Then she noticed Lauren was awake and had an arm around her. Camila didn't know if to keep pretending she was asleep or let her know she was awake. In case she pulled away again, and Camila liked being this close to Lauren. She thought she better let on and pretended to wake up. "Sorry, I must have fallen asleep," Camila said rubbing her eyes.

"No problem lets go up to bed. I'm exhausted" Lauren sighed. Camila sat up, feeling the loss of contact with Lauren immediately.

"You will have to show me where your spare room is," Camila said assuming that's where she would be sleeping.

"I don't think either of us wants that Camila, come on," She said, holding out her hand out to Camila. Camila took it, and Lauren leads them both upstairs and into her bedroom. "I do really need to sleep though its been a busy week is that ok?" Lauren asked.

Camila kissed her "of course, it's ok." Lauren stripped off and put on her silk pyjama's and got into bed. Camila stripped down to her underwear and got in the other side. She grabbed a few pillows and put them down the middle of the bed in a line essentially separating them.

Lauren looked confused "What are you doing?" she asked.

"I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable by cuddling up to you in the night," said an awkward-looking Camila.

Lauren shook her head and moved the pillows "I'm a big girl now. I think I can take it plus you're asleep it's not like you can help it" Lauren sighed. She leant across and pecked Camila on the lips "Goodnight, Camila."

Camila smiled "goodnight" she moved to the furthest edge of the bed to be sure.

Lauren chuckled when she woke up in the morning and Camila was yet again snuggled up behind her. That protective arm was around her waist, too, and their legs were entwined. Lauren nudged Camila "Miss Cabello", and Camila shifted slightly and got closer. "Miss Cabello, are you going to let me go?"

Camila was fully awake now "Actually I'm not going to say sorry this time, I enjoy waking up with you in my arms" Camila whispered into Lauren's ear.

"Camila, please!" Lauren sighed.

"You don't have to say anything back, but I need you to know I really like you and I'm starting to have feelings for you" Camila insisted. She heard Lauren sigh deeply "There is absolutely no pressure on you to do or say anything honestly. I just needed you to know how I felt."

Lauren turned around to face Camila "I'm not sure how I feel Camila I know I like you a lot but everything seems to be happening so fast, and I can't keep up" Lauren whispered.

"Hey, the last thing I wanted to do was stress you out," Camila said as she decided to do something Lauren could cope with. She leant in and started kissing her neck, and her hand began caressing her breast. Camila felt Lauren's body start to relax into it and her body, reacting to Camila's touches.

Camila felt happy as she headed inside the club. She hadn't seen Lauren for a couple of days but had been in a good place last time she had seen her. Camila had barely had a chance to text Lauren with being so busy with Henry; he seemed to have a million appointments. So she thought she would surprise her at work with some lunch she had bought from the little diner they went to on the first date. Camila made sure to get Lauren something healthy she knew she wasn't keen on fast food but bought some extra fries because she had loved them last time.

Luckily work hadn't been busy just lately, which was good for her love life but not her pocket. Least it meant she could spend a couple of hours having a long lunch with Lauren. She smiled as she remembered the last long lunch they had in her office. Lauren sure knew how to make her feel good, and slowly she had started to come round to the idea of a relationship.

She walked through the club and put her hand up to a couple of the staff most seemed to know her now. Some of the girls were practising, Lauren had done well with the new costumes they were really making an impression, especially Lauren's  on her. She approached Lauren's door and knocked on the door. She heard a voice shout come in, but it wasn't Lauren's that was odd she was always in the office at this time today. She shrugged and walked in to find a flustered Normani instead of Lauren.

"Hey, Mani, where's Lauren. I thought we could have lunch together," Camila asked. She was trying to make an effort with Normani seen as she and Lauren were very close friends.

"As you can see she isn't in today and I'm helping out" she sighed as she hunted for something in Lauren's drawers.

"Where is she then? Is she at home?" Camila smiled as she watched Normani tearing Lauren's desk apart. She won't be very pleased with the mess Camila thought.

"Look I'm not her mother I don't know where she is and if that's all you came for can you kindly leave I have a lot to do" Normani snapped.

"Sorry, I'm not trying to be difficult. I just wondered where she was that's all see you around" Camila said as she went to leave.

Normani looked up "look I'm not trying to be awkward, but she does this every year on this date, no one knows where she is or what she does" Normani sighed. "I asked her a few years ago and got my head bitten off and told to mind my own business, so I did from then on. I would suggest just leaving her to it and contact her tomorrow, but leave that if you don't want it, I haven't had time for lunch yet," she said gesturing to the bag in Camila's hand.

Camila looked down and placed it on the desk and left the office. That was strange, and she wondered what could possibly happen on this day for Lauren to disappear. The thing was Camila wasn't the type to leave things, and this had her intrigued, maybe she would swing by Lauren's house on the way back to the office and see if she was there.

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